- Liittynyt
- 17.10.2016
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- 6 125
nukketööri - Google-haku
Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System: Largest batch of Earth-size, habitable zone planets
Yksi aurinkokunta jossa on 7 planeetta jotka saattaisivat tukea elämää, se on ilman muuta Nukketöörien (Puppeteer) kotiaurinkokunta vaimiitä.
Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System: Largest batch of Earth-size, habitable zone planets
Exoplanet discovery
In a press release on February 22, 2017, NASA announced the discovery of the most Earth-sized planets found in the habitable zone of a single star, called TRAPPIST-1. This system of seven rocky worlds–all of them with the potential for water on their surface–is an exciting discovery in the search for life on other worlds. There is the possibility that future study of this unique planetary system could reveal conditions suitable for life.
Yksi aurinkokunta jossa on 7 planeetta jotka saattaisivat tukea elämää, se on ilman muuta Nukketöörien (Puppeteer) kotiaurinkokunta vaimiitä.