Iranin mukaan dronehyökkäys torjuttiin,
Iran's Defence Ministry states that alleged drone attack on plant was "unsuccessful" venäläisten pitäisi opettaa propagandan käyttöä iranille, pitäisi lisätä tiedonantoon jokin sympatiakohta jota voi myöhemmin käyttää. Vaikkapa että "sattumalta kohdalla olleeseen rekkaan joka kuljetti opiskelutarvikkeita naisille, osui putoavaa droneromua ja aiheutti massiivisen tulipalon"...
Ja israel tietenkin kiistää :
Suspected Israeli Strikes on Iran: Former Israeli Ambassador on Ramifications
Jatkoa taitaa olla luvassa :
Israel ‘Vows’ To Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Facility; Deadly Combo Of US-Origin F-15EX & GBU-57 Could Do The Job?
Will The US Support Israel?
Now the primary issue is – Would USAF give the GBU-57 to Israel? So far, it has been a ‘NO.’ But all this is about to change with the US administration actively considering removing the ban on the sale of this ordnance.
In Israel, they have a willing partner to execute the task. Let me state clearly that USAF has declined to comment on whether F-15EX will be capable of carrying a GBU-57 and if there are any future plans.
It is only my conjecture because if Israel can deliver a massive ordnance penetrator bomb like the GBU-57, Israel will have a qualitative military edge and a threat to Iran’s nuclear facility.
Efforts are in progress by two members of the House of Representatives in the USA to introduce legislation clearing sales of GBU-57 to selected countries, with Israel being the first and possibly the only candidate.
GBU-57, also called Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), was developed in early 2000 and is the most powerful bunker-busting weapon.