Kuten täälläkin ovat jo eräät spekuloineet RTX 2080-korttien hintojen syistä:
Jon Peddie suggests that the
cost may just be a result of
what it takes to make this kind of hardware.
“Simple cost-of-goods… “ he told Tom’s Hardware over email. “These giant (and they are really big) chips cost a lot to make and test, and the huge amount of memory is expensive plus the cooling systems - just [cost of goods]. There's no rip off here, no conspiracy.”
But it could also be for a variety of other reasons.
Stephen Baker, vice president of industry analysis at NPD, suggested it could be due to inventory or availability.
I think they are likely trying to price these as very premium products,” Baker said. “Certainly if there is a significant amount of series 10 cards floating around they would want to at least draw that down somewhat.”
Why Are Nvidia's GeForce RTX GPUs So Expensive?
Mikäli syy on ensisijaisesti valmistuskustannukset, niin hintojen roimaa laskua tälle sukupolvelle (nykyinen valmistustekniikka) lienee turha odotella.
Mikäli syy on ensisijaisesti vanhan sukupolven varastot, ja RTX kortit eivät ala myymään, mutta Pascal -kortit myydään pois varastoista, niin jotain sanottavaa hinnanlaskua voisi ehkä tapahtuakin, tosin tuskin ensimmäisinä kuukausina.