Hyvä huomio kuinka käy kun aloittaa testit jo viime vuonna ja testaa laajasti.
Suomi sai pelkästään tänään kasaan enemmän kuin Taiwan koko tänä vuonna.
Taiwan's experience in fighting epidemics and its decision to screen inbound flight passengers from China at an early stage has so far helped the country contain the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease, Health Minister Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said Thursday.
"Taiwan took early precautions by starting to screen arriving passengers from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the disease, for symptoms, on Dec. 31, only two weeks after the first severe COVID-19 cases were reported in the city on Dec. 17, he added."
Enpä tiennyt, kumarran syvään kunnioitukseen..
Testasivat jo siinä vaiheessa kun minä lueskelin aiheesta lehdestä eka kertaa.
"Previously, Taiwan only conducted COVID-19 tests on those with suspected symptoms who had recently traveled to countries with coronavirus outbreaks or had contact with coronavirus patients.
The expansion of screening has so far helped prevent large scale community-level outbreaks in the country, he added."
Lopettivat WHO:n ohjeen noudattamisen rajoitetusta testauksesta heti kun tajusivat että pieleen menee...