- Liittynyt
- 19.10.2016
- Viestejä
- 4 438
Viime yönä tai aamusta tuli patch, PC:llä koko reilu 20GB.
Spoilerissa oman näkymyksen mukaan Warzone/Plunder koskevat muutokset.
Pieni nosto tuossa loadout hintaan, +$2500.
Ehkä kokeilevat ensin tuon vaikutusta, ja tarvittaessa hilataan lisää. Sanoisin että kyllä tuokin määrä voi alkupelissä tehdä jo eroa entiseen.
Loput muutokset eli peruspeliä koskevat voi vaklata linkin takaa:
Spoilerissa oman näkymyksen mukaan Warzone/Plunder koskevat muutokset.
- New Coalition Operator, Talon!
- Plunder: Blood Money - Guaranteed cash drops on all kills. Bounty Contracts and Finishing Moves pay extra cash!
- When using KBM, the navigation arrows used to change which Season you’re viewing go in the wrong direction. This has been fixed
- Fixed a bug where the killcam showed the player they were killed by Thermite rather than underbarrel thermite
- In some cases, Xbox players might experience in-game stuttering after the console has been in Rest Mode and the “Instant On” setting is enabled. This has been fixed
- Fix for a bug where players could see Daily Challenges rewarding duplicate rewards instead of XP
- We now show weapon and equipment counts in the killcam. If a player was using Stopping Power, then the ammo count will be orange to denote this. We also show whether a player was using Dead Silence in the killcam as well
- Since the 3/10 update, some players could encounter white flashes of light/VFX when shooting/standing near a wall, object, or another player. This has been fixed
- Increased the max travel time for Crossbow bolts from 3 seconds to 6 seconds for longer distance shots
- Bolt action rechamber will no longer be retriggered if interrupted after the round has been ejected (this fixes an issue with redundant bolt action rechambers after weapon switches)
- Removing inaccurate attachment description from Solozero NVG Enhanced Scope: “Optic glint visible to enemies”
- Amped: Increased Amped reload speeds for the Strela-P, PILA, and JOKR
- E.O.D: Damage resistance fixes and tuning:
- Fixed an issue where Thermite equipment was not showing the damage resistance icon even though damage resistance was being applied
- Stuck Thermite and Thermite bolts no longer have their damage reduced
- Field Upgrade Pro: Stopped cases where failed Field Upgrade placements would cause equipment to be used
- Tactical Insert: Added broken Tactical Insert icon that is shown when the Tac Insert is destroyed
- Deployable Cover:
- Shotguns now destroy Deployable Cover with 3 melee hits
- Added damage stats for vehicle and thermite damage
- Fixed a bug where placing Deployable Cover on a door two times would allow the door to be moved
- EMP Drone: Allow the EMP Drone to be used at the start of a new round in multi-round game modes
- Stopping Power: We’ve doubled the amount of Stopping Power ammo given to Akimbo weapons
- Stun Grenades are now less intense
- Several fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability
- New weapons can be found on the ground and in Supply Boxes: 725 Shotgun, MK2 Carbine (Marksman Rifle), EBR-14 (Marksman Rifle) and the .50 GS (Handgun)
- Players who disconnect in Last Stand will now drop their items when leaving the game
- Fix for a bug where the animation for the player equipping a gas mask will interrupt and block players from deploying their parachute
- Tuned close up shotgun damage to prevent a single shotgun blast from downing a fully armored player. Stopping power can still make this happen
- Added Warzone specific controller button layouts. The Bumper Ping and Bumper Ping Flipped layouts will allow those playing Warzone with a controller to use the Ping feature more efficiently
- Players can no longer stack self-revive kits
- Players that are spectating still get plunder payouts from contracts but at only 40% of the value paid to living players
- Fixes to help prevent hitching when interacting with Cash Deposit Helicopters and Recon Contracts
- Fix for a rare bug that allowed players to equip two riot shields if they had two different camos, but only one would appear on the player
- Made it easier to see which item is selected while using a Buy Station
- Updated button layout for equipment while using gamepad
- Fixed a bug for players are not receiving a banner on the top right of the screen for allies or enemies initiating kill streaks
- Prevent bullets that hit the riot-shield from depleting player armor
- If a player flies the Recon Drone out of bounds, the player will hear the out of bounds countdown timer but will not see the countdown splash on their screen. This has been fixed
- Fix for various and potential exploits
- Field Upgrades: Fixed a bug where some Field Upgrades were not ending at the end of the pre-match
- Players will now get a kill when someone that you’ve downed, disconnects from the game
- Reduced the amount of cash given for averting a bounty
- Increased price of Loadout Drop within the Buy Station to $8,500
Pieni nosto tuossa loadout hintaan, +$2500.
Ehkä kokeilevat ensin tuon vaikutusta, ja tarvittaessa hilataan lisää. Sanoisin että kyllä tuokin määrä voi alkupelissä tehdä jo eroa entiseen.
Loput muutokset eli peruspeliä koskevat voi vaklata linkin takaa: