This is so obvious! Why isn't this happened already?
Device: N900 --> N950 --> Droid 4
OS: Maemo --> MeeGo --> Sailfish
: 3430 --> 3630 --> 4430
Keyboard: 3 row --> 4 row --> 5 row
Yes, there is (still) things going on with Neo900. There is Jolla Phone with TOHKB. But why struggle with complicated solutions when we have cheap and hasslefree answer just around the corner?
Motorola Droid 4 is the real successor of Nokia N900 in every viewpoint. It even has Texas Instruments CPU like almost every Nokia phone before Windows Phone Era. The only missing piece is operating system (OS). But we already have the answer: Sailfish OS. Droid 4 has steady
CyanogenMod builds so porting Sailfish shouldn't be problem (or is it

I know there is already pretty good
Sailfish port for another "modern" qwerty phone, also made by Motorola,
Photon Q. However it is lacking a SIM card slot and 3G band for Europe.
And when you really think about it Photon Q is not the real N900 successor. It doesn't have great story behind it like Droid 4 does. One of the reasons why MeeGo died out was the lack of 4G support on OMAP 3 chips (
The story of Nokia MeeGo). Nokia was losing the market on US and they thought that 4G was necessary. Nokia ended up to ditch TI which eventually led to end of both Nokia and TI (sort of). Ironically Droid 4 was released only in the US market with 4G (LTE) support.
So why to port Sailfish OS to Droid 4?
- The Story behind it
- Updated "modern" hardware (it even has Qi wireless charging and HDMI port)
- Droid 4 already exist and you can buy it cheap from ebay right now!
- Only software development needed
- The real successor of Nokia N900
PS: There was some development going on couple years ago (
[Q] Sailfish OS port for Droid 4). But I believe it should be easier this time as there is more devices with Sailfish now.
So let's make this real: