About that black guy going by the name of "Yasuke"
Today I'd like to venture that entertaining bit concerning "Yasuke", the African attendant of Nobunaga, that turned into a recent phenomenon...

The Bogus Story of Yasuke & "wokeness" revisionist history
Ok all you Wakanda fans, in this post we are dealing with history only, no racial bias, no fantasy "wokeness", or revisionist nonsense... just the facts.

Yasuke, From Africa to Japan in the 16th Century – Yasuke

Pari blogia jotka puhuvat aika vähistä teksteistä mitä Yasukesta löytyy. TLDR: Arabien myymä orja joka tuli jostain pohjois-mozambiquesta tuli nuorukaisena Japaniin vuonna 1579 italialaisen A. Valignano jesuiitan mukana hänen palvelijanaan. Nobunaga kuuli hypeä mustasta miehestä lähialueella ja halusi tavata hänet. Joskus vuonna 1581 Hän sitten esiintyi alasti hänelle ja ja Nobun veljenpojalle joka antoi palkkioksi rahaa. Y+Jesuiitat sitten kävivät yhdessä reissulla ja tapasivat paikallisia sotaherroja. Nobu jossain vaiheessa pyysi Yasukea jäämään hänen palvelijakseen koska miehen olemus oli kiinnostava.
Yasuke oli Nobun palvelijana vain muutaman kuukauden, kantoi miehen keihästä, piti seuraa jne. tuskin osasi puhua japania kovin hyvin tahi taistella. Vuonna 1582 Akechi Mitsuhiden armeijan hyökkäys johti Nobun itsariin. Mitsun soturit ottivat Yasuken kiinni, Mitsuhide kutsuu häntä eläimeksi ja käski päästää takaisin pappien luo. Yasuken annettiin palata jesuiittojen pariin. Hän sitten kaiketi lähti maasta ja ei tehnyt mitään historiallisesti merkittävää.
Nimi Yasuke on epäselvä koska jesuiitan mukana kulkeva on luultavasti kastettu annettu ja annettu länsimainen nimi, ja nobun palvelijalle olisi annettu uusi nimi ja "Yasuke" on varmaan myöhäisempi keksintö.
"Histoire Ecclesiastique Des Isles Et Royaumes Du Japon":
Luis Frois, Lorenço Mexia kirje 1581:
Ota: The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga:
Luis Frois 1585:
"The day of Easter was celebrated in great devotion. After the feast, Father Alexandre went to Meaco to see Nobunaga and thank him for the favors that he continuously bestowed upon Christianity and to our fathers who were preaching in his kingdoms. However Father Alexandre had brought with him from the Indies a Mozambican valet as black as those Ethiopians from Guinea. This cafre was one of those inhabitant from Cape of Good Hope. Suddenly as soon as he arrived here, all the town inhabitants came to see him. Father Organtin brought him to Nobunanga who received him greatly and couldn't believe this skin colour was natural and believed he had been painted for fun."
Luis Frois, Lorenço Mexia kirje 1581:
"That same Sunday, we left for Vocasama, and outside there were people waiting, impressed by the height of our Father and the darkness of our Moor.[...] On Monday there was so many persons in our home, coming to see our little Moor, that there were some troubles. Knowing this, Nobunaga ordered to bring him to him, and Father Organtino did so. Nobunaga laughed happily when he saw him, and had him getting naked from head to belt, thinking that the colour of his skin wasn't real, but a trick. Even his sons and his nephew wanted to see him, entertained: the nephew, a captain of Osaka, presented him 10.000 caxas."
Ota: The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga:
"On the 23rd of the Second Month, a blackamoor came from the Kirishitan country. He appeared to be twenty-six or twenty-seven years old. Black over his whole body, just like an ox, this man looked robust and had a good demeanor. What is more, his formidable strenght surpassed that of ten men. The Bateren brought him along by way of paying their respects to Nobunaga."
Luis Frois 1585:
"After all of this, only one doubt was left to us, that a Moor coming from the Cape of Good Hope, left by the Father Visitor to Nobunaga, after the death of his lord, went to the house of the Prince and here he fought furiously so that a servant of Acheci asked for his surrending, with the promise of no harm: after he surrended his sword, the servant asked Acheci what to do with the black one, and he answered; this Moor is a beast, he does nothing and he's not Japanese, so don't kill him, but give him back to the temple of the Fathers from India. Thus our men were relieved, grateful to the mercy of our lord."