Eipä ole yllätys, koska varmaan ollut paljon liikkeellä piraattistriimejä, jotka on noilla napsittu.F1TV sitten ryssinyt kaikki 3. osapuolen sovellukset DRM/autentikointi-paskeella
Widevine DRM enabled for streams · Issue #233 · SoMuchForSubtlety/f1viewer
Please check the FAQ and search existing issues before you submit a new one! Describe the bug Whatever live feed I try to open (MPV, IINA, VLC) I only get a grey screen with no audio. If I try to c...github.com
"Request failed with status code Forbidden" on start up · Issue #414 · robvdpol/RaceControl
Describe the bug When starting the app, I get greeted by the following login screen ("Request failed with status code Forbidden"): Logging in on the official website or Android App does work with t...github.com