Toimiiko kaikki sovellukset Android 13 Go käyttiksessä?

Toimiiko kaikki sovellukset Android 13 Go käyttiksessä?
Teoriassa kyllä, mutta mitään 100% varmuutta ei ole, tämänkin olisi voinut kysyä tuolla ketjussa...

Android (Go edition) is part of the main Android platform and is simply a configuration of Android platform OS. Any app built for the main Android platform can technically run on Go. However, be mindful that there are significant built-in performance, network, and battery limitations. Remember, even if your app complies with the hardware specifications of a given device, including features that aren't supported by Android (Go edition) can cause compatibility issues.

The following features are disabled by default on Android (Go edition):

- Picture-in-picture support
- System alert Window permission (draw over other apps)
- Split-screen or multi-screen window
- Live wallpapers
- Multi-display
- Shortcuts or deep shortcuts in the launcher
- Reduced maximum width and height of any image in remote view
- VR mode

Note: This is not a comprehensive list and there may be other minor features disabled on Android (Go edition).


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