
IRacingissä on kai mahdollista seurata katsojana toisten ajamista. Mistä katsojaksi pääsee ?
Olen siis kirjautunut sisään ja näen Up Next listan meneillään ja alkamassa olevista kisoista.
Watch-nappi oikealla ruudussa ei ainakaan toimi.
IRacingissä on kai mahdollista seurata katsojana toisten ajamista. Mistä katsojaksi pääsee ?
Olen siis kirjautunut sisään ja näen Up Next listan meneillään ja alkamassa olevista kisoista.
Watch-nappi oikealla ruudussa ei ainakaan toimi.
Watch-napin pitäisi muuttua harmaaksi Loading-napiksi ja Go Racing -ikkunan automaagisesti sulkeuduttua oikeaan yläkulmaan pitäisi tulla vihreä Join-nappi.
WWW-sivun kautta pääsee myös Find Official Series -valinnan kautta. Etusivulta pitää mennä ensin jonnekin toiselle sivulle, ennen kuin tuo tulee näkyviin.

IRacingissä on kai mahdollista seurata katsojana toisten ajamista. Mistä katsojaksi pääsee ?
Olen siis kirjautunut sisään ja näen Up Next listan meneillään ja alkamassa olevista kisoista.
Watch-nappi oikealla ruudussa ei ainakaan toimi.

UI:n kautta ei tällä hetkellä pääse kattomaan kisoja ja se onnistuu vain web-selaimen kautta. Jos haluat kattoa vaikka esim kaverin ajamista niin tuolta

UI:n kautta ei tällä hetkellä pääse kattomaan kisoja ja se onnistuu vain web-selaimen kautta. Jos haluat kattoa vaikka esim kaverin ajamista niin tuolta

UI:n kautta ei tällä hetkellä pääse kattomaan kisoja ja se onnistuu vain web-selaimen kautta. Jos haluat kattoa vaikka esim kaverin ajamista niin tuolta


Jatkoa tyhmille kysymyksille, mistäs tuohon näyttöön pääsee ?
Jatkoa tyhmille kysymyksille, mistäs tuohon näyttöön pääsee ?

Toi on snipattu mun kaverilistasta joten sieltä ainakin. Tossa on siis yks kaveri jossain kisassa ja se näkyy tollain vihreenä "play"-nappina, siitä kun klikkaa niin aukeaa nuo optiot.
Toi on snipattu mun kaverilistasta joten sieltä ainakin. Tossa on siis yks kaveri jossain kisassa ja se näkyy tollain vihreenä "play"-nappina, siitä kun klikkaa niin aukeaa nuo optiot.

Minulla ei ole kavereita edes tässä pelissä, joten ei sitten onnistu noinkaan.

Vähän taustaa:

Minulla on ollut peli asennettuna vuoden tai ylikin, mutta olen ajellut pelkkiä Test driveja, en ole rohjennut oikeisiin kisoihin ja nyt vielä jäi koko kesä ja syksy kokonaan väliinkin.

Ryhdyin nyt taas pitkästä aikaa testailemaan ja ajattelin, että jospa rohkenisi oikein kisoihinkin.

Mazda kisoissa näytti viikon rata olevan Oran Park.
Ajelin siinä Test driveja tunnin tai kaksi. Katselin sitten minkälaisia aikoja ne kisoissa ajavat.
Näytti olevan keskiajat siinä 1.18 ja parhaat 1.17 / kierros. Itte pääsin parin tunnin treenillä johonkin 1.23, eli tappiota tulisi semmoiset 5 - 6 sekuntia / kierros, eli eipä kannata noilla taidoilla live-kisoihin osallistua.
Siitä tuli mieleen mennä katselemaan muiden ajamista, että näkisi miten ne tuommoisen eron saavat aikaiseksi. No pelin sisältä en sitten päässyt katsojaksi.

Youtubesta löysin hyvän videon, jolla kaveri pisteli muina miehinä 1.16. Siitä sain vinkkejä ajolinjoista ja sekunnin-puolitoista omasta ajasta pois, mutta kaukana vielä ollaan.

Juu, tiedän, harjoittelua ja taas kerran harjoittelua.

Olen ollut ymmärtäväni, että auton säädöillä ei Mazda-kisoissa ole paljonkaan merkitystä, eikä meikän taidoilla varmaan edes kannata lähteä säätämäänkään. Silti en olisi pahoillani, jos joku olisi valmis jakamaan hyvät säädöt tuolle radalle, tai ensi viikon radalle.
Muuten tykkäsin kovasti Oran Parkista, todella erikoinen, paljon korkeuseroja ja pimeitä mutkia.
Kisassa ajettuja aikoja on huono vertailla ajamalla test drivea, kun keli vaikuttaa sen verta paljon kierrosaikaan. Jos et kisaan vielä uskalla, niin suosittelen harjoitusservuilla ajamista. Pääset muiden kanssa samaan aikaan harjoittelemaan. Parhaiten sitä kehittyy kun toisten kanssa ajaa samaan aikaan. :)
Toinen missä pääset samassa kelissä ajamaan on Time trial.
Kannattaa muistaa että iRacingissa kisat splitataan eri lähtöihin iRatingin perusteella, eli käytännössä kaikille löytyy sitä oman tasoista kilvanajoa.
Ihan turha pohtia onko tarpeeksi nopea, et sinä niitä 1.16-aikoja ajaneita vastaan joudu kisaamaan varmastikaan ennenkuin iRating nousee.
iRacingissa on melkeinpä tärkeämpää tasainen suorittaminen ilman sen suurempia mokia, kuin raaka nopeus, jos ajat kisan virheettä maaliin, olet erittäin todennäköisesti hyvällä sijalla maalissa. Varsinkin jossain Mazdassa joka on vielä nyyppäsarja ja jossa jengi ajelee pitkin seiniä muutenkin aika paljon.
Toinen missä pääset samassa kelissä ajamaan on Time trial.
Ei välttämättä!
Jos menee testisessioon nettisivun oikean yläkulman Race Now > Test Car on Track -napista, saat saman kelin kuin kisasessioissa. Oletettavasti tämä toimii samoin myös UI:n puolella, kun kisasivulta valitsee Solo Race > Test Session.
Jos kisassa on Generated Weather, Time Trialeissa on aina oletussää, kuten esimerkiksi Tour Modified -sarjassa:

Race Weather: Generated weather, dynamic sky*

Time Trial sessions will use iRacing default weather
Joo rohkeasti vaan online kisaamiseen mukaan, usein löytyy hyvää peliseuraa ja sijoitushan ei ole tärkeintä...ainakaan aluksi ;)
Jonossa ajamista tietty hyvä harjoitella vaikka tasaväkistä AI:ta vastaan jos ei ole tehnyt.
Ykkösprioriteetiksi ottaisin ettei kolhi muita.
Muiden mokailuilta on monesti paha välttyä etenkin peräänajoissa...niitä vaan tulee ja ei kannata hermojaan menettää.
Jos näkee että joku ajaa holtittomasti, niin antaa suosiolla tietä ja pitää pientä hajurakoa koska kierros tai kaksi niin on todennäköisesti varikolla korjaamassa autoaan.
Jos joku roikkuu koko ajan takapuskurissa ja yrittää vängällä ohi, laske se suosiolla menemään. Se ajaa kuitenkin myöhemmin pusikkoon tai kolarin jonkun kanssa. Kannattaa oikeesti harkita, kenen kanssa alkaa vääntämään!
onko tähän peruspakettiin tullu uusia ratoja kun pari viikkoa sitten oli oltonparkki ja nyt Oran park raceway? en ole noita ostanut tai itseasiassa mitään ekstraa.
onko tähän peruspakettiin tullu uusia ratoja kun pari viikkoa sitten oli oltonparkki ja nyt Oran park raceway? en ole noita ostanut tai itseasiassa mitään ekstraa.
Oran muuttui peruspakettiin kuuluvaksi samaan aikaan Oultonin kanssa neloskauden päivityksessä. Sen jälkeen ei ole tullut uutta "ilmaissisältöä".
Ok. Eihän se ole kuin yksi usan tunnetuimmista katuradoista. Siellä kisattu vuosikymmeniä.
Joskus kyllä vituttaa niin paljon että tekis mieli nakata ratti ikkunasta vittuun..

Eka kiekalla tällasta mayhemia josta melkein selvittiin, vain 4xinc tuosta hipaisusta:

Siitä sitten loppua kohden kunnes vartti ennen loppua huomio oli kiinnittyny bensatilanteeseen koska hei, missäs muualla niitä tsekkaamaan kun suorilla.. :facepalm:

Ja joo, tuon olis kerenny väistämään jos olisin katellu eteenpäin.. :facepalm:
Kyllä taas nakertaa niin helvetisti.. :dead:
Mulla kävi näin joukkokolarin sivullinen uhri. :D

Noo hirveesti ei vituta ku sija lähdössäki oli vasta 15. Maalissa 17. Paremmalla aika-ajolla ois välttäny koko tapahtuman....
Missä kiven alla olet oikein asunut?!?

Ei vaan... Yksi tunnetuimmista katuradoista kuten tuossa jo mainittiin
Sepäs selittää jenkkilä ja katurata ilmankos ei oo tuttu.
Uusille jäsenille taas puoleen hintaan:

Onkohan tähän tulossa Black Friday tarjousta jossa voisi ostaa Iracing dollareita esim. -30%?
Ei oo noita ollu tiettävsti enää vuosiin. Noi yllä mainitut subitarjoukset on ainoita mitä tulee.

Jos 2020 S4 LMP2 Ja Corvette GTE autolla oli kova lisäys, vaikuttaa 2021 S1 olevan vielä parempi.
Toistakymmentä open wheeleriä tallissa, niin taitaa tuo iR-01 jäädä ostamatta.
Tuohan ei ole mallinnettu minkään oikean auton mukaan, kirjoittavat että ehkä joskus sellainen on tämän virtuaalisen kehityksen ansiosta tulossa.

Long Beach menee kyllä ostoon.

9.12. kertoi sähköposti että Dallara saatavilla, onkohan sama tuolla radalla :hmm:

Ollut aika hiljaista oma pelaaminen viime viikot. Liekö tää etelän musta keli vai mikä, mutta mennyt vapaa-aika lähinnä nukkuessa :sleep:
Vihdoinkin Long Beach :D Monta vuotta ollut jo ostettuna. Vieläkö tekisi Monacon niin tärkeimmät katuradat löytyisi tästäkin pelistä :D :D :D
iRacing foorumilta S01 2021:lle:

- (DIRT OVAL) Big Block Modified & 358 Modified
- (DIRT OVAL) Cedar Lake Speedway
- (ALL) License Adjustments to Track Type.
- (ROAD) IMSA & Le Mans License Adjustments for Official Series
- (ROAD) Long Beach Street Circuit
- (ROAD) Dallara IR-01

- (OVAL) Coca-Cola Superspeedway
- (ROAD) Lamborghini Huracan GT3
- (DIRT ROAD) Charlotte Motor Speedway iRX

- (OVAL) Hickory Motor Speedway
- (ROAD) New Figure 8 Irwindale Speedway Configuration

- (ROAD) Hockenheimring
- (ROAD) Hungaroring
- (ROAD) Red Bull Ring
- (ROAD) Knockhill Racing Circuit

- (DIRT ROAD) Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya iRX Layout
Viimeksi muokattu:


- Official Events now have the ability to utilize and adjust the iRating and Safety Rating for a license class other than that which is required in order to qualify to join the Event. This cross-license information, if applicable, is provided in the UI via an additional license icon to the right of the qualification license.
- - For example, when an Indy Series that requires a C-Class Road License to participate goes to an Oval for Week 3, this specific event will now use your Oval iRating and Safety Rating for creating splits. When you're done racing, this event will also adjust your Oval License iRating and Safety Rating based on your performance.


- A new sub-section has been added to the Store: Gift Cards!
- - You can find this sub-section in the Store section on the sidebar.
- - This sub-section takes you to a page where you may purchase iRacing Gift Cards for yourself or others.

Go Racing

- Added a "Race Now" button to every week of the Season Schedule which allows users to either Test Drive or create a Hosted Session based on the configuration of the selected week.

- The tire compound column in the entries list may now be sorted.

Create a Race

- Fixed an issue where removing and then adding an Admin from the Select Admins step of Create a Race was encountering an error.


- Fixed some filtering issues where several cars were classified incorrectly.

- Various car search tags have been updated.


- The League Session Schedule has been inverted.

- A Test Drive button has been added to each League Series Session.

- A new column, Aggregate Points, has been added to the Results screen for League Sessions in the UI.

- The current overall League Series winner is displayed at the top of the League Session Results screen.

- Fixed an issue with the League Schedule table not having enough display space for Car and Track names.

- Number of Wins is now used as a tie-breaker for League Championship Standings.

3D Car Viewer

- - Some Car windows within the UI, such as that from My Content, now features a "3D Car Viewer" tab!
- - Clicking on this tab will open a new window where you can view a full dynamic 3D model of the vehicle.

- The 3D Car Viewer is rendered in real-time, just like you were viewing the vehicle in the Simulator.

- In the 3D Car Viewer, you can rotate and zoom the camera around the vehicle.
- - Rotate: left-click + drag.
- - Zoom: scroll-wheel.

- The display of all liveries are supported, including custom livery files saved on your machine.
- - Liveries are also immediately updated to any changes to these files. This means as soon as a new version of a car paint is detected, the 3D Car Viewer will immediately update. No more need to load the entire Simulator to check your work!

Paint Shop

- A new sponsor, Apex Racing Academy F3 Championship, has been added to the Paint Shop!
- - Two logos are available for this sponsor.

- A new sponsor, TURN Racing, has been added to the Paint Shop!
- - Two logos are available for this sponsor.

- A new sponsor logo, Sim Labs (dark theme), has been added to the Paint Shop!

- Car decals have been darkened slightly to better match the rendering of the car paint.

- Fixed an issue where your car could sometimes not display the correct wheel rim colors, number colors, or fonts.


Gift Cards

- The Gift Cards page is back!
- - iRacing Gift Cards are now available for purchase for yourself or others!
- - iRacing Dollars may now also be purchased for yourself or others from the same page!


Race Control

- When a Race finishes under Caution, you should now receive the same pace order messages as you would under any other Caution. This may help to prevent unexpected penalties due to passing under a Yellow Flag after a Race has finished.

- Fixed an issue with new pit exit delay Race Control system where if the first and last cars on grid are on either side of the Start/Finish line, the grid traversal time would compute out to be negative instead of wrapping positive, resulting in a 2.0 second Pit Exit Hold Penalty for some racers.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes the gain-time penalties being displayed were astronomically miscalculated.

Track Surface Model

- New convection coefficient and solar constant calculations have been added.
- - In general, the track should retain more heat energy from cars as a result.

Road Racing

- When driving line aids are enabled, pit exit driving lines now appear for road courses that require any unique pit exit paths.

Dirt Racing

- A one second cooldown has been added to firing the ignition for all dirt racing vehicles.

AI Racing

- The following vehicles are now available for AI Racing:
- - Dallara P217
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra

- The following track configurations are now available for AI Racing:
- - Autodromo Internazionale Enzo e Dino Ferrari - Grand Prix
- - Autódromo José Carlos Pace - Grand Prix

- The Actual Skill performance for AI Drivers has been adjusted to provide increased variability at lower ratings. This means AI Drivers with lower Skill ratings may be more prone to perform sub-optimally, make more mistakes, lose control more often, take an imperfect race line, and even crash more often. This better simulates a new driver who is still learning.

- AI Drivers have completed the following specialized training courses:
- - Optimized Race Starts
- - Pitting in Traffic
- - Zen Driving: Keeping Your Cool in Close Quarters
- - Advanced Pit Tactics for Oval Racers
- - Lateral Slip and You
- - Mastering Defensive Driving on Corners
- - Tips & Tricks for Entering and Exiting the Pits
- - Superspeedways 101: Gotta Go Fast

- AI Drivers have received specialized driver skills training with the following vehicles:
- - Dallara F3
- - Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
- - Indy Pro 2000 PM-18
- - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
- - Skip Barber Formula 2000
- - VW Jetta TDI Cup

- AI Drivers have received additional driver training at the following track configurations:
- - Atlanta Motor Speedway - Oval
- - Chicagoland Speedway
- - Road Atlanta - Full Course
- - Summit Point Raceway - Summit Point Raceway
- - Tsukuba Circuit - 2000 - Full

- AI Vehicle properties have been improved for the following vehicles:
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro
- - NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra

- Corrected an intermittent AI mind error where some drivers could immediately steer into a wall when beginning from the starting grid.


- A new tire spec has been applied to a variety of cars.
- - This adjustment corrects issues with grip at the contact patch and alleviates issues with low-load spike correction, where the vehicle could bounce around. Cars affected include the following:
- - - Audi R18
- - - Audi R8 LMS
- - - BMW M8 GTE
- - - Chevrolet Corvette C8.R GTE
- - - Dallara F3
- - - Dallara IR18
- - - Dallara P217
- - - Ferrari 488 GT3
- - - Ferrari 488 GTE
- - - Ford GT GT2/GT3 (Ford GT GT3)
- - - Ford GTE
- - - Formula Renault 3.5
- - - Global Mazda MX-5 Cup
- - - Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO
- - - Lotus 79
- - - McLaren MP4-12C GT3
- - - McLaren MP4-30
- - - Mercedes-AMG GT3
- - - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
- - - Porsche 911 RSR
- - - Porsche 919
- - - Ruf RT 12R (Ruf RT 12R C-Spec and Ruf RT 12R Track)
- - - Street Stock
- - - VW Jetta TDI Cup
- - - Williams FW31
- - - [Legacy] Mazda MX-5 Cup & Roadster - 2010 (ALL)

- Stockcar tires for short Ovals and Road Courses have been made more forgiving over the limit. Cars affected include the following:
- - ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala
- - NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra
- - NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro
- - NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2009
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Chevrolet SS - 2013
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Cup Ford Fusion - 2016
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2012
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Truck Chevrolet Silverado - 2008
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro - 2014
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang - 2016
- - [Legacy] NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Camry - 2015


- Some stockcars now feature realistic aerodynamic interactions based upon wall proximity. Cars affected include the following:
- - ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra
- - NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro
- - NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra

Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups

- With the 2021 Season 1 Release, we have created many brand new sets of custom built competitive setups for each of the 12 races scheduled within a vehicle’s Official Series.
- - These setups were built as a new initiative to give all our Members an opportunity to be more competitive. They were created by iRacers from a variety of backgrounds including DWC drivers to well respected community setup builders. These setups should allow a driver with ample skill and seat time to be competitive in top split racing.
- - The “Notes” page within the setup has been updated to give parameter adjustment recommendations.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups are available for the following vehicles:
- - ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala
- - Audi R18
- - Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS
- - Dallara F3
- - Dallara IR-01
- - Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Truck
- - McLaren MP4-30
- - Modified - NASCAR Whelen Tour
- - Modified - SK
- - NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
- - NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry
- - NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro
- - NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang
- - NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150
- - NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra
- - NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987
- - NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987
- - Porsche 919
- - Super Late Model
- - Silver Crown

Custom Competitive Setups

- With the 2021 Season 1 Release, we have created many brand new sets of custom built competitive setups for multiple track types.
- - These setups were built as a new initiative to give all our Members an opportunity to be more competitive. They were created by iRacers from a variety of backgrounds including DWC drivers to well respected community setup builders. These setups should allow a driver with ample skill and seat time to be competitive in top split racing.
- - The “Notes” page within the setup has been updated to give parameter adjustment recommendations.

- Custom Competitive Setups are available for the following vehicles:
- - Audi R8 LMS GT3
- - BMW M8 GTE
- - Chevrolet Corvette C8.R GTE
- - Dallara P217
- - Ferrari 488 GT3
- - Ferrari 488 GTE
- - Ford GT GT3
- - Ford GTE
- - Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO
- - McLaren MP4-12C GT3
- - Mercedes-AMG GT3
- - Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)
- - Porsche 911 RSR

New Damage Model

- The New Damage Model is now enabled for the Dallara IR18!

- Detached vehicle parts and tires are no longer collidable shortly after they have been removed from a vehicle when using the New Damage Model.
- - This is a significant update, and has been made in the spirit of fairness for racers, as the differences between local machine processing for detached vehicle parts could lead to significant discrepancies between what a driver was seeing, and reality. This was leading to some drivers hitting invisible detached car parts, and other drivers passing clean through detached car parts, unaffected.
- - - Now, when a vehicle part detaches from a car, its collision properties are disabled 0.50 seconds after it is no longer touching another physical object, and it may then no longer interact with other physical bodies in the world, including cars.
- - - This system has also been implemented for track objects, such as cones. When a track object is moved from its home position, its collision properties are disabled 0.50 seconds after it is no longer touching another object, and it may no longer interact with other physical bodies in the world, including cars.
- - - - Track surface and terrain are excluded in these processes; objects always collide with the ground.
- - - - The 0.50 second cooldown for both vehicle parts and track objects is refreshed if contact is made with another non-ground object within the cooldown period.

- Colliding with detached car parts or tires no longer cause penalties to either the victim of the debris or the source of the debris during or after impacts. Penalties are still awarded for colliding with a vehicle that has parts missing, or for colliding with a vehicle that has parts hanging off.

- Collision polygons have been improved to mitigate snagging edges.
- - The object collision system uses a lower resolution polygon than the actual game object or surface for collision detection in order to reduce the triangle count and allow for faster processing. However, issues can arrise where two collision polygons meet and create a snagging edge. This change adjusts how these edges are calculated, smoothing them, and reducing the likelihood of creating snagging surfaces.

- For the New Damage Model, suspension and wheel damage repair algorithms have been updated in order to prevent unauthorized moon launches and provide a more accurate damage state.
- - Center springs and torsion bars now break along with the associated corner spring/damper. They also no longer break along with the wheel if only the suspension was damaged.
- - Repairing a damaged spring/damper no longer causes the car to jolt suddenly, due to the high degree of deflection, which could jolt the car uncontrollably, causing a moon launch, or, in many cases, re-break the suspension.
- - Reattaching a removed wheel also no longer causes a sudden jolt.

- Mount attachment positions for wheel tethers have been updated.
- - This fixes an issue where tethered wheels could get into odd spots if they were dislocated due to a heavy impact prior to detachment.

- When a vehicle part detaches, the total breaking force is no longer applied directly to the car part, as this was far too large in some cases.

- Fixed a potential SIM crash issue that could occur when suspension damper rates were beyond safe limits.

- Fixed a potential SIM crash issue that could occur when the meshes involved in a collision test included too many overlapping triangles. This could occur with multiple complex objects, or at very high speeds.

- Fixed some issues with shadows for detached car parts.

- Fixed an issue where opponent and AI cars could make scraping sounds while driving around normally.

Old Damage Model

- Collision incident reporting has been updated for the Old Damage Model so that world impacts check for if the surface is a non-racing material before reporting an incident.

Pit Stop

- The animation system has received some optimization.

- Fixed an issue where sometimes a pit crew member failed to animate.

- Fixed an issue where the tire assistant pit crew member could get stuck in a T-pose.

- Fixed an issue where pit crew tires were missing if their team's car was not in the world.

- Fixed an issue where wheels were disappearing in virtual mirrors during pitstops.


- Fixed an issue where flags could be showing ghosted and stationary shadows.

- Fixed an issue with flickering shadows at night.

- Fixed an issue where certain catch fences and trees incorrectly reflected sunlight from transparent areas.

- Fixed an issue where static shadow maps were not rendering darkness correctly on very large objects, such as terrain and grandstands.


- Ambient night lighting has been adjusted. Overall lighting and shadows should be a bit darker.

- Stadium lighting on smoke and dust puffs has been improved.

Visual Effects

- Fixed an issue where concrete impact effects persisted too long.


- All NASCAR vehicles have had their in-car engine sounds updated.

- A new switch, "xa2_mixToLFE=1", has been added to the [Audio] section of the "app.ini" file.
- - This switch allows users to disable mixing normal game audio to the LFE channel on the default sound card. This can be used to stop game audio from interfering with our LFE bass shaker effects if both are outputing on the same audio channel.


- A new method for detecting XInput has been enabled for joysticks.

- The "joyEnableVibratePedalBinary" setting has been replaced with new "joyVibratePedalMinPct=10" and "joyVibratePedalMaxPct=90" entries within the "[Force Feedback]" sectio0n of the "app.ini" file.
- - These new entries let you set the minimum amount of lockup before the pedals start to vibrate and the maximum amount of lockup beyond which the pedals will vibrate at 100 percent. Based on your settings, if your pedals vibrate too often, then raise the minimum value, and if the vibrations are too weak, then lower the maximum value.
- - - The old binary mode had both values set to 30 percent, if you wanted to simulate the previous behavior.
- - - Please also note that this affects not only pedal vibration but also wheel and game pad vibration if your devices support that.


- A Russian spotter pack has been added to iRacing!
- - Support for this pack was provided by Dmitry Eniseev.
- - For now, this is an audio-only spotter pack because the Simulator currently does not support the display of Cyrillic characters

Video Capture

- The latest D3DGear video capture API has been updated.
- - This fixes a lock-up at shutdown that some users were experiencing.


ARCA Menards Chevrolet Impala

- For the New Damage Model, some adjustments have been made, including:
- - Front and rear chassis shapes have been improved.
- - Front toe links have been weakened to allow them to bend when hitting walls more easily.
- - Front fenders now break off if the corresponding wheel is broken off but remains tethered to prevent unsightly overlapping.
- - Hood durability has been fine-tuned.
- - Engine strength has been reduced slightly.
- - Aerodynamic mapping for nose damage.
- - Detached wheel properties have been adjusted.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Audi R18

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Audi R8 LMS

- Tire spec has been updated.

- Car physics have been re-tooled and are largely in line with its sister car, the Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO. Both cars have been BoP tested extensively against the rest of the class.

- Shift lights have been moved up by 200 RPM.

- A glass panel has been placed over the digital display, and the dashboard texture pattern has been updated slightly.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Audi RS 3 LMS

- Maximum steering lock has been increased.

- Fixed some tooltip issues:
- - Spring tooltips incorrectly indicated LHS and RHS springs had to be chosen in pairs.
- - Clarified the language for the optional 5th and 6th gear ratios.


- iRacing 2021 Season 1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Aerodynamic downforce has been adjusted.
- - Fueling rate has been adjusted.


- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Chevrolet Corvette C8.R GTE

- Adjustable packer heights have been disabled.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS

- Braking temperature threshold has been adjusted to improve brake feel.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Dallara F3

- Tire warmer temperature has been increased to 60 degrees Celsius for better cold tire performance.

- Minimum allowable cold tire pressures have been increased to 18.0 psi.

- Aerodynamic maps were modified so that appropriate values are used at extreme ride heights.
- - The maximum front ride height allowed in the garage was also reduced to 30 mm.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Dallara iR-01

- - The Dallara iR-01 is now available for racing!
- - - The Dallara IR-01 is iRacing and Dallara’s answer to the challenges of premier international open-wheel motorsport. Designed to blend together the best elements of grand prix racing’s past, present, and future, this fast and agile machine is easy to pick up, but limited electronics and driver aids make it challenging to master. The IR-01 is powered by a naturally aspirated, 3.0-liter V10 reminiscent of the engines that dominated the sport in the early and mid 1990s. Producing upwards of 900 horsepower at a dry weight of just 600 kilograms, the result is an aggressive car that races well in traffic and is a pure thrill ride to drive.
- - - - Add the Dallara iR-01 to your digital garage from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

- Multiple tire compounds are available for use with this vehicle at Road Courses!
- - You are able to select "Soft", "Medium", or "Hard" tire compound. Each behaves as real-world tires of the selected compound.
- - You select your desired tire compound in the Garage. When a new tire compound is selected, during your next pit stop, the tires will be changed for the new type. Each time you change your tire compound, this counts as 1 set of tire changes used.
- - Whichever tire compound type you select for use during a Qualify Session, will be carried over to the start of the Race Session; you may not change it before the Race starts.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Dallara IR18

- Tire spec has been updated.

- The New Damage Model is now enabled for this vehicle!

- Multiple tire compounds are now available for use with this vehicle at Road Courses!
- - You are able to select either "Primary" or "Alternate" tire compound. Each behaves as real-world tires of the selected compound.
- - You select your desired tire compound in the Garage. When a new tire compound is selected, during your next pit stop, the tires will be changed for the new type. Each time you change your tire compound, this counts as 1 set of tire changes used.
- - Whichever tire compound type you select for use during a Qualify Session, will be carried over to the start of the Race Session; you may not change it before the Race starts.

- An engine power temperature sensitivity model has been added.
- - If the engine gets too hot, the car will begin to lose horsepower.

- Fuel consumption model has been improved.
- - There is now less power loss with reduced fuel consumption settings.

- The 3/8" full span rear wicker is now available for use at Indianapolis Motor Speedway - IndyCar Oval.

- Aerodynamics and drafting models have been updated.

- Fuel maps have been updated.

- Fixed an issue with the animated pit crew's hose behaving incorrectly.

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Dallara P217

- Tire spec has been updated.

- This vehicle is now available for AI Racing!

- Fuel fill rate has been increased.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Dirt Late Model

- (ALL) - Engine sounds have been improved.

Dirt Modified

- - The Dirt Modified is now available for racing!
- - This vehicle includes two classes:
- - - Dirt Big Block Modified
- - - Dirt 358 Modified
- - - Incredibly popular throughout the northeastern United States, and with additional rounds as far south as Florida and north as Canada, dirt modifieds are just as fun to drive as they are to watch. Incredibly passionate fans pack the stands as these beasts go wheel-to-wheel in one of the most unique cars to hit the dirt bullrings of North America. One of dirt oval racing’s most beloved cars, the Super DIRTCar Series Big Block Modified produces a whopping 757 horsepower from its 467 CID naturally aspirated powerplant. Get behind the wheel of the same machines that headline Super DIRT Week, the DIRTCar Nationals, Hall of Fame 100, and more, and see if you’ve got what it takes to come out on top!
- - - - Add the Dirt Modified to your digital garage from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

Ferrari 488 GT3

- Tire spec has been updated.

- iRacing 2021 Season 1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Aerodynamic lift, drag, and downforce have been adjusted slightly.
- - Aerodynamic model has been updated.
- - Engine power has been increased slightly.
- - Center of gravity has been raised slightly.
- - Fuel economy has been adjusted slightly.
- - Maximum allowable ride heights have been adjusted.
- - Rear wing adjustment range has been narrowed.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Ferrari 488 GTE

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Ford Fiesta RS WRC

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Ford GT GT2/GT3

- (Ford GT GT3) - Tire spec has been updated.

- (Ford GT GT3) - iRacing 2021 Season 1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Aerodynamic model has been updated.
- - Overall drag has been increased.
- - Engine power has been increased slightly.
- - Center of gravity has been raised slightly.
- - Vehicle weight has been reduced.
- - Rear wing adjustment range has been narrowed.
- - Fuel economy has been adjusted slightly.
- - Downshift parameters have been adjusted.
- - Aerodynamic downforce and balance have been adjusted slightly.
- - Suspension geometry has been updated with additional anti-dive.
- - Maximum allowable ride heights have been adjusted.

- (Ford GT GT3) - Shift lights have been updated to better match the engine power curve as follows:
- - 2 green lights = 6750 RPM
- - 4 green lights = 7000 RPM
- - 6 green lights = 7250 RPM
- - 2 red lights and 6 green lights = 7500 RPM

- (Ford GT GT3) - Garage screen has been updated.

- (Ford GT GT3) - Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Ford GTE

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Ford Mustang FR500S

- Engine sounds have been updated.

Global Mazda MX-5 Cup

- In-car engine sounds have been updated.

Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO

- - The Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO is now available for racing!
- - - Decades of racing heritage come together in the Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO, Lamborghini’s latest GT3 challenger in sports car racing series from around the world. Developed in house in Sant’Agata Bolognese by Lamborghini Squadra Corse, the Huracán GT3 EVO builds on the winning formula of its predecessor, the Huracán GT3, with improved aerodynamics developed in conjunction with Dallara and a powerful 5.2-liter V10 engine. 2020 was a banner year for the car, with a clean sweep of the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship’s driver and team titles in both its full-season and endurance race standings for Paul Miller Racing. Across the Atlantic, Barwell Motorsport ran the car to Lamborghini’s first British GT title, while a class victory in the 24 Hours of Spa and multiple GT World Challenge victories rounded out a stellar season.
- - - - Add the Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO to your digital garage from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Legends Ford '34 Coup

- (Legends Ford '34 Coupe) - iRacing setups have been updated.

Lotus 49

- Rear anti-roll bar settings have been adjusted.

- Rear ride height markers have been adjusted.

- iRacing setups have been updated

Lucas Oil Off Road Pro Trucks

- (Lucas Oil Off Road Pro 2 Truck) - Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

McLaren MP4-12C GT3

- Tire spec has been updated.

- iRacing 2021 Season 1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Aerodynamic model has been updated.
- - Overall drag has been increased.
- - Engine power has been increased slightly.
- - Center of gravity has been raised slightly.
- - Rear wing adjustment range has been narrowed.
- - Fuel economy has been adjusted slightly.
- - Aerodynamic drag has been increased slightly.
- - Suspension geometry has been updated with additional anti-dive.
- - Maximum allowable ride heights have been adjusted.

- Rear anti-roll bar adjustment positions 5 and 6 have been removed.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

McLaren MP4-30

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle

Mercedes-AMG GT3

- Tire spec has been updated.

- iRacing 2021 Season 1 BoP Adjustments:
- - Aerodynamic model has been updated.
- - Overall drag has been increased.
- - Engine power has been increased slightly.
- - Center of gravity has been raised slightly.
- - Rear wing adjustment range has been narrowed.
- - Fuel economy has been improved slightly.
- - Maximum allowable ride heights have been adjusted.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Modified - SK

- (ALL) - Tire spec has been updated.

- (ALL) - Brake bias is now adjustable in the garage and on the track.

- (ALL) - Suspension has been adjusted.

- (ALL) - Ride height positions have been updated.

- (ALL) - Garage ranges and layout have been updated.

- (ALL) - Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Chevrolet Monte Carlo - 1987

- Aerodynamic properties have been adjusted.

- The allowable range of tire pressures has been expanded.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Cup Series Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this car is running at superspeedways.

- Drafting aerodynamic properties have been adjusted slightly.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Cup Series Ford Mustang

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this car is running at superspeedways.

- Drafting aerodynamic properties have been adjusted slightly.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Camry

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this car is running at superspeedways.

- Drafting aerodynamic properties have been adjusted slightly.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Ford Thunderbird - 1987

- Aerodynamic properties have been adjusted.

- The allowable range of tire pressures has been expanded.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Chevrolet Silverado

- This vehicle is now available for AI Racing!

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this truck is running at superspeedways.

- Drafting aerodynamic properties have been adjusted slightly.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Ford F150

- This vehicle is now available for AI Racing!

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this truck is running at superspeedways.

- Drafting aerodynamic properties have been adjusted slightly.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Gander Outdoors Toyota Tundra

- This vehicle is now available for AI Racing!

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this truck is running at superspeedways.

- Drafting aerodynamic properties have been adjusted slightly.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Xfinity Chevrolet Camaro

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this car is running at superspeedways.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Xfinity Ford Mustang

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this car is running at superspeedways.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

NASCAR Xfinity Toyota Supra

- Some vehicle parameters have been updated for when this car is running at superspeedways.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR

- Vehicle branding has been updated.

Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991)

- Tire spec has been updated.

- Aerodynamic downforce has been reduced greatly.

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Porsche 911 RSR

- Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Porsche 919

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Radical SR8

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Ruf RT 12R

- (Ruf RT 12R C-Spec and Ruf RT 12R Track) - Tire spec has been updated

Silver Crown

- In-car engine sounds have been improved.

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

Skip Barber Formula 2000

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Sprint Car

- In-car engine sounds have been improved.

Street Stock

- Tire spec has been updated.

- Gearing options have been updated.

- Fixed an issue where a gear was being counted twice.

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Subaru WRX STI

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Super Late Model

- Track Specific Custom Competitive Setups have been added for this vehicle.

VW Beetle

- iRacing setups have been updated.

Williams FW31

- iRacing setups have been updated.

[Legacy] Dallara DW12

- Aerodynamics model has been updated.

- An engine power temperature sensitivity model has been added.
- - If the engine gets too hot, the car will begin to lose horsepower.

- Fuel consumption model has been improved.
- - There is now less power loss with reduced fuel consumption settings.

[Legacy] Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype - 2008

- iRacing setups have been updated.


Autodromo Nazionale Monza

- (Grand Prix) - Smoothed some bumps in the track surface around Turn 7 and Turn 11.

Brands Hatch Circuit

- - A new track configuration, Rallycross, has been added to this track!
- - - This track configuration is immediately available for all users who already own Brands Hatch Circuit, and to those that purchase it!
- - Add Brands Hatch Circuit to your digital landscape from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

- Photographers have arrived at this track.

Cedar Lake Speedway

- - Cedar Lake Speedway, a Dirt Oval track, is now available for racing!
- - - Home of The Masters and the USA Nationals, Cedar Lake Speedway is one of the premier circuits on the World of Outlaws Morton Buildings Late Model Series schedule. “Wisconsin’s Fastest Piece of Real Estate” is a .375-mile clay oval based in New Richmond, Wisconsin, that broke ground in 1956 and opened the very next year. The track was conceived after farmer Elmer Cook remarked that the natural bowl in the swamp on his farm property would make a perfect racetrack, and after just three weeks of roughed out work, the track began to take shape. Since then, Cedar Lake has come a long way from its humble beginnings, which saw 85 spectators watch 12 cars at its first event. Today, it’s home to marquee events like the World of Outlaws USA Nationals, The Masters, Legendary 100, and more. Whether sprint cars, late models, or modifieds are your preference, you’ll find Cedar Lake’s clay surface to be as fun as it gets to drive.
- - Add Cedar Lake Speedway to your digital landscape from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

Charlotte Motor Speedway

- - A new track configuration, Rallycross, has been added to this track!
- - - This track configuration is immediately available for all users, as Charlotte Motor Speedway is part of the default iRacing content!

- Main asphalt track surface specular (reflectivity) map has been adjusted slightly.

Homestead Miami Speedway

- Environment textures have been updated with new PBR shaders!

- SAFER barriers have been added around the track.

- Several terrain seams in the infield have been patched.

- The backstretch infield has been paved to reflect this track's current real-world layout.

- Track bumpmap has been regenerated to include the apron areas that were formerly grass.

Irwindale Speedway

- - A new track configuration, Figure Eight Jump, has been added to this track!
- - - This track configuration is immediately available for all users who already own Irwindale Speedway, and to those that purchase it!
- - Add Irwindale Speedway to your digital landscape from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

Kentucky Speedway

- Photographers have appeared at this track.

Lanier National Speedway

- Environment textures have been updated with new PBR shaders!

- Fixed an issue where the pace car would sometimes drive directly through a pit road wall when exiting pits.

Lånkebanen (Hell RX)

- Fixed the "å" character in several instances.

Lernerville Speedway

- Collision has been enabled for some additional environment objects.

Long Beach Street Circuit

- - Long Beach Street Circuit is officially no longer a Tech Track! A complete 3D environment has been built around the existing laser-scanned asphalt road track!
- - - Born against long odds in 1976, the Long Beach Grand Prix is North America's premier street race. The debut event featured Formula 5000 cars in a race won by Brian Redman. The following year, Clay Regazzoni captured the inaugural U.S. Grand Prix (West) and in 1977 Mario Andretti passed Jody Scheckter in the closing laps to become the first American to win an F1 race on home ground. Andretti's popular victory put the race on firm financial footing and set in motion the rebirth of Long Beach, which morphed from a down-on-its heels port city to a thriving modern city/tourist destination. The resulting building boom necessitated ongoing changes to the track layout, finally settling on the current 1.968 mile, 11 turn circuit encircling the Long Beach Convention Center and the Long Beach Aquarium. Nor were the changes limited to the track and its environs. The Long Beach GP changed gears in 1984, bringing the home-grown Indy cars to town as the featured attraction. The event hardly missed a beat, as the names of Unser, Zanardi, Montoya, Franchitti and Power soon joined the likes of Regazzoni, Andretti, Villeneuve, Piquet and Lauda on the illustrious list of Long Beach winners. What's more, the event grew to include - at various times - the American Le Mans Series, GRAND-AM Sports Car Series and the Pirelli World Challenge, along with the popular Toyota Celebrity race in which Hollywood's famous (and near famous) exchange Armani and Gucci for Simpson and Bell. F1 or IndyCar, world class driver or movie star, the Long Beach Grand Prix circuit is as testing as they come ... with very hard walls eagerly awaiting the slightest mistake.
- - Customers who previously owned the Long Beach Street Circuit Tech Track have been awarded $5.00 in iRacing Credits.
- - - This update removes the Long Beach Street Circuit Tech Track.
- - Add Long Beach Street Circuit to your digital landscape from the iRacing Store here: <LINK_COMING_SOON>

North Wilkesboro Speedway

- Fixed an issue where some old point-cloud data was seeping into the iRacing landscape at this track.

Texas Motor Speedway

- Fixed an issue where a safety foam section was installed backwards.

Weedsport Speedway

- Fixed some rough collision parameters where some wall sections meet.

[Legacy] Pocono Raceway - 2009

- (International) - Animated pit stops have been enabled at this track configuration.


Ilmeisesti uusi build on ulkona, miltä näyttää Long Beach ja kuinka hyvin pyörii vr:ssa ?

Itselläni on ollut techratana ikuisuuden ja oon tykännyt radasta aina IndyCar Racingista lähtien.
Muistin että mullakin olisi ollut se tech versio vaan eipä ollut, siitä olis saanut vitosen hyvityksen.

Katsoin tuota em tulevan kauden (alkaa ensi viikon tiistaina) kalenteria, niin en bongannut mistään sarjasta tuota Long Beach:a :hmm:

Ens kaudella keskityn kahteen, korkeintaan kolmeen sarjaan.
Skippy on edelleen oma suosikki, taisin S04:lla jäädä lopulta 4.:ksi rookie sarjassa kun iski kisaväsymys.

Jos käsitin oikein, niin jatkossa peli jakaa pelaajat niin että siihen vaikuttaa iRating:n lisäksi myös SR joka olisi kyllä tervetullutta. Aika vähän on tullut vastaan A-lisenssin pelaajia jotka ei lainkaan huomioi muita, mutta korkean iRating:n omaavia D-lisenssin omaavia kuspäitä kylläkin.

AI kisoista pitäville on tullut uutta, Dallara P217 kiva lisäys katupuolelle.

Täytyy viikonloppuna testailla uutta versiota ja ehkä ostaa Long Beach ja tai uusi GT3 Lambo...tuli 10 i$ takas :greedy:
Long Beachin hakemiston koko 1,36Gt, lähes kaksi kertaa isompi kuin Nyrre.

Katsoin tuota em tulevan kauden (alkaa ensi viikon tiistaina) kalenteria, niin en bongannut mistään sarjasta tuota Long Beach:a :hmm:
Centripetal on placeholderina LB:lle.

AI kisoista pitäville on tullut uutta, Dallara P217 kiva lisäys katupuolelle.
Joo, nyt voi laittaa divebombereita mukaan, aggressio ja optimismi sataseen, niin vastaa todellisuutta... :rolleyes:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ilmeisesti uusi build on ulkona, miltä näyttää Long Beach ja kuinka hyvin pyörii vr:ssa ?
Hyvin pyörii VR:ssä meikäläisen nuhapumpulla (4770K@4.2GHz, 16Gt, 1080, Rift S) ainakin yksin ajellessa. Tasaista 80fps ympäri radan. Latausaikakin oli yllättävän lyhyt, pikkuisen päälle minuutin. Todella mahtavan pomppuinen testirata SFX100:lle!
Joo hyvin tuntuu Long Beach toimivan VR:llä.
Tän viikon siellä unofficial kisa Skippyllä, myös official Cupilla.
Ratana ei vaan mun mielestä mikään niin ihmeellinen, mut tuli nyt hommattua. 2,43$ kun kaudesta sai sen kympin ja 20% alennus.
Jos jollakulla nyt on subi ummessa eikä pääse forkkaa lukemaan..
Eli ensi vuoden special event-kalenteri julkaistiin tänään, ainakin toukokuulle asti. Ilmeisesti siellä on nyt kiistaa nimenkäytöstä Le Mansin 24h kisan kanssa kun eivät voineet koko vuoden kalenteria pistää kerralla ulos..

2021 Special Events Schedule.PNG

While not yet shown on the schedule, we are bringing back the Watkins Glen 6 Hours, Knoxville, and Winter Derby while also adding, new for 2021, events at Crandon, Suzuka, and Hockenheim.

Jokaiseen enduun olis tarkotus tuon FEA-tiimin kanssa osallistua + Daytona 500 ja Indy 500 nyt on ihan must have eventtejä. :drool:
On se vaan voitto makoisaa, ei näitä liian usein tule joten kelpaa tällanen kurasplit voittokin mainiosti. :kippis:

ILMS, Sebring ja Dallara.


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