The Division PC, PS4, XOne (Ilmainen viikonloppu 4-7.5.17)


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Koska täällä ei ketjua taitanut olla niin tehdään ubin pelille ihan tämän takia ja varmaan tulee itsekin nytten kokeiltua:

Ubisoft päästää kaikki halukkaat virusepidemian runteleman Manhattanin kaduille loppuviikon ajan, sillä studion The Division -toimintapeli on rajallisen ajan ilmainen kaikille PC-pelaajille.

Yhtiön toimintapelin pariin pääsee PC:llä tänään iltapäivästä, ja ilmaisjaksoa kestää aina 18. joulukuuta saakka. Ilmaisversio sisältää emopelin kokonaisuudessaan sekä päivitysten mukana tulleet lisäsisällöt. Maksulliset laajennukset eivät ole kuitenkaan pelattavissa.
Vihdoin DX12 pätsi peliin, josta NVIDIA:n kortitkin hyötyy. Aika reippaastikkin näemmä. :kippis:

Näemmä DX11: ~63 ja DX12 sitten peräti 76 joten karkeasti yli 10 jota voidaan pitää hyvänä tuloksena.
Ilmaisviikonloppuna tuli pelailtua ja viimeiset kokemukset betasta aikanaan ja silloin päätin jättää ostamatta.
No nyt sitten investoin kuitenkin, kun oli ihan mukavaa tahkomista ja saikin kohtuu hintaankin vielä.

Soolona ajattelin aika pitkälti pelailla ja koitella randomien kanssa jotain jos tulee tarvetta.
Tuli kokeiltua ilmaista ja 23 minuuttia näyttää statiikka kauan jaksoi. Ei ollut mun juttu tämä.
Onkos tuota loppupeliä pelastettu millään tavalla? Itse lopetin 1.2-päivityksen jälkeen kun pelistä loppui mielekäs tekeminen.
Tuli kokeiltua ilmaista ja 23 minuuttia näyttää statiikka kauan jaksoi. Ei ollut mun juttu tämä.

Sama. Ensimmäinen vaikeus oli aivan käsittämättömän pitkät latausajat HDD:ltä ja kolmannen persoonan kamera näppäimistön ja hiiren kanssa. Valikot revitty suoraan konsoleista. Mitä ihmettä?

Itse peli perinteistä Ubisoft-tauhkaa (aka. Far Cry, Assassins Creed). Tekemistä riittää, mutta kaikki on jatkuvasti sitä samaa merkityksetöntä toistoa.
Tulipa tämäkin ostettua kun alennuksesta sai ja kaverin kanssa eilen tahkottiin monta tuntia. Xbox onen ohjaimella pelaan 65" ruudulta ja kyllä maistuu hyvälle. :)
Ihan ok peli. Rahalla ei vaan näköjään tee mitään, koska kauppiaat myy pelkkää paskaa. Tuo yhdistettynä siihen, ettei voi käyttää kun oman levelin kamaa varmistaa sen ettei mitään vau-efektiä voi tulla vahingossakaan lootista tms.
Ihan ok peli. Rahalla ei vaan näköjään tee mitään, koska kauppiaat myy pelkkää paskaa. Tuo yhdistettynä siihen, ettei voi käyttää kun oman levelin kamaa varmistaa sen ettei mitään vau-efektiä voi tulla vahingossakaan lootista tms.
Ostan rahalla yleensä vaan niitä basic cacheja, kun niistä voi saada aina joskus harvoin jotain käyttökelpoista + 14-23 phoenix coinia.
Eilen pääsin 30lvl ja näköjään aukesi kaikenlaista uutta taas. Myös tuo survival on ollut ihan mukavaa. Noin puolen tusinaa kertaa kokeillut ja dark zonelle pääsee suht kivuttomasti, mutta selvästikin olen mennyt sinne liian huonosti varustautuneena koska turpaan tulee siellä ja kovaa. Kerran olen päässyt ampumaan valoraketin kunnes joku eliitti bossi tuli ja vei hengen.
Tuli kokeiltua pitkästä aikaa kun kaveri hommasi tämän pelin ps4:lle. Meinasi naurattaa kun käytiin katsastamassa dark zone jollain lvl 8 hahmoilla. Siellä jotku jantterit kakkoshahmoilla lvl14 (lvl1-14 DZ) hakanneet DZ levelit tappiin ja tappoivat aloittelijoita. No huvinsa kullakin :)
Tekee pelaamisesta hieman hankalaa, kun tekstuurit latautuu toooodella hitaasti. Kaduilla lojuvia esteitä ei näy ollenkaan ja ukko jää jumiin, yhtäkkiä siihen ilmestyy jumituksen aiheuttajan tekstuurit. Viholliset eivät myöskään lataudu.
Peli on ladattu uudelleen, kokeiltu DX11 & DX12, en tiedä mitä tuon kanssa nyt sitten tekisi. Vinkkejä?
Mitäs mietteitä 1.6 pätsistä ja siihen liittyvästä? Ainakin itse tykkään. Last stand on ihan hyvää viihdettä myös.
Onkos tässä kuinka paljon vielä pelaajia PC:llä? Tekis mieli ladata uudestaan ja katsoa mihin suuntaan kyseinen tekele on kehittynyt. Ei ole sitten julkaisusta ensimmäisen kuukauden jälkeen tullu pelattua. :D
Mä poistin koko pelin. Vika last stand dlc oli pettymys kun pelkästään pvp lisäri. Undergroundista tykkäsin sitä oli kiva mennä hyvällä porukalla mutta ei tota tavaran grindaamista loputtomiin jaksa ja koko dz vähä meh. Tarinasta tässä pelissä myös tykkäsin ja hauskaa oli niin kauan kunnes levelin 30 saavutti.
You can play The Division for free this weekend

Ubisoft is holding a free weekend for Tom Clancy's The Division that runs from Thursday, May 4 to Sunday, May 7, giving holdouts a chance to try out the year-old open-world shooter at no cost.

The Division’s free weekend will be available on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. Players will have access to the standard edition version of the game’s content, including co-op and competitive Dark Zone features.

Ubisoft promises that players who want to continue with the paid version — either standard or “gold” edition, which includes the game’s season pass — will be treated to a “hefty discount.” The game currently costs $49.99 on the PlayStation Store, Steam and Xbox Games Store, but players will be able to purchase the standard edition of The Division for $19.99 through May 15. The gold edition will be discounted to $31.49 to $35.99, depending on platform.
nimimerkin "qpas84" saa lisäillä jos yhtään pysyy hiiri kädessä ja on kilpailuviettiä jahistella niitä last standin huippusijoja :)

Hakusessa siis ois joku 4 hengen posse jolla vedetään kaikkia lättyyn. Geari joustaa itsellä kyllä supportiks kans jos tarvis.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Divisioniin tulossa erittäin iso pätsi. Onkohan täällä forumilla vielä division veteraaneja? Itse mietin pitäiskö tää peli nyt asentaa uusiks kun tuli aikanaan poistettua Last Stand dlc jälkeen jolloin oma pc:kin oli vielä i5-3570k/GTX970 kun nykyään on tuo speksien i7-7700K/GTX1080, nyt varmaan sais hieman hienommat grafiikatkin. Kertokaahan mietteitä ja ajatuksia 1.7 pätsistä?


14/08/2017 12:30 PM

  • Global Events are time-limited events that add special modifiers to the PvE parts of The Division.
  • Taking part in a Global Event will award you Tokens that you can use to purchase Classified Gear caches (detailed below) and unique vanity items (that are currently not included on the PTS).
  • The Global Event features a modifier that can be applied to existing content. Two extra modifiers can be enabled to increase the challenge and the rewards.
  • Earn Global Event Tokens by playing the content and exchange them for Global Event Caches at the vendor.
  • Rewards include
    • Three Classified Gear Sets.
    • Three different Weapon Skins.
    • One vanity set.
  • Global Event specific Commendations are available to challenge you even further.
  • Commendations introduce hundreds of challenges across several categories for agents to accomplish. Commendations cover all aspects and areas of the game, both for PvE and PvP.
  • Unlocking achievements reward the player with Commendation Score. Your tallied score is displayed to other agents.
  • Some special Commendations award a Patch, a brand new vanity item. These Patches are displayed on the agent’s arm, replacing the default Phoenix patch.
  • Face Masks are new vanity items allowing players to further customize the look of their agent.
  • Face Masks can be obtained during Global Events.
  • The Base of Operations now include a room with an interactive mirror that you can use to change your agent’s appearance. You can find the room by turning right straight after you have entered the Terminal from the Base of Operation stairs.
  • An Encrypted Cache is a loot container obtained from the Premium Vendor in the terminal. It requires a key to open.
    • Encrypted Caches contain unique appearance items, emotes and skins.
    • Cipher Keys are needed to open Encrypted Caches. These keys are created by collecting key fragments, which are available from normal gameplay. 10 key fragments are needed to create one Cipher Key. Keys can also be purchased from the Premium Vendor.
  • Unique appearance items from the Encrypted Caches are organized in Collections that can be found in the Vanity tab. Once a Collection has been completed, the agent will receive a reward.
  • Classified Gear Set pieces are unique gear set pieces for pre-existing gear sets and will feature 5 and 6-piece bonuses.
  • Classified Gear Set pieces can initially only be received from participating in Global Events.
    • After a Global Event has concluded, the Classified Gear pieces can be found during normal gameplay, but with lower drop rates than during Global Events.
  • Classified Gear Set pieces have higher Primary Stat Range than normal Gear Set pieces.
    • Primary Stat Range: 1274 – 1401
  • Classified Gear Sets can receive two recalibrations.
  • Three Classified Gear sets will be introduced for every Global Event. These Classified Gear Sets are:
    • Lone Star
      • 5 Piece:
        • +50% Ammo Capacity
        • +12% LMG Damage
        • +12% Shotgun Damage
      • 6 Piece: Berserker
        • When a weapon has 50% of its magazine remaining, there is a 75% chance to receive a bonus that activates when the final bullet is fired from the current magazine. Once activated, the magazine is instantly refilled, weapon damage is increased by 20%, fire rate is increased by 20%, and stability and accuracy are decreased to 0. The bonus is cancelled by reloading or exiting combat.
    • Final Measure
      • 5 Piece:
        • +15% Exotic Damage Resilience
        • +15% Protection from Elites
      • 6 Piece: Improved Final Measure
        • When a grenade is defused the player and all group members within 30 meters gain a buff based on the grenade type that was defused.
        • -EMP/Shock: Skill power increased by 20% for 8 seconds.
        • -HE/Incendiary: Weapon damage increased by 20% for 8 seconds
        • -Flashbang/Tear Gas: Damage Mitigation increased by 20% for 8 seconds
    • DeadEYE
      • 5 Piece:
        • +40% Initial Bullet Stability
        • +20% Marksman Rifle Critical Hit Damage
      • 6 Piece: Improved DeadEYE
        • When zoomed, getting a headshot kill with Marksman rifles will increase critical hit damage by 20% every second to a maximum of 100% and will increase stability by 100%. Lasts for 10 seconds or until no longer zoomed.

  • Blueprints are now shared across all characters on a same account.
  • Currencies are now shared across all characters on a same account.
  • Crafting materials are now shared across all characters on a same account.
  • After a Medkit cleanses a Status Effect, it will grant a temporary, three-second invulnerability to the cleansed Effect.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get the On Fire status effect even though they had 100% burn resistance. Note that players can still take damage from certain fire attacks, such as Cleaner flamethrowers.
  • Fixed a bug where players receiving a burn status effect right after throwing a grenade or throwable skill would disable the grenade or skill.
  • Fixed a bug where players could run faster than they should by spamming the sprint button.
  • Fixed gamepad maximum scope sensitivity being lower than intended. Maximum sensitivity is now the same as it was in 1.6.
  • Fixed a bug where a player would skip downed state and jump directly to dead state if killed after having pressed “give up” briefly during a previous revive attempt.
  • All weapons
    • Added a hard cap on RPM for all weapons. It will no longer be possible to overcome the RPM limitation of a weapon, no matter what shooting method is used.
  • SVD
    • SVD recoil and spread have been retuned to be in line with the M1A.
  • Adjusted the RPM value shown in Burst Fire weapons’ UI to reflect their actual RPM instead of the RPM of the Burst alone. This change also results in an updated DPS value for said weapons. Note that this is a UI change only to better reflect the behavior of these weapons; their actual fire rate and damage have not changed.
  • Ballistic Shield: 3-Piece bonus changed from 30% Ballistic Shield Health to +10% Damage to Elite.
  • Fixed a bug with Banshee where ammo would not refill correctly after going Rogue.
  • NinjaBike messenger bag
    • Talent: NinjaBike messenger bag
      • Slots in with any equipped Gear Set item to fulfill a requirement towards unlocking a Gear Sets bonus. Can unlock bonuses from multiple sets simultaneously. Cannot unlock Classified Gear Set bonuses.
  • Pakhan:
    • Pahkan weapon talent will now only apply the bonus mag size on reload. This means that refills from Leticulous and Lone Star 6 piece will only fill the magazine to the base unbuffed amount.
    • Fixed a bug where Pakhan’s talent could be staked if the reload animation was interrupted.
  • Historian:
    • Kills with the Historian explosion will now trigger the Disciplined Talent.
  • Stable talent will now increase stability by 10% instead of 35%. (this change is retroactive)
  • The Coolheaded & Determined talents will now have an effect on cooldowns for all skills, including Signature Skills.
  • Fixed a bug where Triage would be applied multiple times.
  • Fixed a bug with Battle Buddy where the buff would apply twice if the player revived himself with a Support Station.
  • Fixed a bug where Talented would proc when killing an enemy with a skill or grenade instead of the weapon itself. Fixed a bug where Strike Back would also reduce Medkits cooldown.
  • Minor color tweaks has been made to make the Loadout UI more consistent.
  • Fixed an issue where switching mods on a Loadout while having a full inventory could override the backpack capacity.
  • Fixed an issue where a player cannot switch between two identical Loadouts using different mods while having a full backpack.
  • Fixed a bug where certain audio clips would loop.
  • Ballistic Shield:
    • Added a PvP modifier to damage applied to the shield. Player damage to other players’ shields will now be increased by 20% in PvP.
    • Fixed a bug where the Ballistic Shield would not take damage from your own grenade or Sticky Bomb.
    • Fixed an issue with Ballistic Shield Riot Shield buff, where the agent could get multiple buffs by performing certain actions.
  • Pulse:
    • Fixed an issue where the Pulse icon would overlap other UI elements.
  • Seeker Mine:
    • Explosion damage has been reduced from 900 to 600.
    • Airbust Mod damage has been reduced from 300 to 120.
    • Fixed a bug where the Seeker Mine with Cluster mod would sometimes be unable to detonate on a target if the target was on top of a cover.
  • Sticky Bomb:
    • Fixed an issue where Sticky Bomb explosion would sometime only apply in a plane instead of a sphere, leading to no damage being applied to enemies at various height.
    • EMP Sticky Bomb no longer staggers the enemy.
  • Support Station:
    • Fixed a bug where if an agent revived by another skill while in a Support Station’s area of effect would cause the Support Station to despawn.
    • Fixed a bug where an agent could not be revived by First Aid if they were being revived by a Support Station that was destroyed before the revive finished.
    • Fixed a bug where the Support Station would remain in the agent’s hand after deploying it.
    • Fixed a bug where an agent would sometimes not get revived if a group member used First Aid with the Defibrillator mod.
    • Fixed a bug where an agent would get revived if the agent was in the process of self-reviving from a friendly Support Station but tried to cancel the action.
    • Fixed a bug where the Support Station Master Mod heal would still apply if the player canceled his station right after it was destroyed.
  • First Aid:
    • Fixed a bug where the First Aid Defibrillator revive would not be prioritized over other slower revives while they were in progress.
    • Fixed a bug where the First Aid’s effect would be delayed while the projectile slowly descended to the ground.
    • Fixed a bug with First Aid Defibrillator where a player equipped with a Vigorous chest rolling into the area would only receive the instant heal and not the heal over time.
  • Mobile Cover:
    • Fixed a bug where the Mobile Cover could be knocked down by other agents and enemy NPCs even though they were under immobilizing status effects.
    • Fixed a bug with Mobile Cover where an agent could be lifted above ground.
    • Fixed the description of the Mobile Cover Countermeasures mod so that it now clearly states that shooting a target while being in cover on it will pulse the target for 5 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue with the Mobile Cover Countermeasures mod where group members would not get the concealment when taking cover behind it.
  • Other:
    • Fixed a bug where group member’s skill cooldowns would not be decreased when taking cover in an area affected by Smart Cover with the Recharger mod.
    • Fixed a bug where attempting to use a skill immediately after entering the Dark Zone would result in the skill going into cooldown.
    • Recovery Link can no longer be used while firing your weapon, similar to Survivor and Tactical Link.
    • Fixed an issue with the Turret’s target prioritization.
  • Fixed a bug in Napalm Production Site where an agent could defeat Joe Ferro inside his room before defeating his guards.
  • Fixed a bug in Grand Central Station where the turrets were reactivated after player death.
  • Fixed an issue where Hudson Refugee Camp became impossible to complete if the bosses are killed too quickly on Challenge Mode.
  • Fixed an issue in WarrenGate Power Plant where a door would refuse to open if the player dies before completing a certain objective.
  • Fixed several instances in different missions, including Russian Consulate and Napalm Production Site, where the player could get stuck or shoot through walls and floors.
  • Fixed a weird door in the General Assembly parking lot.
  • Fixed a location where the player could throw a Seeker Mine through a wall and kill all the enemies on the other side.
  • Fixed a location in General Assembly where a glass panel could get in the way in the fight against Raptor.
  • Fixed a bug where Underground Directives would not continue across Underground phases.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mad Skills Directive where the second skill would go on cooldown when the player aimed his first one.
  • Fixed a bug where the agent could fast travel to the Underground while carrying contaminated items.
  • Fixed some big weird doors in the Underground.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies were unable to detect the player after going through a weird fire door.
  • The rewards you get from Survival have been increased.
    • Reaching Tier 1 will rewards you with a Survival Cache instead of a Gear Cache.
    • Reaching Tier 2 will rewards you with one Survival Cache and one Weapons Cache.
  • Fixed a bug where the Punisher accolade on the end screen would always have a checkbox next to it even if it wasn’t completed.
  • Fixed several issues in the environment, where players could get stuck.
  • Fixed instances of the game freezing when leaving Survival.
  • Fixed a bug where Mods could not be equipped on items in Survival.
  • You can now see recent/nearby players from the opposing team as well as from your own team.
  • Fixed instances of the game freezing when leaving a Last Stand match.
  • Fixed an issue with the positioning of a prop which could cause players to get stuck in tactical point A1.
  • Stopped an evil Christmas tree by the Premium Vendor from trapping players.
  • Fixed a bug where the Base of Operation would become unusable after visiting the Premium Vendor.
  • Fixed a number of issues throughout the world such as:
    • Being unable to vault over certain objects.
    • Being shot by NPC’s through a wall by the entrance of the The Ward safe house.
    • Being blocked by invisible objects.
    • Getting stuck between objects.
    • Objects clipping through other objects.
    • Being able to glitch through various walls.
    • Floating flags and misplaces textures.
  • Fixed an issue where agents were able to jump off a roof in Turtle Bay.
  • We’ve stopped NPCs from following you into an elevator in Turtle Bay.
  • Fixed several places where hiding behind certain objects would stop enemies from engaging the agent.
  • Fixed several issues in the DarkZone such as:
    • Agents sometimes receiving the Outside Playable Area message when in the The Armory landmark.
    • A lootable object in DZ7 being in an unreachable place.
    • Being able to glitch through a wall in the The Mall landmark.
    • Being unable to drop down from certain objects once the agent has climbed them.
    • Minor graphical issues in The Armory.
    • Moved several trashbags around so players wouldn’t get stuck behind them anymore.
    • Moved a rogue lamp.
    • NPCs being able to shoot through certain walls.
  • Fixed an issue where a Named NPC was missing from the The Basement landmark in DZ09.
  • Stopped NPCs from sneaking through a gap between a pair of doors and a rooftop in DZ09.
  • Fixed an issue where cleared Landmarks would not give out rewards.
  • The Named NPC “Beans” now belong to the correct faction.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies would stop engaging the player if they hid behind certain objects in the Q Building Landmark.
  • Fixed an issue where the player can teleport outside of the map in Dark Zone 2.
  • Consumables Caches are now available at the Dark Zone vendors.
  • Moved the position of the Loadout icon on items you have marked as a favorite to make it easier to identify them.
  • Added backpack capacity to the loot preview.
  • Fixed a bug where after dying and placing the cursor over a respawn location the highlighting of the option would appear on the bottom of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing back while having the option to disable sharing for an item would cause the item to be unshareable.
  • Fixed a bug where buying back items quickly could result in exceeding the inventory limit.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Sell” button at a vendor would be active even though there was nothing to sell.
  • Fixed a bug where you would get the wrong message when buying an item from any vendor.
  • When buying every item from the Appearance Vendor, you will now be able to see all your available currencies.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ubisoft Club Action Completed pop-up would show up every time the game was started.
  • Players now get a warning if their wallet of is full of a given currency and they open a Cache containing that currency.
  • Fixed a bug where a dead group member would still appear as unconscious in the group UI.
  • Fixed a bug in the Group Management menu where the Agent Details could overlap with the server warning “Poor connection to host server”.
  • Fixed an issue where an agent would right-click on an item and the text describing the options presented would flicker rapidly.
  • Fixed UI overlap which could occur when an agent was comparing items and then dragging an item over to share or dismantle.
  • Fixed an issue where agents could still use the scroll wheel while the Not Enough Space prompt was present.
  • Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor would sometimes not be present on the loading screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Group Management menu would begin flickering when an agent hovered the cursor over a friend’s name.
  • Fixed an issue where the player’s FPS would still be capped despite turning off the Frame Rate limiter.
  • Fixed several instances of skills being locked when aiming too fast after another skill was deployed.
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC beating a dead body scene had no sound effects.
  • Fixed an issue with Tattoo saturation not changing between 0 – 30% during Character Creation.
  • Fixed a visual bug where an agent would continuously bleed if revived by a group member’s Recovery Link while another revive was in progress.
  • Fixed instances of incorrect NPC animations.
  • Added sound effects to the JTF officer knocking on bars in the Brooklyn Precinct. Maybe someone will actually hear him and help him out now.
  • The Blueprints Vendor in the Terminal should now speak again.
  • Several improvements made to texture loading speed after a fast travel.
  • Agents no longer blink and move their eyes once killed. Say no to zombies.

  • Striker’s Battlegear: 6-piece stacks will now reset when player exits combat.
  • Final Measure: Players will no longer defuse grenades when downed.
  • Sentry’s Call: 6-piece bonus now has a 50% chance (instead of 25%) to spread within 25 meters (instead of 10).
  • Fixed a bug where attributes would not be normalized correctly if the player recalibrated one of them.
  • Fixed a bug where players equipped with 6-piece Lone Star would sometimes no longer deal damage after the Berserker Talent triggered.
  • Various improvements to UI feedback.
  • Various UI fixes.
  • Fixed a bug where Global Event progress performed in Manhattan would reset each time a player would play a session of Underground, Survival or Last Stand.
  • Contagious effect in Outbreak has been tuned down. Its damage is reduced by 40% and the DOT duration reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
  • Global Event caches have been updated with the following content:
    • 2x of either
      • 45% Classified Gear Set
      • 43.5% Gear Set
      • 11.5% Exotic
    • 12.5% chance of an extra item
      • 90% Classified Gear Set
      • 10% Exotic
  • Global Event Tokens will now correctly drop from Survival and Last Stand caches.
  • Fixed several instances of Global Event Tokens not being counted towards the total earned during a Global Event.
  • Fixed a bug where HVT bosses would not drop any Global Event Tokens.
  • Fixed a bug where some Incursions bosses would not drop any Global Event Tokens.
  • Fixed a bug where Underground bosses would not drop the correct amount of Global Event Tokens.
  • Fixed a bug where some Open World bosses would not drop any Global Event Tokens.
  • Various UI and text fixes.
  • Key Fragments drop rates increased from 3% to 20%. These fragments can drop from named NPCs in the Open World, Dark Zone, Missions, Incursions and HVT contracts.
  • Various UI fixes.
  • Fixed various Commendations not updating correctly.
  • Various UI fixes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ninja Backpack bonus would not apply correctly when equipping it.

EDIT: Lisätty tuon päivityksen ajankohta
Maintenance - August 15th, 2017
The servers will shut down for maintenance on Tuesday, August 15th at

09:30 AM CEST
03:30 AM EDT
00:30 AM PDT
Vieläkö siellä o darkzonella parhaat lootit ja darkzone täynnä hakkereita? Siihen quittasin ku kolme kertaa putkeen hakkeri vei kamat narulta ja devaajia ei kiinnostanu.
Underground aika hiljanen paikka nykyään ainakin pc:lllä kun kävin katsomassa niin ehkä kaikki 6 pelaajaa aulassa ja muissa turvataloissa ei niinkään montaa pelaajaa. Pitänee illalla tsekkaa jos ois enemmän väkeä.
Lagitusta ne ei näköjään vieläkään ole korjannut. Sattunaisesti tulee sellaisia lagipiikkejä kun juoksee S&D tehtävien perässä. Sit 1.7 pätsin myötä tuli bolt action sniput voi jäädä jumiin ladatessa.
Vieläkös tätä kukaan pelailee? Ostin pari päivää sitten pleikalle kun oli jotain ~25€ lisäreineen.
Nyt on hahmo lvl11 ja mukavaa mäiskettä tuntuu olevan.
Toi oli stiimissä -80% tarjouksessa niin korjasin talteen tylsiä viikonloppuja ajatellen. Hieman oli pettymys kun tuossa on logitech input lagi. Sain sitä pienemmäksi poistamalla 3rd party LED visualizerin, mutta hiiren painikkeet ja näppäinkomennot tulee viiveellä. Tästä raportoitu tyyliin jo 2016 niin oli pakko siirtää peliprofiilit ohjaimen piirille ja sillä pelata.

Oon vielä ihan tossa alkupäässä ja aikamoinen totutteleminen on cover-shooter -tyyliseen pelailuun. Yleensä FPS:iä jauhan aseet laulaen niin tässä pitää noudattaa hieman varovaisuutta. Katotaan sitten kun saan kehitettyä hahmoa vähän paremmaksi.
Onko tässä juonellisesti enää mitään pelattavaa kun base operations on 100% ja kartalla on enää incursion-tehtävät jäljellä? Nekin tuntuu niin saatanan vaikeilta, vaikka aseissa on DPS 300-400k.

Eli kannattaako enää grindata noiden incursioneiden takia, vai joutaako peli romukoppaan? Ei viitsisi käyttää viikkoja ja kuukausia mahdollisesti parempien kamojen etsimiseen, varsinkin kun sitä ei tunnu mistään löytyvän.
Onhan nuo incursion tehtävät mukavan haastavia. Jos kelpaa vanhan miehen peliseura, ota yhteyttä.


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