Valve päivitti Steam Controllerit tukemaan Bluetoothia

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Olis vaan ohjain hieman paremmin suunniteltu, niin olis ihan hyödyllinen päivityskin.
Onko tässä ohjaimessa muuten avointa rajapintaa mitä voi hyödyntää muissakin sovelmissa kuin peleissä?
iOS 8 microwave charging[/B]]
iOS 8 microwave charging

Source: 4chan (rumored)

Like 2013’s waterproofing hoax, another fake Apple advertisement emerged on social media soon after the release of iOS 8. This time, instead of trying to convince Apple users that they can submerge their devices underwater, the fake iOS 8 ad described a new method for charging an iPhone called “Wave.” Essentially, this hoax tries to trick iPhone owners into microwaving their devices for a minute and a half. Needless to say, this does not work, as one unfortunate Twitter use confirmed. This hoax was also rumored to have first surfaced on 4chan.

Ja eikus puhelinta mikroo. :cigar2:
iOS 8 microwave charging[/B]]
iOS 8 microwave charging

Source: 4chan (rumored)

Like 2013’s waterproofing hoax, another fake Apple advertisement emerged on social media soon after the release of iOS 8. This time, instead of trying to convince Apple users that they can submerge their devices underwater, the fake iOS 8 ad described a new method for charging an iPhone called “Wave.” Essentially, this hoax tries to trick iPhone owners into microwaving their devices for a minute and a half. Needless to say, this does not work, as one unfortunate Twitter use confirmed. This hoax was also rumored to have first surfaced on 4chan.
Tiedän kyllä tuon hoaxin, ihmettelin vain mitä tekemistä sillä on millään tasolla Steam Controllerin ohjelmistopäivitysten kanssa
Melko taitavaa päivittää ohjelmistolla. Tulee mieleen iphonen mikroaalto uuni lataus päivitys.
Voisin vaikka ihan villinä arvauksena heittää että steam cotroller juttelee sen vastaanottimensa kanssa bluetooth laitteistolla jo nyt mutta se käyttää epästandardeja protokollia ja tämä vaan lisää sen bt-standardin mukaisen toiminnan.


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