Assetto Corsa EVO (early access tammi25)

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Alkuperäinen Assetto Corsa (2013) on kyllä erikoinen peli, sillä siihen on epävirallisia laadukkaita parannuksia aivan vitusti. Jokaisen tulisi asentaa Content Manager joka korvaa epämukavan main menun ja lisää modien automaattisen asennuksen. Lisä shader paketin asentamisen jälkeen pelin saa näyttämään PS3 pelin sijaan PS5 peliltä, mutta silti lataustauot ovat vain sekunteja eikä peli vie 100GB kuten muut nykypäivän pelit. Toinen iso plussa on modit, käyttäjien tekemiä ratoja ja autoja on paljon, ja viime vuosina julkaisutahti on vain kiihtynyt! Nyt pääsee ajelemaan jopa Suomen soralla känniränni!

Laajan modituen ja yhteisön ansiosta pidän tätä (EDIT: alkuperäinen AC[taas hullussa -90% alessa]) myös parhaana autosimuna. En tosin aja kilpaa vaan pelailen yksikseen erilaisia maanteitä ajellen.

Saa nähdä miten siirtyminen tähän peliin onnistuu. Iso plussa ois jos main menu, grafiikat ja automaattinen modien asennus valmius ois jo valmiina.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Saa nähdä miten siirtyminen tähän peliin onnistuu. Iso plussa ois jos main menu, grafiikat ja automaattinen modien asennus valmius ois jo valmiina.

Ainakin graafinen puoli näyttäisi olevan kunnossa Steamin kuvien perusteella. :woot:

Ajettavuus, fysiikat ja sisältö kuntoon niin tästä voi tulla kaikkien aikojen ajopeli. :tup:
Itse toivoisin että hyvään simuun saataisiin mukaan myös peli.
Joku hyvä uratila Gran Turismon tyyliin olisi ihan parasta. Tuskin toteutuu mutta olisi edes jotain, ensimmäisen Asseton yksittäisissä kisoissa ei oikein ollut mitään mikä olisi motivoinut niitä ajelemaan.
Itse toivoisin että hyvään simuun saataisiin mukaan myös peli.
Joku hyvä uratila Gran Turismon tyyliin olisi ihan parasta. Tuskin toteutuu mutta olisi edes jotain, ensimmäisen Asseton yksittäisissä kisoissa ei oikein ollut mitään mikä olisi motivoinut niitä ajelemaan.
Onlinen kasuaaleista pikkukisoista saan itse parhaiten pelistä irti, mutta tuommonen syvä ja koukuttava uramoodi kyllä sytyttäisi vielä ihan eri tasolla.
Kunhan uramoodi ei tarkoita sitä että autoja/ratoja olisi lukittu johonkin "edistymiseen". Ajosimussa täytyy olla autot/radat suoraan auki lappaamista varten. Ei ikimaailmassa GT7:n sairasta ekonomiaa missä 90% pelaajista ei koskaan voi kokeilla suurta osaa autoista, koska niihin joutuisi grindaamaan puoli vuotta.
Asfaltti ratojen kierto ei oo ihan se oma juttu, mutta tässä kaiketi on ihan perus autojakin, eikä vaan kisa vehkeitä, niin aavistuksen kyllä kiinnostaapi. Pitänee laittaa seurantaan.
Alkuperäinen Assetto Corsa (2013) on kyllä erikoinen peli, sillä siihen on epävirallisia laadukkaita parannuksia aivan vitusti. Jokaisen tulisi asentaa Content Manager joka korvaa epämukavan main menun ja lisää modien automaattisen asennuksen. Lisä shader paketin asentamisen jälkeen pelin saa näyttämään PS3 pelin sijaan PS5 peliltä, mutta silti lataustauot ovat vain sekunteja eikä peli vie 100GB kuten muut nykypäivän pelit. Toinen iso plussa on modit, käyttäjien tekemiä ratoja ja autoja on paljon, ja viime vuosina julkaisutahti on vain kiihtynyt! Nyt pääsee ajelemaan jopa Suomen soralla känniränni!

Laajan modituen ja yhteisön ansiosta pidän tätä (EDIT: alkuperäinen AC[taas hullussa -90% alessa]) myös parhaana autosimuna. En tosin aja kilpaa vaan pelailen yksikseen erilaisia maanteitä ajellen.

Saa nähdä miten siirtyminen tähän peliin onnistuu. Iso plussa ois jos main menu, grafiikat ja automaattinen modien asennus valmius ois jo valmiina.
Laitoin just eilen kaikki herkkumodit Custom Shaders Patchin ja Puren päälle AC:hen. Näyttää todella kauniilta 11v vanhaksi peliksi.
Itse toivoisin että hyvään simuun saataisiin mukaan myös peli.
Joku hyvä uratila Gran Turismon tyyliin olisi ihan parasta. Tuskin toteutuu mutta olisi edes jotain, ensimmäisen Asseton yksittäisissä kisoissa ei oikein ollut mitään mikä olisi motivoinut niitä ajelemaan.
Joo, tämä. Aivan sama vaikka ois mikä simulaattori niin kyllä se kaipaa jotain etenemistä ja oppimista. Sama on nähty DCS lentosimun kanssa ja ite huomasin Dirt Rally 2:n kohdalla, että olisin kaivannut kunnollisen uramoodin. Näissä taitopeleissä pitäis olla myös aina sujuvasti tehty koulutus, ja se tuntuu unohtuvan koska suurin osa on veteraaneja.
^Menee vähän ohi aiheesta, muttta jos pelaa edelleen asettoa, kantsii tsekata tämä modi: Redline Stars: Careers - Reviews

(Ei tietenkään vastaa omaa peliä mutta ihan hauskaa vaihtelua kierrosaikojen hakkaamiseen.)
Tämä tuli otettua testiin. Vaikuttaa ihan kivalta.
Ainoa mikä hieman huoletti exen kautta käynnistämisen jälkeen että onkohan tuolla jotain vaikutuksia CM+CSP+SOL asetuksiin kun esim Steamin kautta pelin käynnistys on huono juttu koska nollaa tai ainakin jotenkin sotkee pelin asetuksia.
En löytänyt mitään ohjetta että pitäisikö ensin avata Content Manager ja vasta tämän jälkeen laitella tuota Career exeä tulille vai onko tuolla edes mitään väliä.
Assetto Corsalle on ihan oma ketjukin:
Assetto Corsa (PC, PS4, Xbone)

EVO:a tosiaan kovasti odotellaan ja pelimoottori kun on heidän ihan oma luomus ja VR ollut alusta asti kehityksessä mukana, niin uskoisin tuovan hieman erilaista kokemusta kakkuloilla kuin ACC:ssa.
Tämä tuli otettua testiin. Vaikuttaa ihan kivalta.
Ainoa mikä hieman huoletti exen kautta käynnistämisen jälkeen että onkohan tuolla jotain vaikutuksia CM+CSP+SOL asetuksiin kun esim Steamin kautta pelin käynnistys on huono juttu koska nollaa tai ainakin jotenkin sotkee pelin asetuksia.
En löytänyt mitään ohjetta että pitäisikö ensin avata Content Manager ja vasta tämän jälkeen laitella tuota Career exeä tulille vai onko tuolla edes mitään väliä.

Vika viesti ohi aiheen. Kantsii laittaa CM käynnistymään suoraan steamista: Reddit - Dive into anything
Ei tuukaa vielä 24, vaan tammi 25...

Maanantaina toivon mukaan pääsee näkemään jo vähän peliä:

Redditissä mielenkiintoinen analyysi 5 kk wanhasta leakista suhteessa julkaistuun traileriin.

In early May of 2024, user "iknowstuff99" (very appropriate name, obviously a throwaway account) posted a .txt file on various sim racing Discord servers containing information about Assetto Corsa EVO with no source. The user stuck around for some more time to just chat and discuss the info he gave.

The following are the contents of the .txt file, posted on a public simracing Discord server:


Do not let this raise your expectations. The source for this information is unknown, and obviously not final. We have marked with (C) the confirmed features, (M) the features that might come and (S) the ones that are for the most part speculation. If one point contains 2 markers it is something in between.

(C) Will feature a huge 2500 square KM open world map of the real life area around (and including) the Nurburgring. Including highly detailed towns, all of the roads present in real life down to a 1:1 recreation.

(C, reported by locals) The map features real life landmarks correctly recreated. Some locations have been reportedly manually scanned by the dev team for maximum fidelity, such as Adenau.

(C) Traffic AI will be present on the roads and will react to your actions in a fairly realistic manner. AI traffic will be bound to the same physics as the rest of the player cars. AI might also be doing track days on the open world Nordschleife during opening hours.

(C) It will maintain the high level of realism that AC and ACC are known for, with even better physics and simulation. Roads will never be exaggerated in size for comfort.

(C, M) There is a possibility for an extensive player driven market and economy. There is a chance for social areas made in collaboration with the real life locations.

(C, S) If the economy is present, players might be able to own, sell, extensively customize and modify their cars and build a history on them to raise value.

(C, M) Players will be able to partake in jobs of all kinds, from pizza delivery to track taxi laps.

(S) There might be limited quantity/unique vehicles with special mods or references.

(M) Chances are more open world maps will be added. Almost confirmed locations are: Italy, Japan. Speculations around France, England, USA are also present.

(C, partly confirmed by the devs) Graphics will receive a hefty bump in quality and performance. Their in house engine apparently has similar capabilities to UE5 with technology similar to Nanite. Ground fidelity and quality has also received a significant boost. Textures, lighting, materials etc also look a lot better. No info on Ray Tracing or similar.

(C) Game servers will go beyond 100 users per server, if not double.

(M) Game servers might be divided per regions, with seamless transitions together with friends when travelling in Germany. Each of these servers will have huge player counts.

(C) Custom and player hosted servers will still be present. Normally the game will send you into the official open world, but one can choose to see a server browser. Game will try to match you with your friends or teammates if not using server browser.

(C) There is a half fictional loop of the autobahn that completes the real life highway. This is to make a loop for gameplay purposes.

(C, S) Players will almost surely be able to own homes, garages and even businesses like tuning shops, parts shops, clubs and so forth.

(C) There will be no -official- mod support.

(S) There might be a chance for modders to create their own tuning parts.

(M) Cars could have onboard Spotify radio/Spotify.

(C, by the developer) The physics model has not lost quality, as it has been initially worked on by the original developer before leaving.

(S) Console launch will happen at a much later date. Crossplay could be possible.

(S) Custom dirt/gravel road physics and correctly deformable terrain.

Release date is set to hit Early Access later 2024 on Steam. Price is unknown. Recommended specs are unknown. VR support is unknown.

=================END OF ORIGINAL LEAK==========================

So far, the leak is correct on the following:

  • Freeroam around the Nurburgring, including towns accurately represented (someone has identified a road in the town of Nurburg in a reflection on a mirror in the recently released trailer)
  • Traffic AI
  • Improved physics and accurate roads not exaggerated for ease of use
  • Graphics comparable to UE5 (someone also posted a comparison between ACC and AC EVO's Nordschleife and EVO presents much better lighting, shadows, ambient occlusion and scenery details)
  • Lack of any kind of raytracing during gameplay in favour of performance (according to a Discord message on one server, the game ran at over 100 FPS while testing on a system from 2017 in "the editor")
  • No official mod support (Kunos has confirmed it will come later on, as they're focused on finishing the game first in a very recent interview) and modders having the possibility of working directly with Kunos (same interview)
  • No console launch yet (Steam exclusive as of now)
Again, everything stated here is publicly available on at least two fairly popular simracing Discords.
The account still exists but it has been inactive for a long time

NOTE: I am simply posting this after believing it was a low-effort troll for over 5 months, nobody aside from the throwaway account I mentioned is involved in any way, shape or form with the leak.

EDIT: Please read the whole post before commenting, I know it's long but I tried answering all the questions that may rise and explained (with sources) why some aspects can be considered confirmed. I would also like to repeat that I DID NOT MAKE THIS LEAK, and I simply copied and pasted what was sent publicly over 5 months ago.

EDIT 2: Everyeye just posted an exclusive interview in Italian with Kunos Simulazioni's Marco Massarutto. Massarutto says that "In the creation of AC EVO, we figured out that, while staying in the genre of sim racing, there was some margin of improvement with graphics, sounds and physics, but with EVO, simply reproposing the same gameplay loop of "Pick car, track and mode" would not work today like it did in the past. Knowing this, and knowing EVO would need to be "THE simulation" like the previous Asetto Corsa titles were, to have a better gameplay depth, we wanted to satisfy players not only when they held the wheel at the beginning of a session, but right from when they opened the executable up until they hit "exit".

Additionally, Massarutto said: "Talking about the cars, in this case there's a very big evolution from the first Assetto Corsa, as it's no longer just about driving one of the models available in the simulation, but every car is a separate entity: with its own characteristics, setup (translation note: "allestimento", might not be the correct translation), value and history (translation note: "storico" meaning a set of details about the vehicle's past and technical data).

Leak aside, this interview also talks about offline AI opponents, advanced track evolution system and weather system among further modding support details, so it's worth a read regardless of this leak (if you can read Italian).

Assetto Corsa EVO punta a un realismo mai visto: intervista esclusiva (italiaksi)
Joku päässyt jo pelaamaan!

Muokkaukset: muuta messujen satoa myös

Everything Covered in the Overtake.GG Livestream about AC Evo with Davide Brivio​

There was a one hour livestream of AC Evo from Overtake GG and they had an exclusive interview with Davide Brivio. I wanted to summarize the topics covered in the stream.


  • More official support and collaboration with manufacturers
  • More cars and brands to be announced as the game nears release
  • Open to all types of vehicles

  • Fully customizable and mod-able UI, very similar system to how AC1 works.
  • Fully fleshed out vehicle infotainment systems in all cars
  • Tracks will change and adapt to whatever kind of race is happening. For example, a GT3 race will show GT3 promotion and have large crowds, whereas a road car race will not feature as much atmosphere.
  • Completely rebuilt graphics engine from AC1 in development for the last 4 years.
  • Screen-space local reflections, but ray tracing is in development, but not the focus.
  • Nvidia Surround support is in the works
  • Demo was being run on a RTX 4090, some other rigs running RTX 4070s

  • Realism is the biggest focus above all, nothing will compromise it
  • Much more accurate TC and ABS algorithms, and different presets will be set up for things like comfort, sport, and race in a road car. Potentially active suspension and adjustable dampers?
  • New tyre damage features like tyre blistering and graining, flat spots, punctures.
  • new powertrain simulations to support ability to stall cars, same features as ACC with simulated ignition and starter
  • No other surfaces besides Tarmca
  • "We love drifting." was all that was said regarding that. So good news?

  • Totally new weather system with dynamic rain levels on the track. Rain builds up and is displaced by the shape of the track as well as the car.
  • Accurate track drainage and water flows. Realistic aquaplaning
  • Development of track wet line, such as slick rubber, dynamic track drying, water displacement from cars.
  • When questioned about different types of surfaces: "No"
  • Basic vehicle damage like tyre punctures
  • Dynamic sky and cloud formation. Physically accurate cloud formation based on weather conditions. Rain can occur in different parts of the track.
  • Volumetric fog

  • Davide gave a hearty chuckle when questioned about freeroam, then brushed the question off. However he didn't completely shut it down.
  • Pitstops will be much more fleshed out in the game, but are still in development. The hope is for fully animated pit stops, new UI, multi-function display is being worked on.
  • Ability to upgrade the cars, apply different tyres, engine upgrades, visual modifications.
  • In-game currency, no way to pay to win, used for purchasing cars and upgrades.
  • Vehicles will come with different dealership configurations
  • Customizable player avatar, customizable hands
  • Leveling system with experience points to earn in-game currency.
  • "Wrap the game, with the economy, the progress system, and allow the player to progress through the content... through the customization of the cars..."
  • You will start a career with a set of starter cars and choose what kind of driver you want to become. Complete freedom to race whatever you want.
  • Driving academy/Special Events to qualify for different types of championships. "Moderate barriers" to enter faster and more difficult series, but the goal is to not be frustrating.
  • Ability to rent and purchase cars, but you must have a certain type of license (ie you must qualify to purchase certain cars)
  • Safety car has not been worked on... (sad)

  • Kunos wants to provide modders and manufacturers a better way to collaborate
  • provide official licensing to modders to add certain cars
  • Kunos will develop tools to make mods better and easier to make, but that is not the main focus at the moment
  • no word on monetization of mods
  • no mods on console.

  • Will launch with no less than 20 cars and 5 tracks
    • Brands Hatch, Nurburgring, Imola, and Bathurst confirmed
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