Trump jatkaa linjallaan, jossa muut maat
maksaa tullit ja ne levittää myyttiä, että tullit päätyy kotimarkkinoiden maksettavaksi.
Trump & Stramer lehdistötilaisuudesta:
The first reporter puts to the US president that it is actually regular Americans who pay the cost of tariffs imposed on imports from other countries, and asks how he came to the view that foreign governments pay those costs.
Trump says tariffs are needed because the US "has been treated very unfairly by many countries, including our friends - friend and foe".
"I put massive tariffs on China during my [first term] - we had the best economy in the history of our country," the US president says.
"I use tariffs to even things up," he says, and adds that the US "took in hundreds of billions of dollars" from tariffs on China with "no inflation".
"It's a myth that's put out there by foreign countries that really don't like paying tariffs," he adds.
Tuosta kiertää vielä jatkona videoclippi, jossa Trump sanoo muiden maiden maksavan tullit. En vain ole löytänyt siitä pressitilaisuuden kirjoitettua versiota.
"Reporter: Tariffs are paid eventually by American importers and consumers Trump: No, I think they are paid for by the country"