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- 17.10.2016
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Easy Linux Tips Project: Avoid 10 Fatal Mistakes in Linux Mint and Ubuntu
Easy Linux Tips Project: Avoid 10 Fatal Mistakes in Linux Mint and Ubuntu
Never remove any application that's part of the default installation of Ubuntu or Linux Mint
9. Even when you never use a particular default application: don't remove it. Reason: the default installation is an intertwined system that's dependent on shared supporting files, which makes the operating system run stable.
When you remove a default application, you run a risk of seriously damaging the system. With some default applications this risk is bigger than with others, and with some there's no risk at all. But it's best to avoid this risk altogether.
If you want to, you can remove an unused application from the menu, but don't remove it from the system.
This limitation applies only to those applications, that are part of the default installation of Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Applications that you've added yourself, can be removed safely.