- Liittynyt
- 18.06.2021
- Viestejä
- 65
Monilta käyttäjiltä ympäri maailman on kovalevy tyhjentynyt, kun on ollut kytkettynä internettiin. Ilmeisesti jostain tuntemattomasta syystä tekevät tehdasasetusten nollauksen, joka samalla tyhjentää kovalevyn.
Western Digital, maker of the popular My Disk external hard drives, is recommending that customers unplug My Book Live storage devices from the Internet until further notice while company engineers investigate unexplained compromises that have completely wiped data from devices around the world.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

“I’m totally screwed.” WD My Book Live users wake up to find their data deleted
Storage-device maker advises customers to unplug My Book Lives from the Internet ASAP.