Mihin tämä väite perustuu? Valtioiden välisten sotien määrä on toki laskenut valtavasti, mikäli vertailuaikaväliksi otetaan vaikka 100 vuotta, mutta erinäisten sisäisten konfliktien määrä on taas noussut viimeisen 10 vuoden aikana.
Muutamia lukuja
ourworldindata sivustolta (viimeisin data on vuodelta 2016, otetaan vertailuvuodeksi kymmenen vuoden takainen 2009):
Battle-related deaths in state-based conflicts since 1946, by world region
The region refers not to the location of the battle but to the location of the primary state or states involved in the conflict (see 'Sources' tab). Only conflicts in which at least one party was the government of a state and which generated more than 25 battle-related deaths are included. The data refer to direct violent deaths (i.e. excluding outbreaks of disease or
2016: 87,432
2009: 34,530
Violent deaths in conflicts and one-sided violence since 1989
The data refer to direct violent deaths. Deaths due to disease or famine caused by conflict are excluded. Extra-judicial killings in custody are also excluded. Only incidents involving more than 25 deaths are included. One-sided violence is that between a named organisation and civilians, such as genocides.
2016: 103,165
2009: 46,143
State-based battle-related deaths per 100,000 since 1946
Only conflicts in which at least one party was the government of a state and which generated more than 25 battle-related deaths are included. The data refer to direct violent deaths per 100,000 of world population. Deaths due to disease or famine caused by conflict are excluded. Extra-judicial killings in custody are also excluded.
2016: 1.17
2009: 0.5
State-based conflicts since 1946
Only conflicts in which at least one party was the government of a state are included. Ongoing conflicts are represented for every year in which they resulted in at least 25 battle-related deaths.
2016: 51
2009: 37