Mielenkiintoisia mielipiteitä. Jos katsoo esim. Englannille ja jenkeille tehtyä raporttia, niin siellä sanotaan näin:
The optimal timing of interventions differs between suppression and mitigation strategies, as well as depending on the definition of optimal. However, for mitigation, the majority of the effect of such astrategy can be achieved by targeting interventions in a three-month window around the peak of the epidemic.For suppression, early actionis important,and interventions need to be in place well beforehealthcare capacity is overwhelmed. Given the most systematic surveillance occurs in the hospital context, the typical delay from infection to hospitalisation means there is a 2-to 3-week lag between interventions being introduced and the impact being seen in hospitalised case numbers, depending on whether all hospital admissions are tested or only those entering critical care units. In the GB context, this means acting before COVID-19 admissions to ICUsexceed 200per week
Eli jos tämän mukaan mentäisiin, niin Suomessa ollaan optimista ajankohdasta edellä, liittyen noihin tehohoitoa saavien määriin.
Raportissa oli muutenkin mielenkiintoinen kommentti massakokoontumisista:
Stopping mass gatherings is predicted to have relatively little impact (results not shown) because the contact-time at such events is relatively small compared to the time spent at home, in schools orworkplacesand in other community locations such as bars and restaurants.
Otin tämän raportin esimerkiksi, koska mukana on monen ylistämä Ferguson.