Heitetääs tähän vielä tosiaan yleisellä tasolla, (vaikka varmaan kiviäkin kiinnostaa) eli Atmos -kaiuttimethan eivät tarkoita yksinomaan sitä että ne olisivat kattokaiuttimet (heijasteena tai ilman), jos joku näin kuvittelee, vaan Atmokseen kuuluu esim. Front Wide -kaiuttimet. Tuollaista setuppia kuunnelleena missä oli FWL & FWR täytyy todeta että ne kuulosti helvetin hyvälle. Valitettavasti vaan aika harva vahvistin noita tukee. Suosittelen toki testaamaan jos moinen tuki löytyy ja esim. kattokaiuttimet on vähän meh, ei onnistu..
Dolby Atmos is not "moving away" from front-wide channels; they have always been supported in the format. In fact, Atmos is not encoded for any particular configuration of speakers. That's the point of an object-based audio format like Atmos —each audio "object" (bird, plane, Superman, etc.) is encoded with metadata that specifies its location in a 3D soundfield over time. Once you inform the Atmos decoder in your AV receiver or pre/pro about your speaker layout, it plays each sound using the closest available speaker(s) as needed to make the sound appear to come from the correct location.
Atmos does incorporate a "bed" or basic layout of 7.1.2. Each of those channels is treated as a static (non-moving) object, and sound engineers can place sounds in them as they see fit. For example, much of the musical score might be placed in the front channels of the bed.
Engineers can also add up to 118 dynamic objects to the mix, which are played from the speakers closest to the location from which the sound is supposed to be emanating, including front-wide speakers if available.