Kotimaisen Remedyn Control julkaistiin muutama viikko sitten, ja Gamereactorin arvion pääsee lukemaan
täällä. Pelaava kansa on raportoinut erinäisistä teknisistä ongelmista, mutta nyt linjoille on saatu se ensimmäinen korjaava päivitys PS4:lle. Xbox Onella ja PC:llä pelaavat joutuvat odottamaan vielä hetken.
Katso kuvan alta englanniksi korjauksien lista ja kerro kommenteissa, onko Control valintasi vuoden peliksi.
- Bug and crash fixes to missions, combat and overall game play
- Fixed multiple issues with the PC launcher related to DX11/DX12 crashes
- Improved title stability on all platforms
- Improved general frame-rate performance through optimisations made to multiple systems and content
- Improved map loading times (map will no longer tease information)
- Motion Blur On/Off toggle added to Options menu
- Film Grain On/Off toggle added to Options menu
- Fixed incorrect UI behaviour on ultra-wide monitors (PC)
- Fixed multiple issues when incorrect subtitles are shown for multiple languages
- Fixed issue when the game centers the aim on Jesse's head
- Fixed multiple UI related issues
- Fixed an issue when player could not acquire 'Pierce Charging Efficiency' and 'Spin Grouping Efficiency' upgrade
- Fixed issue when Crafting Charge and personal Mods would not give the Weapon/Mod but take the materials (Sorry. The Board was greedy)
- Fixed issue that prevented players activating the Pierce weapon form upgrade
- Fixed issue when Jesse is unable to cleanse the 'Transit Corridor South' Control point upon returning from Prime Candidate Program area in the mission The Face of the Enemy
- Fixed an issue when Heptonstall would not spawn during certain story missions in the "Old Friends" side-mission (still looking for his buddy Remus)
- Fixed issue when Hiss Barrier remains in the Directorial Override mission's Control Room if the player dies during the binding cut scene
- Fixed issue when certain licensed music tracks play after enabling the 'Mute Copyrighted Tracks' option
- Fixed and issue when audio is out of sync in the Dr Darling videos (PS4)
- Fixed issue with the Charge weapon forms erroneous blast radius causing (way) too much visual damage to the environments
- Fixed an issue where game would stall when completing a story mission and unlocking a trophy (PS4)