[Scratchbuild] Mahogany Desk @ Assembly summer 2018


Sanon nyt ihan heti että suomenkieleni on vähän heikko koska olen ruotsinkieleninen siksi kaikki menee nyt englantilla :D

So I've been working for this for a while together with my friend and it will be finished in a week or two. That being said I want to give you the full buildlog. There's no sponsors on the hardware but I got help from Singularity Computers for the custom reservoir and Icemodz helped me out with the cables. Some of you might have seen this on Murobbs

This build will be at Assembly 2018 for your viewing pleasure

Sneakpeak where it's at now. If you don't want to see the early stages of the build just scroll down to the end.

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Drawing (not the most beautiful)

Let's weld. Starting off with the basic shape. Table will be roughly 1800x780mm

Radiator bay:

Parts started to come in

After a few more hours I have room for my legs and some placement for the fans

Space for knees

Gonna want some monitoring

The wood was ordered like this. Huge chunks of birch. The will be shaped to be the outer panels of the chassi. It's a really dense wood and it's been dried for years properly before being used.
Quite heavy actually. These 3 parts weigh about 50kgs or about 110 pounds

After using different bits and sanding roughly down ending at about 320 grit paper I managed to shape them to the shape I desired.

Playing around a bit with some of the parts. That's an ST8 Motherboard tray from a caselabs pc

Viimeksi muokattu:
So I contacted Singularity Computers and he luckily agreed to make my design of a dual loop reservoir come to life. The plan was something like this

Then I needed some legs. Used 60mm hollow steel pipe and some 40x40mm steel for the upper bars.

And the mounting for the screenstand was lathed by some shaft steel

Got ze legs in place

And this will be the placement for the screenstand. Mirroring the design of the legs

A very professional way of planning:)

Wouldn't be a proper desk build unless we had support for 3 screens

We used some 12mm thick steel for this. It's incredibly overkill but it can handle whatever I decide to mount on it

The legs are connected to the frame with 5 x 8 mm bolts (oxygen resistant)

Trying to make the angles "talk to each other" if that makes sense:)

Testmounting some stuff


Had to play around with the parts to see if they fitted properly. They did:)

Big radiators but they will be completely hidden:)

Even though it's quite a tight fit

All the major watercooling parts testfitted

Playing around with the fan controller

Got my reservoir back and Singularity Computers also made a video of it. Very very happy with result. It's just fantastic craftsmanship.

Le Video

And on to the interior wood. Now this is actually a pretty long process. But to roughly summarize it:
I had lying around some teak and mahogany plywood and it had been drying up since the mid 1990s so it was just too good to not use for this. I'm just in love with this stuff

Very tedious process of fitting each panel in individually as well as matching the lines perfectly

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After several hours all the panels fit.

Had to rework the starboard side a bit

Got a new cover plasmacut from the local workshop

Looking decent

Time to make the holes for the fans and PSU

In order to cut this out a special tool had to be made.

Lathed out room for the fans as well. Despite the desk being really big there's not any extra room to work with

Happy with the result

The starboard side

Fused 3 panels on each side together to get them in and out of the table

Custom PSU mount that also fits 3 ssd's and 2 hdd's

Made a bottom plate for the Reservoir also to mount it more easily

Slowly but surely getting progress

Got some parts back from paint:)

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Time to mount the sidepanels. Had to make incredibly sturdy mounting for this since they weigh so much

From the side

The front:)

Started with the varnish. Ended up redoing all this but you'll see soon enough:)

Couldn't cut these at home due to the thickness so went to the local woodshop. They were rather confused when I said it's a pc:)

Angles worked out fine

Starting to look better

Wanted to get a feel for how it will be to work at this thing

DX racer for scale

Got the hardened glass that I ordered

Rounded corners same radius as the fans:)

After some work with a CNC I got the sidepanels fixed to have openings for the fans and the fancontroller

Liking the look now

Was a bit worried before I testmounted this whether or not it would line up properly with the interior. Gladly it did


This is not the actual fancovers but wanted to get a feel for how it will look before I drew them up in CAD for the waterjet

From the inside

The nightmare of the top part of the wood:) To get this to fit properly we had to get all the angles right and shave off half a millimeter at a time until it fit properly. This was a lot harder than I expected but it was worth it

It fits!:)

And now to the gluing. Using Marine glue here. Takes a long time to harden but it's incredibly strong. Also tapping her up so it doesn't move

Gotta protect the painting

Probably not the best method but it works:)

After a bit of manhandling it it's finally glued and won't be touched for 2 weeks

Just had to test with the glass on.

The 2 weeks had passed and I put it back on the legs.

Didn't mention it before but the outer shell is actually removable and will remain so if a fan breaks or something like that

All alone in the corner:)

Reinforced the on some points just to make sure

Viimeksi muokattu:
Time to get those holes needed done

1 Radiator ventiolation hole

and 2 holes + the mountstand hole

Getting closer

That's not how the mountstand will sit. You'll see later

And the glass hole:)

Yeah, lets do key ignition. No real reason except it would be really cool:)

Sits pretty well at it's place

Trying to get some harmony with the design. Maybe you think that's jibberish but there's some thought put into this:)

The glass is finally inside

My friend testsitting it

And the last cavity needed is for the USB, 6.3 mm audio and volume controls etc. Will be using a homemade potentiometer solution here and hiding the DAC/AMP inside the table

Had to continue filling up the glue until there was enough to go sanding

First round of sanding down to 320 grit paper. Will go down to about 2000 eventually

Wasn't completely happy with the interior panels so I actually redid all of them with 8 layers of 2 component diamond mahogany varnish. It's resistant to heat and water so it will have a long life inside

Looks a lot better now

Had to make a solution for getting all of the pieces together so had some long screws that goes through the interior panel and the steel frame and end in the outer panel. These can't be seen unless you're actively looking for them

Mounting solution for the back panel

Back panel fitted

Ordered some more watercooling parts from Highflow

This is what I'll use for audio. The sennheiser hd 650s and and ODAC amp/dac solution from Mayflower Electronics

Had to make custom hinges or we would never get the glass out easily. Will also install electric motors for this so you don't have to do anything else than push a button

Might as well mention this is just prototyping. The actual hinges will be made out of 6mm steel

Instagram filters:) jk

Started drawing out the design for the fansgrills. I'll get these chromed

Made some longer videos where I go through the build

Lathing out a volume knob

Playing around with the stains

And a video update again

My ODAC came home. I just love the sound of this thing. Paired up with my sennheiser hd 650s listening to Pink Floyd has never been this good:) What a beast this little thing is. Lathed a new volume button though since I prefer the feel of metal:)

Got my CAD drawings watercut. Well they were supposed to be watercut but the machine was broken at the place so they plastmacut it. Also got my custom hinges watercut but you'll see those pictures later.

Gonna be a riddiculus amount of filing and sanding before I can send these to get chromed but we'll get there, fingers crossed.

Sry for the pictures but I cant place it inside yet but at least you get a feel for what I'm trying to achieve here

These are the sides (port-side specifically)


Big radiator grills. 566 mm's across

Actually lathed them in so you have a skirt of wood covering the first 4 mm's

Here's the stuff from Icemodz huge shoutout once again! Thank you for believing in this project

So finally getting some components in. They will go out and in quite a bit before it's all said and done but still feelss like a great milestone

Here's some overview shots.

Chassi only

Body on

Made some custom steel mounting pieces for the pumps. They've been powdercoated after that

The motherboard tray is also in it's natural habitat now. We made a cable hiding tool behind the motherboard tray and had a panel lasercut to make it look nice. The 2 holes are for some temp-monitoring

And on the starboard side there's the 360 rad, the ax1500i psu as well as the custom mounting bracket for the psu, harddrives and ssd's

Had to level the reservoir. This was a bit of a headache but the solution was to cut a 3mm thick solid steelplate and have that as the reservoir mounting and at the same time leveling it perfectly.

Bolts and bricks Cheesecake

Decently happy with how the radiators are being hidden, but they are big. Hopefully the fangrills will clean up everything a bit

That being said I can't wait to see these things in action

Redid the back holes and added these hexagon nuts. they look better

So I've been waiting for the watercut parts for a while and they finally arrived! There's a fair amount of sanding needed before I can send them to get chromed but I'm back on track now:)

Temporary workbench:)

Tested how they would look before they got screwed to the frame

Pretty painful as we had to lathe the entire inner wood in about 2 mm's to fit these

I will be updating more often again as I'm not waiting for parts now

Test fitted some hard drives. I'll take away the stickers don't worry!

Gotta have key ignition. This solution is a bit overbuilt but when in rome:)

From underneath

Gotta have an usb panel for the usb audio and especially the ODAC. So i cut some holes for the usb and then proceeded to measure out. Had some welding help from michael again. Thank you:)

This oughtta be strong enough

Anyone know if I voided the varanty here?

Will get this plate engraved with some stuff. You'll see later :)

Well I can connect my headphones now but there's not a lot of sound yet:D

There's some plans for decent audio outside the headphones too if anyone was worried. Gonna have to change the membranes on these and change the shells but they pack a hefty sound. More on this later too

So after a lot of work which you will see later the table is finally getting the stain and varnish it deserves. I had to move it in order to get it painted because I'll be using some fairly toxic stuff.
That being said here's the painting rig and the color which I'll be going for.

Underneath is a pingboll table frame:)

Here's the color. However it will be really shiny and not "muddy" as in the photo
Finally it's stained to the mahogany colour I wanted varnishing stars the following monday. I should have the table back by friday in it's full gloss and glory.The finish I wanted for this really pushed the amount of work.

For the ones interested here's how the wood has been prepared,

Dried inside for 2 years. several years before before taking it inside.
Then filed down to the desired shape.
Then sandpaper. Going through the different coursnesses. 120 grit 2 times (every step is dried in between with azetone), 240 grit 2 times, 320 grit 2 times, 400 grit 2 times, 500 grit 3 times, 600 grit 2 times and finally 800 grit 2 times.

After the first coat of varnish I'll sand it to 1200 grit and then to 2000 grit before the next coat and repeating this until it has 4-5 layers of varnish.

Mixing 2 different industrial strenght stains.

Made the bottom of the corners a bit tidier

Let's get staining!

The back panel

The rest of the table

I went through a riddiculus amount of rags and asetone. As well as an insane amount of sandpaper.

12 layers of varnish on. I'll get this sucker waxed up and then we'll get a better camera but for now just a few pictures indicating that I'm still alive^^

Chromeprepping at 2500 grit sandpaper

Mobile phone pick, it's really hard to capture the gloss. I'll get back to you shortly:)

Started with some cablework:)

My living room is a mess... :)

Some radiator fan connectors being born

And yeah btw I'll make a keyboard (after the table is done) using ebenholtz and moosehorn like an old timey grand piano.
That black piece is the wood from madagaskar

I'll start off with some pictures of the table after the varnishing (yet to get nanowax treatment) and if you scroll further down you'll see some of the cablework.

nevermind the dust:) It will dissapear

Now onto the cablework. Thanks again to ICEMODZ for chipping in and helping me out on this!

First things first I had to get everything out. My living room once again is a mess:(

Just did a bunch of y-splitters for these cables and I run them on 2 different knobs on the fan controller

Might be a tip for anyone new to this to grab one of these so you make sure you get it right without blowing any components up

Then I proceeded to hide pretty much every fan cable in the actual frame.

Sneaky sneaky cable management:)

Had to heatshrink all the y-splitters

The 360 radiator fans did get sleeved however because they will be somewhat visible

Testrunning everything. Worked:)

This is just a temporary solution because everything will keep going in and out

For those wondering the fan cables from the back radiators (the 560 monstahs) will be run underneath the side fans and completely hidden

My first sleeved cable:) this one will run the fan controller

And this is what comes out after the wood comes back down

Well happy halloween, I dressed up as usual to my "homeless elf" costume and did some cablework:) This is pretty time consuming stuff I'm learning as I go but after 2 attempts on my harddrive cable this is what I ended up with

And by some miracle it worked

Going off the rails here a little bit but I wanted something that suited the table where I could rest my headphones when I'm not using them so I made a custom headphone stand.

Plasmacut some stainless 4mm thick circular plates and lathed and treaded some 30 mm stainless shaftsteel. Then proceeded to make some holes and this is what the mounting device looks like.

And yeah It will get the same Birch style wood with 12 layers of varnish:D That being said I sent the wood off for some final treatment so it doesn't get scratched by the heavy use. So you will see it all together on friday evening but heres the metal at least :)


Here's the finished headphone stand. It became a little bit overbuilt but I like it. Got 10 or 11 layers of varnish cant remember..

Pictures :)

Soon I got a complete office:)

Well finally prepped for chrome:) Or technically nickel-plating. Think is went a bit overkill but these are the hinges that keep up the glass:)
They're covered in oil atm to not get surface rust so it looks a bit weird but you will get more pictures as they're all nickelplated and shiny

Ye for those who missed it the screen has been decided. I'm gonna get myself a 49 inch samsung. Drew up a size comparison as well. Unfortunately I will have to remake the whole monitor stand but I got an idea for it which you will see in due time.

Got the cabelholders watercut. Next up is sanding them to about 500 grit and then powder coating. I'm decently happy with how they turned out. I went with 8mm 1365 steel this time for some true strength.

There's room for 6 cabels ontop of each other in each opening and 6 satadata cabels in the wider hole. I'll drill true them and mount them with screws down in the table.

I got 8 of them so I can have 1 every 10 centimeters or so :)

And then the beast has arrived :) 49 inches of samsung goodness. Still in the box because we need to weld a new stand for this thing but it's all good.

And lastly some more trivial things like 60 fittigs for watercooling, internal usb 3.0 extenders. 90 degree connections for sata ports etc etc. I got my work cut out for me!

Here's the mess^^

Time to show what it looks with the screen on. Bear in mind I'll make a custom stand for it but I already love it.

Time for some time consuming but neccecary stuff

All the harddrives and ssd custom cables have been done. Some small fixes to be made still but it's all there and it works

My custom stand for it all if anyone forgot :)

Not a fun cable to make:S

All done just gonna tuck it a bit and the cables will flow perfectly

And yeah the key ignition is up and running!

Components are coming in a bit more rapidly now :)

Last night the 8 temp monitors. Had to make the weirdest cable for this. So I converted the ends from molex to 3 pin fan connectors and then rerouted a molex to not feed 12 volt (didn't realize this at first though so the monitors got some good ol' frying time:D) and theeen another molex end made for the pumps. But all in all it worked well and 10 components running off 1 cable seems very efficient and clean so I'm happy.

Here's a list of what's happening and needs to be done:

-Drive to Sweden to get my chromeplated parts back (first week of february).
-Fasten those parts and get special glue to fit the hinges to the glass
-Redo the monitor stand and route said cables through the stand. These cables also have to be custom sleeved
-Route said cables from motherboard to the stand
-Get cableclamps drilled, sanded and painted.
-Order pumps and then make custom stands for them aswell as lathe new backparts.
-Slight remake of the top part of the legs.
-Get the new monitor stand, legs and a few smaller parts to chrome.
-In the meantime finish the cable work and install the watercooling.
-Do the lighting
-Make custom external ethernet and power cables
-Make internal AC power splitters to power screen, ODAC and computer

So yeah there's a bit to go but I'm getting there and I have a buildfriend thank god because some of these things are not fun to do alone :)
Got them cableholders done. Had to outsource the drilling because it was so incredibly tight. Needed 4 mm drilled holes straight through 5 mm of steel. They're ready for paint now.

Pretty happy with them but it was too tight. Next time I'll get some more margin to work with

I got 8 of them

This is what will become the new screenholder for the 49 inch samsung. And jesus christ it was hard to find someone willing to bend a 60mm pipe to my specifications. Had to travel quite far to get this done, wasn't cheap either:S Props to Mikael for the welding.

Well here we go, the legs have been redone. They now have a more smooth and round shape at the upper part.

Also increased the surface area and therefor strengthened the structure with about 150% more surface area.

Obviously the legs will get sanded down and chromed.

Time to get that screen onto this table then :)

Screenholder getting bored and threaded

Using a 65 mm thick shaftsteel to hold the screen in place

Trown in place

Tried to get the shape of the screen emulated and keep the same curvature of the wood

And mounted in place!

It's a heavy piece now:)

Testfitting the back wood panel.

Time to do a small update. Getting my chromeparts back the 17th of marsh

Got my cableholders back from powder coating. Each hole holds 6 MDPC 16 gauge wires and the bigger hole on the righthand side keeps 5 satadata cables.

Had to make a truly wooden pc to do the cables for the motherboard without ripping out my motherboard in my current pc

Got a few layers of the key as well to keep the grease and dirt of my fingers away from the wood. The wood is Flaming Birch

And here's my lamp that will be in the same room as my desk. Just for the luls

Tommorow assembly starts. I got my 27 chromed parts home. FINALLY :)

Let the games begin :)

It is time then. Second to last assembly. This time every single thing will be built into the table with the exception of putting in the water. Then disassembly one final time prep the parts and go to town and hope the end result was worth it.

With that being said here we go.

I just love how nickel plating looks and feels. I had to clean them up a bit with window cleaner but they were looking fantastic in general

Starting from scratch again pretty much :)

1 LEG!

Had to change the type of bolt for aesthetic reasons

2 legs now and some interior panels :)

Time for the radiator grills :)


And Starboard

Installing the big ones

With the special fasteners

Also put in a bit of a cheat to make sure they didn't sag at all. Screw wont be visible

Key mechanism installed

Had to cut a hole out of the back panel to feed motherboard cables to the screen etc. This won't be visible either

Painted the reinforcement

All chromed parts in place

Key in place as well as the usb/audio plate also that nickel plated. Key as previously made from flaming birch. 5 or 6 layers of 2 component varnish to not stain the wood.

I like the color scheme

Monitor back on with the glass

A lot of photos. Outside is pretty much finished except the wood needs to get that nanosanding done to gloss it up a bit more

Made a quick video so you can get a better 3d view :D

For those who liked the hinges here's how they ended up, I'm pretty pleased with them

Parts will start to get installed tommorow :)

Anyways let's get going, repainted and extended the black to now have any wood show in bad places from the outside

We made a part for the ethernet and power cable. This way you can easily connect and disconnect the cables with 4x m8 bolts. Obviously this gets powdercoated too

This will hold a lot of weight if need be. No chance of power cable coming loose

Pumps arrived, remade the stands for them as well. You'll see how they're mounted very soon (Mainframe m7 )

Hinges mounted

Love how it reflects everything :)

Testing the 2 component epoxy glue on some other glass. Supposedly an area of 56 square centimeters should hold 7000kg of tension force.

Protecting the wood and hinges from the glue if we get it wrong and use too much. I recommend this specific frozen pizza package for this ;)

Wide shot with the hinges in. No picture with the glass glued because i'll let it cure overnight just to make sure

Got the hinges finally glued and glass works :) I gotta say though this was by far the hardest part of the build for us. Like really time consuming and really challenging. Took 3 people to mount this thing and figuring out how to do these hinges was a pain but I'm so happy it's done :)


This is fully enough so you can reach the components if need be

Parts getting installed. The pumps the Psu and the 360 rad are now bolted down. With the first official hardline pipe as well :)

Bad picture but here's how I'm getting through the wood, There's no joint at all actually :)

The pumps.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Not a lot left no, just gotta get the waterjet to cut out my pipe strengthener bits and get those powdercoated and final assembly can commence. Here's a small sneakpeak :)

Finally got cables done. Done a few special ones like feeding the pumps and the fans on the same cable with 5 volts going to the fans and 12 to the pumps, Installing all of these bad boys next week

There's plenty of future expansionroom. Got myself another row of connectors ;)

The pipes are done as well but they will go out and in one more time so you'll get more pictures after

Actually sleeved the cables outside the pc as well :D

Time for final assembly. Bit time consuming but fun :D

So everything went out and the wood got polished a final time with some carvarnish and canvas. Then the cable combs were predrilled and installed. Then taken out again :D

Then panels were put in and the cables thrown there.

Bad picture but that small box keeps all the 230 volt. So we get cables for the screen, DAC and psu while using minimal space

After a few hours of getting frustrated the combs were installed. This is a 2 man job:D one guy holding the comb while the other inserts 72 cables in order

Still got to watercut a comb or 2 for the 24pin atx and satapower so this is a bit of a mess still. Good enough to get running though.

Apologies for those expecting the newest coolest gpus etc. This is my old trusted 3930k-i7 and 2 gtx 980s. I trust this rig and there wasn't money to buy brand new stuff

Viimeksi muokattu:
Well small one but here goes:

The pipe strengtheners are done. Testmounted them already but you will see them again. Basically drew them up in CAD and watercut some 1365 hardened steel (10mm thick), This is the biggest one holding 3 pipes but there's about 16 parts total to this system.I tried to rock the pipes really hard but they didn't move so hopefully they will hold for transportation.

Also the ODAC and usb hub is ready for use. And also the custom Headphone stand to match :D

Also here I was worried about strength so the plate (6mm) between the odac and the usb hub is welded to the frontplate which is 4 mm. Then bolted through with m5 screws hopefully this will survive daily use.

Not to make marketing but I love these cans. Pure delight

Viimeksi muokattu:


4 431
Great job man! And welcome to the techbbs. Here is some url problem with imgur, so you must put you pictures domain to http instead of https. Then they'll show on the forum normally. :)
5 874
Tää on kyllä ihan järjettömän siisti projekti, ja ei voi kuin hattua nostaa että jollain on taitoa ja viitseliäisyyttä tehdä tällaisia!

Insanely cool project! My hat's off to you for the skill and effort it has taken!


Absolutely loving that "audio plate". As mentioned, you will have to change all imgur urls to have http instead of https or they will not show unfortunately. Keep 'em pictures coming! :tup:


▯sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴘᴄ – BIG RADIATOR ⊞
2 853
So glad you took the time to post this here for bigger audience ;) I've been a "long time" follower and yet I still cant get enough of these pictures and I just had to read/watch through it all again :drool::hungry:
Atleast for me all pictures between these 2 quotes are broken:
After the first coat of varnish I'll sand it to 1200 grit and then to 2000 grit before the next coat and repeating this until it has 4-5 layers of varnish.

Mixing 2 different industrial strenght stains.
It is time then. Second to last assembly. This time every single thing will be built into the table with the exception of putting in the water.
I followed this on the MuroBBS side, but kinda lost faith since you took sooooo long and the updates got fewer and fewer. Forgot all about it until this post.

Really glad to see you did actually continue making this monster because it looks amazing.:drool: All the little details and the awesome craftsmanship. I can't wait to see the project finished all the way:tup:

I did get a bit of a chuckle when you revealed the rig you were about to use. "There wasn't money to buy brand new stuff", Yeah I wonder why is that.:D
I followed this on the MuroBBS side, but kinda lost faith since you took sooooo long and the updates got fewer and fewer. Forgot all about it until this post.

Really glad to see you did actually continue making this monster because it looks amazing.:drool: All the little details and the awesome craftsmanship. I can't wait to see the project finished all the way:tup:

I did get a bit of a chuckle when you revealed the rig you were about to use. "There wasn't money to buy brand new stuff", Yeah I wonder why is that.:D

Priorities ;D

Deleted member 3664

Vieras (tunnus poistettu)
I also started following your project on MuroBBS and glad to see the build log and pictures here. Absolutely breathtaking. Beautiful craftsmanship and since the build is large you can later easily upgrade components to pretty much any extent. Thanks for coming over here to show us this beautiful thing!


4 431


▯sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴘᴄ – BIG RADIATOR ⊞
2 853
Tulipa tästä mieleen, että IO-tech voisi järjestää juurikin jonkun kisan halukkaille juurikin tälläisille buildeille. Voittajalle techin mukia ja takkia jne. Tästä voisi tehdä ihan uutisen itsestäänkin. :)
Im in! Alkupotkausta persauksille tässä ollaan haettukin seuraavaan rojektiin :joy:


Oberste Führer
2 189
Pieni skaba io-techin hengessä ois kyllä hieno homma :) Sais varmasti hienon artikkelin esim. muutamana eri pätkänä ja sitten vielä video jossa arvosteltais eri buildit ja palkittais sitten paras :)
Aivan helvetin hieno! Tämän jälkeen buildlogit eivät ole enää entisensä. Mahtavaa että joku viitsii käyttää aikansa ja tehdä viimeisenpäälle hyvää jälkeä!
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