As things stand, all components, down to discrete transistors, have lead times of 40 weeks or more. RAM and eMMC memory, as well as key parts such as LCD panels, are in severe shortage and have in some instances seen their prices double since March 2020. The lead time on LCD panels, just as an example, is currently 60+ weeks, so the expected delivery date falls well into 2022. Silicon is not exempt from this: SoCs such as the A64 are also in short supply and have seen their price increase by a third...
...We had all our components (both discrete and key parts) ordered months in advance and the production floor reserved as well. In short, everything required to produce the next PinePhone batch was in place by the time we entered the Chinese New Year in February. At that time we couldn’t have predicted that vendors would not hold up their end of the agreement. I’ll spare you the details, they aren’t particularly pleasant nor interesting, but it boils down to this: components we booked in advance were sold to other parties (presumably at a much higher price). We managed to source many of the components we lost, but we’re currently short of one discrete component (usually very easy to obtain) which is nowhere to be found.