Star Citizen

Kumpi käytössä Vulkan vai DirectX, Vulkanilla on ollut kaatumisongelmia joillakin kuten minulla ja siksi Käytän DirectX:ää.

Vulkan taitaa olla oletuksena päällä nykyään.
Testasin molemmilla, Vulkanilla en päässy edes valikkoihin. Tämä on siis aiemmin toiminut kyllä, nyt viimeisten päivityksien jälkeen sitten ei.

4.0 Preview - Shard Locked Accounts Update (Error 60030)​

Today at 08:04

Happy New Year everyone!

Just a quick note to share some updates: Today, the team rolled out a corrective script to repair many accounts affected by a variant of the "shard locked" issue (commonly seen as error 60030). With this rollout, a large number of accounts have been restored through a repair and cleanup process and should now be able to play.

This, along with a few recently deployed fixes, should help prevent additional accounts from encountering this one too.

We’re also continuing to work on resolving other variants of this issue that are still affecting others, as well as addressing various gameplay-related issues in the 4.0 Preview environment.

The team is back and focused on getting things in good shape as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and support, and we'll keep you updated as we have more to share.
Huomenna on Daymar Rally
Tänään on Daymar Rally

Osallistun kisaan Marskin Nyrkin joukkueessa MARS Racing.
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Lossless Scaling Star Citizenissä


Free Fly​

Fortunate Flights​

A new year means new adventures.
Join the Red Festival Free Fly to pilot classic ships like the Consolidated Outland Nomad, RSI Constellation Taurus, Anvil Carrack, Drake Cutter, and Drake Cutlass Black.
Keep an eye out for additional announcements around the Red Festival Free Fly.

Free Fly alkaa todennäköisesti torstaina.
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Star Citizen Alpha 4.0.1 LIVE julkaistu

Nyt pitäisi bugien olla huomattavasti vähäisempiä kuin 4.0 julkaisussa oli.

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