MSI Tomahawk x570 / Realtek 2.5G kaataa koko verkon

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Suhteellisen kinkkisen oloinen ongelma ilmeni muutaman kuukauden ikäisessä kokoonpanossa. Realtekin LAN kortti menettää verkkoyhteyden ja kaataa koko muun verkon mukanaan. Tämä ilmeni ilman mitään rauta/softamuutosta. Pasteen laiskuuttani kopion viasta tästä threadistä josta puolestaan linkki jonkun toisen vastaavaan ongelmaan redditissä.

Ok so, this mobo has worked fine for several months for me except for the wake from sleep issues but now, all of sudden the LAN NIC lost connection and soon after my whole home network went down (noticed cause my laptop lost WiFi and I couldn't connect to any routers etc.).
Of course I initially thought it was the router crapping out but after rebooting all the NW devices, switching cables, testing different routers etc. I noticed that
a) Other devices loose network too when this MSI mobo is connected
b) MSI doesn't get connection to any router any more when tried directly plugging to few factory reset routers.

I first suspected that it was some malware that caused it (there was some found) so I reinstalled Win10 just in case. No go. Then by random I just thought to clear CMOS and well, that fixed it. For a day. After 24h or so I woke up the computer from sleep (it obviously failing to do that and instead boot cycling itself back alive) and I again had "unidentified network / no network access" for the LAN.

I googled some more and read this thread more carefully and it describes the exact same issue. Realtek 2.5G dying and crashing the whole network with it.

I've already mentioned this issue to MSI support while discussing about the sleep wake problems and yet to get any answer to this but thought to ask if there are others having this issue too. It seems really random so wonder if it could be anything but the hardware failing.

Main network devices (I did try bypassing everything between the mobo and Edgerouter too)
- Cable modem in bridge mode
- Unifi Edgerouter X SFP as main router
- Unifi UAP-LR WiFi AP with PoE feed
- 2x dummy switches
- Asus RT-AC1200G in AP mode

Onkohan muilla ollut moista vaivaa ja jos niin onko korjaantunut rautaa vaihtamalla vai onko kyseessä joku epämääräinen ajuri/windows versio yhteensopivuusongelma joka saattaa korjaantua tai olla korjaantumatta?
Epäonnistuin googlettajana aiemmin. Törmäilin parin toisen ketjun kautta tänne josta löytyi ainakin toistaiseki apua tuova kikka kunnes Realtek julkaisee asian toivottavasti korjaavan 10.48 ajurin


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