Ensimmäisen iPhonen testaaja sai ensimmäisenä iPhone X:n käsiinsä

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Wirediin kirjoittava Steven Levy oli yksi neljästä toimittajasta, jotka testasivat 10 vuotta sitten Applen ensimmäisen iPhonen ennakkoon.

Apple antoi viime viikon tiistaina Levylle uuden iPhone X:n kokeiltavaksi ja nyt Levyn ensituntumat ovat luettavissa:

Kotinäppäimen puuttuminen:

"Apple now requires us to swipe upwards to get to the home screen. That was easy enough. A little trickier is the swipe-and-stop required to get to the carousel of open apps; it took me awhile to get the hang of pressing down on one of the little cards representing an app in order to evoke a minus sign that allowed me to close it."

Face ID:

"How it has dealt with my own real-life face is another matter. There have been times when, despite a clear view of my face, the iPhone X has ghosted me. (Apple tells me that perhaps I wasn’t making what the iPhone X considers eye contact. I wouldn’t want it to turn on every time my face was within camera range, would I?)

Eventually I devised a strategy. When waking my iPhone I think of it as De Niro’s mirror in Taxi Driver. You talkin’ to me? Well, I’m the only one here! I then see if the little lock icon on the screen has released its latch. Alternatively, a good way to see when you’ve been recognized is to notice the generic messages on the lock screen saying “you have a notification” from Facebook, Gmail, or wherever. When you and your iPhone X make that turn-on connection, those flesh out with the actual content of the message. (This feature—withholding potentially private alerts until the phone was unlocked—had previously been available as an option but now is the default.) In any case, once I got the hang of it, I found I could dial down the De Niro and get it to unlock more naturally, though I am still mystified that sometimes it goes straight to where I left off and other times asks me to swipe up."

Muuta sanottavaa:

- Kehuja paremmasta akkukestosta
- Isosta näytöstä ja laitteen ulkomitoista
- Kamera käsitelty pikaisesti, kuvat superteräviä

Jenkkityyliin kaikki negatiivinen oli käännetty lopulta positiiviseksi ja mitään kovin huonoa sanottavaa tai täydellistä deal breakeria ei ollut laisinkaan:

The First First Impression of the iPhone X | Backchannel

Taustaksi alkuperäisen iPhonen arvosteluun liittyvä juttu: Reviewing the First iPhone in a Hype Typhoon | Backchannel
Olen kyllä aika varma että Apple-fanit ihan kansallisuudesta riippumatta ovat tottuneet noihin "negatiivisuuksiin."

FaceID ei oo ihan consistent auringossa mut kiva iPhone se on kuulemma.

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