Ohje, Lokitiedostot niin sieltä lokeista näkee syyn jos obs osaa sen päätellä.
esimerkkinä tuollainen yksinkertainen ongelma kun presetti on liian raskas.
15:44:58.504: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
15:44:58.504: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/janne/Videos/2025-03-28 15-44-58.mp4'...
15:45:17.786: [SVT-AV1 encoder: 'advanced_video_recording'] Encoding queue duration surpassed 5 seconds, terminating encoder
15:45:17.786: Error encoding with encoder 'advanced_video_recording'
15:45:17.790: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/janne/Videos/2025-03-28 15-44-58.mp4' stopped
15:45:17.790: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
15:45:17.790: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 851
15:45:17.790: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1157
15:45:17.790: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
15:45:17.791: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 354/1079 (32.8%)
17:48:49.289: Switched to scene 'Peli'
17:48:49.289: ------------------------------------------------
17:48:49.289: Loaded scenes:
17:48:49.289: - scene 'Peli':
17:48:49.289: - source: 'Kuva' (image_source)
17:48:49.289: - source: 'Pelikaappaus' (game_capture)
17:48:49.289: - scene 'Näyttö':
17:48:49.289: - source: 'Näytön kaappaus' (monitor_capture)
17:48:49.289: ------------------------------------------------
17:48:49.311: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] attempting to hook fullscreen process: explorer.exe
17:48:49.311: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] cannot capture explorer.exe due to being blacklisted
17:48:56.431: ---------------------------------
17:48:56.431: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_stream'] preset: fast
17:48:56.432: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_stream'] settings:
17:48:56.432: rate_control: CBR
17:48:56.432: bitrate: 6000
17:48:56.432: buffer size: 6000
17:48:56.432: crf: 23
17:48:56.432: fps_num: 30
17:48:56.432: fps_den: 1
17:48:56.432: width: 1280
17:48:56.432: height: 720
17:48:56.432: keyint: 60
17:48:56.432: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_stream'] custom settings:
17:48:56.432: scenecut = 0
17:48:56.438: ---------------------------------
17:48:56.438: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: stereo, track: 1
17:48:56.439: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://ingest.global-contribute.live-video.net/app...
17:48:57.553: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp://ingest.global-contribute.live-video.net/app () successful
17:48:57.554: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Socket send buffer is 65536 bytes
17:48:57.559: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
17:49:39.110: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] attempting to hook fullscreen process: Engine Evolution.exe
17:49:39.117: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] using helper (compatibility hook)
17:49:39.130: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] hook not loaded yet, retrying..
17:49:42.144: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] attempting to hook fullscreen process: Engine Evolution.exe
17:49:42.154: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC:
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.Width: 1920
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.Height: 1080
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.RefreshRate.Numerator: 0
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.RefreshRate.Denominator: 1
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.Format: 28
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.ScanlineOrdering: 0
17:49:42.154: BufferDesc.Scaling: 0
17:49:42.154: SampleDesc.Count: 1
17:49:42.154: SampleDesc.Quality: 0
17:49:42.154: BufferUsage: 48
17:49:42.154: BufferCount: 2
17:49:42.154: Windowed: 1
17:49:42.154: SwapEffect: 3
17:49:42.154: Flags: 2114
17:49:42.154: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] d3d11 shared texture capture successful
17:49:42.177: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] shared texture capture successful
17:50:22.061: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] ----------------- d3d11 capture freed ----------------
17:50:22.110: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
17:50:22.111: [game-capture: 'Pelikaappaus'] capture stopped
17:50:23.030: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
17:50:23.030: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Socket send buffer is 1048576 bytes
17:50:23.030: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
17:50:23.030: Output 'simple_stream': Total frames output: 1812 (2507 attempted)
17:50:23.030: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 2598
17:50:23.030: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 695 (27.7%)
17:50:23.030: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Freeing 517 remaining packets
17:50:23.032: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
18:02:49.268: User Removed source 'Pelikaappaus' (game_capture) from scene 'Peli'
18:02:50.873: User Removed source 'Kuva' (image_source) from scene 'Peli'
18:02:51.889: User switched to scene 'Näyttö'
18:02:52.256: User switched to scene 'Peli'
18:02:53.633: User switched to scene 'Näyttö'
18:02:53.636: User Removed scene 'Peli'
18:02:56.203: ---------------------------------
18:02:56.203: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_stream'] preset: fast
18:02:56.203: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_stream'] settings:
18:02:56.203: rate_control: CBR
18:02:56.203: bitrate: 6000
18:02:56.203: buffer size: 6000
18:02:56.203: crf: 23
18:02:56.203: fps_num: 30
18:02:56.203: fps_den: 1
18:02:56.203: width: 1280
18:02:56.203: height: 720
18:02:56.203: keyint: 60
18:02:56.203: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_stream'] custom settings:
18:02:56.203: scenecut = 0
18:02:56.206: ---------------------------------
18:02:56.206: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac'] bitrate: 160, channels: 2, channel_layout: stereo, track: 1
18:02:56.206: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://ingest.global-contribute.live-video.net/app...
18:02:57.516: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp://ingest.global-contribute.live-video.net/app () successful
18:02:57.516: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Socket send buffer is 65536 bytes
18:02:57.520: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
18:04:23.467: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
18:04:23.467: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Socket send buffer is 1048576 bytes
18:04:23.467: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
18:04:23.467: Output 'simple_stream': Total frames output: 1814 (2522 attempted)
18:04:23.467: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 2618
18:04:23.467: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 708 (28.1%)
18:04:23.469: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================