The Expanse: A Telltale Series (PS4, PS5, XOne, Xbox X|S, PC, 27.7.2023)


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The Expanse: A Telltale Series Revealed at The Game Awards
It's co-developed by Life is Strange: True Colors studio Deck Nine.
Matt Purslow
By Matt Purslow
Updated: 11 Dec 2021 12:32 am
Posted: 10 Dec 2021 2:43 am

Telltale Games has revealed that it is working on a video game adaptation of The Expanse, the critically acclaimed sci-fi TV show.

Revealed at The Game Awards, The Expanse: A Telltale Series is being co-developed with Deck Nine, creators of Life is Strange: True Colors and Before the Storm. Set before the events of the show, it will cast players as Camina Drummer (played by actress Cara Gee, who reprises her role from TV series).
The game series will explore locations beyond The Belt (The Expanse’s asteroid belt and home to a splinter civilisation known as ‘Belters’), and involve surviving a bloody mutiny, hunting for treasure, and making tough decisions that will decide the fate of The Artemis spaceship and its crew.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series - First Screenshots



“Working with a fantastic IP like The Expanse is both daunting and thrilling,” said Jeff Litchford, COO for Deck Nine. “We wanted to pick a character and story that hadn’t already been told – one that players could really influence but that also stayed true to the books and series for the fans. The collaboration with Telltale has enabled us to bounce around ideas and approach things from the different perspectives each company brings to the adventure genre as we work to tell the best story possible.”

This is the first new IP to be announced by Telltale since it re-formed in 2019. The company previously announced that it is also working on a sequel to The Wolf Among Us, which has been completely restarted with a new engine.

Jäädään seuraamaan.. :think:
Jotain uutisia tältäkin rintamalta:

Tämäkin tulee ensi kuussa, jessus mikä pelisyksy tulossa. :dead:
Uusinta pelitraileria.

Ja tämähän julkaistaan huomenna. :hungry:
Parit revikatkin on jo näköjään ulkona, molemmat antaneet pisteitä 80.

Joko tietoa kummalle konsolille parempi? Esim onko dualsense enabloitu?

Tämä saapuu parin viikon päästä steamiin ja suosittelen niille keille avaruus operat iskevät ja pystyvät pelaamaan telltalen pelejä.
Kuuluuko se uusi sen vanhan naisen episodi joka nyt näköjään ulkona`, suoraan aiempaan deluxeen tms vai pitääkö ostaa erikseen

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