Baldur's Gate 3

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Deleted member 3664
  • Aloitettu Aloitettu
Damn, pelaillu nyt Act3 eteenpäin, ja meinaa vähän tunnelma lässähtää, pelin alku act1 ja 2 on rautaa, mutta tää act3 meinaa mennä hermoille, paljon paljon dialogia, ei jaksa enää lukea, klikkailet spacella eteenpäin, ja whaaaat, ehkä siltikin ois kannattanut lukea. En tiiä jos en ois aloittanut vielä niin odottaisin että tästä bugeja korjataan enemmän. Meinaa kyllä mennä vähän työksi tää loppu. Mutta niin meinaa moni muukin peli muuttua enemmän puuduttavaksi loppua kohden.
Damn, pelaillu nyt Act3 eteenpäin, ja meinaa vähän tunnelma lässähtää, pelin alku act1 ja 2 on rautaa, mutta tää act3 meinaa mennä hermoille, paljon paljon dialogia, ei jaksa enää lukea, klikkailet spacella eteenpäin, ja whaaaat, ehkä siltikin ois kannattanut lukea. En tiiä jos en ois aloittanut vielä niin odottaisin että tästä bugeja korjataan enemmän. Meinaa kyllä mennä vähän työksi tää loppu. Mutta niin meinaa moni muukin peli muuttua enemmän puuduttavaksi loppua kohden.
Pääsin Act3 hiljattain ja pidän parin pv huilitauon niin jaksaa jatkaa keskittyneempänä.
Ostaisko tän vai Starfieldin, jomman kumman pelaan eka, mutta molenpia en alota samaan aikaan, sen verran isot pelit kyseessä.

Pahapa tuohon on sanoa kun sen verran erilaiset pelit kyseessä enkä tunne mieltymyksiäsi pelien suhteen. Eli huono tämä on muiden päättää, ellei sitten heitetä nopalla. Kannattaa vaikka lueskella ja katsoa videota peleistä ja päättää sen perusteella.
Starfieldissä tuskin on dialogia paljoakaan vrt BG3, joten pikkasen erilainen pelikokemus, jos (oletettavasti) 1000 planeetasta ehkä parissa tusinassa on jengiä. Siihen verrattuna BG3 on aika tiivis ja intensiivinen paketti. Starfield on enemmän tyyliin Elite Dangerous + tarkempi rakentelu, lootti ja jonkinlainen oikea tarina.
43h takana, party lvl 9 pian. Act 2 on aika hyvällä mallilla, seuraavaksi onkin sitten valinta että mihin lähtee nujuamaan. Harmittaa että partyyn ei saa viittä henkeä kun kuitenkin tuo core crew : Shadowheart -Astarion on pakko olla melkein mukana, sitten jos oma hahmo on melee classi niin ei viitsi ottaa enempää meleetä messiin. Usein tulee valittua Gale neljänneksi. Ehkä toiseen pelikertaan teen oman hahmon aivan eri tavalla niin saa sitten partyn laittaa uusiin kuosiin. :hmm:
43h takana, party lvl 9 pian. Act 2 on aika hyvällä mallilla, seuraavaksi onkin sitten valinta että mihin lähtee nujuamaan. Harmittaa että partyyn ei saa viittä henkeä kun kuitenkin tuo core crew : Shadowheart -Astarion on pakko olla melkein mukana, sitten jos oma hahmo on melee classi niin ei viitsi ottaa enempää meleetä messiin. Usein tulee valittua Gale neljänneksi. Ehkä toiseen pelikertaan teen oman hahmon aivan eri tavalla niin saa sitten partyn laittaa uusiin kuosiin. :hmm:
En tiedä heti tähän hätään että miksi astarion ja shadowheart molemmat pitöisi olla mukana? Ei minulla ole olleet he kertaakaan yhtäaikaa.
43h takana, party lvl 9 pian. Act 2 on aika hyvällä mallilla, seuraavaksi onkin sitten valinta että mihin lähtee nujuamaan. Harmittaa että partyyn ei saa viittä henkeä kun kuitenkin tuo core crew : Shadowheart -Astarion on pakko olla melkein mukana, sitten jos oma hahmo on melee classi niin ei viitsi ottaa enempää meleetä messiin. Usein tulee valittua Gale neljänneksi. Ehkä toiseen pelikertaan teen oman hahmon aivan eri tavalla niin saa sitten partyn laittaa uusiin kuosiin. :hmm:
Miten ihmeessä, ite olin tuolla tuntimäärällä vielä act 1 ja varmaan lvl 5 party :D
Nyt taitaa olla noin 110h ja act 3 menossa.
Nyt ois peli läpi. Aikaa meni 75 tuntia ja mahtava se oli, en kyllä usko että jaksaa erilaista läpipeluuta ennenkuin tulee definitive edition tjsp. Kaikki Act:it oli mielestäni hyviä, tottakai jonkinlaista puutumista oli Act 3 loppupuolelle jo havaittavissa.
Act 1-2 oli aika hyvä kokemus. Ei mitään isoja ongelmia. Todella hyvä AAA laatu presentaation osalta, mekaniikat eivät ole liian vaikeita ja ne on tehty helposti opittaviksi. Animaatiot on hyviä ja auttavat immersiossa. Ääninäyttelyn ohjaaja osaa asiansa.

Monologit missä npc:t puhuu yksin samalla kun pelaajahahmo on mykkä tuntuu vammaisilta. Paljon pieniä logiikkabugeja. Puhut npc:lle jollain kumppani npc:llä ja he puhuvat kuin hän olisi se pelin protagonisti joka pelasti maailman samalla kun se pelaan avatar seisoo taustalla tuijottamassa hiljaa kaukaisuuteen.
Monet dialogit stäckäytyvät ja odottavat uudelleen puhumista mikä rikkoo pelin progressio flowin, asia mikä piti puhua aiemmin tulee esille väärään aikaan. Pitää spämmätä camp without supplies jotta keskustelut triggeröityvät pois alta.
Muuten korkea tuotantolaatu tekee näistä ongelmista todella huomattavan. Valitsiko Larian vääräntyyppisen pelin tarinankerronalle korkealla tuotantolaadulla, olisiko pitänyt tehdä Witcher 3 tyyppinen peli missä yksi päähahmo ja poistaa hahmonluonti osio?

Peliä ei voi laittaa pauselle, miksi? Kameran kanssa pitää vähän taistella. Dice rollit ja quickload = miksi? Jotkut ansat vaativat liian lähellä seisomista ja peli ei pauseta automaattisesti. Kumppani npc:t eivät osaa välttää ansoja tai tulta. Liian monta hidasta tappelua missä pitää odottaa 10 npc:n liikkumista. Wyll on yksi huonoimmista hahmoista ikinä. Inventaario/kumppanien vaihto ja tavaran liikuttelu niiden välillä on kamalan huonoa.

Ennen kuin pelasin suurin osa äänestä eetterissä liittyi bg3 seksuaalisuuteen ja tähän mennessä nähnyt pari pussailu sceneä mikä johti seuraavaan aamuun = ????.
Alottelijalle viime hetken pro tipsejä? En ole koskaan tämän tyyppisiä pelejä pelannut ja nyt pitäis aloittaa peliin tutustuminen.
Act 1-2 oli aika hyvä kokemus. Ei mitään isoja ongelmia. Todella hyvä AAA laatu presentaation osalta, mekaniikat eivät ole liian vaikeita ja ne on tehty helposti opittaviksi. Animaatiot on hyviä ja auttavat immersiossa. Ääninäyttelyn ohjaaja osaa asiansa.

Monologit missä npc:t puhuu yksin samalla kun pelaajahahmo on mykkä tuntuu vammaisilta. Paljon pieniä logiikkabugeja. Puhut npc:lle jollain kumppani npc:llä ja he puhuvat kuin hän olisi se pelin protagonisti joka pelasti maailman samalla kun se pelaan avatar seisoo taustalla tuijottamassa hiljaa kaukaisuuteen.
Monet dialogit stäckäytyvät ja odottavat uudelleen puhumista mikä rikkoo pelin progressio flowin, asia mikä piti puhua aiemmin tulee esille väärään aikaan. Pitää spämmätä camp without supplies jotta keskustelut triggeröityvät pois alta.
Muuten korkea tuotantolaatu tekee näistä ongelmista todella huomattavan. Valitsiko Larian vääräntyyppisen pelin tarinankerronalle korkealla tuotantolaadulla, olisiko pitänyt tehdä Witcher 3 tyyppinen peli missä yksi päähahmo ja poistaa hahmonluonti osio?

Peliä ei voi laittaa pauselle, miksi? Kameran kanssa pitää vähän taistella. Dice rollit ja quickload = miksi? Jotkut ansat vaativat liian lähellä seisomista ja peli ei pauseta automaattisesti. Kumppani npc:t eivät osaa välttää ansoja tai tulta. Liian monta hidasta tappelua missä pitää odottaa 10 npc:n liikkumista. Wyll on yksi huonoimmista hahmoista ikinä. Inventaario/kumppanien vaihto ja tavaran liikuttelu niiden välillä on kamalan huonoa.

Ennen kuin pelasin suurin osa äänestä eetterissä liittyi bg3 seksuaalisuuteen ja tähän mennessä nähnyt pari pussailu sceneä mikä johti seuraavaan aamuun = ????.
Joo täs itekkin lukenu vähän redditistä yms peliin liittyvää materiaalia ja yleensäkin d&d maailmaan.
Täähän on tosiaan ihan erilainen setup kuin arpg:t. Eli tää CRPG tässä ei ole ns. "flowia" vaan enemmänkin sellaista pause tyyppistä ja yhtäkkiä blow tyyppistä tapahtumaa. En tiiä jotenkin tuntuu simppelimpi arpg olevan enemmän mun mieleen. Hyvähän tääkin peli on, käy kovasti tunteisiin pelaaminen ja dialogi, siksi ehkä hyvä pausettaa välillä ja jatkaa myöhemmin.
Ollaan varmaan suht lähellä loppua, olen pistänyt nenäni act3 vähän mihin sattuu sen kummemmin ajattelematta ja ei ehkä ollut oikea ratkaisu, mm vahingossa aloittelin steel watchia vastaan taistelun, en ole saanut stealthia oikein toimiin ja joissain paikoissa on näkymätön raja missä guardit hyökkää, ja täähän ei ole mikään open world peli.
Mitähän ihme seksuaalisuutta tässä on? en ole sen kummemmin noita romansseja yrittänyt tai innostunut, mutta shadowheart on kiinnostunut ja tykkää kyttyrää jos flirttailee muille. tää oli vaan parissa kohtaaa, olen tosin saattanut tehdä jotain väärinkin. Noi on vähän tylsiä joten paukutellut spacella skip overia, ihan joka kohdassa ei kannata tosin, voi menettää hyviä vihjeitä.
FO4:sessakin oli "romansseja" joista sai perkkejä
^ Spoilertagit olis ihan kiva, kun sellaiset täällä on. Tuskin kaikki on ehtinyt vielä lähellekään loppuun tätä...
Act 2:ssa alkoi kyllä ihme tekniset ongelmat. Jatkuvaa stutterointia, fps droppeja. Dialogit jäävät välillä jumiin pitkäksikin aikaa, mutta tokenevat itsestään. Taistelussa graafisia glitcheja pari kertaa niin että mitään ei nähnyt, animaatiot rikki, katoavia ruumiita ja T-posea. Taistelussa myös skillin käytön jälkeen peli jää jumiin ja sitten nano sekunissa tapahtuu animaatiot. Sitten on alkanut erilaiset UI ongelmatkin. Välillä ei voi klikata jotain, tai vaikka kursori muuttuu indikoimaan interaktiivisuutta mitään ei tapahdu.

Ei mitään mikä olisi estänyt pelin pelaamista, mutta melko ärsyttäviä silti. Act 1:ssä oli yksi tallennus korruptoitunut, mutta onneksi tallennan jatkuvasti niin ei montaa minuuttia menettänyt. En muista muita bugeja Act 1:stä.
Pystyykö Withersin avulla vaihtamaan classia ja täysin respeccaamaan Origin-hahmoja?
Pystyykö Withersin avulla vaihtamaan classia ja täysin respeccaamaan Origin-hahmoja?

Voi. Itse en ollut tyytyväinen Shadowhearttiin niin respeccasin kolmesti kunnes löytyi sellainen cleric josta tykkään. Ne voi vaihtaa ihan miksi tahansa. Tarinassa hahmoluokkaa käsitellään edelleen alkuperäisenä.

Jos oikeasti haluaa juustota niin tässähän voi respecata vaikka joka questiin tai tappeluun jos jotain tiettyä skilliä tarvitsee.
Withers voi vaihtaa classin myös.
Vain hahmon ulkomuotoa tai lajia ei voi vaihtaa mikä on vähän harmi. Ainakin oman ukon ulkomuotoa ois kiva vaihtaa, ehkä tähän tulee modeja joskus, tai ihan virallinen tuki.
Astarionia olen respekkailu roguesta taikuriksi, kunnes totesin että jääköön leiriin. Jos et halua vaikka shadowheartista healeria, niin withersin avulla voi vaihtaa toisen companionin tähän rooliin jos haluaa.
Jäin ite jumiin Act3 yhteen guestiin, jonka ilmeisesti tein vähän väärin tai mokasin, piti aloittaa noin 6h aikaisemmasta savesta uudestaan ja meni vähän maku.
Vain hahmon ulkomuotoa tai lajia ei voi vaihtaa mikä on vähän harmi. Ainakin oman ukon ulkomuotoa ois kiva vaihtaa, ehkä tähän tulee modeja joskus, tai ihan virallinen tuki.

Kehittäjät ovat jo varmistaneet että jonkinlainen taikapeili jolla voi vaihtaa ulkonäön on jo kehitteillä.
Kehittäjät ovat jo varmistaneet että jonkinlainen taikapeili jolla voi vaihtaa ulkonäön on jo kehitteillä.
Kyllä. Pari päivää sitten tulleessa community-updatessa taidettiin varmistaa varmistuskin vielä:
Muutenkin siinä käsiteltiin muutoksista peliin. Kohta tulevassa patch 2:ssa (varmaan tällä viikolla) tulee uusi loppu yhdelle companion hahmolle.
Kehittäjät ovat jo varmistaneet että jonkinlainen taikapeili jolla voi vaihtaa ulkonäön on jo kehitteillä.
Tätä on odotettu että saa Shadowheartin pehkon sheivattua. Hänen vaatteethan ovat arkussa ja siellä pysyvät
Tätä on odotettu että saa Shadowheartin pehkon sheivattua. Hänen vaatteethan ovat arkussa ja siellä pysyvät

Mulla Shadowheart on jostain syystä campissä kalju. Sillä on joku nahkakypärä joka saa sen bugaamaan.
Meni kyllä ihan ohi että Ketheric Thormin ääninäyttelijä on itse Vern Schillinger aka J.K Simmons ja Gortashin ääninäyttelijänä Lucius Malfoy aka Jason Isaacs. :woot:
Näköjään ainakin Steamissa Patch #2 ulkona.

Patch #2 Now Live!
Hello everyone,

Patch #2 for Baldur’s Gate 3 is now live, bringing bug fixes, substantial performance improvements and much more! If you missed our latest Community Update, we highly recommend you give it a read here for a glimpse at the future of Baldur’s Gate 3, and the role your feedback is playing in that.

Still here? Great! Withers has heard tales of Tavs, having requested the presence of their friends for an afternoon of adventuring, wanting to return to the lifestyle of a solo adventurer without their friends in tow. Therefore, he has come up with a solution. Introducing Withers’ Wardrobe of Wayward Friends! With this woodworked wonder, you can now dismiss co-op party members and bring your companions back into the fold. Withers’ solution only extends to custom Tavs, however - so no throwing Gale into a cupboard (although we’re sure it’s comfy in there).

As well as plenty of performance improvements and UI tweaks, we've added a new epilogue scene for Karlach, and are working on additional endgame scenes featuring other characters. Additional Karlach moments have also been added in Acts 1 and 2, allowing her to better reflect on her infernal engine and the options available to her.

We’ve prepared the highlights of Patch 2 below, followed by the main meat of the update. Thank you for sharing your feedback with us, and for your continued support If you have any issues with Baldur’s Gate 3, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

  • Features
    • Introducing Withers' Wardrobe of Wayward Friends! You can now dismiss co-op party members from your campaign.
    • Performance optimisations across the board.
    • Reduced the size of savegames.
  • Karlach
    • This patch brings an additional scene to conclude the ending in which Karlach

    • If Karlach is in your party at the end of the game and

      with her, you can now decide whether to

    • Added new moments for companion and avatar Karlach to reflect on the state of her

      between acts.
    • Added a new moment for avatar Karlach to reflect on the possibility of her

  • Blockers
    • Fixed potentially getting stuck in combat because a player character cannot be selected to end their turn.
    • Fixed an issue causing you to get stuck in dialogue with Angry Mar'hyah and Oyster Boy Dringo by the Sword Coast Couriers.
  • UI Improvements
    • Added a 'Delete all but latest' option for each campaign, so you can regain a little storage space wiggle room.
    • Added new icons for equipped items! It's easier to tell if they're equipped by the selected character, one of your characters, or another player's character. (Who's hoarding all the
    • interesting equipment?)
    • Added item rarity filters to the inventory.
    • Your Turn notification now lists which character’s turn it is.
    • The character summary on Level Up will now update to reflect changes in ability scores.
    • The Active Search list now persists after being opened and is more informative.
    • Action Radial now creates containers for spells created by other spells, making them easier to manage.

  • Fixed an issue blocking saving.
  • Fixed a crash when finishing Character Creation.
  • Fixed a crash when generating loot that can't be picked up.
  • Fixed a crash when switching between controller and keyboard while scrolling up and down the credits.
  • Fixed a crash when assigning an action to a slot in the radial menu.
  • Fixed a crash when loading a savegame.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting 'Pick Up and Add to Wares' on a multiselection that included a corpse.
  • Fixed potentially getting stuck in combat because a player character cannot be selected to end their turn.
  • Fixed an issue with picking up corpses within containers.
  • Putting a dead character in a container and then yeeting that container into a chasm will no longer permanently destroy the character - they will now float around as a resurrectable Soul Echo as expected.
  • You will no longer get stuck in dialogue if you disconnect during an active roll and then reconnect.
  • You'll no longer get stuck or die beneath the platform at the Adamantine Forge if you go to camp, use the platform, and then return from camp.
  • Fixed an issue causing you to get stuck in dialogue with Angry Mar'hyah and Oyster Boy Dringo by the Sword Coast Couriers.
  • Fixed a crash on venturing forth while the passives tab is selected.

  • Improved performance and made optimisations across the game.
  • Improved CPU load.
  • Made performance improvements related to controller movement.
  • Made optimisations for when moving around the world on controller.
  • Moved surface texture and decal creation to worker threads.
  • Moved loading shroud textures to worker threads.
  • When AI can use a nearby AI hint, limit AI flooding.
  • Improved minimap performance.
  • Optimised the controller map by removing some duplicate items.
  • Reduced the size of savegames.
  • Made changes to make loading savegames made in older patch versions significantly faster. These changes will continue to make loading old savegames speedier in any patches and hotfixes to come.
  • Removed some unnecessary calls for the hotbar to update to improve on stuttering.
  • Slightly delayed when tooltips pop up when hovering over things like actions, items, and spells. This prevents the game from unnecessarily loading and unloading tooltips. The delay is now set to 200 milliseconds. Still reactive, more performant.
  • Made optimisations for selectable elements on controller.
  • Removed an irrelevant sound analytics event for optimisation.
  • Fixed a memory leak when opening the inventory with a controller connected.
  • Fixed a memory leak when streaming textures.
  • Wrote velocity vectors to help with overall visual quality (e.g. when using TAA, to reducing visual aliasing).

  • Hotbar and HUD
    • Made the hotbar icons for the number of unlocked and available Spell Slots you have more intuitive.
    • Fixed hotbar sliders disappearing when changing the selected character while sliding them.
    • Fixed the portraits of summons not fitting in their frames in the Party Line.
  • Inventory
    • Improved the Light Source tooltip to clarify the purpose of the slot.
    • Removed duplicate 'close' prompts when the equipment slot pop-up is open. We got it the first time, thanks.
    • Tweaked the layout for equipment slots in the Character Sheet on splitscreen.
    • If you're carrying a character in your inventory and the weight of that character's inventory changes, that character's weight will now update too.
  • Combat
    • Fixed portraits in the Turn Order UI sometimes disappearing under certain conditions.
    • Fixed the Combat Log not always showing attack damage rolls after loading a savegame.
    • Fixed advantage and disadvantage indicators sometimes showing up in the Active Roll UI in dialogue even if you didn't have any available.
    • The Combat Log will now have entries for all items looted from corpses.
    • Fixed the health bar animation.
    • Fixed the

      missing its portrait and character model in its Examine panel.
    • Fixed the Saving Throw overhead icon appearing over very-much-dead characters.
    • Fixed Attack Roll bonuses sometimes being duplicated as penalties beneath the Turn Order UI in combat.
    • Added information to reaction tooltips about whether the reaction is enabled and whether it's set to ask you before triggering or not. Also made sure the resource type ('Reaction') appears at
    • the bottom of the tooltips.
    • The 'Ask' icon for reactions will now only be editable when a reaction is enabled.
  • Spells
    • Fixed the Learn More Spells button opening the window for the currently selected character instead of the character whose Character Sheet you clicked it on.
    • Fixed hardcoded text saying 'Manage powers' so that it can be translated.
  • Journal
    • If there were lots of speakers in a dialogue, the list of their names will no longer be cut off in the Dialogue History UI.
    • Quest categories and entries in the Journal will now remember whether you've expanded or collapsed them.
  • Trading
    • Added a mouse-over label to the Balance Offer button in the Barter UI for clarity.
  • Tooltips
    • Fixed conditions on nested tooltips not showing on pinned tooltips.
    • Added Agonising Blast's Charisma modifier bonus to the damage on the Eldritch Blast tooltip.
  • Saves
    • Added the difficulty setting to the savegame information.
    • Savegames will now save under your character's name even if you're polymorphed. No more savegames called 'Sheep'... unless, of course, that's your character's name.
    • Updated text to fit a button in the Load/Save window.
  • Options
    • Organised the Keybinds menu into categories to make it more user-friendly.
    • Reordered and reworked the Options menus to make them more intuitive.
    • The Options menu now closes when you enter a dialogue while it's open.
    • Fixed the Reset Tutorials button in the Options menu not working as expected.
  • Character Creation, Level Up
    • You can skip the Level Up animation.
    • Fixed the class icon overlapping the Level Up banner.
    • Fixed the Level Up UI sometimes disappearing when levelling up.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed an issue causing the UI to disappear after speaking to Blurg.
    • Made sure some non-player-facing conditions and passives don't rear their heads.
    • Made the context menu animation snappier and tweaked the background for a brighter, neater appearance.
    • Brightened up the tutorial pop-ups and improved the alignment.
    • Fixed the Change Difficulty screen fading a little too late and appearing briefly on the Main Menu.
    • Fixed overlapping text for bonus names in the Active Roll UI.
    • Fixed some text being cut off in the Alchemy UI for translated languages.
    • Fixed the ping action prompt saying 'empty' when targeting containers.

  • Radials
    • The shortcut menu and character selection are now accessible from the Action Radial menu.
    • Added Fast Travel to the character radial menu.
    • Added shortcut prompts to the Jump and Hide actions on the Action Radial menu.
    • Added a short delay to stick input after selecting an Action in the radial menus to avoid accidentally selecting something immediately after that or moving the camera.
    • Limited the maximum number of radial menus.
    • Fixed ritual spells not being marked as such on the Action Radial menu. We promise, they don't cost a spell slot!
    • Fixed tooltips showing up in the Action Radial menu even if you have nothing selected.
    • Added additional error messages for the radial menus.
    • Added more detailed warning messages on controller to indicate why you can't perform a certain spell or action.
    • Spell variants will now be placed at the top of the Action Radial menu instead of in the next available free slot, making it more consistent and user-friendly.
    • Added a missing icon for Heal in the radial menu.
  • Character Sheet
    • Made several improvements to the Character Sheet, for example by adding zoom capability; updating the style of lists, the XP bar, and equipment slots; and adding an indicator for the
    • character's main Ability.
    • Fixed the Light Source menu not filtering light sources properly.
    • Added a brief description of what reactions are.
    • Fixed the abbreviations for Abilities not fitting properly in Russian.
    • Fixed some clipping and overlapping in the Character Sheet.
    • Moved the Consume action to the context menu and restored the Equip action as the default in the inventory panel.
    • Fixed the prompt to toggle tooltips showing in the Character Sheet filters, and fixed the background of the slots increasing if the text on them is long.
    • Fixed Character Sheet navigation issues when using filters.
    • Equipping an item via the equipment slot pop-up in the Character Sheet will no longer close the pop-up immediately.
    • Repositioned tooltips slightly when checking equipment slots.
    • Fixed some missing tooltips in the Character Sheet.
  • World Interaction
    • Added information about the state of containers (e.g. if they're empty) to the Active Search menu.
    • Fixed a small issue in cursor error messages.
    • Fixed the ping action not exiting the ping state on Left Stick Press.
    • Fixed the Examine panel on objects or characters with multiple resistances not scrolling properly.
    • Made it possible to select and inspect more items in the Examine panel, like item descriptions and conditions.
    • Fixed some portraits missing in the Examine panel and polished the selector.
    • Fixed the context menu not being navigable using the D-pad.
  • HUD
    • Fixed issues with overlapping text and UI fading in the Party Line and the Resource Bar.
    • Fixed an issue preventing you from grouping or splitting summons when you only have one party member available.
    • Removed arrow icons from D-pad button prompts.
    • Updated button prompts and made them look consistent.
    • Added a background image for Luck Points to match the other resources.
    • Fixed the Long Rest button prompts falling off the edge of the screen or overlapping other button prompts, particularly in translated languages.
    • Fixed the button prompts overlapping the Resource Bar in Turn-Based Mode.
    • Cleaned up button prompts at the bottom of the screen to make them more consistent.
    • Made improvements to the action resource bar, such as position and colour changes. Also reworked the movement indicator to account for larger numbers, and increased icon width to avoid stretching.
  • Spells
    • Fixed not being able to cast a spell with variants from a spell scroll.
    • Fixed some overflowing text in the Spellbook for translated languages.
    • Tweaked the appearance of default spells in the Prepared Spells section of the Spellbook so they don't look inaccessible.
    • Added more information to the Spellbook about when you can and cannot change your spells, even if you're not a spellcasting class.
  • Combat
    • Made it more obvious if you're low on health at the start of your turn in combat.
    • Fixed not being able to attack stalactites with ranged spells.
    • Tweaked the Reactions UI.
    • Added surface information to the cursor on controller, rearranged some of the cursor target details, added a new overlay for surfaces when D-pad is pressed down, and added the Actions prompt
    • in combat.
    • Improved readability in the Combat Log by reducing empty space and tightening up the list.
    • Made reactions that are turned off still readable and gave them a greyed out icon.
  • Tooltips
    • Adjusted some margins and sizes in tooltips to avoid issues like damage text getting cut off.
    • Improved the tooltips: added new icons; tidied them up with new font sizes and placement; fixed the Inspect prompt; added the right colour and icon for the Equipped line; and added a new
    • frame, footer, and header style.
    • Tooltip prompts now show if they're enabled or not.
    • Tweaked the placement of tooltips for open containers.
    • Fixed tooltips showing up in dialogue while the dialogue options are still hidden.
    • Fixed the width of pinned tooltips changing when selected.
  • Trading
    • Pressing your cancel button will now close the filter pop-up in the Trade UI.
    • Fixed the trade button prompts overlapping the split item button prompts.
    • Fixed the trader attitude not showing up in the Trade window.
  • Character Creation, Level Up
    • You can now rotate and zoom in and out on your character in Character Creation when you're choosing a name.
    • You can now access multiplayer settings during Character Creation as well.
    • Fixed scrolling with controller in the Prepare Spells section of Level Up.
    • Fixed characters in Character Creation sometimes getting obscured by tooltips on controller.
    • Added a grid icon and button prompt on Character Creation options that open up a grid for selection (like when choosing colours) on controller.
    • On splitscreen, if one player is watching an Origin character's introduction and another is zooming in and out and spinning their character around in Character Creation, that second person's
    • button prompts will no longer affect the Origin character's introduction.
    • Spell tooltips in Character Creation will now always show up in the same horizontal alignment.
    • Fixed the alignment of chevrons in the Character Creator.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the Enter Invite Code textbox for Direct Connect getting cleared when you deselect it.
    • Made general visual improvements to the controller UI.
    • Fixed scrolling and cropped text in the Journal.
    • Added information about how long you need to press-and-hold.
    • Fixed some issues with navigating the Dialogue History UI.
    • Updated the layout of the Save/Load window, added in-game locations for quicksaves and autosaves, and made it possible to see longer savegame names.
    • Adjusted line heights in the multiplayer lobby and Options menus to save space and reduce the need to scroll.

  • Fixed secondary local players not having quest, location, and secret map markers unlocked until saving or loading.
  • Fixed some host error messages appearing on client screens.
  • Dialogue interface settings (such as font size) will now be applied to both players in splitscreen.
  • Enabled the Combat Feed on splitscreen.
  • Fixed some of the UI getting cut off on splitscreen when a player is in the multiplayer settings.
  • Fixed tooltips overlapping the party line on splitscreen.
  • Fixed button prompts being mirrored when connecting a secondary local player.
  • Fixed an empty notification when another player starts their turn in splitscreen.
  • Fixed multiselection for containers in splitscreen.
  • Fixed splitscreen not hiding when a fullscreen UI (like the Save window) is opened, causing you to see things like tooltips in the fullscreen UI.
  • Fixed the alignment of the Turn Order UI in split screen, when two players are in different combats at the same time.

  • If you dismiss your companion to camp and shove them into a chasm, Withers will now be able to resurrect them... so you can shove them into a chasm again, probably.
  • Clicking a party member's portrait on the map or minimap will now select that character and focus on them.
  • Fixed client–server inconsistencies for Attack of Opportunity, causing the client to incorrectly indicate that an entity will react to you even if it can't (e.g. if it's Prone or Unconscious).
  • Fixed characters' Soul Echoes sometimes teleporting away from where the character died.
  • Fixed projectiles not waiting for items to leave inventories.
  • Fixed the 'Hide during dialogues' option for helmets sometimes causing your character to lose their hair after a dialogue.
  • The portal to the House of Hope will no longer decide to become invisible.
  • Fixed complex idle animations sometimes not starting.
  • Falling items will now leave Turn-Based Mode and then re-enter after falling to fix them remaining suspended in the air.
  • Removed the examine option from some objects that shouldn't be examinable.
  • Fixed knocked-down entities always playing their knocked-down animation when loaded into frame.
  • Fixed the Falling damage number preview when preparing to Jump not always matching how much damage will actually be dealt.
  • Fixed edge panning not working correctly when the camera is locked on a party member.
  • Fixed reactions not always triggering if you Sneak and then cast Silence, or when using Astarion's Vampire Bite action.
  • Active Search: the starting search radius is increased, the camera moves to the selected item, and you now get a button hint for Active Search after every combat until Level 3.
  • The tutorial pop-up for trapped items won't trigger anymore when coming near certain destroyed traps.
  • Fixed the option to pickpocket your companions sometimes disappearing in single player.
  • Prevented you from being able to multiselect and then drop other players' items.
  • Fixed not being able to split item stacks outside of your turn.
  • Fixed not being able to enter Turn-Based Mode with a Downed character.
  • Fixed items briefly appearing beneath your feet when you pick them up.
  • Fixed being able to see characters turn towards you briefly before a dialogue starts.
  • Fixed the lava VFX disappearing if you load a game that was saved during the combat with Grym.

  • Fixed an issue with auras causing NPCs to make inefficient choices like running towards you to Shove you, then running away again to make a ranged attack.
  • Fixed

    blasting right through the ice shields you can hide behind.
  • Aggressive beasts now enter combat instead of fleeing when attacked from afar. Additionally, when you attack an NPC from afar out of combat, they're now more likely to sprint up to you (instead of getting stuck).
  • Fixed your resources not getting restored on your next turn if you join a combat late.

  • is no longer too stubborn to die. She will now go down at 0 HP or when knocked out.
  • The timer in the Chamber of Courage will now reflect the correct number of turns remaining.
  • Fixed certain spells not taking into account inherited conditions.
  • Updated the grace period for joining a combat late to be at the end of world items' turn in the 1st round.

  • Fixed Silenced characters sometimes not being able to start story-critical dialogues, like with other party members or bosses at the end of a combat.
  • Fixed an issue causing party members to be Silenced after every dialogue.
  • If you break your oath as a paladin, the Oathbreaker Knight will now come back to your camp in later acts, despite how much you may have scandalised him.
  • Fixed companions sometimes not saying anything during dialogues where they are supposed to make comments.
  • Fixed an issue where only the character who accepted the quest from Lucretious to find Dribbles could talk to her after doing so.
  • Fixed Gale not reacting to you having

  • Fixed Gale's dialogue force-closing when offering him

  • Fixed Gale's romance scene not triggering in Act I.
  • Fixed Gale commenting on a deal with Raphael before it's made.
  • If

    gets killed

    before they're rescued in gameplay, they will now remain dead.
  • Kerri will no longer get stuck in the Atelier if the dialogue didn't trigger after

  • Fixed enemies sometimes spawning outside of the Atelier at the Jannath Estate when hitting the portrait.

  • from Moonrise Towers that take the boat with you will no longer attempt to arrest you for trespassing upon arriving at Last Light.
  • Fixed a bug causing Astarion to be permanently knocked out by the

    during a camp night and disappearing after a Long Rest.
  • Fixed a bug where Gortash had a dialogue bubble over him after being knocked out, but clicking on him wouldn't result in a dialogue - the bubble is no longer present and you can now loot him after knocking him out.
  • Fixed a bug where Ravengard would disappear from the camp after

  • Dark Urge players

    during dialogue will now have the appropriate level

    during the duel with


  • You can skip the Level Up animation.
  • Fixed characters in Character Creation sometimes getting obscured by tooltips on controller.
  • Spell tooltips in Character Creation will now always show up in the same horizontal alignment.
  • Fixed the class icon overlapping the Level Up banner.
  • Added a grid icon and button prompt on Character Creation options that open up a grid for selection (like when choosing colours) on controller.
  • On splitscreen, if one player is watching an Origin character's introduction and another is zooming in and out and spinning their character around in Character Creation, that second person's button prompts will no longer affect the Origin character's introduction.
  • The character summary on Level Up will now update to reflect changes in ability scores.
  • Fixed the alignment of chevrons in the Character Creator.

  • Fixed some artefacts appearing at the bottom right of the screen due to fog of war.
  • Fixed the map shroud not working correctly in one area of the Goblin Camp.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from walking on certain items, like the


  • Reworked our system for default video options so that values are defined per platform. For example, the Steam Deck will now default to 16:9.
  • Settings now default to auto-rotate camera with speed set to max. This works better for a snappy handheld experience.

  • Cleaned up some mocap in dialogues across the game.
  • Fixed healing numbers appearing in the cinematic dialogue when you press the button in the Dank Crypt.
  • When taking

    , dead

    is no longer floating in the air.
  • Fixed your head clipping into Wyll's as you kiss on the ground.

  • Fixed several text issues, like typos.
Näköjään ainakin Steamissa Patch #2 ulkona.

Patch #2 Now Live!
Hello everyone,

Patch #2 for Baldur’s Gate 3 is now live, bringing bug fixes, substantial performance improvements and much more! If you missed our latest Community Update, we highly recommend you give it a read here for a glimpse at the future of Baldur’s Gate 3, and the role your feedback is playing in that.

Still here? Great! Withers has heard tales of Tavs, having requested the presence of their friends for an afternoon of adventuring, wanting to return to the lifestyle of a solo adventurer without their friends in tow. Therefore, he has come up with a solution. Introducing Withers’ Wardrobe of Wayward Friends! With this woodworked wonder, you can now dismiss co-op party members and bring your companions back into the fold. Withers’ solution only extends to custom Tavs, however - so no throwing Gale into a cupboard (although we’re sure it’s comfy in there).

As well as plenty of performance improvements and UI tweaks, we've added a new epilogue scene for Karlach, and are working on additional endgame scenes featuring other characters. Additional Karlach moments have also been added in Acts 1 and 2, allowing her to better reflect on her infernal engine and the options available to her.

We’ve prepared the highlights of Patch 2 below, followed by the main meat of the update. Thank you for sharing your feedback with us, and for your continued support If you have any issues with Baldur’s Gate 3, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.

  • Features
    • Introducing Withers' Wardrobe of Wayward Friends! You can now dismiss co-op party members from your campaign.
    • Performance optimisations across the board.
    • Reduced the size of savegames.
  • Karlach
    • This patch brings an additional scene to conclude the ending in which Karlach

    • If Karlach is in your party at the end of the game and

      with her, you can now decide whether to

    • Added new moments for companion and avatar Karlach to reflect on the state of her

      between acts.
    • Added a new moment for avatar Karlach to reflect on the possibility of her

  • Blockers
    • Fixed potentially getting stuck in combat because a player character cannot be selected to end their turn.
    • Fixed an issue causing you to get stuck in dialogue with Angry Mar'hyah and Oyster Boy Dringo by the Sword Coast Couriers.
  • UI Improvements
    • Added a 'Delete all but latest' option for each campaign, so you can regain a little storage space wiggle room.
    • Added new icons for equipped items! It's easier to tell if they're equipped by the selected character, one of your characters, or another player's character. (Who's hoarding all the
    • interesting equipment?)
    • Added item rarity filters to the inventory.
    • Your Turn notification now lists which character’s turn it is.
    • The character summary on Level Up will now update to reflect changes in ability scores.
    • The Active Search list now persists after being opened and is more informative.
    • Action Radial now creates containers for spells created by other spells, making them easier to manage.

  • Fixed an issue blocking saving.
  • Fixed a crash when finishing Character Creation.
  • Fixed a crash when generating loot that can't be picked up.
  • Fixed a crash when switching between controller and keyboard while scrolling up and down the credits.
  • Fixed a crash when assigning an action to a slot in the radial menu.
  • Fixed a crash when loading a savegame.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting 'Pick Up and Add to Wares' on a multiselection that included a corpse.
  • Fixed potentially getting stuck in combat because a player character cannot be selected to end their turn.
  • Fixed an issue with picking up corpses within containers.
  • Putting a dead character in a container and then yeeting that container into a chasm will no longer permanently destroy the character - they will now float around as a resurrectable Soul Echo as expected.
  • You will no longer get stuck in dialogue if you disconnect during an active roll and then reconnect.
  • You'll no longer get stuck or die beneath the platform at the Adamantine Forge if you go to camp, use the platform, and then return from camp.
  • Fixed an issue causing you to get stuck in dialogue with Angry Mar'hyah and Oyster Boy Dringo by the Sword Coast Couriers.
  • Fixed a crash on venturing forth while the passives tab is selected.

  • Improved performance and made optimisations across the game.
  • Improved CPU load.
  • Made performance improvements related to controller movement.
  • Made optimisations for when moving around the world on controller.
  • Moved surface texture and decal creation to worker threads.
  • Moved loading shroud textures to worker threads.
  • When AI can use a nearby AI hint, limit AI flooding.
  • Improved minimap performance.
  • Optimised the controller map by removing some duplicate items.
  • Reduced the size of savegames.
  • Made changes to make loading savegames made in older patch versions significantly faster. These changes will continue to make loading old savegames speedier in any patches and hotfixes to come.
  • Removed some unnecessary calls for the hotbar to update to improve on stuttering.
  • Slightly delayed when tooltips pop up when hovering over things like actions, items, and spells. This prevents the game from unnecessarily loading and unloading tooltips. The delay is now set to 200 milliseconds. Still reactive, more performant.
  • Made optimisations for selectable elements on controller.
  • Removed an irrelevant sound analytics event for optimisation.
  • Fixed a memory leak when opening the inventory with a controller connected.
  • Fixed a memory leak when streaming textures.
  • Wrote velocity vectors to help with overall visual quality (e.g. when using TAA, to reducing visual aliasing).

  • Hotbar and HUD
    • Made the hotbar icons for the number of unlocked and available Spell Slots you have more intuitive.
    • Fixed hotbar sliders disappearing when changing the selected character while sliding them.
    • Fixed the portraits of summons not fitting in their frames in the Party Line.
  • Inventory
    • Improved the Light Source tooltip to clarify the purpose of the slot.
    • Removed duplicate 'close' prompts when the equipment slot pop-up is open. We got it the first time, thanks.
    • Tweaked the layout for equipment slots in the Character Sheet on splitscreen.
    • If you're carrying a character in your inventory and the weight of that character's inventory changes, that character's weight will now update too.
  • Combat
    • Fixed portraits in the Turn Order UI sometimes disappearing under certain conditions.
    • Fixed the Combat Log not always showing attack damage rolls after loading a savegame.
    • Fixed advantage and disadvantage indicators sometimes showing up in the Active Roll UI in dialogue even if you didn't have any available.
    • The Combat Log will now have entries for all items looted from corpses.
    • Fixed the health bar animation.
    • Fixed the

      missing its portrait and character model in its Examine panel.
    • Fixed the Saving Throw overhead icon appearing over very-much-dead characters.
    • Fixed Attack Roll bonuses sometimes being duplicated as penalties beneath the Turn Order UI in combat.
    • Added information to reaction tooltips about whether the reaction is enabled and whether it's set to ask you before triggering or not. Also made sure the resource type ('Reaction') appears at
    • the bottom of the tooltips.
    • The 'Ask' icon for reactions will now only be editable when a reaction is enabled.
  • Spells
    • Fixed the Learn More Spells button opening the window for the currently selected character instead of the character whose Character Sheet you clicked it on.
    • Fixed hardcoded text saying 'Manage powers' so that it can be translated.
  • Journal
    • If there were lots of speakers in a dialogue, the list of their names will no longer be cut off in the Dialogue History UI.
    • Quest categories and entries in the Journal will now remember whether you've expanded or collapsed them.
  • Trading
    • Added a mouse-over label to the Balance Offer button in the Barter UI for clarity.
  • Tooltips
    • Fixed conditions on nested tooltips not showing on pinned tooltips.
    • Added Agonising Blast's Charisma modifier bonus to the damage on the Eldritch Blast tooltip.
  • Saves
    • Added the difficulty setting to the savegame information.
    • Savegames will now save under your character's name even if you're polymorphed. No more savegames called 'Sheep'... unless, of course, that's your character's name.
    • Updated text to fit a button in the Load/Save window.
  • Options
    • Organised the Keybinds menu into categories to make it more user-friendly.
    • Reordered and reworked the Options menus to make them more intuitive.
    • The Options menu now closes when you enter a dialogue while it's open.
    • Fixed the Reset Tutorials button in the Options menu not working as expected.
  • Character Creation, Level Up
    • You can skip the Level Up animation.
    • Fixed the class icon overlapping the Level Up banner.
    • Fixed the Level Up UI sometimes disappearing when levelling up.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed an issue causing the UI to disappear after speaking to Blurg.
    • Made sure some non-player-facing conditions and passives don't rear their heads.
    • Made the context menu animation snappier and tweaked the background for a brighter, neater appearance.
    • Brightened up the tutorial pop-ups and improved the alignment.
    • Fixed the Change Difficulty screen fading a little too late and appearing briefly on the Main Menu.
    • Fixed overlapping text for bonus names in the Active Roll UI.
    • Fixed some text being cut off in the Alchemy UI for translated languages.
    • Fixed the ping action prompt saying 'empty' when targeting containers.

  • Radials
    • The shortcut menu and character selection are now accessible from the Action Radial menu.
    • Added Fast Travel to the character radial menu.
    • Added shortcut prompts to the Jump and Hide actions on the Action Radial menu.
    • Added a short delay to stick input after selecting an Action in the radial menus to avoid accidentally selecting something immediately after that or moving the camera.
    • Limited the maximum number of radial menus.
    • Fixed ritual spells not being marked as such on the Action Radial menu. We promise, they don't cost a spell slot!
    • Fixed tooltips showing up in the Action Radial menu even if you have nothing selected.
    • Added additional error messages for the radial menus.
    • Added more detailed warning messages on controller to indicate why you can't perform a certain spell or action.
    • Spell variants will now be placed at the top of the Action Radial menu instead of in the next available free slot, making it more consistent and user-friendly.
    • Added a missing icon for Heal in the radial menu.
  • Character Sheet
    • Made several improvements to the Character Sheet, for example by adding zoom capability; updating the style of lists, the XP bar, and equipment slots; and adding an indicator for the
    • character's main Ability.
    • Fixed the Light Source menu not filtering light sources properly.
    • Added a brief description of what reactions are.
    • Fixed the abbreviations for Abilities not fitting properly in Russian.
    • Fixed some clipping and overlapping in the Character Sheet.
    • Moved the Consume action to the context menu and restored the Equip action as the default in the inventory panel.
    • Fixed the prompt to toggle tooltips showing in the Character Sheet filters, and fixed the background of the slots increasing if the text on them is long.
    • Fixed Character Sheet navigation issues when using filters.
    • Equipping an item via the equipment slot pop-up in the Character Sheet will no longer close the pop-up immediately.
    • Repositioned tooltips slightly when checking equipment slots.
    • Fixed some missing tooltips in the Character Sheet.
  • World Interaction
    • Added information about the state of containers (e.g. if they're empty) to the Active Search menu.
    • Fixed a small issue in cursor error messages.
    • Fixed the ping action not exiting the ping state on Left Stick Press.
    • Fixed the Examine panel on objects or characters with multiple resistances not scrolling properly.
    • Made it possible to select and inspect more items in the Examine panel, like item descriptions and conditions.
    • Fixed some portraits missing in the Examine panel and polished the selector.
    • Fixed the context menu not being navigable using the D-pad.
  • HUD
    • Fixed issues with overlapping text and UI fading in the Party Line and the Resource Bar.
    • Fixed an issue preventing you from grouping or splitting summons when you only have one party member available.
    • Removed arrow icons from D-pad button prompts.
    • Updated button prompts and made them look consistent.
    • Added a background image for Luck Points to match the other resources.
    • Fixed the Long Rest button prompts falling off the edge of the screen or overlapping other button prompts, particularly in translated languages.
    • Fixed the button prompts overlapping the Resource Bar in Turn-Based Mode.
    • Cleaned up button prompts at the bottom of the screen to make them more consistent.
    • Made improvements to the action resource bar, such as position and colour changes. Also reworked the movement indicator to account for larger numbers, and increased icon width to avoid stretching.
  • Spells
    • Fixed not being able to cast a spell with variants from a spell scroll.
    • Fixed some overflowing text in the Spellbook for translated languages.
    • Tweaked the appearance of default spells in the Prepared Spells section of the Spellbook so they don't look inaccessible.
    • Added more information to the Spellbook about when you can and cannot change your spells, even if you're not a spellcasting class.
  • Combat
    • Made it more obvious if you're low on health at the start of your turn in combat.
    • Fixed not being able to attack stalactites with ranged spells.
    • Tweaked the Reactions UI.
    • Added surface information to the cursor on controller, rearranged some of the cursor target details, added a new overlay for surfaces when D-pad is pressed down, and added the Actions prompt
    • in combat.
    • Improved readability in the Combat Log by reducing empty space and tightening up the list.
    • Made reactions that are turned off still readable and gave them a greyed out icon.
  • Tooltips
    • Adjusted some margins and sizes in tooltips to avoid issues like damage text getting cut off.
    • Improved the tooltips: added new icons; tidied them up with new font sizes and placement; fixed the Inspect prompt; added the right colour and icon for the Equipped line; and added a new
    • frame, footer, and header style.
    • Tooltip prompts now show if they're enabled or not.
    • Tweaked the placement of tooltips for open containers.
    • Fixed tooltips showing up in dialogue while the dialogue options are still hidden.
    • Fixed the width of pinned tooltips changing when selected.
  • Trading
    • Pressing your cancel button will now close the filter pop-up in the Trade UI.
    • Fixed the trade button prompts overlapping the split item button prompts.
    • Fixed the trader attitude not showing up in the Trade window.
  • Character Creation, Level Up
    • You can now rotate and zoom in and out on your character in Character Creation when you're choosing a name.
    • You can now access multiplayer settings during Character Creation as well.
    • Fixed scrolling with controller in the Prepare Spells section of Level Up.
    • Fixed characters in Character Creation sometimes getting obscured by tooltips on controller.
    • Added a grid icon and button prompt on Character Creation options that open up a grid for selection (like when choosing colours) on controller.
    • On splitscreen, if one player is watching an Origin character's introduction and another is zooming in and out and spinning their character around in Character Creation, that second person's
    • button prompts will no longer affect the Origin character's introduction.
    • Spell tooltips in Character Creation will now always show up in the same horizontal alignment.
    • Fixed the alignment of chevrons in the Character Creator.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the Enter Invite Code textbox for Direct Connect getting cleared when you deselect it.
    • Made general visual improvements to the controller UI.
    • Fixed scrolling and cropped text in the Journal.
    • Added information about how long you need to press-and-hold.
    • Fixed some issues with navigating the Dialogue History UI.
    • Updated the layout of the Save/Load window, added in-game locations for quicksaves and autosaves, and made it possible to see longer savegame names.
    • Adjusted line heights in the multiplayer lobby and Options menus to save space and reduce the need to scroll.

  • Fixed secondary local players not having quest, location, and secret map markers unlocked until saving or loading.
  • Fixed some host error messages appearing on client screens.
  • Dialogue interface settings (such as font size) will now be applied to both players in splitscreen.
  • Enabled the Combat Feed on splitscreen.
  • Fixed some of the UI getting cut off on splitscreen when a player is in the multiplayer settings.
  • Fixed tooltips overlapping the party line on splitscreen.
  • Fixed button prompts being mirrored when connecting a secondary local player.
  • Fixed an empty notification when another player starts their turn in splitscreen.
  • Fixed multiselection for containers in splitscreen.
  • Fixed splitscreen not hiding when a fullscreen UI (like the Save window) is opened, causing you to see things like tooltips in the fullscreen UI.
  • Fixed the alignment of the Turn Order UI in split screen, when two players are in different combats at the same time.

  • If you dismiss your companion to camp and shove them into a chasm, Withers will now be able to resurrect them... so you can shove them into a chasm again, probably.
  • Clicking a party member's portrait on the map or minimap will now select that character and focus on them.
  • Fixed client–server inconsistencies for Attack of Opportunity, causing the client to incorrectly indicate that an entity will react to you even if it can't (e.g. if it's Prone or Unconscious).
  • Fixed characters' Soul Echoes sometimes teleporting away from where the character died.
  • Fixed projectiles not waiting for items to leave inventories.
  • Fixed the 'Hide during dialogues' option for helmets sometimes causing your character to lose their hair after a dialogue.
  • The portal to the House of Hope will no longer decide to become invisible.
  • Fixed complex idle animations sometimes not starting.
  • Falling items will now leave Turn-Based Mode and then re-enter after falling to fix them remaining suspended in the air.
  • Removed the examine option from some objects that shouldn't be examinable.
  • Fixed knocked-down entities always playing their knocked-down animation when loaded into frame.
  • Fixed the Falling damage number preview when preparing to Jump not always matching how much damage will actually be dealt.
  • Fixed edge panning not working correctly when the camera is locked on a party member.
  • Fixed reactions not always triggering if you Sneak and then cast Silence, or when using Astarion's Vampire Bite action.
  • Active Search: the starting search radius is increased, the camera moves to the selected item, and you now get a button hint for Active Search after every combat until Level 3.
  • The tutorial pop-up for trapped items won't trigger anymore when coming near certain destroyed traps.
  • Fixed the option to pickpocket your companions sometimes disappearing in single player.
  • Prevented you from being able to multiselect and then drop other players' items.
  • Fixed not being able to split item stacks outside of your turn.
  • Fixed not being able to enter Turn-Based Mode with a Downed character.
  • Fixed items briefly appearing beneath your feet when you pick them up.
  • Fixed being able to see characters turn towards you briefly before a dialogue starts.
  • Fixed the lava VFX disappearing if you load a game that was saved during the combat with Grym.

  • Fixed an issue with auras causing NPCs to make inefficient choices like running towards you to Shove you, then running away again to make a ranged attack.
  • Fixed

    blasting right through the ice shields you can hide behind.
  • Aggressive beasts now enter combat instead of fleeing when attacked from afar. Additionally, when you attack an NPC from afar out of combat, they're now more likely to sprint up to you (instead of getting stuck).
  • Fixed your resources not getting restored on your next turn if you join a combat late.

  • is no longer too stubborn to die. She will now go down at 0 HP or when knocked out.
  • The timer in the Chamber of Courage will now reflect the correct number of turns remaining.
  • Fixed certain spells not taking into account inherited conditions.
  • Updated the grace period for joining a combat late to be at the end of world items' turn in the 1st round.

  • Fixed Silenced characters sometimes not being able to start story-critical dialogues, like with other party members or bosses at the end of a combat.
  • Fixed an issue causing party members to be Silenced after every dialogue.
  • If you break your oath as a paladin, the Oathbreaker Knight will now come back to your camp in later acts, despite how much you may have scandalised him.
  • Fixed companions sometimes not saying anything during dialogues where they are supposed to make comments.
  • Fixed an issue where only the character who accepted the quest from Lucretious to find Dribbles could talk to her after doing so.
  • Fixed Gale not reacting to you having

  • Fixed Gale's dialogue force-closing when offering him

  • Fixed Gale's romance scene not triggering in Act I.
  • Fixed Gale commenting on a deal with Raphael before it's made.
  • If

    gets killed

    before they're rescued in gameplay, they will now remain dead.
  • Kerri will no longer get stuck in the Atelier if the dialogue didn't trigger after

  • Fixed enemies sometimes spawning outside of the Atelier at the Jannath Estate when hitting the portrait.

  • from Moonrise Towers that take the boat with you will no longer attempt to arrest you for trespassing upon arriving at Last Light.
  • Fixed a bug causing Astarion to be permanently knocked out by the

    during a camp night and disappearing after a Long Rest.
  • Fixed a bug where Gortash had a dialogue bubble over him after being knocked out, but clicking on him wouldn't result in a dialogue - the bubble is no longer present and you can now loot him after knocking him out.
  • Fixed a bug where Ravengard would disappear from the camp after

  • Dark Urge players

    during dialogue will now have the appropriate level

    during the duel with


  • You can skip the Level Up animation.
  • Fixed characters in Character Creation sometimes getting obscured by tooltips on controller.
  • Spell tooltips in Character Creation will now always show up in the same horizontal alignment.
  • Fixed the class icon overlapping the Level Up banner.
  • Added a grid icon and button prompt on Character Creation options that open up a grid for selection (like when choosing colours) on controller.
  • On splitscreen, if one player is watching an Origin character's introduction and another is zooming in and out and spinning their character around in Character Creation, that second person's button prompts will no longer affect the Origin character's introduction.
  • The character summary on Level Up will now update to reflect changes in ability scores.
  • Fixed the alignment of chevrons in the Character Creator.

  • Fixed some artefacts appearing at the bottom right of the screen due to fog of war.
  • Fixed the map shroud not working correctly in one area of the Goblin Camp.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from walking on certain items, like the


  • Reworked our system for default video options so that values are defined per platform. For example, the Steam Deck will now default to 16:9.
  • Settings now default to auto-rotate camera with speed set to max. This works better for a snappy handheld experience.

  • Cleaned up some mocap in dialogues across the game.
  • Fixed healing numbers appearing in the cinematic dialogue when you press the button in the Dank Crypt.
  • When taking

    , dead

    is no longer floating in the air.
  • Fixed your head clipping into Wyll's as you kiss on the ground.

  • Fixed several text issues, like typos.
GOG myös 2.43 GB
Nyt tuli itelle ekat mahdolliset pugit vastaan.
Olen räjäyttänyt kivikasan ja tappanut Neren
tehtävä näkyy kartalla vaikka olen tehtävän mielestäni tehnyt. Lisäksi onnistuin tekemeään Adamantine forgessa vain yhden esineen. Materiaaleja olisi toiseen mutta kaikki kahvat kun vedän niistä sanoo vaan, että blocked.
Nyt tuli itelle ekat mahdolliset pugit vastaan.
Olen räjäyttänyt kivikasan ja tappanut Neren
tehtävä näkyy kartalla vaikka olen tehtävän mielestäni tehnyt. Lisäksi onnistuin tekemeään Adamantine forgessa vain yhden esineen. Materiaaleja olisi toiseen mutta kaikki kahvat kun vedän niistä sanoo vaan, että blocked.
Jos laava jää virtamaan niin jossain guidessa oli että käy turn basedissa niin se katoaa kun skippailee turneja.
Nyt tuli itelle ekat mahdolliset pugit vastaan.
Olen räjäyttänyt kivikasan ja tappanut Neren
tehtävä näkyy kartalla vaikka olen tehtävän mielestäni tehnyt. Lisäksi onnistuin tekemeään Adamantine forgessa vain yhden esineen. Materiaaleja olisi toiseen mutta kaikki kahvat kun vedän niistä sanoo vaan, että blocked.
Yritätkö tehdä sama esinettä 2x ja jos näin niin siinä voi olla että pitää ottaa se mold pois myös ja laittaa uudestaan takaisin
Act3 kyllä tappanut itseltä innon pelata. Peli ei ole valmis. Olisi pitänyt lykätä julkaisua ainakin puoli vuotta. Onko kukaan muu muuten kiinnittänyt huomiota siihen, ettei Act1:n jälkeen juuri kenenkään kalmon kanssa pysty juttelemaan. Act1sessä lähes kaikkien ruumiiden kanssa pystyi juttelemaan. Sitten Act2sessa ei ollut juuri lainkaan enää eläimiä kenen kanssa jutella, ja pettymys olikin suuri, kun Act3sessa näin heti alussa kanoja, ja päätin mennä heittämään hellout. Mitä vittua, niille ei pysty edes yrittää puhua, todella laiskaa koodausta. Tuntuu että Act3:n olisi tehnyt joku ihan eri pelistudio, tai sitten se on täysin alpha asteella.

Toki rahalle on saanut vastinetta pelaamalla lähes täysin läpi ACT1 ja 2. Pelattua on tullut lähemmäs 100 tuntia. Nyt taitaa kyllä jäädä tähän odottamaan, että peli saadaan valmiiksi.
Act3 kyllä tappanut itseltä innon pelata. Peli ei ole valmis. Olisi pitänyt lykätä julkaisua ainakin puoli vuotta. Onko kukaan muu muuten kiinnittänyt huomiota siihen, ettei Act1:n jälkeen juuri kenenkään kalmon kanssa pysty juttelemaan. Act1sessä lähes kaikkien ruumiiden kanssa pystyi juttelemaan. Sitten Act2sessa ei ollut juuri lainkaan enää eläimiä kenen kanssa jutella, ja pettymys olikin suuri, kun Act3sessa näin heti alussa kanoja, ja päätin mennä heittämään hellout. Mitä vittua, niille ei pysty edes yrittää puhua, todella laiskaa koodausta. Tuntuu että Act3:n olisi tehnyt joku ihan eri pelistudio, tai sitten se on täysin alpha asteella.

Itse en pahoittanut mieltäni puhumattomista kanoista, mutta act 3:n alussa tyylin ja ympäristön muutos tuntui kieltämättä hieman omituiselta kun underdarkin pimeistä luolista siirrytään katsomaan kaupungissa esiintyvää sirkusta.. Kaupunkiin tutustuminen, sieltä löytyvät yllätykset ja yksityiskohdat vievät kuitenkin melko nopeasti mukanaan. Oli myös mahtavaa nähdä miten kymmeniä tunteja aiemmin tehtyjen päätösten seuraukset näkyivät myöhemmin pelissä. Bugeja ei ole tullut vastaan. Lopun lähestyessä act 3 alkaa tuntua pelin parhaalta osalta kun tarinat saadaan loppuun, pelaajan täytyy tehdä lopullisia päätöksiä hahmojen kohtaloista ja eeppisiä taisteluita riittää.
Itse en pahoittanut mieltäni puhumattomista kanoista, mutta act 3:n alussa tyylin ja ympäristön muutos tuntui kieltämättä hieman omituiselta kun underdarkin pimeistä luolista siirrytään katsomaan kaupungissa esiintyvää sirkusta.. Kaupunkiin tutustuminen, sieltä löytyvät yllätykset ja yksityiskohdat vievät kuitenkin melko nopeasti mukanaan. Oli myös mahtavaa nähdä miten kymmeniä tunteja aiemmin tehtyjen päätösten seuraukset näkyivät myöhemmin pelissä. Bugeja ei ole tullut vastaan. Lopun lähestyessä act 3 alkaa tuntua pelin parhaalta osalta kun tarinat saadaan loppuun, pelaajan täytyy tehdä lopullisia päätöksiä hahmojen kohtaloista ja eeppisiä taisteluita riittää.
Mutta kun kyseessä pitäisi olla D&D, niin jos yhtäkkiä ei voikkaan puhua eläimille, niin omalla kohdalla se tappaa immersion.
Lisäksi koko tiimini
ovat puoli Illidithejä kuullokkaan liilan pigmentin ja tumman suonikkaan ihon kanssa liihotellen paikasta toiseen.
, niin odotin että Baldurs Gatessa olisivat Balurianit ja Flaming Fist edes jotenkin reakoineet tähän.... Aika kova turn down omalla kohdalla tuo reakoimattomuus, sen verran monta Päätalollista kuitenkin tullut luettua Forgotten Realmsia, että tiedän moisen ryhmän aiheuttavan taatusti reaktiota...
Viimeksi muokattu:
Miten couch co op toimii tässä? Tarkoitan sitä että onko toisella hahmolla samalla tavalla vaikutusta peliin niin kuin netin kautta pelattavassa co opissa jota ainakin monet tuntuvat kehuvan
Viimeksi muokattu:
Miten couch co op toimii tässä? Tarkoitan sitä että onko toisella hahmolla samalla tavalla vaikutusta peliin niin kuin netin kautta pelattavassa co opissa jota ainakin monet tuntuvat kehuvan
En tiedä miten vertautuu nettimoninpeliin, mutta Couch co-opissa molempien hahmot on ns. tasavertaiset. Molemmat pelaajat voivat tehdän kaiken mitä voivat tehdä yksinpelissäkin. Yhteensä max neljällä hahmolla liikutaan 1+1 ja 1+1 tai 1+2 ja 1. Taistelussa molempien vuoro voi olla samaan aikaan.
Kakkosakti takana. Vähän ajatuksia oman kokemuksen ja tämän ketjun pohjalta:
Shadow curse oli aluksi mielenkiintoinen mekaniikka, mutta sen bugisuus rasitti todella paljon. Moonshield piti olla aktivoituna keijun pelastamisella, mutta peli päättikin ottaa sen pois päältä hetkeksi. Onneksi Balthazarin huoneesta sai vielä toisen. Valitettavasti kyseisen keijun kanssa ei voinut käydä keskustelua "valitettavasti en voi vapauttaa sinua, koska pelkään pelinpysäyttäjäbugia".

Shar Gauntlet oli sinänsä hyvin tehty, mutta hiukan ylipitkä. Sen jälkeen kyllä siirryttiin pahasti kohti Larianin helmasyntiä, jossa jonkin tarinaosan loppua venytetään aivan tolkuttomasti ja pelaajana toivoisi kaiken olevan jo ohi. Myrkulin apostolin noustessa ilmoittamaan itsestään teki jo mieli paiskata näyttö parvekkeelta alas, siinä kohtaa venyttäminen tuntui jo naurettavalta.
Läpi meni reilu 125h mittarissa, siihen muutama lisää reload rumbaa ja yrittämistä :)
Olipahan kokemus. Kyllä oli mieleenpainuva ja ainutlaatuinen hyvä peli.

Muutamia mietteitä, pelin alku oli rautaa act 1 ja 2 todella hyviä, act3 alkoi jo käymään turhauttavaksi ja ei meinannu loppua kohti oikein jaksaa painaa, mutta oli todella hyvä fiilis kun sai creditsit ruudulle rullaamaan.
Kaikkia sideguesteja en saanu tehtyä, vaikka kolusin lähes joka paikan, osaa ei löytynyt ja osa on sidottu todella loppuun, joita ei enää jaksanut. Act3 loppua kohti alkoi todella puuduttamaan, harmi sinänsä koska alku oli rautaa, mutta loppua ei ehkä oltu mietitty kunnolla.

Todella pitkö peli ja valintoja valintoja alkoi puuduttamaan joissain kohdin, hyvähän se on olla mielenkiintoista dialogia, mutta omasta mielestä tuota oli liikaakin ja söi vähän fiilistä välillä. Companion romancet tais epäonnistua tai skippailin niitä niin nopeasti ohi, että kai siellä joku oli, itseä se ei hirveästi kiinnostanut, mutta muutoin todella erilaiset olivat kaikki companionit ja sain pidettyä kaikki loppuun asti mukana, toki muutama reload piti ottaa.

En usko että tätä jaksaa enää toista kertaa, paljon bugeja oli vielä loppua kohti. Pelin viimeinen fighti piti yrittää muutaman kerran uudestaan, kunnes vaihdoin helpoimmalle ja se oli sitten liian helppo.
Katotaan jos DLC:tä tulee tai uutta tähän, ehkä innostuu toisen kerran, ainakin nyt tietää mekaniikan ja pelin idean paremmin.
Hyvin piti otteessa, mutta nyt on aikaa muille peleille :)
eikö muka kellään ollut act 3 mitään fps ongelmia, jökittää aivan perkeleesti verrattuna act1 ja 2, varsinkin kaupunki alueilla.
eikö muka kellään ollut act 3 mitään fps ongelmia, jökittää aivan perkeleesti verrattuna act1 ja 2, varsinkin kaupunki alueilla.
Netissä pyörii hassuja perffiväitteitä että jos save game olli tietyssä paikkaa act 3:sta ja lataa sen niin perffi ihan paskaa. Jos kulkee tietyn paikan läpi uusiksi, niin tapahtuu jotain parannusta. En tiedä auttaako sinua.

Random linkki steamista jossa tätä vinkkiä esitellään: Baldur's Gate 3 :: Steam Community
eikö muka kellään ollut act 3 mitään fps ongelmia, jökittää aivan perkeleesti verrattuna act1 ja 2, varsinkin kaupunki alueilla.

View distancea piti pudottaa act 3 mennessä. 5800x3d ja 2800 dippaili pahimmillaan 14 fps pelin oletus asetuksilla. Patch 1 ja 2 tuntu molemmat auttavan, mutta oon suosiolla pitäny distancen nyt mediumilla.
Act 1 ja 2 : 100 fps.
Acti 3: 30-50 fps ja kauheita jäätymisiä vähän väliä. Viimeisin patchi auttoi noihin jäätymisiin selkeästi, mutta fps on kyllä edelleen aika alhainen.

30h:n jälkeen pääsin viimeinkin Act 1 läpi (ja silti jäi joitain tehtäviä tekemättä sinne) ja tuntuu, että Act 1 oli vasta lämmittelyä siihen mitä Act 2 pitää sisällään. Näin 10h:n jälkeen Act 2:ssa eteen tulleet hahmot/tapahtumat on vieläkin kierompia ja mielenkiintoisempia mitä Act1:ssa. Aivan mahtava peli, paras mitä olen tänä vuonna pelannut ja toinen peli tälle vuodelle minkä olen melkein suoraan julkkarista ostanut täyteen hintaan. Toinen oli Ratchet & Clank PC - versio. Kummassakaan ei kyllä mennyt rahat hukkaan :thumbsup:
Mulla tämä peli tökki DX:llä. Vulkanilla ei jököttele ollenkaan. 3700X ja 3070 RTX.
Omissa testeissä myös olen onnistunut varsinkin amd prosessorin tukehduttamaan dx:lla.

Esimerkiksi kun katselee last light innin etupohaa sillan suunnasta se on jotenkin super cpu heavy kohta. Dx11 vaikutti vetävän 5950x:n single threadin lähelle 100% siinä. Vulkan oli hetkittäin yli puolet parempi.

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