Hei, olen laittanut sähköpostia kahdella kerralla (maanantaina ja keskiviikona), mutta en ole saanut vastausta tilaukselle EGSLIYLXM. Halusin poista SATA kaapelin tilauksesta, koska se ei ollut varastossa ja en halu odottaa toista komponenttia niin kauan kun se SATA kaapeli tulee.
Also, just in case I butchered the Finnish too badly, I've been sending messages to the customer service about the order EGSLIYLXM, wishing to remove the SATA cable from the order, because I don't want the other component I bought (a RAM kit) to be delayed because of the SATA cable not being in stock. Ideally I would like to refund the SATA cable, but I'm also willing to just leave the SATA cable (without a refund even), since it's cheap. I just don't want to keep waiting behind the cable. The RAM is the actual important part I wanted anyway. I also read higher up in this thread that Datatronic apparently has a backlog (pre-holidays and/or post-Black Friday, I'm guessing?), and thus has been unable to respond to all customer requests, but hopefully the message here will help make mine more visible etc. Sorry for the bother.
EDIT: Just for context, this is like my fifth or sixth order from Datatronic (including a prior refund for something I didn't need) and all the previous times, the orders have come the next day (to Helsinki) and customer service has responded within half an hour, so ignoring this last experience, I have to commend Datatronic as a whole.