eikös blackberry hirttänyt palvelimensa lopullisesti joku aika sitten kun lopetti matkapuhelintoiminnan, epäilisin että kaatuilu on nimenomaa johtunut tuosta että puhelin yrittänyt ottaa yhteyden heidän palvelimiin mutta kun ei ole enää mihin yhteyttä ottaa.
In 2017, BlackBerry Limited committed to providing at least 2 more years of support for BB10 and at least 2 more years of BlackBerry network access for BBOS devices. BlackBerry Limited is now taking steps to decommission or terminate infrastructure services associated with devices running BlackBerry 7.1 OS and earlier, BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry Playbook OS 2.1 and earlier.
This means, as of January 4, 2022, all legacy BlackBerry devices running BlackBerry software will no longer be functional on any carrier network, including TELUS. Your legacy BlackBerry device will no longer be able to support voice, data, SMS and/or 911 services.
To avoid any disruption in service, you will need to upgrade to a new device.
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