Killing Floor 2 (PC, PS4, Xbone)

Virallinen julkaisu PC:lle oli 18.11, tätä ennen early accessista tuttu.
Co-op survival räiskintä 6:lle pelaajalle, vihollista puskee naamalle aalloissa. Eri hahmoluokkia joilla jokaisella omat temppunsa ja tasoja joita farmata. Verta ja suolia lentää.
Myös versus-moodi jossa toinen tiimi pelaa mörökölleillä.

Peliseuraa, servereitä, mitä nyt mieleen tuleekaan aiheesta niin tänne vaan.

Lieviä Call of Duty -vaikutteita on valitettavasti päässyt läpi (sprint-mekaniikka, alhaista elinvoimaa kuvaavat efektit, tähtäin jota ensimmäisessä pelissä ei ollut lainkaan), muuten KF2 on uskollinen seuraaja alkuperäiselle.
Onko tässä vielä pelaajia että kannattaa ostaa? Eroaako ykköseen kuinka paljon? Ykkönen oli täyttä rautaa aikoinaan mutta tämä on jäänyt vain ostamatta.
Steamchartsin mukaan 3,5k molemmin puolin liikkuu keskimääräinen pelaajamäärä, itsellä ei ole ollut ongelmaa löytää peliseuraa millään vaikeustasolla.
Pitkän aikaa ollut peli haussa jota alkais pelaamaan kun aikaisemmit pelatut ei iske sitten ollenkaan. Aikaa on pakko taas saada tapettua kun mp kausikaan ole korkannut vielä.

The Summer sideshow päivitys plörähti tänään ilmoille. Pari uutta asetta, kivääri ja haulikko, uusi kartta ja zedeillä erivekkulit skinit ja pitävät rasittavia ääniä.
Jokunen skini ja muu itemi siihen päälle ja RS2 vietnamin omistajille vietnam-aiheiset skinit tarjolla.

Uusi kartta ihan hauska, huvipuisto-teemalla ja kaikenmoista erivekkulia vemputinta löytyy millä teloa mörköjä.

Myös weekly outbreakit tulossa \ tulivat. Viikottain vaihtuvat mitkäliet, tällä viikolla zedit räjähtelevät kuollessaan. En kokeillut vielä, ei ole ilmeisesti tuossa uudessa kartassa mukana ja sitä tämä päivä tullut tahkottua.
Kyllä se tämän hetkinen weekly event on uudessa kartassa.
VR versio ulkona, mutta harmittavasti on tainnu saada aika kivikkoisen alun arvosteluiden perusteella..

Alla pieni otanta Steamin revikoista.


En ole valmis maksamaan tuota summaa VR-versiosta kun olen jo kertaalleen pelistä maksanu. Eivät tarjoa edes mitään alennusta alkuperäisen ostaneille joten pitäkööt tunkkinsa.. :rolleyes:

Killing Floor 2 tullut uutta sisältöä. Pitääpä pistää tulille, toivottavasti tulisi lisää pelaajia takaisin tämän pelin pariin.
Jouluna tuli pelattua Krampus Christmas lisäosaa paljonkin. :tup:

Traileria päivityksestä.

Tietoa mitä uutta päivitys on tuonnut mukanaan.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Uusi KF2 päivitys julkaistu:

Viimeksi muokattu:

Edit. Spoilerin taakse lisätty päivityksen sisältö

  • 2 New Maps
    • Objective Survival - Airship
    • Survival - Lockdown
  • Two New Objective Types for Airship
    • Weld and Repair
    • Operate and Control
  • 4 New Weapons
    • M99 AMR for Sharpshooter
    • Static Strikers for Berserker
    • Doomstick for Support
    • Goreshiv knife for the Survivalist
  • Weapon Upgrade System
    • Players can use the Trader Pod to upgrade weapons to Tier 5
    • Raises damage but may incur extra weight
    • Raises medic dart recharge rate for all Field Medic weapons
  • Prestige System
    • Reset level 25 Perks to 0 for XP bonus, Vault Dosh, and unique icons and weapon skins
  • New Paid DLC Character
    • Mrs. Foster, fully voiced by Claudia Black
  • New Enemies, E.D.A.R.
    • E.D.A.R. Trapper
    • E.D.A.R. Blaster
    • E.D.A.R. Bomber
  • Time-Limited Summer Objectives, Tickets, and Items
    • Airship summer objectives to earn a Steampunk Outfit Bundle
    • Summer Sideshow event tickets
    • Steampunk cosmetics
  • Zedconomy
    • Neon MKII Encrypted USB
    • Bluefire Encrypted USB
  • Dosh Vault
    • Added Tier 2 weapon Skins
  • New Steam Achievements for Airship, Lockdown, and their Collectibles

  • New Summer Sideshow models for the Rioter, E.D.A.R.s, King Fleshpound, and Abomination
  • Added Daily objectives for E.D.A.Rs., Doomstick, Static Strikers, and M99 AMR
  • Added messaging on the in-game chat box whenever a player initiates the SKIP TRADER feature
  • Added an UPGRADE button to the Trader Pod menu weapon preview window. Players can select it to pay and upgrade weapons
  • Upgraded weapons will have a yellow-orange glow instead of a green one for the pickup model to help tell the difference between a weapon that is upgraded and one that is not
  • Added audio to the command wheel THANK YOU command for all playable characters
  • Added new default main menu music track by Rocky Gray
    • “Monstrosity”

  • Added new music tracks for Airship by Rocky Gray
    • “Brass and Steam”
    • “Fight in Flight”
    • “Red Mist”
    • “The Craft”
    • “Zed Destroyer”

  • Added Ringmaster Lockheart voice audio as the Trader voice for Airship
    • Voiced by David Lodge

  • Reverted changes to picking up and throwing dosh. Nearby players will immediately pick up thrown dosh
  • Made sound and FX adjustments to the nuke explosion generated by the Demolitionist ZED TIME - Destroyer of Worlds perk skill
  • Added new Summer Sideshow video slides to the main menu
  • Adjusted texture and material of Summer Sideshow Elite Crawler model to help better tell the difference from its normal variant
  • Adjusted the 1st person reload sounds to be louder
  • Added additional layers of dosh pallets to the Dosh Vault to see more dosh in the vault
  • Added a News button on the main menu HOME tab for players to see the latest news about Killing Floor 2
  • Added a delay to blocking zeds so that the damage and incapacitation mitigation does not occur instantaneously
  • Changed the text for the Trader Pod “Auto-Upgrade” feature to “Auto-Trade” to avoid confusing the feature with the new weapon upgrade system

Survival Game Mode
  • Wave Configuration
    • Hell On Earth wave modifications to improve challenge for all game lengths

Endless Game Mode
  • Wave Configuration
    • Hell on Earth wave modifications to improve challenge

  • Hell On Earth Difficulty
    • Bosses do 100% damage regardless of wave

  • Outbreaks
    • Boom Mode
      • Reduced the amount of Zeds by 60%

    • Cranium Cracker Mode
      • E.D.A.R.s temporarily removed. This will cause Stalkers and Husks to also be temporarily removed because E.D.A.R.s share the same spawn pool as Stalkers and Husks

  • Special Zed Waves
    • Clot and Crawler Waves
      • 100% more total Zeds
      • Spawn rate raised by 900%
      • Clots now spawn enraged

    • Stalker Waves
      • Spawn rate raised by 200%
      • Chance to have E.D.A.R.s spawn with Stalkers

    • Siren Waves
      • Reduced the amount of Zeds by 50%
      • Spawn rate raised by 100%

    • Husk Waves
      • Reduced the amount of Zeds by 25%
      • Chance to have E.D.A.R.s spawn with Husks

    • Gorefast Waves
      • Reduced the amount of Zeds by 25%
      • Spawn rate raised by 50%

    • Bloat Waves
      • Reduced the amount of Zeds by 50%
      • Spawn rate raised by 50%

    • Scrake and Fleshpound Waves
      • Chance to happen on all difficulties
      • Reduced the amount of Zeds by 80%
      • Spawn rate reduced by 75%

  • E.D.A.R.s
    • Chance to spawn reduced by 30% on all difficulties
    • Base chest armor health reduced from 500 to 225
    • Base head armor health increased from 550 to 600
    • Base body health increased from 562 to 775
    • Base sprint speed increased from 550 to 600
    • Base sprint distance increased from 1500 to 5000
    • Critical hit zone damage modifier on core increased from 1.4x to 3.5x
    • Critical hit zone core located in the center area once chest armor is destroyed
    • Base fire damage vulnerability increased from 0.75x to 1.5x
    • Base microwave damage vulnerability increased from 2.0x to 3.25x

  • E.D.A.R. Trapper
    • Max attack range of EMP beam decreased from 4000UU to 550UU

Designer Note - E.D.A.R.s are our newest, ranged enemies, and there are three variations of them known as the Trapper, Bomber, and Blaster. Upon their initial reception during the beta, they were exceedingly difficult to kill, and this added a layer of frustration when dealing with them. We adjusted the values to promote destroying their chest armor and shooting the core. The further adjustments should make them easier to kill now. Also, the Trapper should not be able to trap players through walls and obstacles anymore (Sorry about that!).

  • Scrake
    • Raised vulnerability to Microwave damage by 10%
    • Bleed status effect vulnerability increased from 50% to 75%

  • Fleshpound
    • Raised vulnerability to Microwave damage by 10%
    • Bleed status effect vulnerability increased from 25% to 75%

  • Quarterpound
    • Bleed status effect vulnerability increased from 50% to 75%

  • Slasher
    • Suicidal Difficulty
      • Sprint chance raised from 50% to 85%

    • Hell On Earth Difficulty
      • Sprint chance raised from 70% to 95%

  • Cyst
    • Hard Difficulty
      • Sprint chance on damaged raised from 1% to 70%

    • Suicidal Difficulty
      • Sprint chance raised from 5% to 50%

    • Hell On Earth Difficulty
      • Sprint chance raised from 40% to 85%
      • Sprint chance on damaged raised from 80% to 100%

  • Alpha Clot
    • Hard Difficulty
      • Sprint chance on damaged raised from 5% to 70%

    • Suicidal Difficulty
      • Sprint chance raised from 5% to 50%

    • Hell On Earth Difficulty
      • Sprint chance raised from 75% to 85%

  • Siren
    • Scream radius reduced from 800UU to 600UU
    • Sprint speed raised from 200 to 275
    • Suicidal Difficulty
      • Sprint chance on damaged raised from 5% to 65%

    • Hell on Earth Difficulty
      • Sprint chance on damaged raised from 10% to 85%

Designer Note - We raised the speed of the Siren so that they are able to advance quicker to players. They were very slow previously, so this new change could result in them reaching players and performing screams more effectively. We then lowered the scream radius to tone down their damage to counteract them being able to potentially reach players faster. We are looking to continue adjusting the Siren in response to community feedback.

  • Hans
    • Suicidal Difficulty
      • Evade chance on damage reduced from 20% to 10%

    • Hell On Earth Difficulty
      • Evade chance on damage reduced from 20% to 10%
      • Supporting Zeds
        • Quarterpounders added
        • Scrakes added

  • Patriarch
    • Hell on Earth Difficulty
      • Supporting zeds
        • Cysts removed

Upgrade System
  • Upgrade sell values for singles and dualies lowered from 75% to values between ~15% and ~40% of original upgrade prices. This does not affect the dual 9MM pistols.

Designer Note - This was a temporary solution to make it harder to exploit from a trick with upgraded singles and dualies that allowed users to earn more dosh than intended. A long-term fix for the issue should now be out with this patch, and we will revert the temporary solution as soon as possible.

  • Zedlanding
    • Global spawn rate increased slightly

Perk and Weapons

  • 9MM Pistol and Dual 9MM Pistols
    • Base bullet damage raised from 15 to 25
    • Upgrade to Tier 1 damage modifier reduced from 1.3x to 1.2x
    • Upgrade to Tier 2 damage modifier reduced from 1.6x to 1.4x
    • Upgrade to Tier 3 damage modifier reduced from 1.9x to 1.6x
    • Upgrade to Tier 4 damage modifier reduced from 2.2x to 1.8x
    • Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier reduced from 2.5x to 2.0x
    • Fire rate reduced by 14%
    • Max ammo capacity reduced from 240 to 90
    • Ammo cost raised from 8 to 12 per magazine for single 9MM Pistol
    • Ammo cost raised from 16 to 24 per magazine for Dual 9MM Pistols

Designer Note - The 9MM and Dual 9MM Pistols have been readjusted to promote its power as a backup weapon. Our hope is that the adjustments provide a more impactful experience than the previous version of the 9MM Pistols. During the beta, we received feedback concerning their performance and power, so we adjusted the values to tone that power down a bit. The adjustments should allow it to still be applicable to most Zeds without it being a weapon that can dispatch large Zeds easily.

  • Microwave Gun
    • Base Weight reduced from 10 to 9
    • Stream damage raised from 14 to 16
    • Base Alt-Fire blast damage raised from 200 to 210
    • Amount of ammo from ammo boxes raised from 40 to 50
  • Huskcannon
    • Base charge damage reduced from 100 to 80. Full Charge damage reduced from 450 to 360
    • Max ammo capacity reduced from 280 to 260
    • Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier reduced from 1.115x to 1.1x
  • Flamethrower
    • Base Weight reduced from 8 to 7
    • Base stream damage reduced from 21 to 18
    • Purchase cost raised from 1100 to 1200
  • Incendiary Trench Gun / Dragonsbreath
    • Weapon name changed to “Dragonsbreath”
    • Bullet pellets reduced from 9 to 8

Designer Note - The Microwave Gun struggled as a Tier 4 weapon when compared to other Firebug weapons. We adjusted the values to promote its damage and clearing ability, and the reduction in weight should help broaden weapon combinations with it. As for the Huskcannon, we brought the damage and ammo down because it was becoming a powerhouse against all Zeds. Lastly, we adjusted the Flamethrower and Dragonsbreath to align them better with their other Firebug weapon counterparts.

  • Static Strikers
    • Available for purchase from the Trader
    • Tier 4 weapon
    • Heavy attack EMP incapacitation power reduced from 49 to 45
    • Heavy attack knockdown incapacitation power reduced from 150 to 90
    • Purchase cost is 1600
  • Eviscerator
    • Base Weight reduced from 10 to 9
    • Base saw blade projectile damage reduced from 480 to 300
    • Amount of gas ammo from ammo boxes reduced from 125 to 50
  • Bonecrusher
    • Base Weight reduced from 9 to 8
    • Base bash damage reduced from 175 to 165
    • Base heavy swing damage increase from 165 to 175
    • Parry damage mitigation raised from 60% to 70%
    • Purchase cost raised from 1500 to 1600
  • Zweihander
    • Base Weight raised from 6 to 7
    • Purchase cost raised from 1100 to 1300
  • Pulverizer
    • Purchase cost raised from 1200 to 1300
  • Nailgun
    • Base Weight reduced from 6 to 5
    • Base bullet damage reduced from 30 to 25
    • Fire rate raised by 33%
    • Number of nails per shot raised from 7 to 8
    • Ammo cost raised from 20 to 26 per magazine
    • Purchase cost raised from 600 to 750
  • Katana
    • Base Weight raised from 3 to 4
    • Purchase cost raised from 600 to 850

Designer Note - Most of the Berserker weapons have solid utility, high power, and/or the lack of having to buy ammunition. Berserkers could save dosh and advance to their next weapon tier comfortably, so we wanted to tone that down by increasing their prices. Next, the Eviscerator was a weapon that was highly effective against small and large Zeds. The adjustments made should reduce that effectiveness against the larger Zeds while keeping the same consistent gameplay behavior for the smaller Zeds. We also made adjustments to the incapability of the Static Strikers. It should still be able to incap most Zeds while allowing larger Zeds to be more threatening. Before, its high incapability shut down Scrakes and Fleshpounds with too much ease.

  • M99 AMR
    • Available for purchase from the Trader
    • Tier 5 weapon
    • Cannot be upgraded
    • Max ammo capacity reduced from 31 to 21
    • Ammo cost raised from 25 to 38 per magazine
    • Purchase cost is 2500
  • Railgun
    • Base Weight reduced from 10 to 9
    • Max ammo capacity raised from 21 to 33
    • Base manual shot damage reduced from 750 to 560
    • Base homing shot damage reduced from 375 to 280
    • Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier raised from 1.1x to 1.25x
    • Ammo cost reduced from 25 to 20 per magazine
  • M14 EBR
    • Base bullet damage reduced from 90 to 80
    • Ammo cost reduced from 60 to 53 per magazine
  • SPX 464 Centerfire
    • Base bullet damage reduced from 180 to 165
    • Ammo cost raised from 50 to 55 per magazine
  • Winchester 1894
    • Base Weight reduced from 5 to 4

Designer Note - The Railgun and M99 were both extremely powerful weapons, and both mechanically served the same purpose during the beta. So, to help differentiate the two weapons, we adjusted them so that the Railgun is a weaker, safer alternative to the M99’s high-risk, high-reward gunplay. As for The M14 EBR and SPX 464 Centerfire, the two weapons were considered a bit too strong for their tiers. They received adjustments to better align them with their tier level.

  • Doomstick
    • Available for purchase from the Trader
    • Tier 4 weapon
    • Max ammo reduced from 76 to 44
    • Upgrade to Tier 5 damage modifier reduced from 1.17x to 1.1x
    • Ammo cost raised from 25 to 40 per magazine
    • Purchase cost is 1500
  • M4 Combat Shotgun
    • Base Weight reduced from 7 to 6
    • Bullet pellets raised from 7 to 8
  • Double-barrel Boomstick
    • Base Weight raised from 4 to 5
    • Bullet pellets reduced from 12 to 10
    • Reload speed raised from 0.88 seconds to 1 second
    • Ammo cost raised from 11 to 13 per magazine
    • Purchase cost raised from 650 to 750

Designer Note - We modified the stats of the Doomstick to tone down its powerful performance during the betas. It should still be a strong weapon against all the Zeds, but it should not be as sustainable as it was before. As for the M4 Combat Shotgun, it was still underperforming a bit for its tier. The further adjustments should help bring it up to par. And lastly, the Boomstick was performing above its tier so we modified its values to level its strong performance.

  • Perk Skill “FallBack”
    • 9MM and Knife damage reduced from 110% to 50%

  • Perk Skill “Close Combat Training”
    • 9MM and Knife damage reduced from 110% to 50%
  • Heckler & Koch UMP
    • Ammo cost reduced from 45 to 36 per magazine
  • P90 SMG
    • Ammo cost reduced from 50 to 40 per magazine
    • Ammo cost reduced from 33 to 28 per magazine

Designer Note - We lowered the damage bonus from the “Close Combat Training” And “Fallback” Perk skills because the original bonuses granted an excessive damage potential for the 9MM Pistols. During the beta, the 9MM Pistols were too strong as a backup weapon due to the upgrade modifiers and Perk skills. We modified both, and we’re keeping an eye out for community feedback and impressions on these changes.

Field Medic
  • Hemogoblin
    • Base bullet damage reduced from 70 to 50. This will also reduce bleed DOT damage and the toxic DOT damage from the Perk skill, Acidic Rounds
    • Base bleed over time damage reduced from 25 to 15 every bleed tick
    • Heal dart recharge rate reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds
    • Max ammo capacity increased from 84 to 98
    • Base reload speed reduced from 3.6 seconds to 2.34 seconds
    • Tactical reload speed reduced from 2.4 to 1.7
    • Weapon equip speed reduced from 1 seconds to 0.6 seconds
    • Weapon unequip speed reduced from 0.6 seconds to 0.5 seconds
    • Incapacitation modifier from Bleed effect increased from 30% to 50%
    • Ammo cost reduced from 40 to 35 per magazine
    • Upgrade to Tier 4 damage modifier reduced from 1.6x to 1.4x

  • HMTech-301 Shotgun
    • Fire rate reduced by 33%

  • HMTech-201 SMG
    • Base bullet damage raised from 15 to 17
    • Medic dart charge ammo use reduced from 50 to 40 per shot

Designer Note - We made a lot of modifications to the Hemogoblin in response to community feedback. It should now feel more like a support weapon, and its main role is to debilitate Zeds. Its damage potential should take care of weak Zeds with a single shot while not enraging larger Zeds as easily. We also raised the vulnerability of receiving the Bleed status for Scrakes, Fleshpounds, and Quarterpounds. It should be easier now to inflict Bleed on them even if they are enraged and have their incapacitation resistance boosted. We hopefully improved the experience of using the weapon with a lot of our tuning, and we look forward to receiving feedback about the changes. Lastly, we made adjustments to the HMTech-301 Shotgun and HMTech-201 SMG to align them better with their tier levels.

  • M16 M203
    • Base bullet damage raised from 30 to 33
    • Grenade round impact damage raised from 225 to 230
    • Grenade round explosion damage raised from 225 to 230
    • Fire rate reduced by 4.5%
    • Grenade round ammo cost raised from 13 to 15 per round

Designer Note - We made adjustments to the M16 M203 to boost its damage potential slightly as it was underperforming a bit for its tier. We’re continuing to keep an eye out on this weapon to make further adjustments from community feedback.

  • Freezethrower
    • Base Weight reduced from 8 to 7

Designer Note - We greatly appreciate all the community feedback, and we will do our best to incorporate as much as we can with further, future adjustments! A lot of the weapons were due for some modifications to hopefully improve overall balance of our game. To help clarify, we released the tuning alongside the weapon upgrade system, but we did not make most of these modifications because of the weapon upgrade system. Thank you all very much for supporting us, giving us feedback, and playing our game!

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where a player could hold duplicates of a single-handled pistol
  • Fixed an issue where Trader skip votes weren’t being cleared for each new wave
  • Fixed an issue where the Mac-10 still had head bob
  • Fixed an exploit where the Railgun could do full damage using auto lock mode
  • General hitching improvements
  • Fixed an issue where a player may lose their 1st person hands after switching/loading weapons
  • Fixed an issue where explosion decals may appear on Stand Your Ground area borders
  • Fixed an issue where some Dosh Vault items had a different Dosh Vault icon on their picture
  • Fixed an issue where the Dosh Vault crate opening audio could get caught in a loop
  • Fixed an issue where the Goreshiv was not counting for Knife damage in the Daily Objective
  • Fixed an issue where Prestige knife skins may fail to be granted

  • Fixed an issue where Zeds were not enlarging in the Outbreak Beefcake wave of Endless mode
  • Fixed an issue where the Resupply Pack Support Perk skill was not providing bonus ammunition to players
  • Fixed an issue where the Bloat’s puke did not damage players if it becomes stumbled during the puke animation
  • Fixed an issue where Support and Demolitionist players could grant more ammunition than intended during Trader Time
  • Fixed an issue where players could parry one another
  • Fixed an issue where Berserker players could keep the Parry skill effects indefinitely by switching perks during Trader Time while having the Parry skill effect active
  • Fixed an issue where the M99 AMR weapon parts may stop animating
  • Fixed an issue where players could perform an exploit to gain more dosh than intended off of upgraded single and dual pistols
  • Fixed an issue where the HMTech-201 SMG did not play a 3rd person half reload animation
  • Fixed an issue where the Weapon Upgrade system could allow a player to go over the weight limit
  • Fixed an issue where the Doomstick was spending two rounds on the Alt-Fire instead of its intended four
  • Fixed an issue where players could go overweight using upgraded dual pistols

  • Fixed an issue where the King Fleshpound’s laser was continually ticking damage
  • Fixed an issue were the Siren’s scream range was further than the visual effect
  • Fixed an issue where Fleshpounds were no longer destroying and knocking over smaller Zeds when charging
  • Fixed an issue where E.D.A.R.s were inconsistent with other Zeds in Cranium Cracker Weekly objective
  • Put measures in place to alleviate E.D.A.R. Trapper EMP beam going through map geometry
  • Fixed an issue where Zeds were not recovering from knockdown

  • Fixed an issue where Zeds would get stuck on Power Core
  • Fixed a clipping piece of ceiling on Nuked
  • Fixed an issue where some Zeds were getting stuck on the vents in Lockdown
  • Fixed an issue where Lockdown’s ambient noise was not respecting player settings
  • Fixed an issue where an unobtainable ammo box would spawn on Airship
  • Fixed an issue where the Abomination could not fit through certain doors on Lockdown
  • Fixed a handful of staircase and railing collision issues on Airship

User Interface
  • Fixed and issue where the Mac-10 was not listed under a type category in the Trader Menu
  • Fixed an issue where C4 would not work with Quick Switch
  • Fixed an issue where the game difficulty of an Endless server was displaying the incorrect difficulty information for servers on the Server Browser
  • Fixed an issue where the Friendly HUD Scaling was not respecting the player’s setting
  • Fixed an issue where the Seasonal objectives were visible and able to be completed while playing on Tragic Kingdom

  • Fixed an issue where the AK-12 Tactical Mint skin was showing up as a gray box
  • Fixed an issue where certain Dosh Vault Precious skins did not have the “V” Vault logo
  • Fixed an issue where Cyberpunk Arm Screens could not be equipped
  • Fixed an issue where Rae’s Cyberpunk outfits were inconsistent between 1st and 3rd person views
  • Fixed an issue where a large number of cosmetics would not show up correctly when using the filter search

Platform Specific Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the HMTech-401 Horzine Elite Red skin was not tradable or marketable

PS4 and Xbox One
  • Fixed an issue where audio was distorting on later match waves
  • Made improvements for users who had trouble with inventory loading
  • Made improvements for users who had trouble sending or receiving group invites
Viimeksi muokattu:
@Khauron "Ehdotuksia stats -www pluginista otetaan mielellään vastaan."

Meidän servulla on käytössä botti joka ylläpitää servun top10 ranking listaa Welcome ruudussa (kun scrollaa Welcome screeniä alas) kun siinä ylempänä on tekstiä. Ja kesken pelin botille voi antaa muutamia komentoja kuten omien statsien tilanne jne...

Ja pysyy servu ennenkaikkea Ranked tilassa.

Käy kattomassa servullamme jos kiinnostaa millaiseksi on modattu meidän botti: (Nyt on Suicidalilla mutta joskus pidetään myös HoE:lla.)

Älä mene servulle 15 tai alle levelisenä koska siellä on laittamani "jutska", joka auto-kickaa HETI jos ei riitä levelit, et kerkiä edes perkkiä vaihtaa kun tulee tossua ahteriin. Sama jos kesken matsin erehdyt vaihtamaan hahmoa jolla ei riitä levut, niin välitön Kick.

Minimi perk lvl siis 16, HoE:lla yleensä minimi 20lvl ettei nyypit tule sähläilemään.

ps. parisen viikkoa sitten meni 2k tuntia rikki. :comp:

Seuraavaa eventtiä pukkaa, 4.12 päivitetty. Jouluhössötyksiä, neljä uutta asetta ja pari karttaa joista toinen joulun teemaan soveltuva joulupukin paja missä pitää lykkiä rekeä eteenpäin.
Toinen jo pitkään workshopissa pyörinyt shopping spree.

Gary Busey saatu mölisemään ääniä uuteen karttaan ja uudelle ostettavalle hahmolle, Badass Santalle.

Killing Floor 2 Twisted Christmas 2018 Is Here! - Tripwire Interactive Forums
Viimeksi muokattu:
Silloin tällöin aina pelailemassa tätä, varsinkin eventit kaikki. Mielenkiintoinen peli kaikenkaikkiaan. Jostain syystä pelin käynnistyminen kestää tuskallisen kauan ja toisinaan peli saattaa pysähdellä ja lopettaa toimintansa.
Silloin tällöin aina pelailemassa tätä, varsinkin eventit kaikki. Mielenkiintoinen peli kaikenkaikkiaan. Jostain syystä pelin käynnistyminen kestää tuskallisen kauan ja toisinaan peli saattaa pysähdellä ja lopettaa toimintansa.
Ssd:lle vaihtaminen auttaa tuohon käynnistymiseen, itsellä nyt vanhalla levyllä niin pelin käynnistymiseen saattaa mennä 5min.
Ssd:lle vaihtaminen auttaa tuohon käynnistymiseen, itsellä nyt vanhalla levyllä niin pelin käynnistymiseen saattaa mennä 5min.

Paras juttu että peli on jo SSD 480GB levyllä ja silti käynnistyy hitaasti ja välillä peli pysähtelee tms, muissa peleissä ei vastaavaa ongelmaa ole.
Tuli otettua taas KF2 serveri, HoE ja löytyy Suomi-Finland-Perkele by Hiikeri (Dedicated, 60 tickrate) nimellä.

Jokunen perus-mappi ja sitten avoimempia custom mappeja että on Sharpille ja Slingerillekin käyttöä.
Tuli otettua taas KF2 serveri, HoE ja löytyy Suomi-Finland-Perkele by Hiikeri (Dedicated, 60 tickrate) nimellä.

Jokunen perus-mappi ja sitten avoimempia custom mappeja että on Sharpille ja Slingerillekin käyttöä.

Voisi pitkästä aikaa palailla pelin pariin ja liittyä serverille, onko porukkaa ollut hyvin pelaamassa?
Kohtuu hyvin täyttyy kun menee vaan pelailemaan. Hell on Earth servuja kummiskin vähemmän kuin Hard/Suicidal servuja.

Myöhemmin tulee laitettua vielä autokick-botti servulle, aiemmillakin servuillamme se ollut ettei aloittelijat pääse sotkemaan pelejä.
Pitkästä aikaa peliä tulille eikä vieläkään ole mysteeriset kaatumiset lähteneet pois päivityksien muodossa. Viimeksi tammikuussa pelannut aktiivisesti niin nyt pyöri paljon huonommin kuin viimeksi ja joutui grafiikkoja laskea. Vieläkö tälle pelaajia löytyy oli ilmainen jossain vaiheessa.
Itse pelasin yhden solo matsin eilen yli 4kk, 2500+ tuntia pelattuna.
Itsellä ei ole kyllä kaatuillut juuri koskaan, en edes muista milloin olisi, varmaan joskus Early Access aikoina eli 5 vuotta sitten.

Juu, oli ilmaiseksi saatavana kun oli 5v. Synttärit keväällä ja sen kunniaksi.

Itsellä aika monsta kone mutta Ultralla 2560x1440 average oli jtn. 210fps toi soolo matsi.


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