Fallout 76

Onko tässä pelissä mitään päämäärää tai tekemistä? Lauantaista asti olen pelannut nyt kun ilmaiseksi saa ja toistaiseksi en ole keksinyt mitään syytä miksi tätä peliä pelaisi. Tuntuu kuin vain pelaisi jotain vieläkin köyhempää versiota Fallout 4:sta.

Paikkojen tutkiminen tuntuu täysin turhalta, 98% lootista on junk-luokan tavaraa jolla ei tee mitään muuta kuin rakentaa C.A.M.P:aan, joka ei sekään oikein onnistu sillä melkein jokainen basen osa tarvitsee erikseen unlockata reseptistä. Ne loput 2% lootista on sitten paskoja aseita, helakamaa jota et tarvitse sillä pelin viholliset ei tarjoa mitään vastustusta, random asemodeja aseisiin joita et omista etkä haluakkaan omistaa ja joskus täydenkuun aikana ehkä bobblehead tai kirja, joiden vaikutuset ovat ainoastaan tilapäisiä.
Lootin myyminen on myös täysin turhaa, 99% tavarasta ei saa enempää kuin yhden (1) capin. Tähän varmaan voinee vaikuttaa nostamalla charismaa, mutta tuskin kannattaa loppupelissä.

Taistelut ovat vieläkin tönkömpiä kuin nykyaikaisissa 3D Fallouteissa yleisesti. Tulitaistelussa viholliset vain seisovat tönkkönä ja tyhjäävät aseitaan about pelaajan suuntaan, ja sillointällöin saadessaan osuman ei se tee kipeää juuri ollenkaan. Viholliset ovat muutenkin tyhmiä sillä panostamatta lainkaan hiipimiseen lähes kaikki viholliset on tapettavissa sneak attack criteillä vaikka hiipisit melkein suoraan naaman edessä, viholliset myös poistuu caution tilasta hyvin äkkiä jos vain jäät istumaan paikoillesi vaikka vihollisten kaverit olisi juuri ammuttu heidän vierestään. Osumarekisteröinti lagaa myös aika reippaasti, osumat rekisteröityy vihollisiin helposti yli sekunnin myöhässä. Vihollisten ruumiit hukkuvat myös aika helposti pelin maastoon, mutta eipä niillä usein ole mitään loottamisen arvostakaan.

Kanssapelaajien interaktio on suoranaisen köyhää MMO-peliltä. Ainoat kommunikointitavat pelaajien kesken on joko typerät emote-animaatiota, tai sitten voicechatti jota tuskin käyttää kukaan sillä ketä kiinnostaa kuunnella kiljuvia 12-vuotiaita. Katsoin huvikseni modeja tähän peliin ja tekstichatti on yksi suosituimmista. Siis MMO, jossa tekstichatti on modi :facepalm:
Muuten sitten interaktiot rajoittuu lähinnä joukkuepelaamiseen satunnaisten pelaajien kanssa josta saa sitten SPECIAL tai XP bonuksia, jossa ei ilmeisesti tarvitse olla edes lähimaillakaan toista pelaajaa kuitenkin saadakseen nämä bonukset. PVP tila on myös olemassa, mutta huonon osumarekistöinnin ohella ei varmaan ole järkeä lvl 13 pelaajana lähteä isottelemaan lvl 500 pelaajille, oman tason pelaajilla taas tuskin on sen parempia tavaroita otettavaksi kuin itsellään. Pelaajien baseissa voi myös vierailla, mutta muuta tekemistä kuin ostomaateissa myytävien tavaroiden naurettavien hintojen katselua ja tilapäisten nukkumisen ja instrumentin soittamisen bonuksien ottamista ei oikein ole.

Hahmonkehityskin tuntuu täysin turhalta. Fallout 4:n tyyliin mitään RPG-ominaisuuksia ei ole, ei mitään hahmopisteitä mitä kasvattaa eikä mitään uusia taitoja joita oppia. Ainoa asia mitä levutuksesta saa on lisää pisteitä SPECIAL-tilastoonsa joka sitten arbiträärisesti kasvattaa hahmon tilastoja sekä avaa lisää kortteja pistettäväksi SPECIAL pisteisiinsä joista saa lisää arbiträärisiä tilastoja. Levelirajotusten ulkopuolella mitään tavaroitakaan ei ole sidottu mihinkään taitotaisoon, level 1 pelaaja voi samantien heittää powerarmorit niskaan ja ampua mininukeja maasto täyteen, luultavasti täysin samalla tehokkuudella kuin level 100 pelaaja.

Kaikista isoimpana pettymyksenä peli ei ilmeiseti ole niin buginen enää kuten legendaarisesti on internetissä tilastoitu. En ainakaan itse ole mihinkään bugeihin törmännyt peliaikanani. Ehkä tämä on vain hyvä asia?
Samaa loottihuorausta ja statsien näpräämistä kuin Fallout 4. Viikonlopun pelasin ihan itsekseni ja ainakin itselleni kolahti. Kaipa sitä vaan on perusominaisuudeltaan sellainen luonne että tällaiset pelit iskee. Kilahti ostoskoriin ja kyllä tuolle hinnalle jo tässä saa vastinetta. Soolona näitä pelaan yleensä ellei satu joku kaveri pelailemaan, ja tässä tuo sooloilu tuntuu toimivan hyvin.
Heinäkuun 7 päivä tärähtää seuraava update, Steel Regin. Season 5 tulossa kanssa.

Tuosta vähän listaa uusista palkinoista:
  • Legendary Cores- Craft all-new Legendary gear from Power Armor to Weapons using Legendary Cores!
  • Power Armor Displays- Show off your favorite Power Armor skins to everyone that visits your C.A.M.P!
  • Power Armor Skins- Give into the MIND Collective and sport a unified look with new Power Armor Paints.
  • Weapons Skins- Melt your enemies with the Valorous Alistair Gatling Plasma skin or slice them down with Alistair’s Sword!
  • C.A.M.P. Objects- No more cleaning your clothes in the river, claim the Washer and Dryer set for your humble abode.
  • Red Rocket Collectron- Complete your garage with the Red Rocket Collectron, who will tirelessly search the Wasteland for auto parts.

Huomion arvoista vielä että nyt grindi ei lopu rank 100, sen jälkeen voi veilä kerätä scorea ja saada palkintoja. Perkki kortti paketteja, Lege valmistus materiaaleja, peli tavaroita, Atomeita ja muuta tauhkaa(Vapaa suomennos alla olevan linkin takaa).

Tuore community kalenterikin löytyy:

Joten eipä tässä taideta pitää lomaa kovin pitkään. ;) Hyvin ovat kyllä parantaneet peliä sitten julkkarin.
Heinäkuun 7 päivä tärähtää seuraava update, Steel Regin. Season 5 tulossa kanssa.

Tuosta vähän listaa uusista palkinoista:
  • Legendary Cores- Craft all-new Legendary gear from Power Armor to Weapons using Legendary Cores!
  • Power Armor Displays- Show off your favorite Power Armor skins to everyone that visits your C.A.M.P!
  • Power Armor Skins- Give into the MIND Collective and sport a unified look with new Power Armor Paints.
  • Weapons Skins- Melt your enemies with the Valorous Alistair Gatling Plasma skin or slice them down with Alistair’s Sword!
  • C.A.M.P. Objects- No more cleaning your clothes in the river, claim the Washer and Dryer set for your humble abode.
  • Red Rocket Collectron- Complete your garage with the Red Rocket Collectron, who will tirelessly search the Wasteland for auto parts.

Huomion arvoista vielä että nyt grindi ei lopu rank 100, sen jälkeen voi veilä kerätä scorea ja saada palkintoja. Perkki kortti paketteja, Lege valmistus materiaaleja, peli tavaroita, Atomeita ja muuta tauhkaa(Vapaa suomennos alla olevan linkin takaa).

Tuore community kalenterikin löytyy:

Joten eipä tässä taideta pitää lomaa kovin pitkään. ;) Hyvin ovat kyllä parantaneet peliä sitten julkkarin.
Expa score kuitenkin vaan rank 100 asti.
Tuleehan tuokin varmaan taas rank 100 vedettyä suht nopeella tahdilla.
Vaikka voishan sitä osan rankeista kun tuota atomia kertynyt niin paljon edellisistä seasoneista.
Servut alhaalla, mutta vielä ei näy päivitystä ladattavaksi ja patch notesit on ulkona.

  • Steel Reign: The Brotherhood of Steel storyline concludes with Steel Reign, bringing you all new quests, locations, rewards and more!
  • Legendary Crafting: Upgrade your Weapons, Armor and Power Armor with Legendary Crafting.
  • Season 5: K.D. Inkwell returns in “K.D. Inkwell and Escape from the 42nd Century”, a brand-new Season starting today.
  • Wallet Upgrades: We’ve increased the max amount of Caps, Gold Bullion and Scrip a player can hold, as well as some of the daily vendor limits.
  • Minerva: A brand-new Gold Bullion Vendor has come to town, offering discounts in two new events; Minerva’s Emporium and Minerva’s Big Sale!
  • Caps: The max cap limit has been increased from 30,000 to 40,000.
  • Gold Bullion: The daily vendor limit has been increased from 200 to 400. Additionally, the max player cap for Gold Bullion has been increased from 5,000 to 10,000.
  • Scrip: The daily vendor limit has been increased from 150 to 300. Additionally, the max player cap for Scrip has been increased from 1,000 to 5,000.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jonkilainen banwave ollu päivän pari sit, error [4:8:2000]. Liittyy ilmeisestit glitseihin jotka tekee servereistä epävakaita. Ootteko muut huomannut mitään kummallista nyt vähään aikaan? Itsellä tullut jokusen kerran controls disabled ilmoitusta ja sit serveri potkasee ulos.
Sen viime päivityksen jälkeen pukkas yhen päivän server not responding ja controls disabledia kymmenen min välein. Mut nyt ei oo ollu moneen päivään mitään vikaa.
Jonkilainen banwave ollu päivän pari sit, error [4:8:2000]. Liittyy ilmeisestit glitseihin jotka tekee servereistä epävakaita. Ootteko muut huomannut mitään kummallista nyt vähään aikaan? Itsellä tullut jokusen kerran controls disabled ilmoitusta ja sit serveri potkasee ulos.

Onkohan Ebon Loren porukka sitten alkanut pelaamaan tuota Fallout 76:sta? Niille jotka eivät tiedä, niin Ebon Lore on tai ainakin oli kilta joka oli omistautunut kaikenlaiselle huijaamiselle. Suunnilleen koko kilta ajeli kaikenlaisia botteja, teki esineiden monistusta ja käytti kaikki mahdolliset bugit hyödykseen. Ko. kilta vaihtoi peliä tasaiseen tahtiin, koska koko kilta tai suurin osa siitä sai permabannit. Tiedän varmuudella, että ainakin Vanguard: Saga of Heroes pelistä he lähtivät kun devit hajottivat koko killan ja permabannasivat yli puolet sen jäsenistä bottaamisesta, esineiden monistamisesta serveri crasheillä ja kaikenlaisesta muusta huijaamisesta.
Eilen tuli tähän peliin päivitystä.

Check the download sizes below for today’s patch on your platform of choice:

  • PC (Bethesda.net): 2.2 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 9.5 GB
  • PC (Steam): 2.3 GB
  • PlayStation: 8.45 GB
  • Xbox: 11.65 GB
  • Graphics: The Garrahan Employee Outfit now rests more naturally on male characters’ hips.
  • Graphics: Equipping the Raider Warlord Helmet no longer causes the character’s facial hair to disappear.
  • Textures: Fixed a texture corruption that could briefly occur when loading into Vault 96.
  • Textures: Headless creature corpses no longer lack flesh textures where the head used to be.
  • Snapping Toggle:A button has been added to the UI when placing or editing certain C.A.M.P. objects, like Fences, Bar Sets, Weapon Racks, Light Boxes, and Wall Letters, that allows players to decide whether they would like to enable or disable whether they will snap to other objects.
    • Going forward, players no longer need to decide between snapping and non-snapping versions of these objects in their build menus, and can instead simply place one version and decide whether to toggle snapping on or off.
  • Appliances: Activating the Washer and Dryer now causes the door to close and proper sound effects to play.
  • Displays: Fixed an issue that prevented a variety of weapons from appearing when assigned to Display Cases.
  • Displays: Magnetic Weapon Racks now share a build limit with other Displays.
  • Floors: Fixed an issue that allowed players to move, scrap, or store floors that had walls attached, which could result in floating structures.
  • Misc. Structures: The budget consumed by the Brotherhood of Steel Armory is now consistent with similar structures.
  • Stairs: Players can now correctly scrap Stairs that have been attached to Vault Catwalk pieces.
  • Vault 96: Blood Eagle Attack Dogs will now only spawn in Vault 96 Daily Ops when the encounter group is set to Blood Eagles.
  • Backpacks: Flairs applied to the Brotherhood of Steel Backpack no longer appear to float.
  • Consumables: The Carry Weight Booster’s description now correctly states that the item’s effects last for 30 minutes.
  • Cursed Weapons: Restored the “Cursed” prefix to the names of Cursed Weapons.
  • Power Armor: M.I.N.D. Velox and Enlightened M.I.N.D. Power Armor skins now provide proper resistances.
  • Power Armor: Light from the T-65 headlamp now shines in the correct direction in third-person view after applying the Scabber paint.
  • Legendary Weapons: Single-shot ranged weapons can no longer spawn with the “Last Shot” Legendary Attribute.
  • Unarmed Melee Weapons: The crafting requirements for the legendary “Face Breaker” Power Fist now properly include 2 Legendary Modules. The ability to craft this item has been re-enabled at Weapons Workbenches.
  • Unarmed Melee Weapons: Power Fists, including “Face Breaker,” now correctly spawn with a “Standard Appearance” mod equipped by default.
  • Legendary Items: Corrected the translations for several legendary item attribute descriptions in non-English versions of the game.
  • Quest Rewards: The names for Blackburn’s Bungalow and related items are now translated in the game menus in all supported languages.
  • Rank-Up Rewards: The description for M.I.N.D. Power Armor Paint that appears in the Power Armor Station menu is now translated in all supported languages.
  • Scoreboard: Added translations for several rank-up reward names and descriptions on the Season 5 Scoreboard in non-English versions of the game.
  • Terminals: Added translations for several lines of text in various Terminals.
  • Smiley: Players can now purchase Gold Bullion from Smiley up to the current maximum of 10,000.
  • A Satisfied Conscience: Looting Holotape clues early and then logging out no longer prevents the quest from progressing when the player logs back in.
  • A Satisfied Conscience: Logging out after unlocking the door to the Reactor Monitoring Wing no longer causes it to appear locked again when logging back in.
  • Dross Toss: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from completing the Dross Toss Daily Quest.
  • Event Rewards: Fixed an issue causing “Distinguished Guests” and “Swarm of Suitors” to only award Legendary Cores for the highest level of completion.
  • Event Rewards: “Feed the People” and “Campfire Tales” now correctly award 1 – 3 Legendary Cores on completion.
  • Event Rewards: “One Violent Night” now correctly awards Legendary Cores on completion.
  • Missing Persons: Burke will no longer walk away from a conversation with the player inside the Crater War Room after completing the quest.
  • Missing Persons: Marcia will now pay closer attention to the conversation with Sheena and Burke inside of the AMS Headquarters basement, instead of running off to fight Hellcat Mercenaries.
  • Missing Persons: Fixed an issue that could allow players to complete the quest without completing an objective to speak with Marcia.
  • Missing Persons: Marcia will no longer remain in the AMS Headquarters basement after convincing her to return to Fort Atlas.
  • Missing Persons: Team members who progress to the third floor of AMS Headquarters while the team leader is speaking with Marcia will no longer cause her to exit the conversation and teleport to meet them.
  • Out of the Blue: The “Investigate the Caravan Site” objective now progresses correctly once the player has collected all three required evidence notes.
  • Out of the Blue: Logging out and back in just before giving Paladin Rahmani the evidence notes no longer prevents the quest from progressing.
  • Out of the Blue: To prevent players from becoming stuck during “Out of the Blue,” the button to close the hidden doors in Harper’s Ferry Tunnel will no longer appear while the quest is active. The button will be visible and usable when returning to the area after the quest is complete.
  • Subtitles: Fixed several typos affecting various dialogue subtitles during Steel Reign quests.
  • The Catalyst: Viewing a conversation between Dr. Blackburn and other scientists inside of West Tek while on a team no longer causes the team leader’s character animations to behave oddly.
  • The Catalyst: Fixed an issue where the player was unable to react to a statement made by Knight Shin during a conversation.
  • The Catalyst: Corrected a lore inconsistency in Scribe Valdez’s dialogue after completing the quest.
  • Rank-Up Rewards:Fixed an issue that prevented players from earning Atom rewards offered by certain Ranks beyond 100.
    • Players who were affected by this issue will be able to revisit the Season Scoreboard to claim their missing Atoms as soon as they’ve completed any Daily or Weekly Challenge following today’s update.
  • Carry Weight: The carry weight displayed in the Pip-Boy is now consistent with the player’s actual carry weight.
  • Controls: The game controls will no longer become unresponsive when exiting a Workbench.
  • Favorites: The favorites menu now correctly displays a blade icon for the Chinese Officer’s Sword.
  • Scoreboard: Fixed an issue in which some players needed to log out and back in between claiming a rank-up reward and accessing it in-game.
  • General: Corrected several locations where players could see outside the game world.
  • Interiors: Enemies now respawn correctly inside interiors that are also used as instanced Daily Ops Locations.
  • Pathing: Addressed several locations in the game world where players could become stuck.
  • West Tek: Fixed an issue where a door inside the West Tek FEV Production Center would be inaccessible outside of “The Catalyst” quest.

Lähde: Fallout 76 | Fallout 76 Update Notes – August 3, 2021
Se ois soft cap level 50 saavutettu. Steamin kelloja kun katsoo uudella hahmolla 83 tuntia level 1 --> 50. Enimmäkseen päätehtäviä seurannut, muutama sivutehtävä sieltä täältä ja satunnaista farmausta. Viimeset 9 levua tuli ally Becket sarjalla.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Uutta seasonia pukkaa 8pvä.

Seasonin palkinnotkin löytyy jo.

ja viimosena community kalenterikin
Onko tähän tullut mitenkä paljon yksinpelattavaa / juonen kanssa olevaa kamaa viime vuotena? Muistaakseni kyselin tässä ketjussa joskus ja taisi olla joku uusi update vain joidenkin tuntien kestonen juonelta?

Itseäni vain tuo yksinpeli puoli kiinnostaa.
Onko tähän tullut mitenkä paljon yksinpelattavaa / juonen kanssa olevaa kamaa viime vuotena? Muistaakseni kyselin tässä ketjussa joskus ja taisi olla joku uusi update vain joidenkin tuntien kestonen juonelta?

Itseäni vain tuo yksinpeli puoli kiinnostaa.
Onhan sinne tainnut pari nippua stoori tehtäviä tulla lisää sitten viime vuoden lopun. Tunti määrää en kyllä osaa arvioida yhtään paljon menee niiden naputteluun aikaa. Legendary kamojen rakentelukin tullu tossa mukaan, siihen tosin niiden corejen hankkiminen on yksin aika tympeetä hommaa.
Onhan sinne tainnut pari nippua stoori tehtäviä tulla lisää sitten viime vuoden lopun. Tunti määrää en kyllä osaa arvioida yhtään paljon menee niiden naputteluun aikaa. Legendary kamojen rakentelukin tullu tossa mukaan, siihen tosin niiden corejen hankkiminen on yksin aika tympeetä hommaa.
Coreja nyt tulee ovista ja ikkunoista mutta modulet on kokoajan loppu :)
Coreja nyt tulee ovista ja ikkunoista mutta modulet on kokoajan loppu :)
Mä sotken noi aina kyl keskenään. :D Mut meinasin niitä mitä saa ! merkatuista publa eventeistä. Jos yksin haluu vaan pelaa, niin niitä on aika nihkee grindailla.
Mä sotken noi aina kyl keskenään. :D Mut meinasin niitä mitä saa ! merkatuista publa eventeistä. Jos yksin haluu vaan pelaa, niin niitä on aika nihkee grindailla.
Coreja saa just publa eventeistä ja moduleita saa ostamalla scripillä.
Suurin osa noist publa eventeistä menis kyl yksinäänkin mut niissä yleensä nii paljo sakkia et kunhan vaan menee paikalle :rofl:
Coreja taitaa olla nyt taas joku 200 ja scripit loppu ni ei taas oo varaa ostaa moduleita kun yrittäny saada tiettyjä legendaryjä.

Tota tos kattelin et tupla xp ja tupla mutaatiot samana viikonloppuna. saattaa tulla "muutama" levu taas jos jaksaa vaan grindaa westekkiä :rofl2:
Coreja saa just publa eventeistä ja moduleita saa ostamalla scripillä.
Suurin osa noist publa eventeistä menis kyl yksinäänkin mut niissä yleensä nii paljo sakkia et kunhan vaan menee paikalle :rofl:
Coreja taitaa olla nyt taas joku 200 ja scripit loppu ni ei taas oo varaa ostaa moduleita kun yrittäny saada tiettyjä legendaryjä.

Tota tos kattelin et tupla xp ja tupla mutaatiot samana viikonloppuna. saattaa tulla "muutama" levu taas jos jaksaa vaan grindaa westekkiä :rofl2:
Joo kylhän noita publalla saa aika hyvin. Mut tossa kun vaan kyseltiin että onko sielä sooloilijalle tekemistä, niin aattelin ettei oo isoa kiinostusta niihin publa eventteihinkään osallistua. Itte tulee oltua privalla yleensä aina, niin sielä pitää vähän sopia mihin menee.
Onko tähän tullut mitenkä paljon yksinpelattavaa / juonen kanssa olevaa kamaa viime vuotena? Muistaakseni kyselin tässä ketjussa joskus ja taisi olla joku uusi update vain joidenkin tuntien kestonen juonelta?

Itseäni vain tuo yksinpeli puoli kiinnostaa.
8.9.2021 tulee fallout worlds update niin ilmeisesti pari uutta juonta tulossa ja daily ops expansion II. Itsekkin soolona pelannut tätä pelkästään ja toistaseks noin kolme tehtävää joutunu jättää kesken/tekemättä kun pitäis olla lisä käsiä.
8.9.2021 tulee fallout worlds update niin ilmeisesti pari uutta juonta tulossa ja daily ops expansion II. Itsekkin soolona pelannut tätä pelkästään ja toistaseks noin kolme tehtävää joutunu jättää kesken/tekemättä kun pitäis olla lisä käsiä.
Kiitti, muistan kun täältä piti pyytää apua siihen että joku tappaa mut tai saan tappaa sen ja herättää henkiin jonkun vitun repun takia. Söi miestä.
Kiitti, muistan kun täältä piti pyytää apua siihen että joku tappaa mut tai saan tappaa sen ja herättää henkiin jonkun vitun repun takia. Söi miestä.
Kyllä itsellä toi tekemättä, tadpole tehtävät. Sit on something sentimental, tää vaati nuken monongah mineen ja se luola pitäis tutkia missä oma elinaika oli pari sekunttia kunnes lensin ulos luolasta. Kolmas aika mahdoton yksin belly of the beast, jälleen yks luola pitää tutkia. Onhan noita tehtäviä vielä varmaan muitakin mitkä on vaikeita yksin.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kyllä itsellä toi tekemättä, tadpole tehtävät. Sit on something sentimental, tää vaati nuken monongah mineen ja se luola pitäis tutkia missä oma elinaika oli pari sekunttia kunnes lensin ulos luolasta. Kolmas aika mahdoton yksin belly of the beast, jälleen yks luola pitää tutkia. Onhan noita tehtäviä vielä varmaan muitakin mitkä on vaikeita yksin.

Kyllä ton Belly of The Beastin teki yksin.
Riippuu varmaan hahmosta ja varusteista? Itse en käytä power armoria ja sniputtamalla edennyt. Aika pitkällä siellä tuli sutta isompaa musta punaista hauvaa päälle. Siitä stagger ja jalka poikki joka kerta. Yhdestä ehkä selviäs jos ois matkaa mut kaksi oli liikaa.
Riippuu varmaan hahmosta ja varusteista? Itse en käytä power armoria ja sniputtamalla edennyt. Aika pitkällä siellä tuli sutta isompaa musta punaista hauvaa päälle. Siitä stagger ja jalka poikki joka kerta. Yhdestä ehkä selviäs jos ois matkaa mut kaksi oli liikaa.

En tarkkaa muista, varmaan vuosi sitten tein sen. Mutta ehdottomasti tuollaisessa pitää käyttää power armoria.
Mutta jotenkin musta tuntuu että aikaisemmin tuo peli on ollut helpompi joskus. Kuukausi-pari sitten viimeksi pelailin, ja sitä ennen olin ainakin puolen vuoden tauon pitänyt. Tuntui että paljon enemmän sai tehdä töitä että vihut kaatui.
Kyllä se menee ilman power armoriakin, paljon on tosiaan kiini korteista ja muista kamoista. Itte tulee ilman powerarmoria juostua ja heviaseita käytettyä, suosikkina on explosive veivipyssy ja yleensä aina räjähdys boostia kaverina. Tekee tosin ittelle vähän kipeetä kun vihut pääsee iholle ja silloin kun ampuu.. :rofl: Tiimissäkin tulee yleensä oltua, vaikka ei samoissa tehtävissä pyöritäkään, siitä saa kanssa apuja kun kaverilla on empath mutaatio.
Päivitystä tulossa nyt.
Fallout 76: Fallout Worlds Update Notes – September 8, 2021
The Fallout Worlds Update is arriving today, and it brings the Public and Custom Worlds game modes to Fallout 76.

We’re also expanding on Daily Ops with Double Mutation Weekends, new locations, a new enemy group, and more. Read on to catch all the details!
  • New Ways to Play: Experience Appalachia like never before with Public Worlds! Each Public World features specialized game settings, fit to a theme, and they are available to all players.
  • Your World, Made to Order: Fallout 1st Members can now create Custom Worlds to build their own personalized versions of Appalachia using a wide variety of modifiable game settings.
  • Daily Ops Expansion: Our latest expansion for Daily Ops introduces Double Mutation events every other weekend, a new enemy group, three new locations, and new rewards!
  • Nuclear Winter Rewards: Nuclear Winter Mode has been deactivated. Perk Coins based on progression have been added to players’ accounts, and Nuclear Winter cosmetics can now be earned from Public Events.
Check the download sizes below for today’s patch on your platform of choice:
  • PC (Bethesda.net): 15.3 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 23.3 GB
  • PC (Steam): 16.1 GB
  • PlayStation: 22.8 GB
  • Xbox: 23.3 GB
We've discovered an issue affecting Season 5 rank-ups, where players in some cases are unable to claim the rewards for ranks they purchased using Atoms. This does not affect rank-ups achieved by earning S.C.O.R.E., but we are working hard to get this fixed up as soon as possible so that all players can enjoy the rewards they've earned.
As a result, we have extended Season 5 by two weeks, until September 21. During the first week, rank-up purchases using Atoms will be disabled while we work to resolve the underlying issue, and you can continue to rank-up by earning S.C.O.R.E. from Daily and Weekly Challenges. During the second week, we will release our fix and re-enable rank-up purchases so that everyone has plenty of time to claim any rewards they unlocked during this two week period.
We know that many players in the community are excited to kick off Season 6, and we are too. However, we want to make sure all players can access their Season 5 rewards before we roll into the new Season. Thank you very much, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
With this update for Fallout 76, we’re introducing Fallout Worlds, which offers players the ability to experience the game in unique new ways with two new game modes: Public Worlds and Custom Worlds.
  • The new Public Worlds mode will help you shake up your normal gameplay by offering special worlds that have a pre-selected group of Fallout Worlds settings enabled, fit to a theme.
    • All players can join Public Worlds to dive into an Appalachia that’s wildly different from Adventure Mode.
  • One Public World will be available to players at a time. Currently, we are planning to rotate Public Worlds once per month so that you can regularly try out a variety of different experiences. However, rotation frequency may change in the future based on community feedback and other factors.
  • Here are the first five Public Worlds that you will be able to check out in-game. As voted on by our Public Test Server participants, we’re starting with “Happy Builder,” and will rotate through the rest in the following order:
    • Happy Builder: Reduced C.A.M.P. placement restrictions, relaxed building restrictions, all Map locations discovered, and PvP has been disabled.
    • High Risk: No Fast Travel, always-on PVP, players drop additional loot on death, free workbench crafting, and legendary item attributes have been disabled.
    • Dweller Must Die: Greatly increased enemy difficulty, increased damage, increased equipment durability, and “Dark Bog” weather effects.
    • Quantum World: Max jump height, no fall damage, nuked creatures and flora, and “Quantum Storm” weather.
    • Butcher’s Delight: Infinite ammo, no VATS or melee attack AP costs, and enhanced dismemberment.
  • Players with active Fallout 1st memberships can now choose the Custom Worlds option from the Play menu to create a new type of world where they can adjust a wide variety of different settings to create an Appalachia that’s tailored to their liking.
    • To create a Custom World, click “Play” from the Main Menu, select Custom World, hit “Select World Template,” and then start tinkering with settings you’d like to try out.
    • Up to seven friends can join you in your Custom World, for a total of eight players per World.
    • Please Note: Private Worlds mode has been renamed to “Private Adventure” with today’s update to better differentiate it from Custom Worlds mode.
  • While creating your Custom World, you can choose among a broad array of customization settings and let your imagination run wild with the possibilities! Here are some of the options at your disposal:
    • Workshop: Build in previously restricted areas, disable the need for electricity, increase your C.A.M.P. budget and build height, relax building restrictions, and more.
    • Combat: Infinite enemy spawns, alter PvP rules, adjust enemy difficulty, give yourself infinite ammo, change item durability, and more.
    • General: Disable Fast Travel or make it free. Choose special weather effects, including Radstorms and Nuke Zones, as well as new weather effects, like Quantum Storm and Dark Bog. Add filters for a unique view of Appalachia, adjust jump height, fall damage, or even the consequences on death.
    • Please note: Some Custom World settings may impact your game client’s performance. However, you are still free to use them, and can always enable or disable them again as needed.
  • Currently, you can save a Custom World you’ve created in one of three available slots, and you can select one of them to set it as your active Custom World.
    • You can edit your Custom Worlds after you’ve finished creating them, so even if you’ve filled all three Custom World slots, you can still change them up as needed.
  • If you are a Fallout 1st member and you have played in a friend’s Custom World previously, you will be able to log into it — even if the World owner is offline.
    • To do this, select Custom Worlds from the Play menu, click “View Worlds,” select your friend’s World from the “Shared World” section and set it to “Active.” You can then play in that World by selecting Custom Worlds from the Play menu.
  • If you are not currently an active Fallout 1st member, don’t worry. You can still join your friends who are Fallout 1st members in the Custom Worlds that they’ve set up while they are online.
  • The progress each of your characters make in Public or Custom Worlds is specific to those worlds, and is completely separate from Adventure Mode.
    • You can clone your Adventure Mode character for use in a Public or Custom World at any time, and you can have up to 5 Fallout World characters at a time.
    • If you have reached your 5 character limit, characters can be manually unlinked from Public or Custom worlds at any time.
    • Your character progress in a Public World will remain available as long as that Public World is still available for play.
  • Additionally, please note that Challenges cannot be completed, and you will not earn S.C.O.R.E., achievements, or trophies while playing in a Public or Custom World.
If you would like to learn additional details about Fallout Worlds, you can head here to read our article on Bethesda.net or read through our FAQ on the Fallout 1st website.
Our latest expansion for Daily Ops brings a new weekend event that amps up the challenge, but offers increased rewards. Read on for a brief overview of everything we’re adding to Daily Ops, including Double Mutation Weekend events!
  • During Double Mutation weekends, Daily Ops will be randomized each day with enemies who have one of eight unique combinations of two different Mutations.
    • Double Mutation Weekend events will typically run every other weekend, from Thursday to Monday, starting and ending at the normal Daily Ops reset time.
  • While a Double Mutation event is active, daring adventurers who are willing to delve into Daily Ops will earn the following increased rewards:
    • 2 - 6 Legendary Cores for the first and all subsequent Elder Tier completions
    • Double XP during every Daily Ops playthrough
    • Double the in-game currency rewards from every Daily Ops playthrough
  • Check out the full list of potential double Mutations that enemies can sport during the new weekend events, so that you know what you’ll be up against.
    • Blistering Cold: “Blistering” enemies have the Freezing Touch and Swift-Footed Mutations
    • Chilling Mend: “Chilling” enemies have the Freezing Touch and Group Regeneration Mutations
    • Clouded Toxins: “Clouded” enemies have the Active Camouflage and Toxic Blood Mutations
    • Relentless: “Relentless” enemies have the Resilient and Group Regeneration Mutations
    • Stinging Frost: “Stinging” enemies have the Freezing Touch and Toxic Blood Mutations
    • Swift Stalker: “Stalking” enemies have the Active Camouflage and Swift-Footed Mutations
    • Unstable: “Unstable” enemies have the Volatile and Swift-Footed Mutations
    • Vaporous: “Vaporous” enemies have the Volatile and Active Camouflage Mutations
  • We’ve added Communists to the pool of randomized enemy groups you may encounter in any Daily Ops mode.
  • Fight your way through Arktos Pharma Biome Lab, Watoga High School, and Uncanny Caverns, all of which have been added to the randomized pool of locations for Daily Ops.
  • In this update for Daily Ops, we’re adding Plans for two legendary weapons, new themed cosmetics, and more. Check out the full list below for new rewards you’ll be able to earn by completing Daily Ops:
    • Plan: Arctic Marine Armor
    • Plan: Mechanic’s Best Friend Pipe Wrench
    • Plan: Sole Survivor Lever Action Rifle
    • Outfit: Black Hazmat Suit
    • Plan: Mirelurk King Tube
    • Blood Eagle Skull Lord Outfit
    • Blood Eagle Skull Lord Helmet
    • Blood Eagle Auto-Grenade Launcher Paint
  • Enemies: We’ve addressed a number of issues that were affecting Mothman Hatchlings, and these cute-but-deadly creatures will once again appear when Cultists are the current Daily Ops enemy group.
  • Mutations: “Volatile” enemy explosion damage has been adjusted, and now does health percentage-based damage that can be partially mitigated by anti-explosion effects.
  • Reset Timer: We’ve added a timer so you can more easily check when the next Daily Ops reset will occur. You can find the timer in the “Intel” section of the detailed Daily Ops menu after selecting a Daily Op from the World Activity Tracker.
With the arrival of today’s update, we have removed the Nuclear Winter game mode from Fallout 76. Alongside this change, we’re granting rewards to all players who had completed at least one Nuclear Winter match, and making many of the mode’s progression rewards available in Adventure Mode.
  • Nuclear Winter Pennant: All players who completed at least one Nuclear Winter match will receive a Nuclear Winter themed Pennant they can build in their CAMPs. The Pennant will be added to your Wall Décor category in the build menu within two weeks following today’s update.
  • Perk Coins:With today’s update, we’re granting Perk Coins to players based on their progression in Nuclear Winter Mode so that you can give your Legendary Perk Card collection a boost.
    • You will receive 6 Perk Coins per Nuclear Winter Perk Card you earned from the Nuclear Winter progression system.
    • You will also get 1 Perk Coin per Overseer Ticket you earned.
    • These Perk Coins have already been added to your account, and will be available to you as soon as you log in.
  • Cosmetic Rewards:Many of the cosmetic rewards that could be earned by climbing Overseer Ranks in Nuclear Winter are now available in Adventure Mode as rewards that you can claim by completing Public Events. Here is the current list of events where you have a chance to earn these cosmetics:
    • A Colossal Problem
    • Encryptid
    • Project Paradise
    • Scorched Earth
    • Limited Time Events: Festive Scorched & Treasure Hunter
  • Exclusive Rewards: Nuclear Winter Trophies and Statues will remain exclusive to players who earned them by climbing the ranks in the Nuclear Winter progression system.
To learn more about our reasoning behind this change, you can read through this article on Fallout.com, or head here for more details about how rewards are being distributed.
  • Pip-Boy: Junk acquired from scrapping items will now appear in the Pip-Boy’s “New” tab.
  • Pip-Boy: Inventory items can now be sorted by their stack weight.
  • Pip-Boy: When scrolling in the Pip-Boy inventory, navigating up from the top item in the list will now move the player’s selection to the bottom of the list, and vice versa.
  • Vault 51: Alongside this update for Fallout 76, Vault 51 has now opened up for exploration in all game modes, including Adventure. Follow the red wire to find your way inside, and then poke around to learn more about what befell the Dwellers of Vault 51.
  • Appliances: Fixed an issue causing parts of the Classic Jukebox to become invisible.
  • Armor: The Covert Scout Armor Torso no longer clips through character models that have the muscular body type.
  • Emotes: Fixed an issue that could cause a player to become stuck in an Emote animation loop.
  • Headwear: Fixed a number of headwear items that include face coverings so that they no longer clip into the faces of female character models.
  • Melee Weapons: The Cultist Dagger now plays the correct attack animations.
  • Power Armor: Transferring pieces of Strangler Heart Power Armor to a Power Armor Chassis no longer causes duplicate vines to appear and float nearby.
  • Ranged Weapons: The Lucille’s Lullaby Paint for the Minigun now correctly applies to the weapon’s Tri-Barrel mod.
  • Ranged Weapons: Corrected the direction of the Minigun’s barrel spin while wearing Power Armor.
  • World: Objects in Lou’s Mine now animate correctly during the Cheating Death quest.
  • Appliances: The RobCo Snow Machine now remains switched off after fast traveling or logging out.
  • Blueprints: Creating an auto-blueprint by moving CAMP locations no longer causes the “Store” button to become visually greyed out when that blueprint is selected in build mode.
  • Budget: Maximum build counts now correctly account for items that are already stored.
  • Displays: Fixed an issue where items could visually fall off of the Display Cases the player had assigned them to.
  • Lights: The option that appears when viewing a destroyed Fire Barrel is now correctly labeled “Repair” instead of “Take.”
  • Shelters: Standing just outside a C.A.M.P.’s buildable area no longer prevents the player from building a Shelter Entrance within it.
  • Workshops: The visual build boundary no longer persists after exiting build mode in the Mount Blair Workshop.
  • Daily: Cultist Ghouls now correctly count toward Challenges that require players to kill Cultists.
  • Audio: Daily Ops locations now properly play music that’s specific to the game mode.
  • Audio: Weapon sound effects have been slowed down while affected by Freezing Touch.
  • Contextual Ammo: When using a Pepper Shaker with a standard magazine, enemies in Daily Ops will now drop shotgun shells more often.
  • Enemies: Cultist enemies now correctly display objective markers overhead during Daily Ops inside Vault 96.
  • Enemies: Enemies who have rocket launchers no longer stop shooting at the player after firing a single rocket.
  • Enemies: Daily Ops bosses no longer prioritize melee attacking the player over using their primary weapons.
  • Enemies: Fixed an issue that could cause Mothman Hatchlings to become invincible.
  • Enemies: Mothman Hatchlings no longer become unresponsive.
  • Enemies: Fixed an issue that could cause Mothman Hatchlings to become stuck in walls after teleporting.
  • Enemies: Camouflaged Mothman Hatchlings no longer become invisible while attacking.
  • Locations: Entering a Daily Op in Watoga Civic Center during the quest “The Ol’ Weston Shuffle” no longer causes incorrect quest targets to display in the Daily Op instance.
  • Markers: Custom map markers no longer appear on the Compass while in a Daily Ops instance.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Volatile no longer damage other enemies on death.
  • Mutations: All weapons used by “Freezing” enemies will now apply the Freezing Touch effect, except grenades and mines.
  • Mutations: The Freezing Touch effect no longer persists on players after leaving a Daily Op.
  • Mutations: Getting hit by enemies with Freezing Touch now causes a Freezing Touch effect to appear in the Pip-Boy.
  • Mutations: The Toxic Blood effect no longer suddenly stops applying damage.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Volatile or Toxic Blood no longer explode and damage players after completing a Daily Op.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Group Regeneration now properly heal their nearby companions.
  • Mutations: Resilient visual effects no longer persist on enemies after they have been healed.
  • Mutations: Shooting enemies with Resilient no longer sometimes causes black decals to appear on their bodies.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Resilient no longer display the Resilient visual effects immediately after spawning.
  • Operation Report: The description text for Elder Tier rewards now correctly states that it guarantees a rare reward on the player’s first completion.
  • Operation Report: Fixed an issue that could cause the Operation Report to display an incredibly high completion time.
  • Rewards: Fixed an issue that allowed players to earn Daily Ops rewards more often than intended when playing during the daily reset.
  • Subtitles: Adjusted the subtitles for several of Vernon Dodge’s voice lines so that they match his voiceover.
  • A Knight’s Penance: The Shovel no longer retains its quest item status after clearing the rock wall during the quest.
  • A Satisfied Conscience: Picking up a clue during the “Defeat the robots” objective and then logging out no longer prevents this quest from progressing after logging back in.
  • Field Testing: Paladin Rahmani now says the correct dialogue based on the player’s choices when asked about the Putnams.
  • Manhunt: VATS can now target Mad Dog Malone.
  • Missing Persons: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from progressing the quest after finding the Dove Necklace.
  • Monster Mash: Being on the event leaderboard no longer prevents the player from joining Daily Ops.
  • One Violent Night: Playing an instrument no longer causes enemies to stand still or run away from the player.
  • The Catalyst: Russell Dorsey will no longer remain inside Fort Atlas after the quest.
  • The Elusive Crane: Fixed an issue that could allow players to repeatedly receive an item reward from the RobCo Cache.
  • Ammo Converter: Fixed an issue in which the Ammo Converter would remove or grant Cryo ammo when attempting to sell or buy Fuel.
  • Apparel: The Mr. Claus Beard can no longer be equipped at the same time as the Centurion Helmet.
  • Legendary Cores: Attempting to transfer a Legendary Core into a container now correctly causes a “You can’t store that here” message to appear.
  • Legendary Weapons: Fixed an issue causing melee weapons with the “Reflects 50% of melee damage while blocking” legendary effect to deal more damage than intended.
  • Melee Weapons: Players can now properly pick up Sheepsquatch Clubs found in the world.
  • Ranged Weapons: Black Powder Weapons now correctly have a “No appearance” mod, and weapon paints the player had previously applied can be removed.
  • Legendary Items: Removed unnecessary extra words from the prefixes of certain legendary attribute names in non-English versions of the game.
  • Legendary Power Armor: Corrected the name of Bolstering Legendary Power Armor mods in the French version of the game.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue that could cause some of Knight Shin’s dialogue options to be skipped during “A Knight’s Penance” in the Italian version of the game.
  • Minerva: Removed a number of item plans from Minerva’s inventory that can be earned elsewhere, like the Ammo Converter and Chicken Coop.
  • Power Armor: NPCs who wear Power Armor will no longer be affected by debuffs caused by having an empty Fusion Core.
  • Cannibal: Players who are on a team, but are not the Team Leader, can now correctly consume corpses inside instanced cells.
  • Grenadier: Now properly increases the blast damage radius of grenades.
  • Lock and Load: Entering or exiting Power Armor no longer removes the faster reload effect.
  • Client: Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash after placing Power Armor.
  • Client: Addressed game client crashes that could occur during normal gameplay.
  • Client: Fixed an issue that could cause “undefined” items to appear in the Pip-Boy inventory, which would result in a client crash when inspecting or selecting those items.
  • Client: Switching between first- and third-person view while viewing a container during a period of heavy combat no longer causes the game client to crash.
  • Compass: The icon for the Survival Tent now correctly appears on the Compass.
  • Main Menu: After launching the game, rapidly pressing buttons to reach the Main Menu more quickly no longer causes the Seasons widget display "Max Rank."
  • Perk Cards: On PC, if a player has both the animated and normal version of a Perk Card, both can now be selected using the mouse.
  • Scoreboard: The next repeatable rank-up reward after reaching Rank 130 now appears correctly on the Scoreboard.
  • Scoreboard: Fixed an issue that could cause the Scoreboard to appear while the player was already using a crafting Workbench.
  • Settings: Pressing the “Defaults” button now properly resets all Game Settings to their default values.
  • Settings: On PC, toggling the Controller setting to “On” using the mouse no longer prevents the player from navigating the Game Settings menus with a controller.
  • Social: Fixed an issue that could cause pending friend requests to disappear after a few minutes.
  • Social: Fixed an issue that could cause a player to appear offline to their friends when viewed in the friends list.
  • Environment: Corrected several locations where the player could see outside the game world.
  • Foundation: Fixed a location where Paige could become stuck in Foundation.
  • Pathing: Corrected several locations around Appalachia where players could become stuck.
  • Pathing: Fixed a ramp that enemies and players could not walk up in the construction area of R&G Processing Services.
  • Vault 94: The Vault 94 Community Terminal no longer opens an incorrect Terminal submenu after selecting the “Vault 94 Purpose” option.
  • Vault-Tec University: Protectrons no longer become stuck in the Computer Lab inside Vault-Tec University.

Fallout 76: Fallout Worlds Update Notes – September 8, 2021
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Fallout 76: Fallout Worlds Update Notes – September 8, 2021
The Fallout Worlds Update is arriving today, and it brings the Public and Custom Worlds game modes to Fallout 76.

We’re also expanding on Daily Ops with Double Mutation Weekends, new locations, a new enemy group, and more. Read on to catch all the details!
  • New Ways to Play: Experience Appalachia like never before with Public Worlds! Each Public World features specialized game settings, fit to a theme, and they are available to all players.
  • Your World, Made to Order: Fallout 1st Members can now create Custom Worlds to build their own personalized versions of Appalachia using a wide variety of modifiable game settings.
  • Daily Ops Expansion: Our latest expansion for Daily Ops introduces Double Mutation events every other weekend, a new enemy group, three new locations, and new rewards!
  • Nuclear Winter Rewards: Nuclear Winter Mode has been deactivated. Perk Coins based on progression have been added to players’ accounts, and Nuclear Winter cosmetics can now be earned from Public Events.
Check the download sizes below for today’s patch on your platform of choice:
  • PC (Bethesda.net): 15.3 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 23.3 GB
  • PC (Steam): 16.1 GB
  • PlayStation: 22.8 GB
  • Xbox: 23.3 GB
We've discovered an issue affecting Season 5 rank-ups, where players in some cases are unable to claim the rewards for ranks they purchased using Atoms. This does not affect rank-ups achieved by earning S.C.O.R.E., but we are working hard to get this fixed up as soon as possible so that all players can enjoy the rewards they've earned.
As a result, we have extended Season 5 by two weeks, until September 21. During the first week, rank-up purchases using Atoms will be disabled while we work to resolve the underlying issue, and you can continue to rank-up by earning S.C.O.R.E. from Daily and Weekly Challenges. During the second week, we will release our fix and re-enable rank-up purchases so that everyone has plenty of time to claim any rewards they unlocked during this two week period.
We know that many players in the community are excited to kick off Season 6, and we are too. However, we want to make sure all players can access their Season 5 rewards before we roll into the new Season. Thank you very much, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
With this update for Fallout 76, we’re introducing Fallout Worlds, which offers players the ability to experience the game in unique new ways with two new game modes: Public Worlds and Custom Worlds.
  • The new Public Worlds mode will help you shake up your normal gameplay by offering special worlds that have a pre-selected group of Fallout Worlds settings enabled, fit to a theme.
    • All players can join Public Worlds to dive into an Appalachia that’s wildly different from Adventure Mode.
  • One Public World will be available to players at a time. Currently, we are planning to rotate Public Worlds once per month so that you can regularly try out a variety of different experiences. However, rotation frequency may change in the future based on community feedback and other factors.
  • Here are the first five Public Worlds that you will be able to check out in-game. As voted on by our Public Test Server participants, we’re starting with “Happy Builder,” and will rotate through the rest in the following order:
    • Happy Builder: Reduced C.A.M.P. placement restrictions, relaxed building restrictions, all Map locations discovered, and PvP has been disabled.
    • High Risk: No Fast Travel, always-on PVP, players drop additional loot on death, free workbench crafting, and legendary item attributes have been disabled.
    • Dweller Must Die: Greatly increased enemy difficulty, increased damage, increased equipment durability, and “Dark Bog” weather effects.
    • Quantum World: Max jump height, no fall damage, nuked creatures and flora, and “Quantum Storm” weather.
    • Butcher’s Delight: Infinite ammo, no VATS or melee attack AP costs, and enhanced dismemberment.
  • Players with active Fallout 1st memberships can now choose the Custom Worlds option from the Play menu to create a new type of world where they can adjust a wide variety of different settings to create an Appalachia that’s tailored to their liking.
    • To create a Custom World, click “Play” from the Main Menu, select Custom World, hit “Select World Template,” and then start tinkering with settings you’d like to try out.
    • Up to seven friends can join you in your Custom World, for a total of eight players per World.
    • Please Note: Private Worlds mode has been renamed to “Private Adventure” with today’s update to better differentiate it from Custom Worlds mode.
  • While creating your Custom World, you can choose among a broad array of customization settings and let your imagination run wild with the possibilities! Here are some of the options at your disposal:
    • Workshop: Build in previously restricted areas, disable the need for electricity, increase your C.A.M.P. budget and build height, relax building restrictions, and more.
    • Combat: Infinite enemy spawns, alter PvP rules, adjust enemy difficulty, give yourself infinite ammo, change item durability, and more.
    • General: Disable Fast Travel or make it free. Choose special weather effects, including Radstorms and Nuke Zones, as well as new weather effects, like Quantum Storm and Dark Bog. Add filters for a unique view of Appalachia, adjust jump height, fall damage, or even the consequences on death.
    • Please note: Some Custom World settings may impact your game client’s performance. However, you are still free to use them, and can always enable or disable them again as needed.
  • Currently, you can save a Custom World you’ve created in one of three available slots, and you can select one of them to set it as your active Custom World.
    • You can edit your Custom Worlds after you’ve finished creating them, so even if you’ve filled all three Custom World slots, you can still change them up as needed.
  • If you are a Fallout 1st member and you have played in a friend’s Custom World previously, you will be able to log into it — even if the World owner is offline.
    • To do this, select Custom Worlds from the Play menu, click “View Worlds,” select your friend’s World from the “Shared World” section and set it to “Active.” You can then play in that World by selecting Custom Worlds from the Play menu.
  • If you are not currently an active Fallout 1st member, don’t worry. You can still join your friends who are Fallout 1st members in the Custom Worlds that they’ve set up while they are online.
  • The progress each of your characters make in Public or Custom Worlds is specific to those worlds, and is completely separate from Adventure Mode.
    • You can clone your Adventure Mode character for use in a Public or Custom World at any time, and you can have up to 5 Fallout World characters at a time.
    • If you have reached your 5 character limit, characters can be manually unlinked from Public or Custom worlds at any time.
    • Your character progress in a Public World will remain available as long as that Public World is still available for play.
  • Additionally, please note that Challenges cannot be completed, and you will not earn S.C.O.R.E., achievements, or trophies while playing in a Public or Custom World.
If you would like to learn additional details about Fallout Worlds, you can head here to read our article on Bethesda.net or read through our FAQ on the Fallout 1st website.
Our latest expansion for Daily Ops brings a new weekend event that amps up the challenge, but offers increased rewards. Read on for a brief overview of everything we’re adding to Daily Ops, including Double Mutation Weekend events!
  • During Double Mutation weekends, Daily Ops will be randomized each day with enemies who have one of eight unique combinations of two different Mutations.
    • Double Mutation Weekend events will typically run every other weekend, from Thursday to Monday, starting and ending at the normal Daily Ops reset time.
  • While a Double Mutation event is active, daring adventurers who are willing to delve into Daily Ops will earn the following increased rewards:
    • 2 - 6 Legendary Cores for the first and all subsequent Elder Tier completions
    • Double XP during every Daily Ops playthrough
    • Double the in-game currency rewards from every Daily Ops playthrough
  • Check out the full list of potential double Mutations that enemies can sport during the new weekend events, so that you know what you’ll be up against.
    • Blistering Cold: “Blistering” enemies have the Freezing Touch and Swift-Footed Mutations
    • Chilling Mend: “Chilling” enemies have the Freezing Touch and Group Regeneration Mutations
    • Clouded Toxins: “Clouded” enemies have the Active Camouflage and Toxic Blood Mutations
    • Relentless: “Relentless” enemies have the Resilient and Group Regeneration Mutations
    • Stinging Frost: “Stinging” enemies have the Freezing Touch and Toxic Blood Mutations
    • Swift Stalker: “Stalking” enemies have the Active Camouflage and Swift-Footed Mutations
    • Unstable: “Unstable” enemies have the Volatile and Swift-Footed Mutations
    • Vaporous: “Vaporous” enemies have the Volatile and Active Camouflage Mutations
  • We’ve added Communists to the pool of randomized enemy groups you may encounter in any Daily Ops mode.
  • Fight your way through Arktos Pharma Biome Lab, Watoga High School, and Uncanny Caverns, all of which have been added to the randomized pool of locations for Daily Ops.
  • In this update for Daily Ops, we’re adding Plans for two legendary weapons, new themed cosmetics, and more. Check out the full list below for new rewards you’ll be able to earn by completing Daily Ops:
    • Plan: Arctic Marine Armor
    • Plan: Mechanic’s Best Friend Pipe Wrench
    • Plan: Sole Survivor Lever Action Rifle
    • Outfit: Black Hazmat Suit
    • Plan: Mirelurk King Tube
    • Blood Eagle Skull Lord Outfit
    • Blood Eagle Skull Lord Helmet
    • Blood Eagle Auto-Grenade Launcher Paint
  • Enemies: We’ve addressed a number of issues that were affecting Mothman Hatchlings, and these cute-but-deadly creatures will once again appear when Cultists are the current Daily Ops enemy group.
  • Mutations: “Volatile” enemy explosion damage has been adjusted, and now does health percentage-based damage that can be partially mitigated by anti-explosion effects.
  • Reset Timer: We’ve added a timer so you can more easily check when the next Daily Ops reset will occur. You can find the timer in the “Intel” section of the detailed Daily Ops menu after selecting a Daily Op from the World Activity Tracker.
With the arrival of today’s update, we have removed the Nuclear Winter game mode from Fallout 76. Alongside this change, we’re granting rewards to all players who had completed at least one Nuclear Winter match, and making many of the mode’s progression rewards available in Adventure Mode.
  • Nuclear Winter Pennant: All players who completed at least one Nuclear Winter match will receive a Nuclear Winter themed Pennant they can build in their CAMPs. The Pennant will be added to your Wall Décor category in the build menu within two weeks following today’s update.
  • Perk Coins:With today’s update, we’re granting Perk Coins to players based on their progression in Nuclear Winter Mode so that you can give your Legendary Perk Card collection a boost.
    • You will receive 6 Perk Coins per Nuclear Winter Perk Card you earned from the Nuclear Winter progression system.
    • You will also get 1 Perk Coin per Overseer Ticket you earned.
    • These Perk Coins have already been added to your account, and will be available to you as soon as you log in.
  • Cosmetic Rewards:Many of the cosmetic rewards that could be earned by climbing Overseer Ranks in Nuclear Winter are now available in Adventure Mode as rewards that you can claim by completing Public Events. Here is the current list of events where you have a chance to earn these cosmetics:
    • A Colossal Problem
    • Encryptid
    • Project Paradise
    • Scorched Earth
    • Limited Time Events: Festive Scorched & Treasure Hunter
  • Exclusive Rewards: Nuclear Winter Trophies and Statues will remain exclusive to players who earned them by climbing the ranks in the Nuclear Winter progression system.
To learn more about our reasoning behind this change, you can read through this article on Fallout.com, or head here for more details about how rewards are being distributed.
  • Pip-Boy: Junk acquired from scrapping items will now appear in the Pip-Boy’s “New” tab.
  • Pip-Boy: Inventory items can now be sorted by their stack weight.
  • Pip-Boy: When scrolling in the Pip-Boy inventory, navigating up from the top item in the list will now move the player’s selection to the bottom of the list, and vice versa.
  • Vault 51: Alongside this update for Fallout 76, Vault 51 has now opened up for exploration in all game modes, including Adventure. Follow the red wire to find your way inside, and then poke around to learn more about what befell the Dwellers of Vault 51.
  • Appliances: Fixed an issue causing parts of the Classic Jukebox to become invisible.
  • Armor: The Covert Scout Armor Torso no longer clips through character models that have the muscular body type.
  • Emotes: Fixed an issue that could cause a player to become stuck in an Emote animation loop.
  • Headwear: Fixed a number of headwear items that include face coverings so that they no longer clip into the faces of female character models.
  • Melee Weapons: The Cultist Dagger now plays the correct attack animations.
  • Power Armor: Transferring pieces of Strangler Heart Power Armor to a Power Armor Chassis no longer causes duplicate vines to appear and float nearby.
  • Ranged Weapons: The Lucille’s Lullaby Paint for the Minigun now correctly applies to the weapon’s Tri-Barrel mod.
  • Ranged Weapons: Corrected the direction of the Minigun’s barrel spin while wearing Power Armor.
  • World: Objects in Lou’s Mine now animate correctly during the Cheating Death quest.
  • Appliances: The RobCo Snow Machine now remains switched off after fast traveling or logging out.
  • Blueprints: Creating an auto-blueprint by moving CAMP locations no longer causes the “Store” button to become visually greyed out when that blueprint is selected in build mode.
  • Budget: Maximum build counts now correctly account for items that are already stored.
  • Displays: Fixed an issue where items could visually fall off of the Display Cases the player had assigned them to.
  • Lights: The option that appears when viewing a destroyed Fire Barrel is now correctly labeled “Repair” instead of “Take.”
  • Shelters: Standing just outside a C.A.M.P.’s buildable area no longer prevents the player from building a Shelter Entrance within it.
  • Workshops: The visual build boundary no longer persists after exiting build mode in the Mount Blair Workshop.
  • Daily: Cultist Ghouls now correctly count toward Challenges that require players to kill Cultists.
  • Audio: Daily Ops locations now properly play music that’s specific to the game mode.
  • Audio: Weapon sound effects have been slowed down while affected by Freezing Touch.
  • Contextual Ammo: When using a Pepper Shaker with a standard magazine, enemies in Daily Ops will now drop shotgun shells more often.
  • Enemies: Cultist enemies now correctly display objective markers overhead during Daily Ops inside Vault 96.
  • Enemies: Enemies who have rocket launchers no longer stop shooting at the player after firing a single rocket.
  • Enemies: Daily Ops bosses no longer prioritize melee attacking the player over using their primary weapons.
  • Enemies: Fixed an issue that could cause Mothman Hatchlings to become invincible.
  • Enemies: Mothman Hatchlings no longer become unresponsive.
  • Enemies: Fixed an issue that could cause Mothman Hatchlings to become stuck in walls after teleporting.
  • Enemies: Camouflaged Mothman Hatchlings no longer become invisible while attacking.
  • Locations: Entering a Daily Op in Watoga Civic Center during the quest “The Ol’ Weston Shuffle” no longer causes incorrect quest targets to display in the Daily Op instance.
  • Markers: Custom map markers no longer appear on the Compass while in a Daily Ops instance.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Volatile no longer damage other enemies on death.
  • Mutations: All weapons used by “Freezing” enemies will now apply the Freezing Touch effect, except grenades and mines.
  • Mutations: The Freezing Touch effect no longer persists on players after leaving a Daily Op.
  • Mutations: Getting hit by enemies with Freezing Touch now causes a Freezing Touch effect to appear in the Pip-Boy.
  • Mutations: The Toxic Blood effect no longer suddenly stops applying damage.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Volatile or Toxic Blood no longer explode and damage players after completing a Daily Op.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Group Regeneration now properly heal their nearby companions.
  • Mutations: Resilient visual effects no longer persist on enemies after they have been healed.
  • Mutations: Shooting enemies with Resilient no longer sometimes causes black decals to appear on their bodies.
  • Mutations: Enemies with Resilient no longer display the Resilient visual effects immediately after spawning.
  • Operation Report: The description text for Elder Tier rewards now correctly states that it guarantees a rare reward on the player’s first completion.
  • Operation Report: Fixed an issue that could cause the Operation Report to display an incredibly high completion time.
  • Rewards: Fixed an issue that allowed players to earn Daily Ops rewards more often than intended when playing during the daily reset.
  • Subtitles: Adjusted the subtitles for several of Vernon Dodge’s voice lines so that they match his voiceover.
  • A Knight’s Penance: The Shovel no longer retains its quest item status after clearing the rock wall during the quest.
  • A Satisfied Conscience: Picking up a clue during the “Defeat the robots” objective and then logging out no longer prevents this quest from progressing after logging back in.
  • Field Testing: Paladin Rahmani now says the correct dialogue based on the player’s choices when asked about the Putnams.
  • Manhunt: VATS can now target Mad Dog Malone.
  • Missing Persons: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from progressing the quest after finding the Dove Necklace.
  • Monster Mash: Being on the event leaderboard no longer prevents the player from joining Daily Ops.
  • One Violent Night: Playing an instrument no longer causes enemies to stand still or run away from the player.
  • The Catalyst: Russell Dorsey will no longer remain inside Fort Atlas after the quest.
  • The Elusive Crane: Fixed an issue that could allow players to repeatedly receive an item reward from the RobCo Cache.
  • Ammo Converter: Fixed an issue in which the Ammo Converter would remove or grant Cryo ammo when attempting to sell or buy Fuel.
  • Apparel: The Mr. Claus Beard can no longer be equipped at the same time as the Centurion Helmet.
  • Legendary Cores: Attempting to transfer a Legendary Core into a container now correctly causes a “You can’t store that here” message to appear.
  • Legendary Weapons: Fixed an issue causing melee weapons with the “Reflects 50% of melee damage while blocking” legendary effect to deal more damage than intended.
  • Melee Weapons: Players can now properly pick up Sheepsquatch Clubs found in the world.
  • Ranged Weapons: Black Powder Weapons now correctly have a “No appearance” mod, and weapon paints the player had previously applied can be removed.
  • Legendary Items: Removed unnecessary extra words from the prefixes of certain legendary attribute names in non-English versions of the game.
  • Legendary Power Armor: Corrected the name of Bolstering Legendary Power Armor mods in the French version of the game.
  • Quests: Fixed an issue that could cause some of Knight Shin’s dialogue options to be skipped during “A Knight’s Penance” in the Italian version of the game.
  • Minerva: Removed a number of item plans from Minerva’s inventory that can be earned elsewhere, like the Ammo Converter and Chicken Coop.
  • Power Armor: NPCs who wear Power Armor will no longer be affected by debuffs caused by having an empty Fusion Core.
  • Cannibal: Players who are on a team, but are not the Team Leader, can now correctly consume corpses inside instanced cells.
  • Grenadier: Now properly increases the blast damage radius of grenades.
  • Lock and Load: Entering or exiting Power Armor no longer removes the faster reload effect.
  • Client: Fixed an issue that could cause the game client to crash after placing Power Armor.
  • Client: Addressed game client crashes that could occur during normal gameplay.
  • Client: Fixed an issue that could cause “undefined” items to appear in the Pip-Boy inventory, which would result in a client crash when inspecting or selecting those items.
  • Client: Switching between first- and third-person view while viewing a container during a period of heavy combat no longer causes the game client to crash.
  • Compass: The icon for the Survival Tent now correctly appears on the Compass.
  • Main Menu: After launching the game, rapidly pressing buttons to reach the Main Menu more quickly no longer causes the Seasons widget display "Max Rank."
  • Perk Cards: On PC, if a player has both the animated and normal version of a Perk Card, both can now be selected using the mouse.
  • Scoreboard: The next repeatable rank-up reward after reaching Rank 130 now appears correctly on the Scoreboard.
  • Scoreboard: Fixed an issue that could cause the Scoreboard to appear while the player was already using a crafting Workbench.
  • Settings: Pressing the “Defaults” button now properly resets all Game Settings to their default values.
  • Settings: On PC, toggling the Controller setting to “On” using the mouse no longer prevents the player from navigating the Game Settings menus with a controller.
  • Social: Fixed an issue that could cause pending friend requests to disappear after a few minutes.
  • Social: Fixed an issue that could cause a player to appear offline to their friends when viewed in the friends list.
  • Environment: Corrected several locations where the player could see outside the game world.
  • Foundation: Fixed a location where Paige could become stuck in Foundation.
  • Pathing: Corrected several locations around Appalachia where players could become stuck.
  • Pathing: Fixed a ramp that enemies and players could not walk up in the construction area of R&G Processing Services.
  • Vault 94: The Vault 94 Community Terminal no longer opens an incorrect Terminal submenu after selecting the “Vault 94 Purpose” option.
  • Vault-Tec University: Protectrons no longer become stuck in the Computer Lab inside Vault-Tec University.

Fallout 76: Fallout Worlds Update Notes – September 8, 2021
Jatkuu näemmä fallout loma vielä pari viikkoo kun season 5 jatkettiin sen verran :cry:
Aika turhalta päivitykseltä vaikuttaa toi worlds. Ainakaan itte oikein innostu noista erikois maailmoista.
Aika turhalta päivitykseltä vaikuttaa toi worlds. Ainakaan itte oikein innostu noista erikois maailmoista.
Jep. Eipä noissa tuu ku käytyä pari kertaa kattomassa ja sitten ne voikin unohtaa.
Ite odotan innolla tota expeditons updatee.
Jep. Eipä noissa tuu ku käytyä pari kertaa kattomassa ja sitten ne voikin unohtaa.
Ite odotan innolla tota expeditons updatee.

Joo, luulen kanssa että kerran pari tulee vilkastua noita ehkä peräti ja sitten ne unohtuu. Toi expedition update vaikuttaa ihan mielenkiintoselta kyllä. Harmi vaan kun saadaan ens vuoteen odotella sitä.
Eipä se seasonin alotus taaskaan menny nappiin..

Taas osa challengeista merkattu tehdyks, mutta eihän niistä pisteitä tilille kilahda.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jaa nyt ne alottikin sen season 6, vaikka piti season 5 jatkua vielä 2-viikkoa.
Hyvä vaan kun toi season 5 ollut jo tehtynä aikoja sitten, ni pääseepä runnomaan tota uutta nyt sit läpi.

Eipä se seasonin alotus taaskaan menny nappiin..

Taas osa challengeista merkattu tehdyks, mutta eihän niistä pisteitä tilille kilahda.
Itellä ei oo tota onneks kertaakaan käyny. mistähän lie sitten osalla johtuu.
@Subv1sa Olet onneks, mulla on tainnu 4 kertaa tehä ton. Tällä kertaa tosin ei menny kun noi 5 weeklyä. aikasemin se on merkannu kaiken tehdyks jos on tehny ton. Empä ainakaan oo törmänny mihinkään selitykseen että mistä toi johtuu. Nyt vähän ärsyttää, kun toi 6k scorea olis ollu aika kiva startti kuitenkin tähän seasoniin.
Viimeksi muokattu:
No niin, tuli testattua tollasta priva worldiä ja joo ei, en keksi sille mitään järkevää käyttöä, paitsi ehkä parin kaverin kera perseilyn ja kuvien napsimisen, kun ukkelin saa loikkimaan vaikka mihin kun vähän rassailee maailman asetuksia. Mutta eipä silleenkään varmaan jaksa kauaa pelata..

En tainnu edes 10min sielä äsken haahuilla, kun sille ei vaan ole käyttöä, saat muokattua parametrejä aika paljon, mutta mitä iloa niistä on kun et saa perus peliin mitään progressiota, etkä myöskään voi ansaita score pointseja. Mä en nää tolle päivitykselle mitään käyttöä, aivan turha siis.
Kyllähän tuota traileria ihan Ryanrenoldsina katteli, että juu tämmöstä "hauskaa" voi sitten puuhailla, mutta miksi?
Olipa aika haastava suorittaa tuo Blackwater Mine kill Freddie Lang. Olin itse level 20 aloittelija ja mole mainerit alkaen 35 level ja Freddie level 60! Meni muuten muutama stimpakki ja kävin joka respawnin jälkeen suihkussa jotta pääsin rad myrkytyksestä eroon. Onneksi siellä alkoi joku eventti ja level 100 + pelaajat alkoi hommiin. Ois muutoin noussut äkkiä tie pystyyn kun en meinannut saada Freddietä hengiltä.
Huoltokatkoa pukkaa ja halloween eventtiä tulee tyrkylle.

Tuossa vielä spoilerissa Bethesdan launcerista napatut patch notet.
Halloween is descending on Appalachia with our latest update for Fallout 76, which arrives today. Scare up some fun over the next two weeks by hunting down Spooky Scorched, trick-or-treating at others’ C.A.M.P.s, and by giving out candy from your own home. Read on to catch all the details.
Update Highlights
  • Spooky Scorched: Some of the Scorched are celebrating the Halloween season by dressing in costume and dropping special loot!
  • Pass Out Candy from your Haunted House: Claim a free Spooky Candy Bowl from the Atomic Shop, place it in your C.A.M.P., and fill it with Mystery Candy for trick-or-treaters to complete Challenges and earn rewards.
  • Trick-or-Treat Around Appalachia: Step into your favorite costume and collect Mystery Candy from other players’ C.A.M.P.s to receive additional Challenge rewards.
Update Version
Check the download sizes below for today’s patch on your platform of choice:
  • PC (Bethesda.net): 2.3 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 2.2 GB
  • PC (Steam): 9.3 GB
  • PlayStation: 9.2 GB
  • Xbox: 8.8 GB
Spooky Scorched Are on the Prowl
Halloween is almost here, and some of the Scorched are getting into the spirit of the season by dressing in their most festive costumes as they creep around Appalachia! From now until November 2, whenever you spot “Spooky Scorched” during your adventures, or hear their spine-chilling holiday sounds, it’s time to go on the hunt.
  • Spooky Scorched will spawn as 1, 2, or 3-star legendaries, which means you’ll receive a legendary item every time you take one down.
  • You’ll also receive a Spooky Treat Bag, which you can open to get some goodies like consumables, ammo, and a chance at some Halloween themed Plans.
  • Finally, you’ll receive a piece of Mystery Candy that you can eat to receive one of five random buffs, which may include stat boosts, or even Nukashine-like effects.
  • TIP: While it can be tempting to devour all your Mystery Candy right away, you may want to hold on to a few pieces so that you can take part in our Trick-or-Treating event this year (more on that below).
  • Please also note that, like the Holiday Scorched, Spooky Scorched will not spawn inside of interiors.
Trick or Treat!
The Scorched won’t be the only ones haunting the Wasteland this Halloween! From now until November 2, you can dress up in costume to go trick-or-treating around Appalachia with your friends, and even give out candy to trick-or-treaters who visit your home. Along the way, you’ll be able to complete new trick-or-treating Challenges to earn rewards.
Pass Out Candy to Trick-or-Treaters
  • Visit the Atomic Shop to claim a free Spooky Candy Bowl before November 2, build it in your C.A.M.P., and fill it with Mystery Candy for trick-or-treaters to enjoy.
  • Get your hands on Mystery Candy by looting Spooky Scorched, or buying some with Caps from train station vendors around Appalachia.
  • TIP: Place your Spooky Candy Bowl in an obvious spot in your C.A.M.P. where trick-or-treaters can easily find it.
  • Please also note that Spooky Candy Bowls cannot be placed inside Shelters.
  • Your C.A.M.P. will display a pumpkin icon on the Map once you’ve added Mystery Candy to your Spooky Candy Bowl, which will let other Dwellers know they are welcome to stop by for a treat.
  • If your candy bowl is empty, the pumpkin icon will stop appearing for your C.A.M.P. until you refill it.
  • Each trick-or-treater can only take one piece of candy per hour from your candy bowl, so there’s no need to worry about anyone swiping more than their fair share.
  • Over the next two weeks, you will receive Daily and Weekly Challenges to give out candy, which you can complete to earn rewards!
  • Daily Challenges will grant you one of several possible rewards, like a consumable item, Perk Card Pack, Lunchbox, Repair Kit, or some S.C.O.R.E.
  • Weekly Challenges to give candy to trick-or-treaters can award S.C.O.R.E., rare crafting materials, or even Halloween costumes. Complete both Weekly Challenges and you’ll also receive a new Popcorn Machine for your C.A.M.P.!
Go On the Hunt for Candy!
  • Dust off your favorite costume, grab a few friends, and leave space in your pack for plenty of candy, because it’s time to trick or treat your way around the Wasteland!
  • Open the Map to spot C.A.M.P.s that have a pumpkin icon, which indicates that the owner currently has a Spooky Candy Bowl stocked up with Mystery Candy.
  • Each day until November 2, you will receive a new Daily Challenge to trick or treat at other Dwellers’ C.A.M.P.s.
  • Like the Daily Challenges to give out candy, completing each trick-or-treating Daily will net you one of several rewards, including consumables, a Perk Card Pack, Lunchbox, Repair Kit, or some S.C.O.R.E.
  • Make sure you’re wearing a costume when you take Mystery Candy from someone else’s Spooky Candy Bowl to ensure you’ll receive Challenge credit.
  • There are many different costume options available in-game, such as those you can find during your adventures, a variety of Unstoppables-themed rank-up rewards from the Season 6 Scoreboard, as well as costumes you can purchase in the Atomic Shop.
Bug Fixes & Additional Improvements
  • Apparel: Fixed an issue that could partially obstruct the screen in first-person view while wearing the American Patriot Suit.
  • Apparel: Equipping the King Grognak Outfit while wearing the Grognak Sidekick Underarmor no longer turns the player’s hands invisible.
  • Headwear: The Mothman Gas Mask no longer clips into female characters’ faces.
  • Junk: Fuel Tanks now correctly display preview images when viewed or inspected in the inventory.
  • Power Armor: Reduced the amount of screen space taken up by the Park Ranger Power Armor’s forearms when wielding heavy weapons in first-person view, so that it is consistent with other Power Armors.
  • Power Armor: Park Ranger Power Armor pieces now have proper interior textures when inspected in the inventory.
  • Weapons: The Grelok Sorcerer Staff and Stanley Skins now correctly appear when applied to Grognak’s Axe.
  • Weapons: Improved the idle animation for the Grognak’s Other Axe Skin while in first-person view.
  • Weapons: Shortened the rebar on the Death’s Breath Flamer Skin to reduce the amount of screen space it takes up when playing in first-person view.
  • Weapons: The correct reload animation now plays when reloading a Gatling Gun that has an Extra Large Magazine Mod while wearing Power Armor.
C.A.M.P.s & Workshops
  • Collectron Station: Moving a Collectron Station in C.A.M.P. before looting items it contained no longer prevents those items from appearing in the Station’s transfer menu.
  • Displays: Corrected the placement of Grognak’s Other Axe when displayed in High-Powered and Magnetic Weapon Racks.
  • Mobile Home Trailer: Players can no longer build multiple Mobile Home Doors in the same Mobile Home Trailer’s doorway.
  • Stairs: Snapping two Haunted House Stairs to each other no longer prevents players from walking up both sets of stairs.
  • Survival Tent: The Scrap Box in the Abandoned Shack Survival Tent now correctly faces the player.
Daily Ops
  • Double Mutations: 2x currency rewards no longer appear halved in the Operation Report after completing a Double Mutation Daily Op.
Events & Quests
  • Missing Persons: The “Find clues to where the Raiders are” objective now correctly progresses after opening the doors leading to the top floor of AMS Headquarters.
  • Missing Persons: Marcia no longer occasionally disappears during combat.
  • Backpacks: The Hazmat Meat Cooler Backpack now appears centered on the player’s back.
  • Crafting: Fixed an issue on PC that could cause players to craft lower-level items than intended.
  • Explosive Bait: Fixed an issue that caused players to take damage from Explosive Bait when they were not currently engaged in PVP combat with the player who threw it.
  • Headwear: Fixed an issue that prevented Communist Commander Hats from appearing in players’ inventories.
  • Legendary Armor: Auto-Stim Legendary Armor no longer automatically uses Stimpaks if a highly-radiated player’s available health is full.
  • Legendary Crafting: Progress will now be saved after crafting a legendary item at a Workbench.
  • Ranged Weapons: Laser Rifles with an attached Sniper Barrel Mod now fire correctly in third-person view while wearing Power Armor.
  • Unarmed Melee Weapons: Crafting a legendary “Face Breaker” Power Fist now correctly requires 2 Legendary Modules. The ability to craft this item has been re-enabled at Weapons Workbenches.
  • Underarmor: Players can now apply Casual Mods to all Season 6 Sidekick Underarmors.
  • Events: The Monster Mash event’s map description, quest description, and quest tracker are now correctly translated in non-English game clients.
  • Quests: Meg’s voice lines during the “Siding with Crater” quest are now correctly translated in the Japanese game client.
Performance & Stability
  • Client Stability: Addressed an issue that could cause the PlayStation client to crash after placing a Junkyard Fountain in C.A.M.P.
  • Client Stability: Fixed a crash that could occur when repeatedly switching tabs in the Pip-Boy.
  • Performance: Fixed an issue in which the crafting menu could take a long time to open under certain conditions.
  • Main Menu: Updated the Main Menu music for PlayStation and Xbox versions of the game so that it is consistent with other platforms.
User Interface
  • Atomic Shop: Corrected an issue that prevented some emotes from playing their icon animations when selected in the Atomic Shop.
  • Atomic Shop: Inspecting certain Emotes and Player Icons in the Atomic Shop no longer causes item descriptions to disappear from the Shop’s menus.
  • Pip-Boy: Opening a Holotape in the Pip-Boy and then switching to or from Quick-Boy view no longer causes the Pip-Boy UI to overlap the Holotape’s content.
  • Collision: Addressed a number of objects throughout Appalachia that players could partially clip into or walk through.
  • Pathing: Addressed a number of locations throughout Appalachia where players or creatures could become stuck.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Jaa jaksaisko sitä käydä kattoo mitäs siellä tapahtuu.
Ollu tässä jo jonkun aikaa tauolla. Tämä seasoni lävähti hetkessä sataseen, kun oli pari noita tupla-xp v-loppuja. :rofl:
Ittelläkin taitaa se reilu 10lvl tuosta score rankista uupua. Ei vaan oo oikein jaksanu veivata, alkaa taistelu väsymys näkyä. 2225h ja 703lvl. :D Mutta tässä nyt on vissiin joulukuuhun asti aikaa tahkota nuo puuttuvat levut, season 7 alkaa 7.12 8.12

Viimeksi muokattu:
Xbox game passissa olisi näköjään tarjolla 1kk Fallout Firstiä ja Xbox Game Pass ultimatea 2kk Discordissa, Fallout 1st -etu on lunastettavissa tämän vuoden loppuun saakka.
En tosin tiedä että vaatiiko tuo Fallout 1st aktivointi 76:n asennusta Xbox liven kautta vai toimiiko kikkailematta myös steamin ja Bethesdan launcherin kautta.

E. Tarkemmin tutkaillen ei olekaan ihan läpihuutojuttu, vaan ylläolevaan tarjoukseen on oltava kympin discord nitro käytössä ja Xbox-tilillä ei aiempia Game Pass tilauksia:beye:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tuoretta inside the vaulttia, höpisevät vähän mitä se ensi kuussa tuleva setti pitää sisällään. Pari ihan kivaa QoL ainakin tulossa, pystyy lootaamaan useamman raadon kerrallaan(alueen kokoa ei ole vielä päätetty) jaettu xp tiimissä(50%) ja legetkin saa talteen, vaikka ei ehdikään itte ampua laukaustakaan kyseiseen otukseen.

Patch notetkin pihalla

  • Mothman Equinox: Until December 21, visit Point Pleasant in the Forest Region every hour to aid The Enlightened in summoning the Wise Mothman to Appalachia and earn new themed rewards!
  • Season 7 Begins: Dr. Zorbo will have his revenge against Captain Cosmos—and you’re going to help! Rank up and claim stellar new rewards on the Season 7 Scoreboard, all while traveling the stars to aid Zorbo in assembling a devious crew.
  • Quality-of-Life Improvements: We’ve added Legendary Loot Sharing, Nearby Corpse Looting, a Pip-Boy Keyring, and many more community-requested improvements to the game.
  • Public Event Updates: We’ve made some improvements to help streamline our Public Event system and implemented balance changes for a variety of Public Events.
  • Pirate Radio: A rogue broadcast is invading Appalachia’s airwaves! Tune your Pip-Boy to Pirate Radio to tap your toes to new tunes, catch radio dramas, and commercials.

ja ainakin notejen mukaan sielä on se loottaaminenkin mukana

Community feedback plays an important role in how we approach shaping and leveling-up Fallout 76, and we love reading all of your ideas about what you’d like to see added to the game. With today’s update, we’re implementing a number quality-of-life improvements that have been suggested to us by many of you in the community. We hope you enjoy digging into them in-game, and that you will continue sharing your thoughts with us.

  • Nearby Corpse Looting: Unlike many of the creatures who cross your path in the Wasteland, you’re a born survivor! Whenever corpses start to pile up, you’ll no longer need to pick through each and every one to grab your loot. When viewing a fallen enemy’s inventory, you can now see and collect all the goodies that the creatures around you have dropped by hitting the “Nearby Corpses” button. Happy looting!
  • Legendary Loot Sharing: Going forward, if you’re within sight range of a legendary creature when it’s killed, you’ll be able to loot it. With this improvement, the days of trying to hit legendary enemies before they die, are over.
  • Team XP Sharing: Sharing is caring, and leveling-up as you adventure with your team is about to get easier than ever. Every enemy that you or a teammate takes down will now grant XP to everyone on the team, so long as they are within sight range of the creature when it dies.
  • Build Menu “New” Tab: We’re adding a “New” tab to your C.A.M.P. build menu that will display any new C.A.M.P. item plans you’ve learned during your current play session, as well as new C.A.M.P. items you’ve unlocked in the Atomic Shop.
  • Pip-Boy Keyring: Tired of all those keys cluttering up your Pip-Boy? Get organized with the Keyring, which is a new item in your “Misc.” inventory tab that stores all of the keys you’ve collected from your adventures in the Wasteland. Click it to view or access any keys in your collection as needed.
  • Pip-Boy Menu Color Customization: Show your true colors by changing the hue of your Pip-Boy menus using a new set of customization sliders that we’ve added to the game’s settings.
  • Ammo Everywhere: The contextual ammo system has been a very popular aspect of Daily Ops, and so we’d like to bring it to all of Appalachia. Now, all existing sources of ammo, like containers and creature loot, have a chance to drop a small amount of ammo for your currently equipped weapon.

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Taas ilmaisen game passin kautta pelaillut peliä.
On kyllä tässä edelleen aivan julmetusti erilaisia bugeja. Peli yhtä diashowta kun ei ollut fullscreen päällä ja peli kaatuilee tai menettää yhteyden serveriin tuon tuosta. Nytkin koko roska jäätyi täysin kun yritin spawnata omaa leiriä uuteen paikkaan, piti tehtävienhallinnan kautta käydä pakottamassa ohjelman sammutus.
Taas ilmaisen game passin kautta pelaillut peliä.
On kyllä tässä edelleen aivan julmetusti erilaisia bugeja. Peli yhtä diashowta kun ei ollut fullscreen päällä ja peli kaatuilee tai menettää yhteyden serveriin tuon tuosta. Nytkin koko roska jäätyi täysin kun yritin spawnata omaa leiriä uuteen paikkaan, piti tehtävienhallinnan kautta käydä pakottamassa ohjelman sammutus.
Eipä Bethesda launcherin versiossa kummosemmin oo bugeja enään. Jotain pientä nyt aina välillä ilmaantuu ja joskus servut köhii, mutta yleensä pelittää aika hyvin.

Tiiä sitten olisko game pass versiossa jotain häikkää, mitä ei ole saatu siloteltua pois.


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