clarified that it's not recommending everyone to disable Hyper-Threading, but that some of its customers should consider the option depending on their security needs:
"Once these updates are applied, it may be appropriate for some customers to consider additional steps. This includes customers who cannot guarantee that trusted software is running on their system(s) and are using Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT). In these cases, customers should consider how they utilize SMT for their particular workload(s), guidance from their OS and VMM software providers, and the security threat model for their particular environment. Because these factors will vary considerably by customer, Intel is not recommending that Intel® HT be disabled, and it’s important to understand that doing so does not alone provide protection against MDS."
Google seems to be one of those select customers which considers the risk of keeping HT enabled just too big. The company
has published on the Chromium site that HT will be disabled in Chrome OS version 74:
"To protect users, Chrome OS 74 disables Hyper-Threading by default. For the majority of our users, whose workflows are primarily interactive, this mitigates the security risk of MDS without a noticeable loss of responsiveness. Chrome OS 75 will contain additional mitigations."
Jos käytän 7700k prosessoria vain pelaamiseen, pidänkö siis hyperthreadining päällä vai otanko pois käytöstä?
Mietityttää tuo 'it's not recommending everyone to disable Hyper-Threading' eli kenen kannattaa ottaa pois päältä ja kuka voi pitää sitä päällä kuten ennenkin.