Ketju demoille, jotka eivät varsinaisesti ole suorituskyvyn mittausohjelmia

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2 307
Jatkoa Muron ketjulle.

Unreal Paris 2018 _1.0_Desktop&VR.exe (2,86 GT)

Unreal Paris -demon tekijän uusin. Unreal Engine 4 -grafiikka ja -arkkitehtuuridemo. VR-tuki löytyy myös.

Dereau Benoît Portfolio - Archiviz - Virtual Reality

Fontainebleau fotogrammetria-demo (Unity 3D)

Photogrammetry in Unity: Making Real-World Objects into Digital Assets – Unity Blog
Sebastien Lagarde sanoi:
This technical demo is authored with game development condition in mind: it’s a representative game level and targets the standard PlayStation 4 platform at 1080p @ 30fps.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Vulkan Path Tracer -modi Quake II:n. Ei toiminut omalla 1080 Ti:llä. Vaatii vähintään RTX-kortin.

Q2VKPT - Brechpunkt
brechpunkt sanoi:
How can I use Q2VKPT as a benchmarking tool?

Open the console using the "~" key. Depending whether you are using the demo or the full version of Quake 2 you can use "timedemo 1; demo q2demo1" or "timedemo 1; demo demo1" respectively. You can enable the inbuilt profiler using "vkpt_profiler 1" to get details about the GPU timings for the individual rendering steps.
brechpunkt sanoi:
Does Q2VKPT rely on rasterization?

Traditionally, games use the rasterizer to find the surfaces visible from the camera. Q2VKPT is fully raytraced and does not rely on the rasterizer (except for the 2D user interface elements).

Weta Digitalin Unreal Engine:llä tehty Meerkat-demo tullut ladattavaksi Marketplaceen.

Demo vaatii vähintään version 4.26 Unreal Enginestä ja vie 9,5GT tallennustilaa.

Asennus- ja käyttöohjeet: Meerkat Demo | Unreal Engine Documentation
Be aware that it is an especially graphically intensive scene, and needs a powerful video card to run at a stable framerate.



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