Ostetaan AM4 mATX emolevy + Ryzen 3000 series CPU

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Tuote: AM4 mATX emolevy + Ryzen 3000 series CPU
Hinta: tarjo
Tuote ostettu (mistä ja milloin):
Kuitti löytyy (takuu voimassa):
Muuta huomioitavaa: Tarvitsen AM4 emolevyä ja Ryzen 3000 sarjan prossun.

Toivottavasti englanti on hyväksyttävä täällä.

Basically, I want to explain my situation a little bit. Just yesterday, I had a fully functional computer. I found a Corsair CS650M for cheap, so I thought I would go and buy it to replace my CX600, seeing as it is semi-modular and slightly larger capacity. Win-win, I thought. Thing is, after I got the PSU from the seller and went home, I tested the PSU really quickly on an old computer whose components I had lying around, and it seemed to work just fine, so I removed my old PSU and put in the new one. Once everything was connected, though, I flipped the switch on the PSU, saw the RGB lights on the side of my motherboard light up, pressed my computer case's power button...and nothing. Well, not technically nothing; the CPU cooler fan and the case fans turn on, but the GPU fans don't turn on anymore, and the CPU (an ASUS TUF B550M-Plus) shows a red CPU light (it has a row of Q-LED indicators labelled with DRAM, CPU, VGA and BOOT). The CPU, for context, is a Ryzen 5 5600. I re-connected my old PSU (that just yesterday had worked, so I knew it wasn't the PSU being broken) and...same thing, red CPU light. I tried re-flashing the BIOS (as you have to do this for Zen 3 CPUs on B550 motherboards manufactured before a certain date, which mine is; I had already done this process before so no problem, right?), but this did not help. I also cleared the CMOS battery, nothing. Re-flashed BIOS again after clearing CMOS battery, nothing. Replaced CMOS battery, nothing.

I am at my wit's end right now, and the two solutions I can try at this point, I guess, is either find a Zen 2 CPU, so I can confirm that my current CPU is the problem and not have to worry about what BIOS version it is when I test it, or get a new motherboard. Maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me either my CPU or my motherboard is malfunctioning, so I am open to any (cheap) Zen 2 CPUs and/or any B550 (or B450, I guess) mATX motherboards (or ATX if anybody can also offer a very cheap and/or free case to go along with it, but my own case currently is an mATX case, so I would prefer that).

tl;dr: I think my motherboard and/or CPU was somehow broken by a PSU swap, so I need a cheap Zen 2 CPU and/or a compatible motherboard to see if my motherboard or CPU might be at fault.

P.S. If somebody would be willing to borrow and/or come over to my place and/or let me come over to their place with any compatible components (Zen 2 or Zen 3 CPU, an AM4 motherboard) so I can troubleshoot these components, then that would be amazing, but I know that is a lot to ask from a stranger; so additionally, if anybody knows any kind of a repair place in Helsinki where I could go with my motherboard and/or CPU and find out if either of them are faulty, then that would also be great.

Sorry for the wall of text, I am just scrambling for solutions right now to a time-sensitive problem. Also, sorry if all this information is in "the wrong section" or whatever, just thought it was all relevant to the ad in general.

Paikkakunta (ilmoita myös otsikossa ja tagissa): Helsinki
Toimitustapa: F2F
Maksutapa: Käteinen, MobilePay


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