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Barcelona and Cambrils attacks: Hunt for suspect in Spain
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Image captionAn image of Moussa Oukabir, circulated in Spanish press and taken from social media
A massive manhunt is under way in Spain for the man suspected of killing 13 people and injuring scores on Barcelona's Las Ramblas on Thursday.
Spanish media named the man being sought as 18-year-old Moussa Oukabir.
He is suspected of using his brother's documents to rent the van that mowed down people on the famous boulevard.
Hours later, police killed five suspected jihadists in a second vehicle attack in the town of Cambrils. A woman injured in that attack died later.
Police said the men killed in Cambrils were linked to the Barcelona attack, which the Islamic State group said it had carried out.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy condemned what he called a "jihadist attack" in Barcelona. He has announced three days of national mourning and a minute's silence was held at noon (10:00 GMT) on Friday.
- Read the latest updates on the Spanish attacks
- Spanish attacks: What we know so far
- Aftermath of Barcelona attack in pictures
Who is being sought?
Spanish media have quoted police as saying that they are seeking Moussa Oukabir, but they will not say directly that he is the man believed to have been behind the wheel of the van.
Two images of Moussa Oukabir have been used in the Spanish press, taken from social media.
The driver of the van fled on foot after mowing down tourists and locals on Las Ramblas.
Catalonia's Interior Minister Joaquim Forn, quoted by the Associated Press, said: "We had local police on the scene, but we were unable to shoot him, as the Ramblas were packed with people."
Media captionFootage shows police surrounding a white van moments after the attack
Spanish media say Moussa Oukabir rented two vans, the one used in the attack and another found hours later in the town of Vic, north of Barcelona, and intended as a getaway vehicle.
His brother, Driss Oukabir, was arrested after reportedly turning himself in on Thursday.
Reports suggest Driss, who is in his 20s and was born in Morocco, told police he was not involved and that his documents had been stolen.
Three other arrests have been made, but no names have been given. One man, born in Melilla, the autonomous Spanish city on the north coast of Africa, was held on Thursday.
Another arrest took place in the Catalan town of Ripoll on Friday. A fourth arrest has now been announced but no details have been given.
What happened on Las Ramblas?
A Fiat van was driven down the pedestrianised avenue on Thursday afternoon, weaving from side to side and deliberately targeting people.
Media captionWhat was it like to be caught up in the Barcelona attack?
Las Ramblas is a central boulevard that runs 1.2km (0.75 miles) through the centre of Barcelona from the city's Plaça de Catalunya (Catalonia Square) to the Christopher Columbus monument at the seafront.
A businessman from New Orleans, who was just arriving in a taxi in Las Ramblas, said the van was "weaving left and right, trying to hit people as fast as possible. There were people lying on the ground".
Kevin Kwast, who is on holiday in Barcelona with his family, said: "Hundreds of people started stampeding through the market... we started running with them going outside right into where casualties were already on the ground."
What happened in Cambrils?
Image copyrightAFP![]()
Image captionThe vehicle overturned in the attack
Seven people, including a police officer, were hit when a car was driven into them early on Friday, Catalan emergency services said.
A woman was later confirmed dead.
The attackers' vehicle overturned and when the men got out they were quickly fired upon by police, media say. One was reportedly brandishing a knife.
The men were wearing what appeared to be explosive belts, police said, and a series of controlled explosions was carried out. The belts proved to be fake, Catalan regional head Carles Puigdemont later told local radio.
Police say the situation in Cambrils - a popular seaside resort 110km (68 miles) south-west of Barcelona - is now under control.
Who were the victims?
Media captionFootage captures people using a shop as an escape route on Las Ramblas
Citizens of some 34 countries were killed or injured in the Las Ramblas attack, the Catalan government has said. One woman died in Cambrils.
Confirmed dead:
France's foreign ministry said on Friday that 26 French nationals were injured, with at least 11 in a serious condition.
- Spaniard Francisco López Rodríguez, in his 60s
- Italian Bruno Gulotta, 35
- Unnamed Italian
- Unnamed Belgian
Thirteen German citizens were wounded, some seriously. A five-year-old Irish boy suffered a broken leg.
Image copyrightCADMAN FAMILY/FACEBOOK![]()
Image captionSeven-year-old Julian Cadman has been missing since the attack
Seven-year-old Australian Julian Cadman, who was separated from his mother during the attack, is missing, ABC reports. His mother was reportedly among the seriously injured.
Taiwan and Greece are among those saying their citizens were injured. Pakistani, Philippine, Venezuelan, Romanian, Peruvian, Dutch, Danish, Algerian and Chinese nationals were also among the casualties, officials said.
What do we know about the victims?
What is the timeline of events?
Trump pushes debunked 'pig's blood' myth, hours after Barcelona attack
- Alcanar, Wednesday evening: An explosion rips through a house in the small town, 200km south of Barcelona. One person dies. Police chief Josep Lluis Trapero said it appeared the residents at the house had been "preparing an explosive device". A Catalan government official says a cell may have intended to use gas canisters in the Las Ramblas attack
- Barcelona, Thursday 16:50 (14:50 GMT): A white Fiat van drives down Las Ramblas in central Barcelona, killing 13 people and injuring scores. The driver flees on foot
- Vic, Thursday 18:30: Police find a second van, thought to be a getaway vehicle, in the town, 80km north of Barcelona
- Sant Just Desvern, Thursday 19:30: A car is driven into officers at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Barcelona. A man is found dead in the car but the interior ministry denies earlier reports he was killed by police gunfire. The dead man is not believed to be linked to the Las Ramblas attack, officials say, but investigations are ongoing
- Cambrils, Friday 01:00: A second vehicle attack takes place in the resort south of Barcelona. Police kill five terrorist suspects said to be linked to the Las Ramblas attack
Analysis: Low tech, high impact
Frank Gardner, BBC security correspondent
The practice of using a large vehicle as a weapon to attack pedestrians is not new. Palestinian militants have used it against Israelis, al-Qaeda encouraged its followers to do it seven years ago in its online magazine.
But the recent spate of lethal attacks in European cities stems in large part from a call made in 2014 by the now-deceased Islamic State propagandist, Abu Mohammed Al-Adnani.
He urged IS followers to abandon elaborate plots in favour of simple, low-tech, high-impact attacks in the West. He specifically mentioned vehicles.
Now, with IS coming under massive pressure in the Middle East, where its caliphate is shrinking by the day, its remaining leaders are more determined than ever to strike back at those countries they blame for the end of their brutal rule.
So the onus will now be on governments to second guess where violent jihadists may be tempted to strike next and put measures in place to stop them.
Europe's deadly vehicle attacks
Are you in the area? Did you witness what happened? If it's safe to do so, you can share your experience by emailing haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.
- Paris, 9 August 2017: A man rammed a BMW into a group of soldiers, injuring six
- London, 19 June 2017: A man was killed in a van attack on Muslims outside a mosque in Finsbury Park
- London, 3 June 2017: Eight people died when three jihadists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed passers-by
- Stockholm, Sweden, 7 April 2017: Uzbek Rakhmat Akilov killed five people when he drove a lorry through a shopping area
- London, 22 March 2017: Four people died when a car rammed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, and the driver then stabbed to death a policeman
- Berlin, Germany, 19 December 2016: Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a truck into a Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz, killing 12 people
- Nice, France, 14 July 2016: Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a truck into crowds on the Promenade des Anglais, killing 86 people on Bastille Day
- France, December 2014: A van was driven into a Christmas market in Nantes and a car rammed pedestrians in Dijon, leaving more than 20 wounded
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Aikun tuli niin mukava töräys siitä mikä nykyään Suomessa on vikana! Kiitos siitä.
Tässä ollaan asian ytimessä. Islamistit nauravat räkäisesti kaikille nettipeeloille jotka vain lietsovat vihaa ja ajavat tosiasiassa heidän omaa sekasorron agendaansa. Kaikki nettifoorumit muuttuvat enempi tai vähempi Ylilaudan tai MV-lehden kaltaisiksi aina iskujen jälkeen ja näppäimistö sauhuaa kun copy-paste laulaa samoja viestejä iskusta toiseen.
Valkoinen aussiko ei ole matu? seitsemännessä sukupolvessa vaikka sitten. Eikun sehän sopeutui paikalliskulttuuriin, syö termiittejä ja soittaa ac/dc:tä diggeridoollaLähinnä hämmentävää että joku jaksaa veivata kolme kuukautta putkeen Länsi-Eurooppalaisia matuilla pilattuja suurkaupunkeja ja niiden turistikatuja.
Eipä kyllä hirveitä ennustajanlahjoja tarvittu, mutta aika hemmetin hyvin ajoitettu.Mestari ennusti! (Kuitenkin joku mielisairaalasta karannut paikallinen kylähullu)
Ilta-Sanomien saamien tietojen mukaan Turussa Puutorin ja Kauppatorin alueilla on sattunut väkivaltatilanne hieman kello neljän jälkeen.
Poliisi tiedotti Twitterissä, että useita ihmisiä on puukotettu ja ihmisiä kehotetaan välttämään liikkumista keskustassa.
Ilta-Sanomiin yhteyttä ottaneen silminnäkijän mukaan liikkeellä on runsaasti hälytysajoneuvoja ja poliiseja. Ilmeisesti ainakin kahta ihmistä on puukotettu Puutorilla.
Yksi Ilta-Sanomien tavoittamista silminnäkijöistä kertoo nähneensä useita uhreja ja isolla veitsellä aseistautuneen tekijän. Tekijältä itseltäänkin tuli paljon verta.
– Mies yritti puukottaa kaikkia vastaantulijoita. Yhdellä naisella oli syviä haavoja ja hänestä valui paljon verta. Se näytti todella pahalta, silminnäkijä kertoo IS:lle klo 16.35.
Silminnäkijän mukaan moni paikalla ollut yritti estää tekijää. Yksi löi tätä pesäpallomailalla jalkaan. Lopulta paikalle saapuneet poliisipartiot taltuttivat miehen etälamauttimella.
– Tilanne oli todella kaoottinen. Paikalla oli ehkä 50–60 ihmistä. Kännykät kädessä kuvasivat tilannetta. Oli noloa, että eivät tulleet auttamaan, silminnäkijä kertoo.
Ilta-Sanomien paikalla ollut toimittaja Kimmo Rantanen kertoo, että uhreja on todennäköisesti kuusi, yksi mies ja viisi naista.
– Ulkomaalaistaustainen mies iski lastenvaunujen kanssa liikkunutta naista puukolla selkään. Hän toimi silmittömästi, kävi kiinni ilman mitään varoitusta.
– Ensimmäinen hyökkäys tapahtui Puutorilla, jonka jälkeen mies juoksi Kauppiaskatua ylöspäin ja kävi muiden ihmisten kimppuun, Rantanen kertoo.
Näköjään on Poliisin ohjeistukset päin vittua kun näitä ammutaan alavartaloon eikä päähän/sydämeen/sarjatulella. Tuokin on taas viiden vuoden päässä kokeilemassa uudestaan.
Pidetäänpäs keskustelu asiallisena ja jätetään turhat provoamiset pois.Selittele, selittele. Apologisti.
Lähiaikoina se on vain järkyttynyt ja ottanut osaa uhrien ja omaisten puolesta. Näin oletettavasti tälläkin kerralla.Joko Sipilä shokissa???
Puukko ajoi väkijoukkoon.
Puukko ajoi väkijoukkoon.
Vittu kyllä Sipilälle pitää annostella 9mm otsalohkon läpi on sen ansainnut.Juha Sipilä @juhasipila 56 s57 sekuntia sitten
Hallitus seuraa tiiviisti Turun tilannetta ja käynnissä olevaa poliisioperaatiota. Hallitus pitää myöhemmin tänään neuvottelun.
Oho, taisi olla ensimmäinen Sipilän tästä aiheesta ihan itse omin kätösin kirjoittama twiitti. Hitusen myöhäistä kun on jo paskat housuissa?
Kerropa itse, kuinka monta ruumista saa tulla ja kuinka tiheään ennen kuin se haittaa sinua enemmän kuin "nettipeelojen vihanlietsonta"?Tässä ollaan asian ytimessä. Islamistit nauravat räkäisesti kaikille nettipeeloille jotka vain lietsovat vihaa ja ajavat tosiasiassa heidän omaa sekasorron agendaansa. Kaikki nettifoorumit muuttuvat enempi tai vähempi Ylilaudan tai MV-lehden kaltaisiksi aina iskujen jälkeen ja näppäimistö sauhuaa kun copy-paste laulaa samoja viestejä iskusta toiseen.
Oikeistolaisilta rasisti-natseilta nuo minusta näyttävät. Epäsopivia tervehdyksiä heittelevät ja huutavat vielä "aamenta" mennessään.
Sen takia tämä on tilattu. (heds up for huominen vihreä lanka).Ei mene kauaa kun Perussuomalaiset on suomen suurin puolue
Eiköhän tilaaja ole jossain ISISin suunnalla jos on kerran ulkomaalainen ollutSen takia tämä on tilattu. (heds up for huominen vihreä lanka).
Eiköhän tilaaja ole jossain ISISin suunnalla jos on kerran ulkomaalainen ollut
Siitähän ei ollut kyse vaan kotimaisesta valkopesusta mikä huomenna tehdään.Eiköhän tilaaja ole jossain ISISin suunnalla jos on kerran ulkomaalainen ollut
Äärioikeiston (Halla-Ahon) syy!!Kova ajoitus kyllä uutisissa kun Hallis varttia ennen varottaa iskusta.