Sikahyvät tarjoukset (puhelin eurolla)

Kukaan saanut täällä Photobumble 40€ kuorta? oisi pitänyt jo tulla kun kuukauden odotellut :confused:
Kuinka tämä datewon jäsenyys perutaan, missään ei oo mitään cancel kohtaa?
Kuinka tämä datewon jäsenyys perutaan, missään ei oo mitään cancel kohtaa?

Painat sieltä "membership", jolta sivulta "cancel". Toisella sivulla on zeniitin laittamia kuvia eri sivujen perumisvaiheista niin AmourX taisi olla likipitäin identtinen Datewonin kanssa.
Painat sieltä "membership", jolta sivulta "cancel". Toisella sivulla on zeniitin laittamia kuvia eri sivujen perumisvaiheista niin AmourX taisi olla likipitäin identtinen Datewonin kanssa.

Eipä näy
Et voi turvallisuussyistä perua kahteen ensimmäiseen päivään. Eli ei vielä ole peruttavissa. Eikä sitä edes kannata vielä perua jos ne lahjat haluat.
Vähemmän yllättäen photobumble kieltäytyi lahjan lähettämisestä vedoten kaikkeen mahdolliseen :smoke:

Onko kukaan valittanut tuon kieltäytymisen jälkeen, menikö läpi...?
En ole jaksanut valitella, mutta kaikki mestat on kokeiltu ja kahdesta on tullut nou nout lahjalle. Saldona siis yksi LG K8 (TransferSafe), LG K8 Dual (PhotoBumble) ja sitten joku rimpula tabletti jolla ei tee mitään. Toi tabletti tuli ilmeisesti AmourX:stä, kesti varmaan pari kuukautta toimituksessa. Jostain muualtakin oli tulossa tabletti, mutta ehkä parempi ettei tulisikaan, jos noin luokaton vekotin on kuin tuo saapunut.
Mihin perustivat kieltäytymisen?
Aluksi antoivat ymmärtää että olin jo saanut aikaisemmin lahjan yms mutta kun valitin niin sanoivat etteivät (onneksi) saaneet veloitettua täysjäsenyyden hintaa. Oma moka, muistelin että kaikissa oli se seitsemän päivää.
Jos se koeaika on loppunut eivätkä saa veloitettua maksukorttia, ei tule lahjaa. Tämä on ehdoissa sanottu eikä sitä voi kiertää.
Photobumbelta tuli semmoiset 130kpl paperisia valokuvia. Vielä jos hyväksyisivöt lahjanoyyntöni.
Tonne voisi vielä kerran liittyä vaikkapa ihan.kuvien takia jo. Ei paha hinta vaikkei puhelinta tulisi.
Photobumbelta tuli semmoiset 130kpl paperisia valokuvia. Vielä jos hyväksyisivöt lahjanoyyntöni.
Tonne voisi vielä kerran liittyä vaikkapa ihan.kuvien takia jo. Ei paha hinta vaikkei puhelinta tulisi.
Siis lähettivätkö ihan postitse jotain valokuvia?
Joo. Sehän mainostaa sitä palvelua niin mä sitten päätin samalla kokeilla. Jotain 130 kuvaa uppasin niiden palvelimelle. Paperikuvan laatu ei ole ihan sitä parasta premiumia mutta 0,75€ 130 kuvalle olen aika tyytyväinen. Vielä puhelinta odottelen...
"We have declined your request for your offer.
Comment from the moderator:
Your household have already had one welcome gift recieved, accepted our under rewiew."

Siis täh? Datewonilta tuli tämmöistä pskaa.
En koskaan ole käyttänyt sitä datewonia niin mistä ne repäisivät tommoiset?
Joo. Sehän mainostaa sitä palvelua niin mä sitten päätin samalla kokeilla. Jotain 130 kuvaa uppasin niiden palvelimelle. Paperikuvan laatu ei ole ihan sitä parasta premiumia mutta 0,75€ 130 kuvalle olen aika tyytyväinen. Vielä puhelinta odottelen...

Enpä olisi tässä vuosien varrella uskonut että joku noista EM Arctic ApS -kusetuskollaasin "palveluista" olisi muutakin kuin pelkkä etusivu ja kulissi. Oppi, ikä, jne. :rofl:

Siis täh? Datewonilta tuli tämmöistä pskaa.
En koskaan ole käyttänyt sitä datewonia niin mistä ne repäisivät tommoiset?

Noissa joissain on pienellä präntillä että jos olet ollut jossain muussa tuon saman emolafkan (se EM Arctic ApS) kusetuksessa jäsenenä, on oikeus lahjaan mennyt.
"We have declined your request for your offer.
Comment from the moderator:
Your household have already had one welcome gift recieved, accepted our under rewiew."

Siis täh? Datewonilta tuli tämmöistä pskaa.
En koskaan ole käyttänyt sitä datewonia niin mistä ne repäisivät tommoiset?
Kysy aspasta, miksi on tilaajalahja on evätty, koska et ole ennen tilannut heiltä mitään. Jos näin todella on, 2beinlove on sama firma.

Enpä olisi tässä vuosien varrella uskonut että joku noista EM Arctic ApS -kusetuskollaasin "palveluista" olisi muutakin kuin pelkkä etusivu ja kulissi. Oppi, ikä, jne. :rofl:
Onko sulla kokemusta siitä, että olisivat muutakin kuin kusetusta? Kyllä nämä on toiminut, mitä tätäkin ketjua on seurannut. Saati sitten murobbs:n aikaan. Tännekin on tullut melkein 10 tablettia, robotti-imuria, lukuisia puhelimia ja ässäarpoja, rahaa kuoressa, Niken lenkkarit jne. Eipä oikein täyty kusetuksen merkit. Ennen tuota emolafkaa pysty viemään ku litran mittaa ja kotiuttaa useampaa lahjaa samaan osoitteeseen, nyt on jo vähän hankalampaa.

Noissa joissain on pienellä präntillä että jos olet ollut jossain muussa tuon saman emolafkan (se EM Arctic ApS) kusetuksessa jäsenenä, on oikeus lahjaan mennyt.
Ihan selkeästi se on siellä terms&consseissa esitetty. Eikä koske kaikkia emolafkan firmoja. Joku näistä nykyisistä on ollut ennen toisella nimellä, jolloin lahjaa ei saa tilattua. Tässä tapauksessa datewon on ollut ennen 2beinlove.

On the 28th of May, 2015, officially changed its name to If you have registered a user earlier on, and requested an introduction-gift, you are no longer eligible to receive a new introduction-gift on
Onko sulla kokemusta siitä, että olisivat muutakin kuin kusetusta? Kyllä nämä on toiminut, mitä tätäkin ketjua on seurannut. Saati sitten murobbs:n aikaan. Tännekin on tullut melkein 10 tablettia, robotti-imuria, lukuisia puhelimia ja ässäarpoja, rahaa kuoressa, Niken lenkkarit jne. Eipä oikein täyty kusetuksen merkit. Ennen tuota emolafkaa pysty viemään ku litran mittaa ja kotiuttaa useampaa lahjaa samaan osoitteeseen, nyt on jo vähän hankalampaa.

Eiköhän tuossa meinattu, että se itse palvelu on oikeasti toimiva, eikä vain kulissi.
Aha, tässä syy miksi hylkäsi lahjapyyntöni
The reason for your request being declined is that there has been sent a gift from us to the address back in April 2015, which is why we are not able to sent one more.

Lafka taisi olla muun niminen koska oli minulle ihan eka kerta.
Eiköhän tuossa meinattu, että se itse palvelu on oikeasti toimiva, eikä vain kulissi.
Niinpäs tais ollakin :)

Aha, tässä syy miksi hylkäsi lahjapyyntöni
The reason for your request being declined is that there has been sent a gift from us to the address back in April 2015, which is why we are not able to sent one more.

Lafka taisi olla muun niminen koska oli minulle ihan eka kerta.
28.5.2015 2beinlove muutti nimensä datewoniksi
Ja photobumbleltakin tuli hylky
"Your gift request has been declined. "

Mulla kiinnostus tais loppua tähän.
Kukaan saamut photobumblelta mitään? marraskuun lopussa minulle lähetetty ja ei näy :/
Täällä ja Murobbs:n puolella tullut lueskeltua ketjua aika tiiviisti. Voisi rohkaistua itsekin näiden kanssa kikkailemaan.:kahvi:

Aikoinaan ainakin käytettiin Elisa Lompakkoa näihin.. Onkohan tuo vielä ilmaista vai kannattaako käyttää jotain muuta palvelua tähän leikkiin? Sitten vaan ilmottautumisia vetämään ja jäsenyyksien irtisanomisia ajallaan aina kun vain tuo onnistuu ja lahjan saaminen antaa myöden? :)
Tämmöistä photobumble vastasi
We have been in touch with the gift department and the gift request on is again being processed as a mistake in the system has occured.

You will recieve an email, when there is news in the matter.

Jos nyt ymmärsin oikein niin lahjantoimittajaa etsivät?
Täällä ja Murobbs:n puolella tullut lueskeltua ketjua aika tiiviisti. Voisi rohkaistua itsekin näiden kanssa kikkailemaan.:kahvi:

Aikoinaan ainakin käytettiin Elisa Lompakkoa näihin.. Onkohan tuo vielä ilmaista vai kannattaako käyttää jotain muuta palvelua tähän leikkiin? Sitten vaan ilmottautumisia vetämään ja jäsenyyksien irtisanomisia ajallaan aina kun vain tuo onnistuu ja lahjan saaminen antaa myöden? :)
Elisan lompakko itselläkkin oli aikanaan ja nythän se on muuttunut, mutta hyvin pelaa enkä ole huomannut edes mitään kk-maksuja. Siitä vaan tilaamaan, mutta tarkkuutta niiden ehtojen lukemiseen!

Tämmöistä photobumble vastasi
We have been in touch with the gift department and the gift request on is again being processed as a mistake in the system has occured.

You will recieve an email, when there is news in the matter.

Jos nyt ymmärsin oikein niin lahjantoimittajaa etsivät?
Jos annoin itseni ymmärtää oikein, niin niiden pitää tarkastaa lahjan saamisen edellytykset uudelleen järjestelmävirheen takia. En näe missään yhteyttä lahjantoimittajaan.
Kauanko muilla mennyt lahjan pyytämisestä vahvistukseen? Täällä kohta mennyt kuukausi jokaisessa palvelussa eikä vieläkään kuulu mitään... :think:
Vaihtelevasti, laita viestiä sinne aspaan. Jokaisesta kuitenkin on aina tullut joku vastaus.
Photobumblen kohdalla kävi näin:
20.12.2017 sain lahjapyyntö linkkin, täytin sen, monen monta viestiä aspaan ja tänään se oli hyväksytty ja lahja tulossa...
Mitä: 40e CM-lahjakortti (mahdollisesti rahaa kuoressa)
Mistä: hxxp://
Millä: 0,75 eur
Terms&cons: 14 päivän koejäsenyys. Tilaajalahjaa varten jäsenenä pitää olla yli 7 päivää, mutta alle 14. Peru tilaus siis esim. 10. päivänä. Joskus asiakaspalvelusta pitää kysyä, miten tilaajalahja tilataan, että saa linkin tilaussivulle.


Alkuperäinen meili
> ---------- Alkuperäinen viesti ----------
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Date: 15. tammikuuta 2018 at 22:55
> Subject: Uusin käyttäjäpäivitys tilillesi on suoritettu
> Hei,
> Käyttäjätilisi netticasinolle on hyväksytty, ja sen kunniaksi annamme tilillesi 50 ilmaiskierrosta, joiden avulla pääset mukavasti alkuun pelaamisessa.
> Tämän lisäksi tarjoamme 100% talletusbonuksen ensimmäisen talletuksesi yhteydessä AINA JOPA 200 EUROON ASTI!
> Siirry tästä lunastamaan käyttäjätilisi ja palkintosi:
> Tarjoamme sinulle myös mahdollisuuden lunastaa itsellesi 40 euron arvoisen lahjakortin K-Citymarkettiin vain 0,75 eurolla!
> Siirry henkilökohtaiseen lomakkeeseesi (varattu sähköpostiosoitteelle:
> Miksi saan tämän uutiskirjeen?
> Olet ilmoittanut sähköpostiosoitteesi ja halukkuutesi saada tietoja kilpailuista ja tarjouksista sähköpostiisi.
> Olet antanut käyttöömme seuraavan sähköpostiosoitteen:
> Jos et halua enää vastaanottaa uutiskirjettämme, voit tehdä peruutuksesi alla olevan linkin kautta.
> Klikkaa tästä peruuttaaksesi tarjousten vastaanottamisen:
> Ottaaksesi meihin yhteyttä, kirjoita osoitteeseen:
> Osoitteemme
> EM Medier
> Postboks 313
> 9100 Aalborg
> Denmark

Terms & Conditions
To top
Payment takes place via an SSL-encrypted link. Payment is approved by Adyen.

You buy the service from: EM Arctic ApS, Postbox 313, DK-9100 Aalborg, Denmark. Business reg. no.: ApS525495. Our phone number is (+45) 36 94 98 80. EM Arctic ApS runs the website.

Acceptance of subscription terms
On registration, you accept that (EM Arctic ApS) may charge the agreed amount at intervals in accordance with the selected membership, until you unsubscribe via the self-service area. You furthermore accept that you will receive advertising newsletters from the following brands:,,,,,,

Terms and prices
When you register you accept that can charge €0.75 for 14 days membership of

Membership entails a large number of benefits. These include a trial period of 14 days from registration as a member, at a special price.

After the trial period, your membership will be activated automatically, unless you have unsubscribed. We will then deduct €49.00 every 30 days until you unsubscribe. If you do not wish to renew your membership you must therefore remember to cancel it within the period of 14 days from the order date. Membership may not continue on a trial basis after 14 days from the order date.

When you register for trial membership via one of our campaign offers you will also receive a receipt directly on the screen.

Termination of membership and binding period
You can stop or cancel your current subscription at any time. There is thus no binding period. If you terminate your subscription, as from the termination date no money will be charged to the subscription until it is re-activated or renewed. Please note, however, that for technical reasons your subscription cannot be cancelled for the first 48 hours after it has commenced.

Introductory gift
When you register via one of our campaign pages, you will also have the opportunity to receive an introductory gift. The nature of the gift will appear on the campaign page. To receive your gift, you must follow the instructions that will be sent in a separate e-mail. The gift WILL NOT be sent automatically and is only available if you take advantage of the trial period for more than 7 days. If you cancel your trial membership after fewer than 7 days, or if we are not subsequently able to deduct payment using the credit card information provided, the right to the welcome gift is void and your request for the gift will be automatically rejected.

In some cases, the welcome gift shown is not identical with what you will receive and is only shown for inspirational purposes. Instead, you will receive a cash amount in EUR - this is shown on the payment page.

In campaigns where an extra competition is shown together with a gift, the shown competition prize is an example of what you can use the prize to purchase. The picture shown is not what you can win.

Please note that if you register as a user via a campaign page without being referred by one of our official partners, you will not receive a welcome gift.

Our welcome gift is limited to one per person (and one per household) and does not apply to those who are already members. Our welcome gift is for new members only. have the right to demand proof that the user has received the initial offer as the campaign advertises. In addition with the request for the gift, we will require the user to forward the original email campaign containing the link to the specific campaign. have the right to demand proof that the user has received the initial offer as the campaign advertises. In addition with the request for the gift, we will require the user to forward the original email campaign containing the link to the specific campaign.

Right of return
Your purchase of membership, which is classed as a subscription purchase, is subject to the statutory 14 days’ right of return. You can only return your purchase if you have NOT used your subscription within the 14-day period. Use of your subscription begins as soon as you complete the purchase on If you wish to exercise the right of return you must log off directly after your purchase, without logging on again. You must then contact customer service by e-mail to inform them that you wish to cancel your purchase. Your subscription will thereafter be terminated and you will receive a form that you are required to complete and return. As you have entered into a subscription agreement, the right of return applies solely to the conclusion of the agreement, and not in connection with the ongoing payment.

About the concept is an online photo-gallery service where users can store large photos and other images in their original size. has a maximum storage of 10 GigaBytes.

Use of Service
By agreeing to these Terms, you agree not to upload, send or transfer any files that features:
- child pornography
- copyrighted material that you don't own
- violates privacy rights, including data protection rights
- viruses, worms, junk mail, spam, malware, phishing mails, unsolicited promotions or advertisements
- any other form of illegal material

You also agree not to attempt to scan, compromise, hack, crack or test the vulnerability of reserves the right to, without any warning, remove any files from its servers or block users from accessing the service, if they find out users has been violating these Terms. is responsible for the content uploaded, which requires to monitor the content uploaded to prevent any illegal activity. provides its Service “AS-IS,” without warranty of any kind. You acknowledge and agree that is not responsible for any damages to your computer system or the computer system of any third party that result from use of this service.

For users of
When you order a membership, you are registered as a user of You will then receive a welcome mail with your log-in data. If you do not receive this mail, please contact our customer service for details of your log-in data.

As a user you are subject to the current terms of use of, including that we send you newsletters from time to time. advises all users to beware of letters written in English. These can be spam letters designed to get money from people. advises you not to disclose personal data such as addresses and account numbers. At, we only require your account number in the payment centre. urges all users not to give money to persons that they do not know, even if there has been a lively exchange of letters or telephone numbers. Contacts of this nature are usually intended to get money from people, and this money will never be returned to you. waives any liability should users choose to ignore our recommendations.

To top
We are committed to protecting your privacy on-line.

We appreciate that you do not want the personal information you provide to us distributed indiscriminately and this policy explains how we collect information about you, what we do with it and what controls you have.

Who we are?
The website is owned by EM Arctic ApS which is the party responsible for collecting the data.

Personal data we may collect about you
We can only provide the goods and services ordered by you if you provide us with your personal data. For the purpose of providing these services, we collect personal data about you such as: your name, address, email address, IP, host name.

We will use the information you provide for the purposes described in this privacy policy to which you agreed to at the time your data was obtained.

Your personal data will be used to provide the information, goods and services offered through our website to you, for billing and order fulfilment.

We may use your personal information to send you information about our products and services which you have requested from us by signing up to our newsletter. At any stage you can ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes. You can opt out of receiving any marketing communications from us by using the unsubscribe-function in the email. does not save your creditcard number or any information about it.

Your consent
Your personal data will be used to:

- administer your account with us;
- verify and carry out financial transactions in relation to payments you make online;

We may obtain information about your online movements and use of the internet. We do this by placing a ‘cookie’, which is a small file, on your computer’s hard disk.

For further information about how we use cookies, please see our cookies policy here.

We place great importance on the security of all personally identifiable information associated with our users. We have security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control. We will use technical and organisational measures to safeguard your personal data, for example:

- access to your account is controlled by password and username which are unique to you;
- we store your personal data on secure servers;
- payment details are encrypted using SSL technology.

You should bear in mind that submission of information over the internet is never entirely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of information whilst it is in transit over the internet and any such submission is at your own risk. All we can do is use all our reasonable efforts to safeguard your data and ensure that we maintain a reliable and safe environment to use your data. It is advisable to close your browser when you have finished your user session to help ensure others do not access your personal information if you use a shared computer or a computer in a public place.

Your rights
If you are concerned about your data, you have the right, subject to the payment of a small fee (currently £10), to request access to the personal data which we may hold or process about you.

Our contact details
We welcome your feedback and questions. If you wish to contact us, please send an email to or you can write to us at EM Arctic ApS, Postbox 313, DK-9100 Aalborg, Denmark, or call us on (+45) 36 94 98 80.

To top
A cookie is a small text file that we store on your device.

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. Cookies also provide us with information about how this website is used so we can keep it is as up to date, relevant and error-free as possible. Further information about the types of cookies that may be used on this website is set out below:

Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are essential to the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website.

Analytical/performance cookies. These cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors to our website and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
Functionality cookies. These cookies are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.

This cookie enables us to:

  • [Estimate our audience size and usage pattern.]
  • [Store information about your preferences, and so allow us to customise our site and to provide you with offers that are targeted at your individual interests.]
  • [Speed up your searches.]
  • [Recognise you when you return to our site.]
  • [Allow you to use our site in a way that makes your browsing experience more convenient. If you register with us or complete our online forms, we will use cookies to remember your details during your current visit, and any future visits provided the cookie was not deleted in the interim.]
Please note that certain cookies may be set the moment you start visiting this website. You can choose to manage the cookies we use on this website through your browser settings at any time. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. For more information about how to change your browser settings, and about cookies in general, you can visit
Viimeksi muokattu:
Huomasin tuossa ylempänä, että joskus forwardoi datewoniin, toisinaan taas tuohon one2onephotoon. Tarkkana siis.
Noniin, sehän on hyvä, että julkaisevat nykyään jo noita one2onephoton tarjouksia. Vielä ainakin printografy niminen paikka on käyttämättä, mutta eivät vielä ole niistä lähetelleet tarjouksia, vaikka suomenkielisiä tarjouksia löytää hakemalla.

Edit. Näyttääpi mikä tahansa vanhakin viesti toimivan. Itse ainakin yritän nyt jollain 16.12. saapuneella linkillä, kun ei ollut kuin kännykkä ja tabletti tarjouksia tullut tämän kuun puolella.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kantsiiko tota one2onephotoa edes yrittää jos on jo saanut photobumbelta ja stackphotolta?
Ok, päätin liittyä tohon one2oneen. Aktian wallet tilillä olisi noin 5€ jäljellä. Jostain syystä maksu ei onnistu. Valittaa not enough. Osaatteko sanoa paljonko tilillä pitäisi olla katetta jotta maksuvaraus(0,75€) menisi läpi? Kortille olen asettanut maksurajaksi 10€.
Kokeiltu on. Edelleen valittaa, että not enough charge. Ei se mitään, mielenkiinto oikeastaan on aika loppu näihin.
Mitä: 40e CM-lahjakortti (mahdollisesti rahaa kuoressa)
Mistä: hxxp://;
Millä: 0,75 eur
Terms&cons: 14 päivän koejäsenyys. Tilaajalahjaa varten jäsenenä pitää olla yli 7 päivää, mutta alle 14. Peru tilaus siis esim. 10. päivänä. Joskus asiakaspalvelusta pitää kysyä, miten tilaajalahja tilataan, että saa linkin tilaussivulle.


Alkuperäinen meili
> ---------- Alkuperäinen viesti ----------
> From: "" <>
> To:
> Date: 15. tammikuuta 2018 at 22:55
> Subject: Uusin käyttäjäpäivitys tilillesi on suoritettu
> Hei,
> Käyttäjätilisi netticasinolle on hyväksytty, ja sen kunniaksi annamme tilillesi 50 ilmaiskierrosta, joiden avulla pääset mukavasti alkuun pelaamisessa.
> Tämän lisäksi tarjoamme 100% talletusbonuksen ensimmäisen talletuksesi yhteydessä AINA JOPA 200 EUROON ASTI!
> Siirry tästä lunastamaan käyttäjätilisi ja palkintosi:
> Tarjoamme sinulle myös mahdollisuuden lunastaa itsellesi 40 euron arvoisen lahjakortin K-Citymarkettiin vain 0,75 eurolla!
> Siirry henkilökohtaiseen lomakkeeseesi (varattu sähköpostiosoitteelle:
> Miksi saan tämän uutiskirjeen?
> Olet ilmoittanut sähköpostiosoitteesi ja halukkuutesi saada tietoja kilpailuista ja tarjouksista sähköpostiisi.
> Olet antanut käyttöömme seuraavan sähköpostiosoitteen:
> Jos et halua enää vastaanottaa uutiskirjettämme, voit tehdä peruutuksesi alla olevan linkin kautta.
> Klikkaa tästä peruuttaaksesi tarjousten vastaanottamisen:
> Ottaaksesi meihin yhteyttä, kirjoita osoitteeseen:
> Osoitteemme
> EM Medier
> Postboks 313
> 9100 Aalborg
> Denmark

Terms & Conditions
To top
Payment takes place via an SSL-encrypted link. Payment is approved by Adyen.

You buy the service from: EM Arctic ApS, Postbox 313, DK-9100 Aalborg, Denmark. Business reg. no.: ApS525495. Our phone number is (+45) 36 94 98 80. EM Arctic ApS runs the website.

Acceptance of subscription terms
On registration, you accept that (EM Arctic ApS) may charge the agreed amount at intervals in accordance with the selected membership, until you unsubscribe via the self-service area. You furthermore accept that you will receive advertising newsletters from the following brands:,,,,,,

Terms and prices
When you register you accept that can charge €0.75 for 14 days membership of

Membership entails a large number of benefits. These include a trial period of 14 days from registration as a member, at a special price.

After the trial period, your membership will be activated automatically, unless you have unsubscribed. We will then deduct €49.00 every 30 days until you unsubscribe. If you do not wish to renew your membership you must therefore remember to cancel it within the period of 14 days from the order date. Membership may not continue on a trial basis after 14 days from the order date.

When you register for trial membership via one of our campaign offers you will also receive a receipt directly on the screen.

Termination of membership and binding period
You can stop or cancel your current subscription at any time. There is thus no binding period. If you terminate your subscription, as from the termination date no money will be charged to the subscription until it is re-activated or renewed. Please note, however, that for technical reasons your subscription cannot be cancelled for the first 48 hours after it has commenced.

Introductory gift
When you register via one of our campaign pages, you will also have the opportunity to receive an introductory gift. The nature of the gift will appear on the campaign page. To receive your gift, you must follow the instructions that will be sent in a separate e-mail. The gift WILL NOT be sent automatically and is only available if you take advantage of the trial period for more than 7 days. If you cancel your trial membership after fewer than 7 days, or if we are not subsequently able to deduct payment using the credit card information provided, the right to the welcome gift is void and your request for the gift will be automatically rejected.

In some cases, the welcome gift shown is not identical with what you will receive and is only shown for inspirational purposes. Instead, you will receive a cash amount in EUR - this is shown on the payment page.

In campaigns where an extra competition is shown together with a gift, the shown competition prize is an example of what you can use the prize to purchase. The picture shown is not what you can win.

Please note that if you register as a user via a campaign page without being referred by one of our official partners, you will not receive a welcome gift.

Our welcome gift is limited to one per person (and one per household) and does not apply to those who are already members. Our welcome gift is for new members only. have the right to demand proof that the user has received the initial offer as the campaign advertises. In addition with the request for the gift, we will require the user to forward the original email campaign containing the link to the specific campaign. have the right to demand proof that the user has received the initial offer as the campaign advertises. In addition with the request for the gift, we will require the user to forward the original email campaign containing the link to the specific campaign.

Right of return
Your purchase of membership, which is classed as a subscription purchase, is subject to the statutory 14 days’ right of return. You can only return your purchase if you have NOT used your subscription within the 14-day period. Use of your subscription begins as soon as you complete the purchase on If you wish to exercise the right of return you must log off directly after your purchase, without logging on again. You must then contact customer service by e-mail to inform them that you wish to cancel your purchase. Your subscription will thereafter be terminated and you will receive a form that you are required to complete and return. As you have entered into a subscription agreement, the right of return applies solely to the conclusion of the agreement, and not in connection with the ongoing payment.

About the concept is an online photo-gallery service where users can store large photos and other images in their original size. has a maximum storage of 10 GigaBytes.

Use of Service
By agreeing to these Terms, you agree not to upload, send or transfer any files that features:
- child pornography
- copyrighted material that you don't own
- violates privacy rights, including data protection rights
- viruses, worms, junk mail, spam, malware, phishing mails, unsolicited promotions or advertisements
- any other form of illegal material

You also agree not to attempt to scan, compromise, hack, crack or test the vulnerability of reserves the right to, without any warning, remove any files from its servers or block users from accessing the service, if they find out users has been violating these Terms. is responsible for the content uploaded, which requires to monitor the content uploaded to prevent any illegal activity. provides its Service “AS-IS,” without warranty of any kind. You acknowledge and agree that is not responsible for any damages to your computer system or the computer system of any third party that result from use of this service.

For users of
When you order a membership, you are registered as a user of You will then receive a welcome mail with your log-in data. If you do not receive this mail, please contact our customer service for details of your log-in data.

As a user you are subject to the current terms of use of, including that we send you newsletters from time to time. advises all users to beware of letters written in English. These can be spam letters designed to get money from people. advises you not to disclose personal data such as addresses and account numbers. At, we only require your account number in the payment centre. urges all users not to give money to persons that they do not know, even if there has been a lively exchange of letters or telephone numbers. Contacts of this nature are usually intended to get money from people, and this money will never be returned to you. waives any liability should users choose to ignore our recommendations.

To top
We are committed to protecting your privacy on-line.

We appreciate that you do not want the personal information you provide to us distributed indiscriminately and this policy explains how we collect information about you, what we do with it and what controls you have.

Who we are?
The website is owned by EM Arctic ApS which is the party responsible for collecting the data.

Personal data we may collect about you
We can only provide the goods and services ordered by you if you provide us with your personal data. For the purpose of providing these services, we collect personal data about you such as: your name, address, email address, IP, host name.

We will use the information you provide for the purposes described in this privacy policy to which you agreed to at the time your data was obtained.

Your personal data will be used to provide the information, goods and services offered through our website to you, for billing and order fulfilment.

We may use your personal information to send you information about our products and services which you have requested from us by signing up to our newsletter. At any stage you can ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes. You can opt out of receiving any marketing communications from us by using the unsubscribe-function in the email. does not save your creditcard number or any information about it.

Your consent
Your personal data will be used to:

- administer your account with us;
- verify and carry out financial transactions in relation to payments you make online;

We may obtain information about your online movements and use of the internet. We do this by placing a ‘cookie’, which is a small file, on your computer’s hard disk.

For further information about how we use cookies, please see our cookies policy here.

We place great importance on the security of all personally identifiable information associated with our users. We have security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control. We will use technical and organisational measures to safeguard your personal data, for example:

- access to your account is controlled by password and username which are unique to you;
- we store your personal data on secure servers;
- payment details are encrypted using SSL technology.

You should bear in mind that submission of information over the internet is never entirely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of information whilst it is in transit over the internet and any such submission is at your own risk. All we can do is use all our reasonable efforts to safeguard your data and ensure that we maintain a reliable and safe environment to use your data. It is advisable to close your browser when you have finished your user session to help ensure others do not access your personal information if you use a shared computer or a computer in a public place.

Your rights
If you are concerned about your data, you have the right, subject to the payment of a small fee (currently £10), to request access to the personal data which we may hold or process about you.

Our contact details
We welcome your feedback and questions. If you wish to contact us, please send an email to or you can write to us at EM Arctic ApS, Postbox 313, DK-9100 Aalborg, Denmark, or call us on (+45) 36 94 98 80.

To top
A cookie is a small text file that we store on your device.

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. Cookies also provide us with information about how this website is used so we can keep it is as up to date, relevant and error-free as possible. Further information about the types of cookies that may be used on this website is set out below:

Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are essential to the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website.

Analytical/performance cookies. These cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors to our website and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
Functionality cookies. These cookies are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.

This cookie enables us to:

  • [Estimate our audience size and usage pattern.]
  • [Store information about your preferences, and so allow us to customise our site and to provide you with offers that are targeted at your individual interests.]
  • [Speed up your searches.]
  • [Recognise you when you return to our site.]
  • [Allow you to use our site in a way that makes your browsing experience more convenient. If you register with us or complete our online forms, we will use cookies to remember your details during your current visit, and any future visits provided the cookie was not deleted in the interim.]
Please note that certain cookies may be set the moment you start visiting this website. You can choose to manage the cookies we use on this website through your browser settings at any time. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. For more information about how to change your browser settings, and about cookies in general, you can visit

Antaa nyt 404. :(
Hmmm... Niinpä tekee. Urlissa taisi olla &amp; liikaa. Korjattu ja myös tässä uutta linkkiä. Linkitys vaihtelee dicsountor, transfersafe, datewon ja one2onephoto.

Oletteko yrittäneet myydä se lg:n kännykää? Paljonko pyysitte? Meillä on yksi K7 käytössä mutta ensiviikolla tulossa uusi, ja sille ei käyttöä löydy...
Iphone 4, 3eurolla. Siitä se alkoi. Sitten jokunen muu lahjaakin tuli kikkailtua kotiin päin kunnes kiinnostus sitten loppui moneksi vuodeksi.
Viime syksynä eteen.osui stackphotolta houkutteleva tarjous johon tartuin. Luvattu puhelin tuli(myin heti pois 40eurolla), ja 2x20€ transferilta. Ja nyt tänään tuli photobumbelta puhelin. Tosin huijattu olo jäi, nimittäin puhelin oli lg k5. Speksit sitä luokkaa, että jää varapuhelimeksi.
Moro! Tuosta ekalta sivuta ottin tuon alkuperäisen sähköpostin, mutta siinä olevat "klikkaa tästä" kohdat eivät ole enää linkkejä. Haittaako tämä sähköpostin välitystä eteenpäin?
Moro! Tuosta ekalta sivuta ottin tuon alkuperäisen sähköpostin, mutta siinä olevat "klikkaa tästä" kohdat eivät ole enää linkkejä. Haittaako tämä sähköpostin välitystä eteenpäin?
Tuskin haittaa, katso vaan tarkkaan että sen mielin tyyppi on plain text, kun forwardoit sitä aikanaan.
Voittoa tällaisilla kampanjoilla ei varmasti tehdä, niin tietääkö joku mihin tällaisen bisnes perustuu, rahanpesuna ainakin aika onnettoman oloista ?
Ehkäpä siihen, että tilaajat ei muista/osaa perua kestotilausta, jolloin skädäm, tililtä lähtee se 50-80e paikasta riippuen.


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