Jos ei empatiaa ole, niin minkä sille sitten voi. Kaipa sitä voi energiansa käyttää pilkkaamalla niitä sitten.
Jos niille maksetaan vuodessa $71k enemmän liksaa kuin keskivertokoodaajalle ja pelkkä keskiarvovuokra kaksiolle on jotain neljän tonnin luokkaa, jos vapaita edes löytyy, niin ei siinä hirveesti hurraamista ole. Etätyöt auttaa ihan helvetisti tuollaisissa paikoissa joissa asumiskustannuksissa ei ole enää ollut mitään tolkkua vuosikymmeniin.
"According to the
Living Wage Calculator, a model designed to help policymakers and analysts, you need about $64,000 salary before taxes or just over $50,000 net to cover the living expenses in the Bay Area."
"Even though the Bay Area is one of the most expensive places to live in the United States, many statistics show that you do not have to earn six digits a month to afford it.
The average annual salary you need is $93,720 ($7,810 per month gross). This wage gives you $70,948 ($5,912 per month) in take-home income, which would be sufficient for rent, food, leisure, transportation, and savings.
The recommended budget for a single person living in San Francisco is $5,837 per month. A family of four will need $8,227."
"Bay Area is home to many tech companies and famous production houses in the entertainment industry, so the common salary ranges are $75,000 to $120,000. Also, according to
Payscale, the average salary in the Bay Area is $104,000 per year."
What Is a Good Salary to Live in The Bay Area?