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Chivalry on hauska peli ja tätä peliä tullut mietittyä. Onko tässäkin sama, jos on netti huono niin parempi olla keihästäjä/seivästäjä?
Tuohon en osaa sanoa kun itellä pingit pyörii 30-65ms välissä. Jollain kehnommalla serverillä oli kaikilla 150ms mutta se olikin sitten jo aikamoista tahmaamista.
Tuohon en osaa sanoa kun itellä pingit pyörii 30-65ms välissä. Jollain kehnommalla serverillä oli kaikilla 150ms mutta se olikin sitten jo aikamoista tahmaamista.

Chivalryssa peliservu meni ihan jumiin, jos sinne tuli joku reippaalla 300ms pingillä, mutta siellä olikin automaattinen banni, jos pingit ei pysynyt kurissa. Todella pieni pingiset(30ms) listi ritarina miten lystäsi ja ne oli aina edellä liikkeissä joten seipäällä parempi sohia ympäriinsä "sokeana" niin ei se pingi vaje niin hirveästi haitannut. Pahimmillaan katkasivat heti pään kun tuli vastaan.
Vieläkös porukka pelailee tätä? Kovin on hiljaista täällä... Omaan mieleen kyllä ollut hauskaa ja sopivalla määrällä gorea varustettua mättöä, muutamat "parhaat" palat tässä videolla

81 tuntia nyt pelikellossa, ja vielä ei ole kyllästyminen päässyt iskemään. Duelit sujuu kyllä toodeella huonosti, pitäisi treenata lisää (vaikkei se Frontlinessä niin tärkeä olekaan)

Kyllähän tämä ansaitusti on ottanut ykköspaikan sellaisena "aivot narikkaan" mättönä, jonka virkaa battlefieldit ja codit ennen pilaantumistaan ajoi. Ei ole tullut mitään helikopteriukkoexploitteja pelin vanhetessakaan vastaan, vaan hyvin nautittavaa menoa.

Pienempi Frontline (32 max) on kyllä ehdoton itselle. Tuon yli rupeaa menemään liikaa sellaiseksi ettei taidoillakaan ole mitään väliä enää.
Kyllähän tämä ansaitusti on ottanut ykköspaikan sellaisena "aivot narikkaan" mättönä, jonka virkaa battlefieldit ja codit ennen pilaantumistaan ajoi. Ei ole tullut mitään helikopteriukkoexploitteja pelin vanhetessakaan vastaan, vaan hyvin nautittavaa menoa.

Pienempi Frontline (32 max) on kyllä ehdoton itselle. Tuon yli rupeaa menemään liikaa sellaiseksi ettei taidoillakaan ole mitään väliä enää.
Joo 64 pelit on niin kaaottista että selviäminen on jo sattuman kauppaa. Tosin silloin saa puolivahingossakin tuplatappoja pidemmillä aseilla :) Ehkä parhaat väännöt on kun on noin 5-10 pelaajaa per puoli kartasta riippuen imo.
Päivitystä kehittäjiltä, ranked, uusia mappeja ja pelimuoto on kehitteillä:


In this post I’ll be discussing some plans for the future of Mordhau, and what the team has been working on recently. Please note that most, if not all features and content covered are in varying stages of completion; everything is Work-In-Progress and may change prior to its release or be canceled. As for timelines and estimated release of these things, we focus more on ensuring they are up to our standards as opposed to setting hard deadlines, so things will come when they’re ready.


Content / Maps
Our main priority post-release has focused around bringing in additional content to help keep the game feeling fresh - while a handful of weapons, cosmetics, and the map Crossroads were added, our artists have been hard at work on fully-fledged maps that will be playable in all game modes.

Feitoria is a sprawling town and accompanying village that will alternate between crowded streets, chokepoints, and more open areas and will have an emphasis on verticality and interiors as well. Currently, progress is going well on Feitoria, and our level designer is working on optimization, interior/background polish, and configuring the map for game modes.

Castello on the other hand, is a southern-European/ Mediterranean inspired castle keep and walled courtyards. It will have a similar feel to Grad, but with a more involved castle section, including portcullis control and close-quarters fighting. At the moment, Casello has begun its final art pass, along with some fine-tuning of the lighting and post-process effects.

Existing maps aren’t being forgotten, however - while we’re prioritizing new maps over spending all of our time tweaking the existing ones, we’re aware of balance and gameplay issues on existing maps, especially Crossroads, and will be improving them.


Game Modes
Recently, we have been hard at work on implementing ranked modes into Mordhau, as we feel it is a perfect fit for the high-skill gameplay that Mordhau brings to the table. You will earn a distinct rank - here’s a quick preview of them:


In addition to Ranked, we’re also working on a 64-player attack/defend mode which will capture the feeling of a medieval battle, with sieging and progressive objectives. We’re calling this mode “Invasion” in-house, and we’re in the process of designing the mode. It’s important that we’re able to retroactively add this mode to existing maps, as our levels are designed to be usable in all game modes when possible. This mode will not come next patch, but in the future.

We’ve been listening to your feedback, and we’re aware that Frontline is a bit of a polarizing topic - some people love it, others hate it. We’ve been looking into ways to reduce stalemates and make Frontline have more of a back-and-forth “tug of war” feel to it, and increase the player’s feel of involvement with the objectives. Nothing on this front is set in stone, but we’re looking into ways to improve the game mode nonetheless.

Balance & Gameplay Improvements
We’ve been listening to your feedback on game balance and frustrations with the game, and we’ve identified some areas that need a bit of work in this regard. Horses feel a bit too powerful and unfun to fight against and we’re looking into ways to make horses fairer to fight against, adding more risk to the horse riders while keeping them deadly and powerful. These potential changes include things like momentum damage against the rider, a smaller and more accurate horse flinch hitbox, fixing the desynced horse hitboxes causing players to hit through them and making horses more fragile against bigger groups of infantry, and more.

Fire bombs can also be frustrating at the moment, and we’re working on ways to fix these as well. We’re currently re-working the way fire damage is applied - it will start out much less damaging and faster, and standing in the fire will cause the damage to ramp up, making it behave more like one would expect from a fire. This will make the fire bombs less punishing when players only “touch” the fire shortly. In addition to this, the fire will be louder in volume and generally more noticeable. Players will still have to respect the fire as an area denial, but situational awareness will be increased and avoiding them will be much easier.

At higher levels of play, especially in duels, we noticed that the buckler can be overly powerful. We’re looking into removing the 30 stamina gained when the buckler is disarmed, but increasing the usefulness of the buckler when it comes to stamina costs when blocking weapons. We’re also looking into making swing manipulation look better overall without compromising the skill of the game, and adjusting a few weapons turn caps which are a bit too extreme at the moment (For example, Spear in short grip), making the game a bit more grounded. There will be many more adjustments and improvements, including Javelins among other things, to help fine-tune the already amazing combat.


Quality-of-Life / Miscellaneous Improvements
As we’ve discussed in our statement recently, we’re taking toxicity and racism seriously. At the moment we are discussing and experimenting with ways to add more tools to the game to help curb unwanted behavior. One area of focus is on preventing griefing and vote-kick abuse; we’re interested in adding more information to vote selection screen, such as the player in question’s team kill amount and team damage ratio, as well as a reason for the kick. We’d like to add an easier user interface for starting vote kicks, as the current method via the console is functional, but not exactly the easiest or most polished method we could implement.

A client-side chat filter is also in the works; while muting players removes anything they’ve said, you can only do that after they’ve said it. We plan on adding a filter that will automatically remove inappropriate or offensive messages before you have to see them, which will help to curb toxicity quite a bit.

In terms of griefing, we’re looking into ways to easily identify placed structures and their team/owner, so it’s more apparent to see if a teammate is intentionally placing structures to disrupt gameplay, and who exactly is the one doing it. We’re also looking into other ways to prevent griefing with toolboxes and firepots, to prevent players having to rely on votekick to deal with them in the first place.

While the majority of progression/gold issues have been fixed, there are a few persistent bugs remaining with our backend system. We’re looking to switch to a more reliable backend system that will handle player inventory, purchasing items, and player progression to resolve these issues for good. Additionally, we’re looking into server improvements to help reduce ping and latency problems.


Mod Tools / SDK
We are also well aware of the high demand for modding tools, and it is not something we are ignoring. At the moment, development is focused more around our short-term goals of increasing the amount of content that the base game provides and we’ll look into an SDK and mod support in the future.

Mordhau Development Update - July
Onkos muut huomanneet älytöntä parannusta framerateissa Windowsin 2020 H2 päivityksen jälkeen? Karkeasti sanottuna tuplasti antaa fps:ää, tiedä mistä sitten johtuu.


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