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A satellite may be falling apart in geostationary orbit [Updated]

A satellite may be falling apart in geostationary orbit [Updated]
It is not clear what might have caused the AMC-9 satellite to become unresponsive.

Sunday 11am ET Update: In response to a query from Ars, the AMC-9 satellite's operator, Luxembourg-based SES, issued the following statement on Sunday morning:

In the early hours of 1st July, the SES Satellite Control reestablished contact to AMC-9. SES and the satellite manufacturer Thales are working around the clock to evaluate the status and define the next steps.

Tracking information received on 29 June had suggested that at least two separate objects were located in the vicinity of AMC-9. Their source has still to be determined. The new piece of information was included by Thales and SES in their investigations.

All relevant operators and agencies are being kept informed and will receive regular updates from SES. The current assessment is that there is no risk of a collision with other active satellites. AMC-9 and its status continue to being tracked by SES and agencies, including the Joint Space Operations Centre (JSpOC) and ExoAnalytic, a private firm and tracking service provider.

Since the incident on 17 June 2017, AMC-9 has been slowly moving westwards with its payload disabled and not causing interference. A majority of traffic has been transferred to other SES satellites and SES is working on a long-term plan to minimize disruption to customers.

Original post: On the morning of June 17, the Luxembourg-based satellite operator SES lost control of a large satellite in geostationary space, nearly 36,000km above the Earth's surface. Shortly after, the satellite operator began working with another company that specializes in space situational awareness to track the drifting machine, AMC-9. A few days ago that company, ExoAnalytic Solutions, saw the AMC-9 satellite begin to fragment.

"We have seen several pieces come off of it over the past several days," ExoAnalytic's chief executive officer, Doug Hendrix, told Ars. "We are tracking at least one of the pieces. I would hesitate to say we know for sure what happened."


A chain reaction?

At present, Hendrix said the company is tracking about 2,000 objects in geostationary orbit, some as small as about 20cm. Of these, about one-quarter are satellites—a mix of military, weather, and communications assets—and the rest debris. An uncontrolled debris event at geostationary orbit is exceedingly rare, and the concern with such events is that they could potentially lead to a cascading debris event known as the Kessler syndrome. "This is a seminal event for understanding what happens when there are many fragments at that altitude," Hendrix said.

An expert in space situational awareness, Brian Weeden of the Secure World Foundation, downplayed this possibility with the AMC-9 satellite. "The challenge is that those pieces, in human terms, will be up there almost forever, and will present a long-term navigational hazard," Weeden said. "This will definitely increase the odds of collisions over the Americas, but I don't think this is going to set off a chain reaction."


Kun hallitsematonta romua alkaa kertyä GEO radalla se on pisemmänpäälle Iso-ongelma.
"Falling apart" ei tainnut viitata fyysiseen moneksi kappaleeksi menemiseen?
"Falling apart" ei tainnut viitata fyysiseen moneksi kappaleeksi menemiseen?
Se on nimenomaan hajonnut fyysisesti useaksi kappaleeksi ja se hajoaminen on tallennetu tutkakuvilla joissa selvästi näkyy kun kappaleita irtoaa ja leviää erisuuntiin.

Myös se on todettu satelliitin logien perusteella että itse satellitissa ei hajonnut mikään (kuten polttoainetankin räjähdys) joka olisi saanut sen hajoamaan useiksi kappaleiksi joten ainoa mahdollisuus on että siihen törmäsi jotain riittävän suurella nopeudella.
Se on nimenomaan hajonnut fyysisesti useaksi kappaleeksi ja se hajoaminen on tallennetu tutkakuvilla joissa selvästi näkyy kun kappaleita irtoaa ja leviää erisuuntiin.

Myös se on todettu satelliitin logien perusteella että itse satellitissa ei hajonnut mikään (kuten polttoainetankin räjähdys) joka olisi saanut sen hajoamaan useiksi kappaleiksi joten ainoa mahdollisuus on että siihen törmäsi jotain riittävän suurella nopeudella.
Katos, siellähän oli ihan kuvat aiheesta. Ehkä joku pieni asteroidi osunut tms

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