Xbox One & One X keskustelu

Täytyy testata tuo Gears 5 vaikka en edellisestä juuri innostunut. Ehkä tämä on parempi pelinä.

Hitmanin ystäville (kuten itse olen) tiedoksi, että peli on poistumassa kuluvan kuukauden aikana palvelusta monen muun lisäksi :(

Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass: Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Dead Rising 4, and More - Xbox Wire
Kiitos vinkistä! Pitääpä ottaa Hitman seuraavaks peluuseen, kun vielä kerkeää.

Tämä on ehkä typerin puute suoratoistopalveluissa, missä on vaihtuva sisältö(Gamepass, Netflix, jne.). Missään ei ilmoiteta suoraan, että mitkä ovat lähdössä palvelusta ja milloin. Jos näitä listoja päivitettäisiin tasaiseen tahtiin, niin osaisi pelata kiinnostavat pelit ja katsoa kiinnostavat ohjelmat ennen kuin ne katoavat palvelusta. Nyt ne huomaa liian myöhään ellei sattumalta satu jossain törmäämään uutiseen, kuten nyt.
Kiitos vinkistä! Pitääpä ottaa Hitman seuraavaks peluuseen, kun vielä kerkeää.

Tämä on ehkä typerin puute suoratoistopalveluissa, missä on vaihtuva sisältö(Gamepass, Netflix, jne.). Missään ei ilmoiteta suoraan, että mitkä ovat lähdössä palvelusta ja milloin. Jos näitä listoja päivitettäisiin tasaiseen tahtiin, niin osaisi pelata kiinnostavat pelit ja katsoa kiinnostavat ohjelmat ennen kuin ne katoavat palvelusta. Nyt ne huomaa liian myöhään ellei sattumalta satu jossain törmäämään uutiseen, kuten nyt.
Gamepassissa on sentään "palvelusta pian poistuvat pelit" osio, kun taas Netflixissä ei kyseistä osiota ole. Toki poistumis päivät olisi ihan hyvä olla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Gamepassissa on sentään "palvelusta pian poistuvat pelit" osio, kun taas Netflixissä ei kyseistä osiota ole. Toki poistumis päivät olisi ihan hyvä olla.
Itse pelaan käytännössä vain tuolta pian poistuvat kategoriasta pelejä läpi noiden vakio netti pelejen lisäksi. Mukavia positiivisia yllätyksiä tullut paljon.
Game Passista löytyvää Outer Wildsia tuli testailtua ja olipa positiivinen ylläri tällaiselle sci-fi-fanille. Tuskin tuotakaan peliä olisi tullut hankittua ilman Game Passia. Ottaakahan kokeiluun jos aihepiiri kiinnostaa :tup:
Game Passista löytyvää Outer Wildsia tuli testailtua ja olipa positiivinen ylläri tällaiselle sci-fi-fanille. Tuskin tuotakaan peliä olisi tullut hankittua ilman Game Passia. Ottaakahan kokeiluun jos aihepiiri kiinnostaa :tup:

Siis eihän sitä ole julkaistu vielä?
Oliko jollain justiinsa tiedossa mikä olisi tällä hetkellä hyvän hintainen ”sweet spot” pelinäyttö Xbox One X:lle? Konsolin kanssa toimiva Freesync + 4k kannattaa varmaan olla, muutoin ei taida olla niin justiinsa.

Edit: lagiton tv sopii myös. Mainostan kavereille kun juttua oli.
Oliko jollain justiinsa tiedossa mikä olisi tällä hetkellä hyvän hintainen ”sweet spot” pelinäyttö Xbox One X:lle? Konsolin kanssa toimiva Freesync + 4k kannattaa varmaan olla, muutoin ei taida olla niin justiinsa.

Edit: lagiton tv sopii myös. Mainostan kavereille kun juttua oli.
Viime vuoden samsung Q9F sarja ollut viime aikoina aika kovissa tarjouksissa, jos enää mistään löytää.
Viime vuoden samsung Q9F sarja ollut viime aikoina aika kovissa tarjouksissa, jos enää mistään löytää.

Joo se olis kova pelitöllö mutta hintahaitarin kalliissa päässä. Aattelin että oiskohan jotain 24”-27” edullisia 60hz 4k näyttöjä freesyncillä tullut jos sattuis vielä tarjouksia. No täytyy pitää silmät auki ja black fridayna olla hereillä viimeistään.
Huomasin aamulla sähköpostia katsoessa että oli lähtenyt joku kolmen kuukauden veloitus (30€) paypalille xbox live for consoles ostosta.. nuohan pitäisi kai pystyä "palauttamaan" mutta en kyllä mitään "refund" valintaa nähnyt sivulla, ainoastaan vaan sen jatkuvan automaattioston peruuttamisen. Vähän turhake kun en omista edes Xboxia. Joskus tuli se live otettua kun sai eurolla ja pääsi kuitenkin PC:llä kokeilemaan Forza 4 sekä GoW 4.. hemmetti kun tuolla ei ole mitään live supporttiakaan..
Huomasin aamulla sähköpostia katsoessa että oli lähtenyt joku kolmen kuukauden veloitus (30€) paypalille xbox live for consoles ostosta.. nuohan pitäisi kai pystyä "palauttamaan" mutta en kyllä mitään "refund" valintaa nähnyt sivulla, ainoastaan vaan sen jatkuvan automaattioston peruuttamisen. Vähän turhake kun en omista edes Xboxia. Joskus tuli se live otettua kun sai eurolla ja pääsi kuitenkin PC:llä kokeilemaan Forza 4 sekä GoW 4.. hemmetti kun tuolla ei ole mitään live supporttiakaan..

Tuon takia se uusiutuminen pitäisi perua aina saman tien tilaamisen jälkeen. Tilasit silloin 3 kk:n jakson eurolla ja sallit samalla, että sen jälkeen veloitetaan taas 3 kk:n jakso normaalihinnalla, mutta sen olisi voinut myös peruuttaa tilitiedoista saman tien.

Anyway, koetahan ottaa yhteyttä tukeen. Chatti on näemmä nyt kiinni (onhan sunnuntai) mutta varmaan huomenna onnistuu. Myös soittopyynnön voi näemmä jättää. Ota yhteyttä | Xbox-tuki ("Yhteydenottotapojen näyttäminen")
Livessä isot alennukset käynnissä 23.7 asti.

Hinnat dollareissa ja GOLD/GamePassin tilanneet saavat lisäalennuksen vielä. EA:n pelit kannattaa melkein EA Accessista hommata ja myös Xbox Game Passin sisältö kannattaa tarkistaa sekä myös viimeisin päivitetty sisältö Major Nelsonin linkistä alhaalla.

Xbox One / One X:

11-11 Memories Retold - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
39 Days to Mars - $11.24 - 25% off
8-Bit Armies - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
A Way Out - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Absolver - $14.99 - 50% off
ABZU - $9.99 - 50% off
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Deluxe Edition - $59.49 - 30% off - $67.99 - 20% off
Adam's Venture: Origins - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Agents of Mayhem - $5.99 - 70% off
Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle - $8.99 - 70% off
Albert and Otto - $3.59 - 70% off
American Fugitive - $14.99 - 25% off
Amnesia: Collection - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack - $3.99 - 50% off - $4.79 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: DIG DUG - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: GALAGA - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MAN - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: PAC-MAN - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARK: Survival Evolved - $16.49 - 67% off
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer's Edition - $35.99 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Antiquity Pack - $40.00 - 60% off - $50.00 - 50% off
Assassin's Creed Chronicles - Trilogy - $7.50 - 70% off - $10.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed III Remastered - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - $12.00 - 60% off - $15.00 - 50% off
Assassin's Creed Legendary Collection - $100.00 - 50% off - $119.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - $30.00 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - DELUXE EDITION - $40.00 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GOLD EDITION - $50.00 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - ULTIMATE EDITION - $60.00 - 50% off - $71.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Origins - $19.80 - 67% off - $24.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITION - $23.10 - 67% off - $28.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITION - $33.00 - 67% off - $40.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered - $15.00 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - $16.50 - 67% off - $20.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold Edition - $23.10 - 67% off - $28.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection - $10.00 - 80% off - $15.00 - 70% off
Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate - $29.70 - 67% off - $36.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Unity - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
Assetto Corsa - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Assetto Corsa - DLC Season Pass - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Assetto Corsa - Ferrari 70th Anniversary DLC - $4.19 - 40% off - $4.89 - 30% off
Assetto Corsa - Ready To Race DLC - $4.79 - 40% off - $5.59 - 30% off
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
ASTRONEER - $22.49 - 25% off
Batman: Arkham Collection - $24.00 - 60% off
Batman: Return to Arkham - $10.00 - 50% off
Battle Chasers: Nightwar - $7.49 - 75% off
Battlefield 1 Premium Pass - $8.00 - 80% off - $12.00 - 70% off
Battlefield 1 Revolution - $10.00 - 75% off - $13.20 - 67% off
Battlefield 4 Premium - $13.20 - 67% off
Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition - $10.00 - 75% off - $13.20 - 67% off
Battlefield V - $19.80 - 67% off - $24.00 - 60% off
Battlefield V Deluxe Edition - $26.40 - 67% off - $32.00 - 60% off
Battlefield World War Bundle - $33.00 - 67% off - $40.00 - 60% off
BATTLESHIP - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
Beat Cop - $10.49 - 30% off - $11.99 - 20% off
Ben 10 - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
BioShock: The Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Black The Fall - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
Boom Ball for Kinect - $5.99 - 40% off
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $14.99 - 75% off
Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons - $5.99 - 70% off
Bundle: South Park : The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but Whole - $26.39 - 67% off - $31.99 - 60% off
Burnout Paradise Remastered - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Black Ops Pass - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Digital Deluxe - $54.99 - 45% off - $64.99 - 35% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Spectre Rising Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Deluxe - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Ghosts - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: MWR Variety Map Pack - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: WWII - Gold Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: WWII - Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Canada Region Pack - $1.49 - 70% off
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Carnival Games - $13.99 - 65% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Cars 3: Driven to Win - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Castlevania Anniversary Collection - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
Child of Light - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Chroma Squad - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
Cities: Skylines - Mayor's Edition - $79.99 - 20% off
Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition 2 - $48.99 - 30% off
Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition - $9.99 - 75% off
Cities: Skylines + Surviving Mars - $29.99 - 50% off
Coffee Crisis - $5.49 - 50% off
Conan Exiles - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Conan Exiles - Deluxe Edition - $37.49 - 50% off - $44.99 - 40% off
Crackdown 3 - $29.99 - 50% off
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $83.99 - 20% off - $94.49 - 10% off
Cuphead - $15.99 - 20% off
DAKAR 18 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
DARK SOULS III - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
DARK SOULS III - Deluxe Edition - $21.24 - 75% off - $28.04 - 67% off
DARK SOULS: REMASTERED - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
Darksiders III - $40.19 - 33% off - $44.99 - 25% off
Darksiders III - Blades & Whip Edition - $59.99 - 40% off - $69.99 - 30% off
Darksiders III - Deluxe Edition - $47.99 - 40% off - $55.99 - 30% off
DayZ - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
Dead Cells - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
Dead Island Definitive Collection - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Dead Island Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off
Dead Island Retro Revenge - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 (Full Game) - $47.99 - 20% off - $53.99 - 10% off
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe Edition - $63.99 - 20% off - $71.99 - 10% off
Dead Rising - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
Dead Rising 2 - $5.99 - 70% off - $5.99 - 70% off
Dead Rising 2 Off the Record - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
Dead Rising 4 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack - $14.87 - 75% off - $19.63 - 67% off
Deadbeat Heroes - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
Deadcore - $1.99 - 75% off - $2.63 - 67% off
Deadlight: Director's Cut - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Defunct - $3.74 - 75% off
Degrees of Separation - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
Descenders - $17.49 - 30% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - $4.49 - 85% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - A Criminal Past - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Assault Pack - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition - $6.74 - 85% off - $11.24 - 75% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Season Pass - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - $7.49 - 70% off
Devil May Cry 5 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition - $41.99 - 40% off - $48.99 - 30% off
Devil May Cry HD Collection - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
Diablo III: Eternal Collection - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer - $8.99 - 40% off - $10.49 - 30% off
Dishonored 2 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Dishonored Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Dishonored The Complete Collection - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Disneyland Adventures - $12.99 - 35% off
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - $32.99 - 45% off - $38.99 - 35% off
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - $9.89 - 67% off
DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle - $8.99 - 75% off - $11.87 - 67% off
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - FighterZ Edition - $37.99 - 60% off - $47.49 - 50% off
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition - $43.99 - 60% off - $54.99 - 50% off
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition - $20.09 - 33% off
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Digital Deluxe Edition - $50.99 - 40% off - $59.49 - 30% off
EA SPORTS NHL 19 - $15.00 - 75% off - $19.80 - 67% off
EA SPORTS UFC 3 - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
EA SPORTS UFC 3 Deluxe Edition - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
Elex - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Fade to Silence - $39.99 - 20% off - $44.99 - 10% off
Fallout 4 - $15.00 - 50% off
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition - $30.00 - 50% off
Fallout 76 Standard Edition - $30.00 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition - $40.00 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Far Cry 3 Classic Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Far Cry 4 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITION - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Far Cry 5 - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $42.89 - 67% off - $51.99 - 60% off
Far Cry Insanity Bundle - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Far Cry New Dawn - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Far Cry Primal - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
Far Cry Primal - Apex Edition - $18.14 - 67% off - $21.99 - 60% off
Farm Together - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
Fear Effect Sedna - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
Fearful Symmetry & the Cursed Prince - $2.49 - 75% off
FIFA 19 - $18.00 - 70% off - $24.00 - 60% off
FIFA 19 Champions Edition - $40.00 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition - $50.00 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
FIFA The Journey Trilogy - $17.50 - 75% off - $23.10 - 67% off
Firewatch - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Fishing Sim World - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
Floor Kids - $9.99 - 50% off
FOR HONOR : MARCHING FIRE EDITION - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
For Honor Complete Edition - $43.99 - 60% off - $54.99 - 50% off
FOR HONOR Standard Edition - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
For The King - $18.74 - 25% off
Forgotton Anne - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Fortnite - Standard to Deluxe Upgrade - $10.00 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Fortnite: Save the World - Deluxe Founder's Pack - $30.00 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Fortnite: Save the World - Standard Founders Pack - $20.00 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe Edition - $39.99 - 50% off
Forza Horizon 4 Standard Edition - $29.99 - 50% off
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition - $49.99 - 50% off
Frost - $3.89 - 70% off
Gang Beasts - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
Gears of War 4 - $9.89 - 67% off
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe Version - $13.19 - 67% off
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - $6.59 - 67% off
Generation Zero - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Get Even - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Grand Theft Auto V - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle - $29.24 - 35% off - $33.74 - 25% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $40.49 - 55% off - $53.99 - 40% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - Super Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Hello Neighbor - $14.99 - 50% off
HITMAN - Game of the Year Edition - $12.00 - 80% off
HITMAN 2 - $24.00 - 60% off - $30.00 - 50% off
Hitman HD Enhanced Collection - $18.00 - 70% off - $24.00 - 60% off
Homefront: The Revolution - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Homefront: The Revolution 'Freedom Fighter' Bundle - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
How To Survive 2 - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Human Fall Flat - $7.49 - 50% off
Hungry Shark World - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
Hunt: Showdown (Game Preview) - $23.99 - 20% off - $26.99 - 10% off
Immortal: Unchained - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Impact Winter - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Injustice 2 - $20.00 - 50% off
Jagged Alliance: Rage! - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
JUMP FORCE - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
JUMP FORCE - Deluxe Edition - $53.99 - 40% off - $62.99 - 30% off
JUMP FORCE - Ultimate Edition - $59.99 - 40% off - $69.99 - 30% off
Jurassic World Evolution - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Bundle - $27.49 - 50% off - $32.99 - 40% off
Just Cause 3 - $5.99 - 70% off
Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
Just Cause 3: XXL Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Just Cause 4 - Digital Deluxe Edition - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
Just Cause 4 - Gold Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
Just Cause 4 - Standard Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Just Dance 2019 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 75% off
Killing Floor 2 - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition - $9.74 - 25% off
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition - $8.99 - 40% off
Knights of Pen and Paper Bundle - $17.99 - 20% off
L.A. Noire - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
Laser League - $5.99 - 60% off
Layers of Fear 2 - $22.49 - 25% off - $24.89 - 17% off
LEGO Harry Potter Collection - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
LEGO Marvel Collection - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered - $2.99 - 70% off
Life is Strange 2 - Complete Season - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 - $3.99 - 50% off - $3.99 - 50% off
Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) - $3.99 - 80% off
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete Season - $5.09 - 70% off
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
Little Nightmares - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
Little Nightmares Complete Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Mad Max - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Mafia III - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
Mafia III Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE - $13.19 - 67% off
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition - $19.79 - 67% off
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit Edition - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Standard Recruit Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Megalodon Shark Cash Card - $84.99 - 15% off - $94.99 - 5% off
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE DEFINITIVE EXPERIENCE - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
METAL GEAR SURVIVE - $11.99 - 60% off
Metro 2033 Redux - $4.99 - 75% off
Metro Exodus - $32.99 - 45% off
Metro Exodus Gold Edition - $46.74 - 45% off
Metro Redux Bundle - $7.49 - 75% off
Metro: Last Light Redux - $4.99 - 75% off
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition - $9.99 - 50% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Middle-earth: Shadow of War - $24.99 - 50% off
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - $5.99 - 50% off
MONOPOLY PLUS - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD - $20.00 - 60% off
Mortal Kombat 11 - $44.99 - 25% off - $49.79 - 17% off
Mortal Kombat 11 Premium Edition - $84.99 - 15% off - $94.99 - 5% off
Mortal Kombat X - $10.00 - 50% off
Murdered: Soul Suspect - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
MX vs ATV All Out - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTO - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
NBA 2K19 - $14.99 - 75% off
NBA 2K19 + NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Bundle - $19.99 - 75% off
NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition - $24.99 - 75% off
NBA LIVE 19 - $15.00 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Need for Speed Payback - $5.00 - 75% off - $6.60 - 67% off
Need for Speed Payback - Deluxe Edition - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
NHL 19 Legends Edition - $21.00 - 70% off - $28.00 - 60% off
NHL 19 Ultimate Edition - $24.00 - 70% off - $32.00 - 60% off
NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition - $26.79 - 33% off
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
No Man's Sky - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
Octahedron - $6.49 - 50% off - $7.79 - 40% off
Oh My Godheads - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast - $2.49 - 50% off
OKAMI HD - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD - Gold Edition - $21.12 - 75% off - $27.88 - 67% off
ONE PIECE World Seeker - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
ONE PIECE World Seeker Deluxe Edition - $62.99 - 30% off - $71.99 - 20% off
One Piece: Burning Blood - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Onimusha: Warlords - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 50% off
Outbreak - $2.49 - 50% off
Outbreak Bundle - $5.99 - 50% off
Outbreak: The New Nightmare - $4.49 - 50% off
Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles - $2.49 - 50% off
Outbreak: The Nightmare Collection - $7.49 - 50% off
Outer Wilds - $19.99 - 20% off
Override: Mech City Brawl - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
Override: Mech City Brawl - Super Charged Mega Edition - $7.99 - 80% off - $11.99 - 70% off
PAC-MAN 256 - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
Paw Patrol: On a Roll - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
PAYDAY 2 - CRIMEWAVE EDITION - THE BIG SCORE DLC Bundle! - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
PAYDAY 2 - CRIMEWAVE EDITION - THE BIG SCORE Game Bundle - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - $7.99 - 60% off
PAYDAY 2: THE CRIMEWAVE COLLECTION - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
Pixel Piracy - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Portal Knights - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Portal Knights - Bibot Box - $1.94 - 35% off - $2.24 - 25% off
Portal Knights -Emoji Box - $1.94 - 35% off - $2.24 - 25% off
Portal Knights -Lobot Box - $1.94 - 35% off - $2.24 - 25% off
Prey - $14.99 - 50% off
Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle - $32.49 - 50% off - $38.99 - 40% off
Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition - $23.99 - 40% off
PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019 - $14.99 - 50% off
Project CARS 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Project CARS 2 Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
Project CARS Digital Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Puyo Puyo Champions - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
Quantum Break - $9.99 - 75% off
RAGE 2 - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
RAGE 2: Deluxe Edition - $51.99 - 35% off - $59.99 - 25% off
Rare Replay - $14.99 - 50% off
Rayman Legends - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
ReCore - $11.99 - 40% off
Red Dead Redemption 2 - $40.19 - 33% off - $44.99 - 25% off
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition - $47.99 - 40% off - $55.99 - 30% off
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition - $59.99 - 40% off - $69.99 - 30% off
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Remothered: Tormented Fathers - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
RESIDENT EVIL 2 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition - $41.99 - 40% off - $48.99 - 30% off
RESIDENT EVIL 5 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Resident Evil 6 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard - $14.99 - 25% off
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold Edition - $25.00 - 50% off
RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle - $16.00 - 60% off - $20.00 - 50% off
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition - $12.00 - 60% off - $15.00 - 50% off
Reus - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
RISK - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
Road Redemption - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
Rock Band 4 Rivals Bundle - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder - $4.94 - 67% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Rocket League - Fast & Furious '99 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 - $0.99 - 50% off
Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Remastered - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
RUGBY 18 - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Rush: A DisneyPixar Adventure - $12.99 - 35% off
Ryse: Legendary Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
ScreamRide - $7.49 - 75% off
Scribblenauts Mega Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Scribblenauts Showdown - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Sea of Thieves: Anniversary Edition - $24.99 - 50% off
SEGA Genesis Classics - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - $19.79 - 67% off - $19.79 - 67% off ($4 cheaper than earlier)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - $23.99 - 60% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Croft Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Digital Deluxe Edition - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
Shalnor Legends: Sacred Lands - $6.99 - 30% off
Shenmue I & II - $17.99 - 40% off
Shining Resonance Refrain - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y Bundle - $51.99 - 35% off - $59.99 - 25% off
Snake Pass - $7.99 - 60% off
Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
Sniper Elite 4 - $14.99 - 75% off
Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off
Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - $26.24 - 25% off
SOMA - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
SONIC FORCES Digital Standard Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Sonic Mania - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
SOULCALIBUR VI - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
SOULCALIBUR VI Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold Edition - $26.99 - 70% off - $35.99 - 60% off
South Park: The Stick of Truth - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
Spyro + Crash Remastered Game Bundle - $41.24 - 45% off - $48.74 - 35% off
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $25.99 - 35% off - $29.99 - 25% off
STAR WARS Battlefront II - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
STAR WARS Battlefront Ultimate Edition - $5.00 - 75% off - $6.60 - 67% off
STAR WARS Battlefront: Hoth Bundle - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
Stardew Valley - $10.49 - 30% off - $11.99 - 20% off
Starlink: Battle for Atlas - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Deluxe edition - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
State of Decay 2 - $14.99 - 50% off
STEEP - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Steep X Games Gold Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Stellaris: Console Edition - $27.99 - 30% off - $31.99 - 20% off
Stellaris: Console Edition - Deluxe Edition - $41.99 - 30% off - $47.99 - 20% off
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
Strider - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Subnautica - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
Sundered: Eldritch Edition - $7.99 - 60% off
Sunset Overdrive - $9.99 - 50% off
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
SUPER BOMBERMAN R - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Super Lucky's Tale - $12.99 - 35% off
Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf - $7.49 - 25% off - $8.29 - 17% off
Surviving Mars - $9.89 - 67% off
Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition - $13.19 - 67% off
Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition - $21.44 - 67% off
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Team Sonic Racing - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Tekken 7 - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT - $4.94 - 67% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Terraria - $5.99 - 70% off
TerraTech - $13.79 - 40% off - $16.09 - 30% off
The BioWare Bundle - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
The Bridge - $2.49 - 75% off
The Council - Episode 1: The Mad Ones - $1.74 - 75% off
The Council - Episode 2: Hide and Seek - $2.30 - 67% off
The Council - Episode 3: Ripples - $3.49 - 50% off
The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges - $4.19 - 40% off
The Council - Episode 5: Checkmate - $4.68 - 33% off
The Council - Season Pass - $16.74 - 33% off
THE CREW 2 - Deluxe Edition - $20.99 - 70% off - $27.99 - 60% off
THE CREW 2 - Gold Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
The Crew 2 Standard Edition - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
The Crew Ultimate Edition - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
The Disney Afternoon Collection - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
The Elder Scrolls Online - $9.99 - 50% off
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
The Evil Within - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
The Evil Within 2 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
The Evil Within Digital Bundle - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA TOUR - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
The Grand Tour Game - $9.74 - 35% off - $11.24 - 25% off
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
The Long Dark - $8.99 - 70% off
The Sims 4 - $13.20 - 67% off - $16.00 - 60% off
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition - $16.50 - 67% off - $20.00 - 60% off
The Sims 4 Plus Cats & Dogs Bundle - $20.00 - 60% off - $25.00 - 50% off
theHunter: Call of the Wild - $17.99 - 40% off
Thief - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
Thief - The Bank Heist - $1.49 - 70% off - $1.99 - 60% off
Titan Quest - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition - $4.50 - 85% off - $7.50 - 75% off
ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove! - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Standard Edition - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition - $35.99 - 70% off - $47.99 - 60% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold Edition - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Edition - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition - $34.99 - 50% off - $41.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate Edition - $54.99 - 50% off - $65.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's The Division - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - $32.99 - 45% off - $38.99 - 35% off
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Gold Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Ultimate Edition - $59.99 - 50% off - $71.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's The Division Franchise Bundle - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Tom Clancy's The Division Gold Edition - $17.99 - 80% off - $26.99 - 70% off
Trackmania Turbo - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
Trailmakers (Game Preview) - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
Train Sim World - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
Transference - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
Trials Rising - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
Trials Rising - Digital Gold Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
TRIVIAL PURSUIT LIVE! - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
TT Isle of Man - $43.19 - 40% off - $50.39 - 30% off
ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 - $9.99 - 60% off
Undead Horde - $13.59 - 20% off
UNO - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
Unravel - $6.60 - 67% off - $8.00 - 60% off
Unravel Two - $6.60 - 67% off - $8.00 - 60% off
Unravel Yarny Bundle - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
Valiant Hearts: The Great War - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Warhammer 40,000 : Inquisitor - Martyr | Deluxe Edition - $32.49 - 50% off - $38.99 - 40% off
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr | Imperium edition - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
WARRIORS OROCHI 4 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Deluxe Edition - $53.99 - 40% off - $62.99 - 30% off
Watch Dogs2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Watch Dogs2 - Deluxe Edition - $17.49 - 75% off - $23.09 - 67% off
Watch Dogs2 - Gold Edition - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
WATCH_DOGS COMPLETE EDITION - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Wenjia Complete Edition - $6.99 - 30% off
Verdun - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Virginia - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
Void Bastards - $22.49 - 25% off
Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten - $3.74 - 25% off
WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
WWE 2K19 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
WWE 2K19 Digital Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
XCOM 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
XCOM 2 Collection - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition - $18.74 - 75% off - $24.74 - 67% off
Xenon Racer - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD - $3.34 - 33% off
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - $12.99 - 35% off

X360 (Xbox One taaksepäin yhteensopivuus kannattaa myös tarkistaa alhaalla olevasta Major Nelsonin linkistä):

Age of Booty - $1.24
Altered Beast - $2.49
Aliens Colonial Marines - $7.99
Aliens vs Predator - $7.99
Alone in the Dark - $2.99
ArcaniA - $2.99
Assassins Creed - $7.99
Assassins Creed III - $9.99
Assassins Creed IV - $7.99
Assassins Creed Rogue - $9.89
Assassins Creed Liberation HD - $7.99
Asura's Wrath - $4.99
Battlefield 3 - $4.99
Battlestations Midway - $4.99
Battlestations Pacific - $6.24
Bayonetta - $7.99
Beyond Good & Evil HD - $3.29
Bionic Commando Rearmed - $2.49
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 - $5.99
Bioshock - $7.99
Bioshock 2 - $7.99
Bioshock Infinite - $8.99
Black Knight Sword - $1.49
Blue Dragon - $4.99
Borderlands - $7.99
Borderlands 2 - $7.99
Borderlands The Pre-sequel - $11.99
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - $5.99
Bully Scholarship Edition - $5.99
Call of Duty 2 - $14.99
Call of Duty 3 - $14.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare - $14.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - $14.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - $19.49
Call of Duty Black Ops - $14.99
Call of Duty Black Ops II - $16.49
Call of Duty Black Ops III - $16.49
Catherine - $3.99
Civilization Revolution - $7.49
Condemned - $4.99
Comix Zone - $2.49
Crazy Taxi - $2.49
Dark Void - $3.74
Darkstalkers Resurrection - $2.99
Daytona USA - $4.99
The Darkness - $3.99
The Darkness II - $5.99
Darksiders II - $2.99
de Blob 2 - $2.99
Dead Island - $2.99
Dead Island Riptide - $2.99
Dead Rising - $5.99
Dead Rising 2 - $5.99
Dead Rising 2 Off the Record - $5.99
Dead Rising 2 Case West - $6.99
Dead Rising 2 Case Zero - $3.49
Deadfall Adventures - $3.99
Destroy All Humans (OG Xbox) - $2.99
Destroy All Humans Path of the Furon - $2.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution - $1.49
DMC HD Collection - $4.99
DmC - $5.99
Dragon Age Origins - $3.74
Dragon Age II - $7.99
Duke Nukem Forever - $3.99
Ducktales Remastered - $3.74
Dungeons & Dragons Chronicles of Mystara - $4.49
Dungeon Siege III - $2.99
Dustforce - $2.99
Elements of Destruction - $0.99
Escape from Dead Island - $4.99
Fallout New Vegas - $7.49
Far Cry Classic - $3.99
Far Cry 2 - $6.59
Far Cry 3 - $7.99
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - $4.49
Far Cry 4 - $11.99
FIFA 19 - $17.99
Fight Night Champion - $4.99
Fighting Vipers - $2.49
Final Fight Double Impact - $2.49
Flock! - $3.74
Frontlines Fuel of War - $1.49
Full Spectrum Warrior (OG Xbox) - $1.49
Gears of War - $4.94
Gears of War 2 - $3.95
Gears of War 3 - $3.95
Gears of War Judgement - $3.95
Geometry Wars Evolved 2 - $4.99
Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved - $7.49
GTA San Andreas - $10.04
GTA IV - $6.99
Guardian Heroes - $2.49
Gunstar Heroes - $2.49
I Am Alive - $4.49
Homefront - $1.99
Jet Set Radio - $4.99
Juju - $2.24
Just Cause - $0.99
Just Cause 2 - $1.49
Kane & Lynch - $3.99
Kane & Lynch 2 - $2.99
Killer is Dead - $3.99
Kingdoms of Amalur - $4.99
Lara Croft Guardian of Light - $1.49
Lost Odyssey - $6.24
Lost Planet Colonies - $4.99
Lost Planet 2 - $4.99
Lost Planet 3 - $4.99
Mafia 2 - $7.49
Mass Effect - $4.99
Mass Effect 2 - $5.99
Mass Effect 3 - $5.99
Metro 2033 - $2.24
Metro Last Light - $2.99
Mini Ninjas - $1.99
Murdered Soul Supsect - $1.49
MX Unleashed (OG Xbox) - $2.24
MX vs ATV Alive - $2.99
MX vs ATV Supercross - $4.49
MX vs ATV Untamed - $2.99
NBA Jam On Fire Edition - $4.99
NiGHTS Into Dreams - $4.99
Outland - $3.99
Persona 4 Arena - $5.99
Panzer Dragoon Orta (OG Xbox) - $4.99
Phantasy Star II - $2.49
Prey - $3.99
Prince of Persia - $7.99
Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands - $11.99
Quantum Conundrum - $2.49
Rayman Legends - $6.59
Rayman Origins - $4.49
Rayman 3 HD - $3.99
Red Dead Redemption - $9.89
Red Faction Battlegrounds - $0.99
Red Faction 2 (OG Xbox) - $1.49
Red Faction Guerrilla - $2.99
Red Faction Armageddon - $4.49
Remember Me - $4.99
Resident Evil 5 - $4.99
Resident Evil 6 - $4.99
Resident Evil Code Veronica: X - $4.99
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City - $3.99
Resident Evil Revelations - $4.99
Rise of the Tomb Raider - $7.99
Rockstar Table Tennis - $5.99
Sacred Citadel - $1.99
Sacred 3 - $3.99
Saints Row - $2.49
Saints Row 2 - $2.49
Saints Row The Third - $3.74
Saints Row IV - $8.74
Saints Row Gat out of Hell - $3.74
Scarygirl - $1.49
Screamride - $4.99
SEGA Bass Fishing - $2.49
SEGA Alex Kidd & Co - $4.99
SEGA Golden Axe - $4.99
SEGA Monster World - $4.99
SEGA Streets of Rage - $4.99
SEGA ToeJam & Earl - $4.99
Shinobi - $2.49
Skate 3 - $4.99
Sleeping Dogs - $2.99
Spec Ops The Line - $5.99
Splinter Cell Blacklist - $7.99
Splinter Cell Double Agent - $7.99
Splinter Cell Conviction - $9.99
Splinter Cell (OG Xbox) - $9.74
Splinter Cell Pandora's Tomorrow (OG Xbox) - $9.74
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (OG Xbox) - $9.74
Splinter Cell Double Agent (OG Xbox) - $9.74
Strider - $2.99
Street Fighter IV - $9.99
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition - $11.99
Supreme Commander 2 - $3.74
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - $9.99
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - $4.99
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas - $6.59
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - $6.59
Thief - $1.49
Thunder Wolves - $1.49
Tomb Raider - $1.99
Tomb Raider Anniversary - $1.99
Tomb Raider Underworld - $1.99
Tomb Raider Legend - $1.99
Trials HD - $3.99
Trials Fusion - $6.59
Trine 2 - $4.94
Vanquish - $4.99
Valiant Hearts - $5.99
Virtua Fighter 2 - $2.49
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - $4.94
Virtual-On OT - $4.94
Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine - $9.99
Watch Dogs - $5.99
Winterbottom - $1.99
XCOM Enemy Within - $7.99
Zombie Driver HD - $1.49

This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale Plus Xbox Super Game Sale

Xbox Live Summer Sale | July 16 - July 31 | 300+ items Xbox One & Xbox 360 |

Viimeksi muokattu:
Livessä isot alennukset käynnissä 23.7 asti.

Hinnat dollareissa ja GOLD/GamePassin tilanneet saavat lisäalennuksen vielä. EA:n pelit kannattaa melkein EA Accessista hommata ja myös Xbox Game Passin sisältö kannattaa tarkistaa sekä myös viimeisin päivitetty sisältö Major Nelsonin linkistä alhaalla.

Xbox One / One X:

11-11 Memories Retold - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
39 Days to Mars - $11.24 - 25% off
8-Bit Armies - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
A Way Out - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Absolver - $14.99 - 50% off
ABZU - $9.99 - 50% off
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN Deluxe Edition - $59.49 - 30% off - $67.99 - 20% off
Adam's Venture: Origins - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Agents of Mayhem - $5.99 - 70% off
Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle - $8.99 - 70% off
Albert and Otto - $3.59 - 70% off
American Fugitive - $14.99 - 25% off
Amnesia: Collection - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack - $3.99 - 50% off - $4.79 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: DIG DUG - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: GALAGA - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MAN - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARCADE GAME SERIES: PAC-MAN - $1.99 - 50% off - $2.39 - 40% off
ARK: Survival Evolved - $16.49 - 67% off
ARK: Survival Evolved Explorer's Edition - $35.99 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Antiquity Pack - $40.00 - 60% off - $50.00 - 50% off
Assassin's Creed Chronicles - Trilogy - $7.50 - 70% off - $10.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed III Remastered - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - $12.00 - 60% off - $15.00 - 50% off
Assassin's Creed Legendary Collection - $100.00 - 50% off - $119.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - $30.00 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - DELUXE EDITION - $40.00 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GOLD EDITION - $50.00 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - ULTIMATE EDITION - $60.00 - 50% off - $71.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Origins - $19.80 - 67% off - $24.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Origins - DELUXE EDITION - $23.10 - 67% off - $28.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITION - $33.00 - 67% off - $40.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered - $15.00 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Assassin's Creed Syndicate - $16.50 - 67% off - $20.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gold Edition - $23.10 - 67% off - $28.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection - $10.00 - 80% off - $15.00 - 70% off
Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate - $29.70 - 67% off - $36.00 - 60% off
Assassin's Creed Unity - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
Assetto Corsa - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Assetto Corsa - DLC Season Pass - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Assetto Corsa - Ferrari 70th Anniversary DLC - $4.19 - 40% off - $4.89 - 30% off
Assetto Corsa - Ready To Race DLC - $4.79 - 40% off - $5.59 - 30% off
Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
ASTRONEER - $22.49 - 25% off
Batman: Arkham Collection - $24.00 - 60% off
Batman: Return to Arkham - $10.00 - 50% off
Battle Chasers: Nightwar - $7.49 - 75% off
Battlefield 1 Premium Pass - $8.00 - 80% off - $12.00 - 70% off
Battlefield 1 Revolution - $10.00 - 75% off - $13.20 - 67% off
Battlefield 4 Premium - $13.20 - 67% off
Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition - $10.00 - 75% off - $13.20 - 67% off
Battlefield V - $19.80 - 67% off - $24.00 - 60% off
Battlefield V Deluxe Edition - $26.40 - 67% off - $32.00 - 60% off
Battlefield World War Bundle - $33.00 - 67% off - $40.00 - 60% off
BATTLESHIP - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
Beat Cop - $10.49 - 30% off - $11.99 - 20% off
Ben 10 - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
BioShock: The Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Black The Fall - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
Boom Ball for Kinect - $5.99 - 40% off
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection - $14.99 - 75% off - $14.99 - 75% off
Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons - $5.99 - 70% off
Bundle: South Park : The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but Whole - $26.39 - 67% off - $31.99 - 60% off
Burnout Paradise Remastered - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Black Ops Pass - $29.99 - 40% off - $34.99 - 30% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Digital Deluxe - $54.99 - 45% off - $64.99 - 35% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Spectre Rising Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Deluxe - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Ghosts - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe Edition - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: MWR Variety Map Pack - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
Call of Duty: WWII - Gold Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Call of Duty: WWII - Season Pass - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Canada Region Pack - $1.49 - 70% off
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Carnival Games - $13.99 - 65% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Cars 3: Driven to Win - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Castlevania Anniversary Collection - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
Child of Light - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Chroma Squad - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
Cities: Skylines - Mayor's Edition - $79.99 - 20% off
Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition 2 - $48.99 - 30% off
Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition - $9.99 - 75% off
Cities: Skylines + Surviving Mars - $29.99 - 50% off
Coffee Crisis - $5.49 - 50% off
Conan Exiles - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Conan Exiles - Deluxe Edition - $37.49 - 50% off - $44.99 - 40% off
Crackdown 3 - $29.99 - 50% off
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack and Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $83.99 - 20% off - $94.49 - 10% off
Cuphead - $15.99 - 20% off
DAKAR 18 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
DARK SOULS III - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
DARK SOULS III - Deluxe Edition - $21.24 - 75% off - $28.04 - 67% off
DARK SOULS: REMASTERED - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
Darksiders III - $40.19 - 33% off - $44.99 - 25% off
Darksiders III - Blades & Whip Edition - $59.99 - 40% off - $69.99 - 30% off
Darksiders III - Deluxe Edition - $47.99 - 40% off - $55.99 - 30% off
DayZ - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
Dead Cells - $14.99 - 40% off - $17.49 - 30% off
Dead Island Definitive Collection - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Dead Island Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off
Dead Island Retro Revenge - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - $4.99 - 75% off
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 (Full Game) - $47.99 - 20% off - $53.99 - 10% off
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe Edition - $63.99 - 20% off - $71.99 - 10% off
Dead Rising - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
Dead Rising 2 - $5.99 - 70% off - $5.99 - 70% off
Dead Rising 2 Off the Record - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
Dead Rising 4 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Dead Rising 4 Deluxe Edition - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack - $14.87 - 75% off - $19.63 - 67% off
Deadbeat Heroes - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
Deadcore - $1.99 - 75% off - $2.63 - 67% off
Deadlight: Director's Cut - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Defunct - $3.74 - 75% off
Degrees of Separation - $3.99 - 80% off - $5.99 - 70% off
Descenders - $17.49 - 30% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - $4.49 - 85% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - A Criminal Past - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Assault Pack - $1.24 - 75% off - $1.64 - 67% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition - $6.74 - 85% off - $11.24 - 75% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Season Pass - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift - $2.39 - 80% off - $3.59 - 70% off
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition - $7.49 - 70% off
Devil May Cry 5 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe Edition - $41.99 - 40% off - $48.99 - 30% off
Devil May Cry HD Collection - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
Diablo III: Eternal Collection - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer - $8.99 - 40% off - $10.49 - 30% off
Dishonored 2 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Dishonored Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Dishonored The Complete Collection - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Deluxe Bundle - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Disneyland Adventures - $12.99 - 35% off
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - $32.99 - 45% off - $38.99 - 35% off
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition - $9.89 - 67% off
DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle - $8.99 - 75% off - $11.87 - 67% off
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - FighterZ Edition - $37.99 - 60% off - $47.49 - 50% off
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition - $43.99 - 60% off - $54.99 - 50% off
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition - $20.09 - 33% off
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Digital Deluxe Edition - $50.99 - 40% off - $59.49 - 30% off
EA SPORTS NHL 19 - $15.00 - 75% off - $19.80 - 67% off
EA SPORTS UFC 3 - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
EA SPORTS UFC 3 Deluxe Edition - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
Elex - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Fade to Silence - $39.99 - 20% off - $44.99 - 10% off
Fallout 4 - $15.00 - 50% off
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition - $30.00 - 50% off
Fallout 76 Standard Edition - $30.00 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition - $40.00 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
Far Cry 3 Classic Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Far Cry 4 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
FAR CRY 4 GOLD EDITION - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Far Cry 5 - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Far Cry 5 + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
Far Cry 5 Gold Edition + Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition Bundle - $42.89 - 67% off - $51.99 - 60% off
Far Cry Insanity Bundle - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Far Cry New Dawn - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Far Cry Primal - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
Far Cry Primal - Apex Edition - $18.14 - 67% off - $21.99 - 60% off
Farm Together - $14.99 - 25% off - $16.59 - 17% off
Fear Effect Sedna - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
Fearful Symmetry & the Cursed Prince - $2.49 - 75% off
FIFA 19 - $18.00 - 70% off - $24.00 - 60% off
FIFA 19 Champions Edition - $40.00 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition - $50.00 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
FIFA The Journey Trilogy - $17.50 - 75% off - $23.10 - 67% off
Firewatch - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Fishing Sim World - $15.99 - 20% off - $17.99 - 10% off
Floor Kids - $9.99 - 50% off
FOR HONOR : MARCHING FIRE EDITION - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
For Honor Complete Edition - $43.99 - 60% off - $54.99 - 50% off
FOR HONOR Standard Edition - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
For The King - $18.74 - 25% off
Forgotton Anne - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Fortnite - Standard to Deluxe Upgrade - $10.00 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Fortnite: Save the World - Deluxe Founder's Pack - $30.00 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Fortnite: Save the World - Standard Founders Pack - $20.00 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe Edition - $39.99 - 50% off
Forza Horizon 4 Standard Edition - $29.99 - 50% off
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition - $49.99 - 50% off
Frost - $3.89 - 70% off
Gang Beasts - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
Gears of War 4 - $9.89 - 67% off
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe Version - $13.19 - 67% off
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - $6.59 - 67% off
Generation Zero - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Get Even - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Grand Theft Auto V - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle - $29.24 - 35% off - $33.74 - 25% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle - $40.49 - 55% off - $53.99 - 40% off
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card Bundle - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - Super Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
Hello Neighbor - $14.99 - 50% off
HITMAN - Game of the Year Edition - $12.00 - 80% off
HITMAN 2 - $24.00 - 60% off - $30.00 - 50% off
Hitman HD Enhanced Collection - $18.00 - 70% off - $24.00 - 60% off
Homefront: The Revolution - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Homefront: The Revolution 'Freedom Fighter' Bundle - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
How To Survive 2 - $7.49 - 50% off - $8.99 - 40% off
How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Human Fall Flat - $7.49 - 50% off
Hungry Shark World - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
Hunt: Showdown (Game Preview) - $23.99 - 20% off - $26.99 - 10% off
Immortal: Unchained - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Impact Winter - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Injustice 2 - $20.00 - 50% off
Jagged Alliance: Rage! - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
JUMP FORCE - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
JUMP FORCE - Deluxe Edition - $53.99 - 40% off - $62.99 - 30% off
JUMP FORCE - Ultimate Edition - $59.99 - 40% off - $69.99 - 30% off
Jurassic World Evolution - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Bundle - $27.49 - 50% off - $32.99 - 40% off
Just Cause 3 - $5.99 - 70% off
Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress - $3.59 - 70% off - $4.79 - 60% off
Just Cause 3: XXL Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Just Cause 4 - Digital Deluxe Edition - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
Just Cause 4 - Gold Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
Just Cause 4 - Standard Edition - $23.99 - 60% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Just Dance 2019 - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 75% off
Killing Floor 2 - $13.19 - 67% off - $15.99 - 60% off
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition - $9.74 - 25% off
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition - $8.99 - 40% off
Knights of Pen and Paper Bundle - $17.99 - 20% off
L.A. Noire - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
Laser League - $5.99 - 60% off
Layers of Fear 2 - $22.49 - 25% off - $24.89 - 17% off
LEGO Harry Potter Collection - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
LEGO Marvel Collection - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered - $2.99 - 70% off
Life is Strange 2 - Complete Season - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Life is Strange 2 - Episode 1 - $3.99 - 50% off - $3.99 - 50% off
Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) - $3.99 - 80% off
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Complete Season - $5.09 - 70% off
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
Little Nightmares - $5.99 - 70% off - $7.99 - 60% off
Little Nightmares Complete Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Mad Max - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
Mafia III - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
Mafia III Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE - $13.19 - 67% off
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition - $19.79 - 67% off
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit Edition - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Standard Recruit Edition - $8.99 - 70% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Megalodon Shark Cash Card - $84.99 - 15% off - $94.99 - 5% off
METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE DEFINITIVE EXPERIENCE - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
METAL GEAR SURVIVE - $11.99 - 60% off
Metro 2033 Redux - $4.99 - 75% off
Metro Exodus - $32.99 - 45% off
Metro Exodus Gold Edition - $46.74 - 45% off
Metro Redux Bundle - $7.49 - 75% off
Metro: Last Light Redux - $4.99 - 75% off
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition - $9.99 - 50% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Middle-earth: Shadow of War - $24.99 - 50% off
Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae - $5.99 - 50% off
MONOPOLY PLUS - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD - $20.00 - 60% off
Mortal Kombat 11 - $44.99 - 25% off - $49.79 - 17% off
Mortal Kombat 11 Premium Edition - $84.99 - 15% off - $94.99 - 5% off
Mortal Kombat X - $10.00 - 50% off
Murdered: Soul Suspect - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
MX vs ATV All Out - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE - $23.99 - 60% off - $29.99 - 50% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTO - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Trilogy - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
NBA 2K19 - $14.99 - 75% off
NBA 2K19 + NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Bundle - $19.99 - 75% off
NBA 2K19 20th Anniversary Edition - $24.99 - 75% off
NBA LIVE 19 - $15.00 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Need for Speed Payback - $5.00 - 75% off - $6.60 - 67% off
Need for Speed Payback - Deluxe Edition - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
NHL 19 Legends Edition - $21.00 - 70% off - $28.00 - 60% off
NHL 19 Ultimate Edition - $24.00 - 70% off - $32.00 - 60% off
NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition - $26.79 - 33% off
Ninjin: Clash of Carrots - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
No Man's Sky - $34.99 - 30% off - $39.99 - 20% off
Octahedron - $6.49 - 50% off - $7.79 - 40% off
Oh My Godheads - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast - $2.49 - 50% off
OKAMI HD - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
ONE PIECE BURNING BLOOD - Gold Edition - $21.12 - 75% off - $27.88 - 67% off
ONE PIECE World Seeker - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
ONE PIECE World Seeker Deluxe Edition - $62.99 - 30% off - $71.99 - 20% off
One Piece: Burning Blood - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Onimusha: Warlords - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - $9.99 - 50% off
Outbreak - $2.49 - 50% off
Outbreak Bundle - $5.99 - 50% off
Outbreak: The New Nightmare - $4.49 - 50% off
Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles - $2.49 - 50% off
Outbreak: The Nightmare Collection - $7.49 - 50% off
Outer Wilds - $19.99 - 20% off
Override: Mech City Brawl - $5.99 - 80% off - $8.99 - 70% off
Override: Mech City Brawl - Super Charged Mega Edition - $7.99 - 80% off - $11.99 - 70% off
PAC-MAN 256 - $1.99 - 60% off - $2.49 - 50% off
Paw Patrol: On a Roll - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
PAYDAY 2 - CRIMEWAVE EDITION - THE BIG SCORE DLC Bundle! - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
PAYDAY 2 - CRIMEWAVE EDITION - THE BIG SCORE Game Bundle - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION - $7.99 - 60% off
PAYDAY 2: THE CRIMEWAVE COLLECTION - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition - $16.49 - 67% off - $19.99 - 60% off
Pixel Piracy - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Portal Knights - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Portal Knights - Bibot Box - $1.94 - 35% off - $2.24 - 25% off
Portal Knights -Emoji Box - $1.94 - 35% off - $2.24 - 25% off
Portal Knights -Lobot Box - $1.94 - 35% off - $2.24 - 25% off
Prey - $14.99 - 50% off
Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle - $32.49 - 50% off - $38.99 - 40% off
Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition - $23.99 - 40% off
PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019 - $14.99 - 50% off
Project CARS 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Project CARS 2 Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
Project CARS Digital Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Puyo Puyo Champions - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
Quantum Break - $9.99 - 75% off
RAGE 2 - $38.99 - 35% off - $44.99 - 25% off
RAGE 2: Deluxe Edition - $51.99 - 35% off - $59.99 - 25% off
Rare Replay - $14.99 - 50% off
Rayman Legends - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
ReCore - $11.99 - 40% off
Red Dead Redemption 2 - $40.19 - 33% off - $44.99 - 25% off
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition - $47.99 - 40% off - $55.99 - 30% off
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition - $59.99 - 40% off - $69.99 - 30% off
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Remothered: Tormented Fathers - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
RESIDENT EVIL 2 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition - $41.99 - 40% off - $48.99 - 30% off
RESIDENT EVIL 5 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Resident Evil 6 - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard - $14.99 - 25% off
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold Edition - $25.00 - 50% off
RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle - $16.00 - 60% off - $20.00 - 50% off
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition - $12.00 - 60% off - $15.00 - 50% off
Reus - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration - $8.99 - 85% off - $14.99 - 75% off
RISK - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
Road Redemption - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
Rock Band 4 Rivals Bundle - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder - $4.94 - 67% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Rocket League - Fast & Furious '99 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 - $0.99 - 50% off
Rocksmith 2014 Edition - Remastered - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
RUGBY 18 - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Rush: A DisneyPixar Adventure - $12.99 - 35% off
Ryse: Legendary Edition - $7.49 - 75% off - $9.89 - 67% off
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - $3.74 - 75% off - $4.94 - 67% off
ScreamRide - $7.49 - 75% off
Scribblenauts Mega Pack - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Scribblenauts Showdown - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
Sea of Thieves: Anniversary Edition - $24.99 - 50% off
SEGA Genesis Classics - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - $19.79 - 67% off - $19.79 - 67% off ($4 cheaper than earlier)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - $23.99 - 60% off - $23.99 - 60% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Croft Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Digital Deluxe Edition - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Season Pass - $17.99 - 40% off - $20.99 - 30% off
Shalnor Legends: Sacred Lands - $6.99 - 30% off
Shenmue I & II - $17.99 - 40% off
Shining Resonance Refrain - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y Bundle - $51.99 - 35% off - $59.99 - 25% off
Snake Pass - $7.99 - 60% off
Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
Sniper Elite 4 - $14.99 - 75% off
Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off
Sniper Elite V2 Remastered - $26.24 - 25% off
SOMA - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
SONIC FORCES Digital Standard Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Sonic Mania - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
SOULCALIBUR VI - $19.79 - 67% off - $23.99 - 60% off
SOULCALIBUR VI Deluxe Edition - $35.99 - 60% off - $44.99 - 50% off
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold Edition - $26.99 - 70% off - $35.99 - 60% off
South Park: The Stick of Truth - $11.99 - 60% off - $14.99 - 50% off
Spyro + Crash Remastered Game Bundle - $41.24 - 45% off - $48.74 - 35% off
Spyro Reignited Trilogy - $25.99 - 35% off - $29.99 - 25% off
STAR WARS Battlefront II - $7.49 - 70% off - $9.99 - 60% off
STAR WARS Battlefront Ultimate Edition - $5.00 - 75% off - $6.60 - 67% off
STAR WARS Battlefront: Hoth Bundle - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
Stardew Valley - $10.49 - 30% off - $11.99 - 20% off
Starlink: Battle for Atlas - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Starlink: Battle for Atlas - Deluxe edition - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
State of Decay 2 - $14.99 - 50% off
STEEP - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
Steep X Games Gold Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Stellaris: Console Edition - $27.99 - 30% off - $31.99 - 20% off
Stellaris: Console Edition - Deluxe Edition - $41.99 - 30% off - $47.99 - 20% off
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
Strider - $2.99 - 80% off - $4.49 - 70% off
Subnautica - $19.49 - 35% off - $22.49 - 25% off
Sundered: Eldritch Edition - $7.99 - 60% off
Sunset Overdrive - $9.99 - 50% off
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
SUPER BOMBERMAN R - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Super Lucky's Tale - $12.99 - 35% off
Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf - $7.49 - 25% off - $8.29 - 17% off
Surviving Mars - $9.89 - 67% off
Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition - $13.19 - 67% off
Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition - $21.44 - 67% off
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - $11.99 - 70% off - $15.99 - 60% off
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete Edition - $27.99 - 60% off - $34.99 - 50% off
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Team Sonic Racing - $29.99 - 25% off - $33.19 - 17% off
Tekken 7 - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
TEKKEN 7 - Rematch Edition - $39.99 - 50% off - $47.99 - 40% off
TEKKEN 7 - Ultimate Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
TEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANT - $4.94 - 67% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Terraria - $5.99 - 70% off
TerraTech - $13.79 - 40% off - $16.09 - 30% off
The BioWare Bundle - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
The Bridge - $2.49 - 75% off
The Council - Episode 1: The Mad Ones - $1.74 - 75% off
The Council - Episode 2: Hide and Seek - $2.30 - 67% off
The Council - Episode 3: Ripples - $3.49 - 50% off
The Council - Episode 4: Burning Bridges - $4.19 - 40% off
The Council - Episode 5: Checkmate - $4.68 - 33% off
The Council - Season Pass - $16.74 - 33% off
THE CREW 2 - Deluxe Edition - $20.99 - 70% off - $27.99 - 60% off
THE CREW 2 - Gold Edition - $29.99 - 70% off - $39.99 - 60% off
The Crew 2 Standard Edition - $17.99 - 70% off - $23.99 - 60% off
The Crew Ultimate Edition - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
The Disney Afternoon Collection - $4.99 - 75% off - $6.59 - 67% off
The Elder Scrolls Online - $9.99 - 50% off
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - $23.99 - 40% off - $27.99 - 30% off
The Evil Within - $9.99 - 50% off - $11.99 - 40% off
The Evil Within 2 - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
The Evil Within Digital Bundle - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA TOUR - $19.99 - 60% off - $24.99 - 50% off
The Grand Tour Game - $9.74 - 35% off - $11.24 - 25% off
The Jackbox Party Pack 5 - $14.99 - 50% off - $17.99 - 40% off
The Long Dark - $8.99 - 70% off
The Sims 4 - $13.20 - 67% off - $16.00 - 60% off
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition - $16.50 - 67% off - $20.00 - 60% off
The Sims 4 Plus Cats & Dogs Bundle - $20.00 - 60% off - $25.00 - 50% off
theHunter: Call of the Wild - $17.99 - 40% off
Thief - $2.99 - 85% off - $4.99 - 75% off
Thief - The Bank Heist - $1.49 - 70% off - $1.99 - 60% off
Titan Quest - $9.89 - 67% off - $11.99 - 60% off
Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition - $4.50 - 85% off - $7.50 - 75% off
ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove! - $11.99 - 40% off - $13.99 - 30% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Standard Edition - $14.99 - 70% off - $19.99 - 60% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Ultimate Edition - $35.99 - 70% off - $47.99 - 60% off
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Gold Edition - $23.99 - 70% off - $31.99 - 60% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Edition - $15.99 - 60% off - $19.99 - 50% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition - $34.99 - 50% off - $41.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate Edition - $54.99 - 50% off - $65.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's The Division - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - $32.99 - 45% off - $38.99 - 35% off
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Gold Edition - $49.99 - 50% off - $59.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 - Ultimate Edition - $59.99 - 50% off - $71.99 - 40% off
Tom Clancy's The Division Franchise Bundle - $39.99 - 60% off - $49.99 - 50% off
Tom Clancy's The Division Gold Edition - $17.99 - 80% off - $26.99 - 70% off
Trackmania Turbo - $9.99 - 75% off - $13.19 - 67% off
Trailmakers (Game Preview) - $13.99 - 30% off - $15.99 - 20% off
Train Sim World - $20.99 - 30% off - $23.99 - 20% off
Transference - $9.99 - 60% off - $12.49 - 50% off
Trials Rising - $12.49 - 50% off - $14.99 - 40% off
Trials Rising - Digital Gold Edition - $19.99 - 50% off - $23.99 - 40% off
TRIVIAL PURSUIT LIVE! - $5.99 - 60% off - $7.49 - 50% off
TT Isle of Man - $43.19 - 40% off - $50.39 - 30% off
ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 - $9.99 - 60% off
Undead Horde - $13.59 - 20% off
UNO - $4.99 - 50% off - $5.99 - 40% off
Unravel - $6.60 - 67% off - $8.00 - 60% off
Unravel Two - $6.60 - 67% off - $8.00 - 60% off
Unravel Yarny Bundle - $9.90 - 67% off - $12.00 - 60% off
Valiant Hearts: The Great War - $4.49 - 70% off - $5.99 - 60% off
Warhammer 40,000 : Inquisitor - Martyr | Deluxe Edition - $32.49 - 50% off - $38.99 - 40% off
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr - $29.99 - 50% off - $35.99 - 40% off
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr | Imperium edition - $31.99 - 60% off - $39.99 - 50% off
WARRIORS OROCHI 4 - $35.99 - 40% off - $41.99 - 30% off
WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Deluxe Edition - $53.99 - 40% off - $62.99 - 30% off
Watch Dogs2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
Watch Dogs2 - Deluxe Edition - $17.49 - 75% off - $23.09 - 67% off
Watch Dogs2 - Gold Edition - $24.99 - 75% off - $32.99 - 67% off
WATCH_DOGS COMPLETE EDITION - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Wenjia Complete Edition - $6.99 - 30% off
Verdun - $7.99 - 60% off - $9.99 - 50% off
Virginia - $3.99 - 60% off - $4.99 - 50% off
Void Bastards - $22.49 - 25% off
Vosaria: Lair of the Forgotten - $3.74 - 25% off
WRC 5 FIA World Rally Championship - $9.99 - 80% off - $14.99 - 70% off
WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship - $12.49 - 75% off - $16.49 - 67% off
WWE 2K19 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
WWE 2K19 Digital Deluxe Edition - $22.49 - 75% off - $29.69 - 67% off
XCOM 2 - $14.99 - 75% off - $19.79 - 67% off
XCOM 2 Collection - $32.99 - 67% off - $39.99 - 60% off
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition - $18.74 - 75% off - $24.74 - 67% off
Xenon Racer - $24.99 - 50% off - $29.99 - 40% off
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD - $3.34 - 33% off
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection - $12.99 - 35% off

X360 (Xbox One taaksepäin yhteensopivuus kannattaa myös tarkistaa alhaalla olevasta Major Nelsonin linkistä):

Age of Booty - $1.24
Altered Beast - $2.49
Aliens Colonial Marines - $7.99
Aliens vs Predator - $7.99
Alone in the Dark - $2.99
ArcaniA - $2.99
Assassins Creed - $7.99
Assassins Creed III - $9.99
Assassins Creed IV - $7.99
Assassins Creed Rogue - $9.89
Assassins Creed Liberation HD - $7.99
Asura's Wrath - $4.99
Battlefield 3 - $4.99
Battlestations Midway - $4.99
Battlestations Pacific - $6.24
Bayonetta - $7.99
Beyond Good & Evil HD - $3.29
Bionic Commando Rearmed - $2.49
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 - $5.99
Bioshock - $7.99
Bioshock 2 - $7.99
Bioshock Infinite - $8.99
Black Knight Sword - $1.49
Blue Dragon - $4.99
Borderlands - $7.99
Borderlands 2 - $7.99
Borderlands The Pre-sequel - $11.99
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway - $5.99
Bully Scholarship Edition - $5.99
Call of Duty 2 - $14.99
Call of Duty 3 - $14.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare - $14.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - $14.99
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - $19.49
Call of Duty Black Ops - $14.99
Call of Duty Black Ops II - $16.49
Call of Duty Black Ops III - $16.49
Catherine - $3.99
Civilization Revolution - $7.49
Condemned - $4.99
Comix Zone - $2.49
Crazy Taxi - $2.49
Dark Void - $3.74
Darkstalkers Resurrection - $2.99
Daytona USA - $4.99
The Darkness - $3.99
The Darkness II - $5.99
Darksiders II - $2.99
de Blob 2 - $2.99
Dead Island - $2.99
Dead Island Riptide - $2.99
Dead Rising - $5.99
Dead Rising 2 - $5.99
Dead Rising 2 Off the Record - $5.99
Dead Rising 2 Case West - $6.99
Dead Rising 2 Case Zero - $3.49
Deadfall Adventures - $3.99
Destroy All Humans (OG Xbox) - $2.99
Destroy All Humans Path of the Furon - $2.99
Deus Ex Human Revolution - $1.49
DMC HD Collection - $4.99
DmC - $5.99
Dragon Age Origins - $3.74
Dragon Age II - $7.99
Duke Nukem Forever - $3.99
Ducktales Remastered - $3.74
Dungeons & Dragons Chronicles of Mystara - $4.49
Dungeon Siege III - $2.99
Dustforce - $2.99
Elements of Destruction - $0.99
Escape from Dead Island - $4.99
Fallout New Vegas - $7.49
Far Cry Classic - $3.99
Far Cry 2 - $6.59
Far Cry 3 - $7.99
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - $4.49
Far Cry 4 - $11.99
FIFA 19 - $17.99
Fight Night Champion - $4.99
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Kappas, onkin pitänyt hankkia Surviving Marsin Season Pass mutta nyt onkin hyvä tarjous itse pelistä + Season Passista 21,44€ tossa First Colony Editionissa.

Pelihän on muutenkin nyt Game Passissa, ja on niin nautinnollinen ja koukuttava timesink kuin voi olla!
Tuossa on sopiva lista mitä Xbox Game Passiin on tulossa seuraavan 1½ vuoden aikana, niin voi miettiä että pelaako Xbox Game Passillä koko rypäskää noin 1½ pelin julkaisuhinnalla (ja vielä halvemmalla keykoodeilla) + kaikki muut 3rd Partyjen pelit mitä vielä tulee tai onjo vai ostaako pelejä erikseen:

Game Passista puheen ollen pian tulee taas virkistystä (MGSV Phantom Painin paluu on kiva juttu itselleni, kun en saanut pelattua viimeksi):

Tuossa on sopiva lista mitä Xbox Game Passiin on tulossa seuraavan 1½ vuoden aikana, niin voi miettiä että pelaako Xbox Game Passillä koko rypäskää noin 1½ pelin julkaisuhinnalla (ja vielä halvemmalla keykoodeilla) + kaikki muut 3rd Partyjen pelit mitä vielä tulee tai onjo vai ostaako pelejä erikseen:

Todella iso pettymys tuo pelivalikoima :(
Mistä näkee gamepassissta poistuvat pelit? En äkkiseltään löytänyt muuta kuin uutisia poistuvista peleistä eri sivustoilta.
Resident Evil 7 biohazard Xbox One/PC versio $4.99. Euroopassa hinta yllättäen 20€ :tdown:
Buy RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard - Microsoft Store

Täältä saa vitosen lahjakortin siedettävään hintaan: Microsoft XBox Live Gift Card (US), Prepaid Xbox Live Gift Card for North America | SEA Gamer Mall
We’re having trouble processing your payment and we’d like to get it sorted out.

Pitääkö VPN:llä yrittää maksaa vai onkohan MS:n puolella jotain ongelmia?

EDIT: Jaa nii varmaa tolla gift cardilla sen saisi. Pitää sitä myöhemmin kokeilla.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Hyvältä näyttää Xbox-osaston kehityssuunta, kun Xbox Onen aikakaudella on menty selvästi jo Xbox 360-aikojen edelle. :tup: Pelkästään liikevaihdon kasvu on ollut yli +30% 2013 vs 2019. Softamyynnit ja etenkin Game Pass näyttäisivät olevan vetureina.

Myös CEO Satya Nadella kommentoi pelipuolen näkymiä: Satya Nadella: Microsoft is "well positioned" to expand beyond traditional gaming

Melkoisessa vaihtoehtotodellisuudessa saa elää jos kuvittelee tuolla ajanjaksolla 30 pinnan liikevaihdon kasvun olevan edes etäisesti hyvä asia, kun samaan aikaan markkinat tuplaantuivat liikevaihdon osalta.

Video game industry - Wikipedia

Mikäänhän ei myöskään kerro, millaisella katteella tämä kitukasvu on saatu aikaiseksi. Siksipä olisi toivottavaa että MS lopettaisi sijoittajien kusettamisen pelkillä liikevaihtoluvuilla, sillä ne eivät kerro pelipuolen bisneksestä yhtään mitään.
Melkoisessa vaihtoehtotodellisuudessa saa elää jos kuvittelee tuolla ajanjaksolla 30 pinnan liikevaihdon kasvun olevan edes etäisesti hyvä asia, kun samaan aikaan markkinat tuplaantuivat liikevaihdon osalta.

Video game industry - Wikipedia

Mikäänhän ei myöskään kerro, millaisella katteella tämä kitukasvu on saatu aikaiseksi. Siksipä olisi toivottavaa että MS lopettaisi sijoittajien kusettamisen pelkillä liikevaihtoluvuilla, sillä ne eivät kerro pelipuolen bisneksestä yhtään mitään.

Onko konsoli- ja PC-pelaamisen markkinat tuplautuneet liikevaihdon osalta 2013vs2019? Ei vieläkään oikein aukea mihin nuo kitukasvu-väitteesi oikein perustuvat.

Vaikea nähdä syytä miksi Microsoftin täytyisi kusettaa sijoittajiaan. Yritys takoo kohtuu kovia tuloksia ja edelleen se liikevaihto myös pelipuolella kasvaa. Ja konsoleita on myyty kelpo määrä. Samalla kun ovat karsineet markkinointi- ym kustannuksia.
Onko konsoli- ja PC-pelaamisen markkinat tuplautuneet liikevaihdon osalta 2013vs2019? Ei vieläkään oikein aukea mihin nuo kitukasvu-väitteesi oikein perustuvat.

Vaikea nähdä syytä miksi Microsoftin täytyisi kusettaa sijoittajiaan. Yritys takoo kohtuu kovia tuloksia ja edelleen se liikevaihto myös pelipuolella kasvaa. Ja konsoleita on myyty kelpo määrä. Samalla kun ovat karsineet markkinointi- ym kustannuksia.

Video game industry - Wikipedia

Tuolta noin vuodesta 2004 alkaen on kotikonsoleiden osuus (violetti palkki) koko peliteollisuuden liikevaihdosta pysynyt aikalailla saman suuruisena. Käsikonsolit ovat kuihtuneet pois ja mobiilipelaaminen (vaaleanvihreä palkki) on aiheuttanut sitten liikevaihdossa tuon suurimman kasvupyrähdyksen.

Suomeksi: peliteollisuus on laajentunut ja pelaamiseen käytetty rahamäärä on kasvanut huimasti, kiitos mobiilipelien. Myös PC-pelaamiseen käytetään selvästi enemmän rahaa kuin aiemmin. Kotikonsolien segmentti on ollut viimeiset ~15v jotakuinkin samansuuruinen, vaihteluväli ehkä +-10%?

Suosittelen sinullekin ignore-toiminnon käyttämistä, niin säästyt näiltä maalitolppien siirtelyiltä ja "omilta totuuksilta". :tup:
Suosittelen sinullekin ignore-toiminnon käyttämistä, niin säästyt näiltä maalitolppien siirtelyiltä ja "omilta totuuksilta". :tup:
Itse en ymmärrä ignorea koska raporttimahdollisuus on räikeimpiin ylilyönteihin. Moderaattorit ovat ketjuissa tehokkaasti, joskus liiankin tehokkaasti puuttuneet epäkohtiin ja pitäneet järjestystä yllä. Mielipide-erot pitää kestää kuin mies jos tarkoitit sillä "omilta totuuksilta".
Onko konsoli- ja PC-pelaamisen markkinat tuplautuneet liikevaihdon osalta 2013vs2019? Ei vieläkään oikein aukea mihin nuo kitukasvu-väitteesi oikein perustuvat.

Vaikea nähdä syytä miksi Microsoftin täytyisi kusettaa sijoittajiaan. Yritys takoo kohtuu kovia tuloksia ja edelleen se liikevaihto myös pelipuolella kasvaa. Ja konsoleita on myyty kelpo määrä. Samalla kun ovat karsineet markkinointi- ym kustannuksia.

Ei ole, sillä kuten jo kuvaajakin kertoo isoin kasvu on nähty mobiilipelaamisen osalla. Kitukasvu-väite perustuu kilpailjoihin verrattaessa, on jokseenkin koomista väittää että hyvin menee kun oma markkinaosuus on kutistunut puoleen aiemmasta. :facepalm:

Yleisellä tasollahan MS:llä toki pyyhkii hyvin, itseäni kiinnostaisi kovasti kuinka tämä pelipuolen muuttunut strategia toimii pitkällä aikavälillä myös taloudellisilla mittareilla arvioituna. Pelkkä liikevaihdon tuijotus kun tätä ei kerro.

Konsoleita myyty kelpo määrä? Puolet viime genin osuudesta on kelpo määrä? Markkinointikustannukset ovat kasvaneet pelipuolen osalta sillä sillä näitä konsoleita ja palveluja on pitänyt saada myytyä alehintaan hyllyiltä pölyttymästä. Olisikin hauska nähdä esim. Game Passin kustannusrakenne, paljonko MSRP 15 dollarilla jää itse yritykselle käteen ja mikä prosenttiosuus kuluttajista on hankkinut ko. palvelun täyteen hintaan, kun tyrkkyjä tämän suhteen on ollut tarjolla jatkuvasti? Entä paljonko keskiverto MAU-asiakas tuo rahaa keskimäärin taloon?

Tämänkaltaisen informaation tarjoaminen sijoittajille olisikin sitä todellista läpinäkyvyyttä, kun halutaan arvioida toiminnan tasoa myös pitkällä aikavälilä. Nyt paistaa kovasti lävitse se, että asiat halutaan esittää harhaanjohtavan positiivisessa valossa puutteellisen informaation vuoksi.

Itse en ymmärrä ignorea koska raporttimahdollisuus on räikeimpiin ylilyönteihin. Moderaattorit ovat ketjuissa tehokkaasti, joskus liiankin tehokkaasti puuttuneet epäkohtiin ja pitäneet järjestystä yllä. Mielipide-erot pitää kestää kuin mies jos tarkoitit sillä "omilta totuuksilta".

Perin erikoiseksi on ketjun meno mennyt, kun ignorea suositellaan toimintatavaksi keskustelun sijasta. No tietty jos tavoitteena on ylläpitää luotua kuplaa asioista niin mikäs siinä. :think:
Xbox One UI menossa jälleen uusiin puihin:


Microsoft will drop Cortana from Xbox One as part of another dashboard redesign

Jokohan nyt päästäisiin eroon niistä lagaavista välilehdistä? Muilta osinhan tuo alkaa ollakin jo kohtuukunnossa lukuunottamatta järkyttävän surkeaa storen käyttöliittymää, johon toivon mukaan saadaan parannusta jatkossa. Kumma kun UI-puoli saatiin jo parempaan iskuun X360 aikana NXE-päivityksellä, mutta sen jälkeen alamäki on ollut tasaisen tappavaa vauhtia tämän osalta.
Itse kaipaan sitä UI:ta missä vielä näkyi käynnissä oleva peli livenä home screenillä.
Itse en ymmärrä ignorea koska raporttimahdollisuus on räikeimpiin ylilyönteihin. Moderaattorit ovat ketjuissa tehokkaasti, joskus liiankin tehokkaasti puuttuneet epäkohtiin ja pitäneet järjestystä yllä. Mielipide-erot pitää kestää kuin mies jos tarkoitit sillä "omilta totuuksilta".

"Omat totuudet" on virheellisiä väittämiä, jotka esitetään totena. Ei pidä sekoittaa mielipiteisiin. Ignore-toiminto on hyvä tietyille hahmoille, joilla tulee koko ajan sellaista tekstiä, jota ei jaksa lukea tai kommentoida. En ymmärrä mitä ymmärrettävää siinä on.
Perin erikoiseksi on ketjun meno mennyt, kun ignorea suositellaan toimintatavaksi keskustelun sijasta. No tietty jos tavoitteena on ylläpitää luotua kuplaa asioista niin mikäs siinä. :think:
Ei tuollainen edistä keskustelua millään tavalla ja kertoo paremminkin keskustelijasta jos pitää ignoreen lykätä kaikki epämieluisat asiat.
"Omat totuudet" on virheellisiä väittämiä, jotka esitetään totena. Ei pidä sekoittaa mielipiteisiin. Ignore-toiminto on hyvä tietyille hahmoille, joilla tulee koko ajan sellaista tekstiä, jota ei jaksa lukea tai kommentoida. En ymmärrä mitä ymmärrettävää siinä on.
Tarviiko sitä edes aina olla kommentoimassa vaikka toisen esittämät asiat ei kiinnosta tai olet erimieltä? Jos joku sattuu aidosti heittämään virheellisen väittämän niin asiallisesti vastaa faktojen kera. Ei tarvitse ignorea eikä raporttia.

Microsoftin tuore minidokumentti sukeltaa E3-messujen kulisseihin

Viimeksi muokattu:
Nyt täytyy sanoa, että tuo uus dashboard näyttää hyvältä uudistukselta ja kätevältä käyttää. Ainoa miinus siitä, että taustakuva peittyy liikaa.
Setä-spencer se on kova puhumaan. Onko kaveri puhunut koko xbox uransa ajan niistä tulevista hyvistä ajoista ja mitään ei tapahdu? Eikö tuommoinen kaveri pitäisi potkia pellolle?
Phil Spencer sai ison ylennyksen tuossa hieman alle 2v sitten syyskuussa 2017, jolloin hän sai sekä enemmän päätäntävaltaa että isomman roolin Xbox-osastossa:

9kk myöhemmin kesäkuussa 2018 MS tiedotti viidestä uudesta pelistudiosta: Microsoft has five (!) new internal studios

Marraskuussa 2018 MS tiedotti hankkineensa vielä kaksi pelistudiota lisää: Microsoft buys two more video game studios

Kesäkuussa 2019 MS tiedotti vielä yhdestä uudesta pelistudiosta: Microsoft acquires Psychonauts-maker Double Fine Productions – TechCrunch

Alle kahdessa vuodessa Xbox-pelistudioiden määrä on kasvanut seitsemästä viiteentoista, eli yli tuplaantunut.

Toki jos pelien kehittämisestä mitään tietää, niin AAA-, ja AA-pelien kehittäminen on hidasta, joten varmaan lataavat paukkunsa tuonne Xbox Scarlettin alkuvuosiin.

Lisäksi Xbox Studios on palkannut tasaisesti lisää osaavia kehittäjiä viimeisen ~2v aikana:

Xbox studio hires group of God of War designers | VGC
New Microsoft Studio Hires Ex-God of War, Red Dead Redemption Staff
Microsoft's The Initiative studio hires former God of War producer - MSPoweruser
Former Uncharted game designer joins Xbox Game Studios' The Initiative


Loppukaneettina sanottakoon vielä, että Xbox Game Pass on ollut näin pelaajan näkökulmasta ihan helvetin kova juttu. :tup:
Laittakaas myös tämän foorumin xbox-fanit Spenkku-sedälle twiittiä Killer Instinctin tuomisesta takaisin #BringBackKI, niin saadaan yhdelle tämän genin parhaista mättöpeleistä jatkoa:

Game Passiin lisäpelejä

(Lisäksi The Bard's Tale I - IV 13.8.)

Aika jämäsetti muuten mutta Jackbox Party Pack 2 on kiva jos löytyy peliseuraa
Viimeksi muokattu:
Milloinkahan tuo suuri muutos tulisi, itselle tullut nyt parin päivän sisällä 2 kertaa 3.7 gigan pätsi ja ainakaan vielä ei menut ole muuttunut.
Sitten joskus. Ei siitä ole mitään aikatauluja kerrottu tietääkseni. En muista koska oma Xbox olisi näyttänyt mitään käyttiksen päivityksiä. Tekee ilmeisesti ne hiljaa öisin mitään kertomatta.
On kyllä ärsyttävää että Microsoft lopetti taaksepäinyhteensopivuus ohjelmansa. Joudun säilyttämään x360 konsolin ikuisesti koska Condemned 2 ei toimi Xbox Onella?
On kyllä ärsyttävää että Microsoft lopetti taaksepäinyhteensopivuus ohjelmansa. Joudun säilyttämään x360 konsolin ikuisesti koska Condemned 2 ei toimi Xbox Onella?
Resurssit siirretty yllätys yllätys seuraavaan xboxiin?
Edit: Uskoakseni jatkavat sitten tuota seuraavalla boxilla, saapi nähdä että tuleeko siihen sitten heti alussa jo samat BC pelit kuin oneille on tullut ja jatkaisivat siitä?


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