'83 [fiktiivinen kylmään sotaan liittyvä FPS-peli]

What is '83 the game?
'83 is a large scale, team based, objective based multiplayer shooter set in the Cold war. Designed with accessible realism for the most enjoyable and hardcore experience that gets to the action fast without losing the realistic lethality of war.

What makes ‘83 different from other first-person shooters?​

’83 puts focus on realistic depiction of weapons, weapon physics, uniforms and vehicles from the period – in that, it’s closer to the games on the “mil-sim” end of the FPS spectrum. However, mil-sims are often a walking simulator – with VERY long times to engagement and long round times. That’s ABSOLUTELY NOT something you’ll experience in ’83. We see a huge desire amongst the tactical realism community for a game that can provide intense, team-oriented gameplay with large numbers of players, in shorter rounds with less of a slog to get into the battle. This is what ‘83 aims to provide in a Cold War setting. Our tagline for this experience is “accessible realism”

"Later today, we will be announcing to the world that WE AIM TO GET '83 OUT IN STEAM EARLY ACCESS BY THE END OF 2025."

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Jos joku muuten tietää miten lisätä Discord-kanavan kutsulinkki niin jelpatkaa... :comp:


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