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- 17.10.2016
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Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists
14 June 2016
23 June 2017
Published online:
07 August 2017
Mounting evidence supports long-standing claims that religions can extend cooperative networks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 . However, religious prosociality may have a strongly parochial component 5 . Moreover, aspects of religion may promote or exacerbate conflict with those outside a given religious group, promoting regional violence 10 , intergroup conflict 11 and tacit prejudice against non-believers 12 ,13 . Anti-atheist prejudice—a growing concern in increasingly secular societies 14 —affects employment, elections, family life and broader social inclusion 12 ,13 . Preliminary work in the United States suggests that anti-atheist prejudice stems, in part, from deeply rooted intuitions about religion’s putatively necessary role in morality. However, the cross-cultural prevalence and magnitude—as well as intracultural demographic stability—of such intuitions, as manifested in intuitive associations of immorality with atheists, remain unclear. Here, we quantify moral distrust of atheists by applying well-tested measures in a large global sample (N = 3,256; 13 diverse countries). Consistent with cultural evolutionary theories of religion and morality, people in most—but not all— of these countries viewed extreme moral violations as representative of atheists. Notably, anti-atheist prejudice was even evident among atheist participants around the world. The results contrast with recent polls that do not find self-reported moral prejudice against atheists in highly secular countries15 , and imply that the recent rise in secularism in Western countries has not overwritten intuitive anti-atheist prejudice. Entrenched moral suspicion of atheists suggests that religion’s powerful influence on moral judgements persists, even among non-believers in secular societies.
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Miksi Suomalaiset eivät suhtaudu lainkaan niin epäillen ateisteihin kuin muut Eurooppalaiset? Onko kyse koulutuksesta vai ovatko Suomalaiset vaan niin maallistuneita, ettei uskontojen moraalikäsitykset enää kosketa meitä niin voimallisesti kuin katolista Itä - Eurooppaa tai Katolilaista Länsi- Eurooppaa?
Olen itse ateisti, mutta minua ei uskonnot tai niiden harjoittaminen haittaa lainkaan, kunhan se on henkilökohtaista eikä sitä eikä sen moraalikoodia tuputeta muille.
Keskustelua moraalista, kiitos !
- Altmetric: 722
- Citations: 1
- More detail
Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists
- Will M. Gervais
- , Dimitris Xygalatas
- , Ryan T. McKay
- , Michiel van Elk
- , Emma E. Buchtel
- , Mark Aveyard
- , Sarah R. Schiavone
- , Ilan Dar-Nimrod
- , Annika M. Svedholm-Häkkinen
- , Tapani Riekki
- , Eva Kundtová Klocová
- , Jonathan E. Ramsay
- & Joseph Bulbulia
- Nature Human Behaviour 1, Article number: 0151 (2017)
- doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0151
- Download Citation
14 June 2016
23 June 2017
Published online:
07 August 2017
Mounting evidence supports long-standing claims that religions can extend cooperative networks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 . However, religious prosociality may have a strongly parochial component 5 . Moreover, aspects of religion may promote or exacerbate conflict with those outside a given religious group, promoting regional violence 10 , intergroup conflict 11 and tacit prejudice against non-believers 12 ,13 . Anti-atheist prejudice—a growing concern in increasingly secular societies 14 —affects employment, elections, family life and broader social inclusion 12 ,13 . Preliminary work in the United States suggests that anti-atheist prejudice stems, in part, from deeply rooted intuitions about religion’s putatively necessary role in morality. However, the cross-cultural prevalence and magnitude—as well as intracultural demographic stability—of such intuitions, as manifested in intuitive associations of immorality with atheists, remain unclear. Here, we quantify moral distrust of atheists by applying well-tested measures in a large global sample (N = 3,256; 13 diverse countries). Consistent with cultural evolutionary theories of religion and morality, people in most—but not all— of these countries viewed extreme moral violations as representative of atheists. Notably, anti-atheist prejudice was even evident among atheist participants around the world. The results contrast with recent polls that do not find self-reported moral prejudice against atheists in highly secular countries15 , and imply that the recent rise in secularism in Western countries has not overwritten intuitive anti-atheist prejudice. Entrenched moral suspicion of atheists suggests that religion’s powerful influence on moral judgements persists, even among non-believers in secular societies.
Linkin takaa lisää.
Miksi Suomalaiset eivät suhtaudu lainkaan niin epäillen ateisteihin kuin muut Eurooppalaiset? Onko kyse koulutuksesta vai ovatko Suomalaiset vaan niin maallistuneita, ettei uskontojen moraalikäsitykset enää kosketa meitä niin voimallisesti kuin katolista Itä - Eurooppaa tai Katolilaista Länsi- Eurooppaa?
Olen itse ateisti, mutta minua ei uskonnot tai niiden harjoittaminen haittaa lainkaan, kunhan se on henkilökohtaista eikä sitä eikä sen moraalikoodia tuputeta muille.
Keskustelua moraalista, kiitos !