Update on Philip Low post: Here’s a post from a former friend and colleague of Elon Musk, Philip Low, who has posted a lengthy letter online on multiple platforms but appears in this format on Facebook. It’s a worthwhile read with solid insights into a runaway ego that has become a clear and pr...
A former friend and colleague of Elon Musk has shared a brilliant takedown of the billionaire, perfectly breaking down his character.
Philips Low (Läheistä taustaa Elonin kanssa 14v, kunnes meni sukset ristiin sen NeuroVigililistä, mistä se heitti Elonin ulos.) kirjoitti aika pitkän postauksen Elonista. Tuota voisi yrittää vähän tiivistää.
Ehkä tämä oli itselle se mielenkiintoisin kohta ko. postauksesta:
"All his talk about getting to Mars to “maintain the light of consciousness” or about “free speech absolutism” is actually BS Elon knowingly feeds people to manipulate them. Everything Elon does is about acquiring and consolidating power. That is why he likes far right parties, because they are easier to control. That is also why he gave himself $56 Billion which could have gone to the people actually doing the work and innovations he is taking credit for at Tesla (the reason he does not do patents is because he would not be listed as an inventor as putting a fake inventor on a patent would kill it and moreover it would reveal the superstars behind the work). His lust for power is also why he did xAI and Neuralink, to attempt to compete with OpenAI and NeuroVigil, respectively, despite being affiliated with them. Unlike Tesla and Twitter, he was unable to conquer those companies and tried to create rivals. I fired him with cause in December 2021 when he tried to undermine NV."
Piti tarkistaa, Elonilla on näemä 26 patenttia. Littyvät Teslan autopilootin smart summoniin ja latausliittimeen. Ei yhtään spaceX:n tai muiden firmojen puolelta.