Tällaistä helvettiä Etelä-Koreassa tietokonepelaamisen suhteen. Näin käy, kun naiset päästetään päättämään nuorten poikien asioista.
I got a story for you. South Korea government has official ministry of women. Yes, ministry of women. Run by full of hypocritical paid radical Feminists. And there's more. You know what they do? Government commissioned ministry or women (Let's call MoW) to make and decide whatever law about sub-culture, expecially video game. So, this ministry did nothing about the actuall feminism or women's right but they only make shitty regulation, censorship, and copyright laws. Where to begin.. god damn, South Korea became a living SJW paradise and eternal shithole of all gamers. They started with internet real name system in 2001. The law is basically you need to register and enter your social srcutiry number in every websites on the internet. Your name, birth date, address will automatically sent to website's owner. You think this is horrible? This was just beggining. A foundation stone to Korean internet's Big Brother system. First, they started to broadcast shit-tons about anti-gaming commercials and propaganda in media since dawn of 2000. See the video i embeded. Then they ignited the first light with "Shutdown Law" in 2011, aka Cinderella law. Basically illegalize all the video game playing by minors from midnight to 9AM. Your MMO clients will automatically shutdowned and cops will raid PC Cafe to arrest illegal video gaming. Yes, I'm not exaggerating or bluffing. It really is. After they conquered every MMO games and PC Cafe, they invaded home console area, such as PS and Xbox. They pressured MS and Sony to follow their rule but they don't want to create the new code for the Korean Government. So, MS blocked every new Xbox Live registration by age under 19 by social security number checking and Sony simply shutdown their PSN service for Korea. Sony officially pull out their service in Korea, for temprary. PSN registration came back in 2013 but now they require your social secury number. If you created you PSN before 2011 and you're youth, you're fucked. You can't play your video game anymore. Your account is crippled and you won't able play your game again.
After they enslaved all the gamers, they stratched even further. In 2012, they strengthened the already-big brother copyright law to whole new maximum level. They illegalized all video games those not rated. Commercial or non-profit, doesn't matter. This is when the whole Korean internet block rampage started. If you create a 'Game', digital or TPRG, form does not mater, then you have to get rating for your game and pay thousands of dallar USD and pay taxes yearly. After this law gone in action, they started block tens of thousands of online video game websites daily, and ask them to pay tax to Korean Government. Shit just got real. It included simple webgames to RPG Maker, and even mods for your PC game. Korean RPG Maker and modding community got annihilated by government and they're gone for good because they can't pay thousands of dallars yearly for just one mod or game. about half a million websites got blocked in just 6 months after law in effect and most of them still haven't unblocked. Some of them gadly paid the taxes, most of them not. Korean gaming community still couldn't recovered this. The law enforcing is weekened after a year but th law is still there. You're a felony in Korea if you don't pay taxed for your video game. The location doesn't matter, this law aplies to all video game makers and they decide if your creation is form of 'Game' or not. Even rock scissors papers can be, and must be registered as 'Game' and be rated. After this, Korean senators start to pressure on Steam, so Steam decided to remove all the un-rated Korean video games from the store and removed all the Korean language support for un-rated games, since the Korean language itelf is considered (holy shit) as copyright by the Korean government. This is not over yet. In last year, 2014, they officially declared the video game into one of the 4 evil elemental of society, along with drugs, alcohol, and gamble. They proposed the "Addiction care law" in 2013. This law isn't at full-effect yet. What's the purpose of this law? They now officially can mug your wallet, and make shitty regulation laws without fussy legislative proceedings in the name of "Anti-Addiction". The Government now can collect up to 5% of pure income from whatever industry for preventing addiction. And they can literally make any anto-addiction law from scratch to full-effect within a day without any procedures. Any, I mean ANY, procedures. By a Presidential decree. It can include ban, censor, regulate, tax, inspect, anything you can imagine. If this law went effect, god know what's gonna be next. Living as gamer in Korea is like living as a black slave in 16th century. I don't know what to tell anymore. I can even write a book about the current state of Korea but right now but I think this is enough to talk for now. Did I meantion that owning or distributing pornography is considered more heavy felony than actual rape and murder in Korea? Probably not. A Japanese hentai-doujin translator got sentenced in 5 years in jail while the rape and murder suspect got 3 years in jail because he got no criminal record before and the judge seen him as can be rehabilitated.
South Korea is living example of hypocrisy and the empire of lie. Last year of november, A 19 years old youth from dedicated fascism website called 'ILBE' (think it as /baph/ met /pol/ with Nazi style) made his own IED bomb and blew it to a public seminar about "Let's forgive North Korea". More than dozens of people injured and 5 people got 3rd degree burn. One of them was paid security guy and he need to skin transplant about one third of his body. Doctors said he could never live as before. And you know what media said? THEY PRAISED THE THERRORIST AS A TRUE PATRIOT! Like comparing him to Korean Resistence from 20th century from the Japanese occupation. He released free after only few days of light interrogation and hundreds of Korean fascists and ILBE members, including several Korean senetors, they opened a party for celebrate his release. Donations opened for cheer his brave act and millions achieved. Literally he got money and reputaion for bombing random people. Let's quit from here. As I said, I can write a fucking book about this. Does it look like lies to you? Look like exaggerating? A novel? No, my fellow GGers. This is completely real. I didn't lied a thing. I can swear in the name of my ancestors. This, is current state of SJW occupied Korea. This is what happens when you let SJWs rule out culture. This is what happens when you let them decide what you read, listen, and play. This is what happens when you do nothing and watch them devour your community. This is soons to be America's future and you're the one who can top it. Go out and do something before this happening to your homeland. For god's sake, Stop, This, Madness.
Valtion Anti-Gaming propagandamainos