Tummalla paahdolla saadaan hävitettyä huonojen papujen pahoja makuja kaikkien muiden makujen ohessa kun siitä iso osa makuja katoaa joten papujen laadulla ei ole niin paljoa väliä kuin vaaleassa paahdossa jossa on paljon makuja. Vaaleassa paahdossa ei voida tuosta syystä käyttää huonolaatuisia papuja.
Ammattikahvimaistajat käyttävät vaaleapaahtoista kahvia maisteluun koska vaaleassa paahdossa on aromit tallella.
Vaaleapaahtoiset pavut on kalliimpia niin tuskin johtuu.
Tässä esim. selitetty.
Are you trying to figure out which roast type is better ? As you read this article you'll notice that both light roasts and dark roasts have their good and bad sides. But let's see those differences between light and dark roasts, so you can choose which you'd like more when you next buy coffee.
1. Light roast lets the origin notes shine through, dark roasts don’t
2. Dark roasts cover up the flavor of low quality coffee beans
6. Light roasts are a bit more expensive than darker roasts
"Since light roasts tend to be Arabica beans, this also means that they’re a bit more expensive. Arabica beans are more expensive to begin with.
This is due to the low crop yield of Arabica trees, and due to the large demand from clients, and dues to how prone it is to some disease ans pests, and also because top top everything off, Robusta trees produce too much in the first place.
So this all contributes to making the Arabica bean some sort of princess of the coffee industry.
Finally, there’s also the fact that lighter roasts require a keen eye, ability to judge the coffee’s roast level by sound (or cracks like popcorn), smell, alongside everything else.
So, if you really want a light roast that’s good, you have to know what you’re doing. This means more attention, and better paid workers. Which again, translates to coffee that’s more expensive.
It’s easy to reach the dark roast level and then turn off the ovens, but it’s much more difficult to stop it at a light level."
Vaaleapaahtoinen kahvi on vähän kuin hienostokahvia verrattuna tummaan paahtoon.