Kerbal Space Program 2 (24.2.2023)


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Kerbal Space Program 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed space flight simulation game Kerbal Space Program from Star Theory and Private Division.

The original Kerbal Space Program is one of the most beloved games of all time and, years after its release, it's bigger than ever before. Its sequel, Kerbal Space Program 2, has been fully redesignedfrom the ground up to meet the demands of modern and next-generation space exploration, all while maintaining the monumental foundations of the first game. Build a space program, construct powerful spacecraft, establish colonies, and take on many other challenges to explore new cosmic mysteries. A plethora of exciting new features will captivate veteran and returning players, as well as usher in a whole new wave of Kerbonauts to the ingenious and comedic world that has entertained millions.


Official Kerbal Space Program 2 Cinematic Announce Trailer

Kerbal Space Program 2 Developer Story Trailer

Get more info on everything KSP 2 here:

Kerbal Space Program 2 – Kerbal Space Program

Don't miss another KSP launch!

Kerbal Space Program – Create and Manage Your Own Space Program

Kerbal Space Program

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Kerbal Space Program

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Private Division

A note on Kerbal Space Program 2 from Squad

Read the note from Squad here.

We are excited about Kerbal Space Program 2!

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Squad Games (@squaddevs) • Instagram photos and videos

Fact Sheet

For more information on Kerbal Space Program 2 please visit our website here:

Kerbal Space Program 2 – Kerbal Space Program


Kerbal Space Program 2 Release Related Questions

Q: Where will Kerbal Space Program 2 be available?

A: Kerbal Space Program 2 will be available on PC and Console (Xbox One, PS4) in 2020.

Q: Will it be released on all digital distribution store platforms?

A: Kerbal Space Program 2 will be released on Steam and other digital storefronts, as well as Xbox Games Store and PlayStation Store.

Q: How much will Kerbal Space Program 2 cost?

A: $59.99 USD

Q: When will the game be released on Console?

A: Kerbal Space Program 2 will be released for Console after the PC release, which is in 2020.

Q: Why is the game coming to consoles after PC?

A: We would like to take additional time to make sure the console version feels great for players on all platforms. Instead of holding back our launch for PC fans we plan to release separately.

Kerbal Space Program 2 Game Related Questions

Q: What features can we expect?

A: Star Theory Games have added several brand-new features to Kerbal Space Program 2. A plethora of exciting new features will captivate veteran and returning players, as well as usher in a whole new generation of Kerbonauts to this ingenious and comedic world that has entertained millions.

Key Features:

● Improved On-boarding: Kerbal Space Program 2 will create a whole new generation of spaceflight experts who will find themselves accidentally learning rocket science. New animated tutorials, improved UI, and fully revamped assembly and flight interfaces allow both experienced and novice players to quickly put their creativity to the test without sacrificing any of the challenge from the original game.

● Next-Generation Technology: In Kerbal Space Program 2, the astoundingly inventive creations that KSP is known for will be taken to a whole new level. Players will be delighted and challenged by next-generation engines, parts, fuel, and much more. This new tech will enable new feats of space exploration within and beyond the original Kerbolar System.

● Colonies: Players can now build colonies in Kerbal Space Program 2. These colonies not only pose their own physics challenges to build, but also require players gather resources to build structures, space stations, habitations, and generate unique fuel types. Eventually, these colonies become advanced enough for vehicle construction, propelling deep space and beyond.

● Interstellar Travel: Next-gen tech, colonies, and resource collection work together to enable a new kind of exploration: interstellar travel. In Kerbal Space Program 2, these interstellar technologies pave the way to a host of new celestial bodies, each comprising new challenges and harboring new secret treasures.

● Multiplayer/Modding: An all-new architecture underlies Kerbal Space Program 2, enabling increased moddability and the long-awaited arrival of multiplayer. We look forward to revealing more about the ways you'll share your Kerbal journey with friends at a later time.

Q: Will mods be as supported in KSP2?

A: Kerbal Space Program 2 has undergone a deep structural overhaul that has enabled us to give modders unprecedented access to systems they could not touch in the original KSP. We can't wait to reveal more details about mod support at a later time.

Q: What engine will KSP2 run on?

A: Kerbal Space Program 2 is developed using Unity.

Q: Will I be able to transfer my saves/account to KSP2? (backwards compatibility)

A: Saves from Kerbal Space Program 1 will not be compatible with Kerbal Space Program 2.

Q: Will existing mods will be supported?

A: Existing Mods will not be compatible on Kerbal Space Program 2.

Q: What can we expect from the expanded universe in Kerbal Space Program 2?

A: Kerbal Space Program 2 allows players to explore beyond the Kerbolar system for the first time into new and uncharted territories. Interstellar technologies pave the way to a host of new celestial bodies, each comprising new challenges and harboring new secrets. Among them: Ovin, a ringed super-Earth with relentless gravity; Rask and Rusk, a binary pair locked in a dance of death; and many more to reward exploration.

Q: What type of physics can players expect? Advanced, realistic, etc?

A: Realistic vehicle physics and orbital mechanics continue to be at the center of the Kerbal experience. We've focused on optimizing vehicle physics to allow for the smooth simulation of larger structures on a wider variety of PCs.

Development Team Related Questions

Q: What will happen to Squad?

A: Squad will continue supporting the current game, so you can expect new content and updates being released for Kerbal Space Program 1. Some members of the team will be assisting Star Theory in various capacities to make the best possible sequel. Read Squad's message here.

Q: How can I learn more about Star Theory Games?

A: The Star Theory Games team are designing a sequel we believe the entire Kerbal Space Program community will thoroughly enjoy. If you’re curious about what went into creating Kerbal Space Program 2 dive into the Developer Story video.

Q: How do we know if Star Theory Games has the capability of developing a worthy successor to our favorite game?

A: The team behind Star Theory Games are skilled video game developers as well as lifelong fans of Kerbal Space Program, with multiple members of having played 2000+ hours of the original KSP. The principal engineer even has a background in the aerospace industry. Their skill set in combination with a deep understanding of what makes this game great has led to the creation of an amazing sequel we know you’ll love to challenge yourself with! If you’d like to learn more about the amazing team behind Kerbal Space Program 2 be sure to watch the Developer Story video.

Q: What has Star Theory Games successfully released in the past?

A: This is the first title for Star Theory Games, of whom a few developers remain from its predecessor company, Uber Entertainment. Uber is known forMonday Night Combat, PlanetaryAnnihilation, and VR titles. The StarTheory team is comprised of skilled Unity game developers who are lifelong fans of KSP and are credited on AAA gamesfrom companies like Microsoft, PopCap,and Gas Powered Games. See more ofthe team at Star Theory in our Developer Story video.
Se menikin sitten ensi vuoden lopulle.

Odotetun avaruussimulaation jatko-osa Kerbal Space Program 2 julkaisua on viivästetty jälleen. Pelin pitäisi ilmestyä syksyllä 2021.

849 ihmistä puhuu tästä

Uutisoimme loppuvuodesta 2019, että pelin julkaisua on viivästetty viimeistään maaliskuulle 2021. Mutta nyt peliä saadaan odottaa vielä pidempään. Pelin kehittäjät kertoivat viivästyksen syyksi koronaviruksen aiheuttamat hankaluudet.

Jatko-osan myötä suosittu avaruussimulaatio saa luonnollisesti parannellut grafiikat, siirtokunnan rakentamisen, tähtienvälisen matkustuksen sekä paremmat modausmahdollisuudet ja moninpeliominaisuudet.

Kerbal Space Program 2 ilmestynee PC:lle sekä Xbox One ja Playstation 4 -konsoleille syksyllä 2021.
KSP 2.0 kehitäjää kusetettiin kunnolla, varastamalla työntekijät ja rikkomalla pelinkehitys sopimus.

Taitaapi mulle riiittää KSP 1 jatkossakin, saa jäädä KSP 2.0 ostamatta (jos se ikinä valmistuu).
Viimeksi muokattu:
Nähtäväksi jää pitääkö tämä päivämäärä mutta 24.2.2023 pitäisi alkaa early access.

It's been a mighty long wait, but the green bean-flinging Kerbal Space Program 2 finally has a release date… for early access, anyway. After three years and four delays, the rocket-building sim is arriving on Steam and Epic on February 24, 2023.

After its announcement at Gamescom 2019, it was originally supposed to release in early 2020. You know, the before times. Understandably it was delayed, and then moved from developer Star Theory Games over to Intercept Games shortly after. It was delayed into 2021 and then again into the latter half of 2022. It was pushed back again in May this year, albeit only by a few months. It's nice to have a firm release date now, even if it's not quite a full release just yet.

The game's early access will come with over 350 "new and improved parts to build with," plus the option to customise and paint all your various wee space vehicles. Players can also go through the whole Kerbolar system, with "classic locations" like Kerbin, Mun and Jool making their return.

Intercept also has some future additions in the works. Some things that have already been promised—like multiplayer and mod support—should be making their way into the game "throughout the proceeding months," plus additional features like interstellar travel and colonies that can be plonked across the galaxy.

Intercept creative director Nate Simpson said he was "so excited" to see Kerbal Space Program 2 releasing in early access. "It will allow Kerbal fans to see for themselves all the amazing progress we've made as we reach the final stages of development. At its heart, KSP2 is about exploration, discovery and conquering the force of gravity by adding more boosters." Lead producer Nestor Gomez said the team will be "listening and seeing the reactions" to the sequel, adding "much like the original game, this journey will help us leverage a massively powerful tool: our passionate community."

Viimeksi muokattu:
Early access 50€?!?! :cautious:

Minä en oikein ymmärrä tätä "Early Access" -hinnasta itkemistä. Miksi hinnan pitäisi olla jotenkin halvempi Early Accessina kuin muutoin? Sehän on monelle vaan lisäetu, että pääsee pelaamaan peliä ennen sen varsinaista julkaisua ja Early Accessina kenties myös vaikuttamaan jollain tapaa lopullisen pelin sisältöön. Jos nyt mietitään vaikka tuota juuri julkaistua Hogwarts Legacy -peliä, niin siinähän taisi olla niin että maksamalla Deluxe versiosta 10€ lisää pääsi pelaamaan peliä kolme päivää ennen varsinaista julkaisua. Siis kokonaiset kolme päivää ja jengi vielä ihan mielellään maksaa siitä ekstraa. Sillä logiikallahan EA-versiosta voisi pyytää vaikka tuplahinnan, kun pääsee tosiaan mukaan jo kehitysvaiheessa ja pääsee pelaamaan peliä paljon ennen niitä, jotka odottelevat täysiversion julkaisua.

Ymmärrän tietysti että Hogwarts Legacy ei missään vaiheessa ollutkaan Early Access -tilassa ja tiedän kyllä mitä se Early Access tarkoittaa. En vain ymmärrä että miksi sen hinnan pitäisi olla jotenkin huomattavasti halvempi Early Accessina, etenkin nykypäivän peliteollisuudessa, kun se tuntuu tosiaan olevan oikeastaan vain himoittu asia eikä suinkaan mitenkään huono juttu, että pääsee niinkin ajoissa kun kehitysvaiheessa jo pelailemaan. Mikään pakkohan peliä ei ole ostaa keskeneräisenä, voit hyvin odottaa sen vuoden tai pari ja maksaa sitten 50€ siitä valmiista pelistä. Monet vaan maksaa sen mielellään jo nyt ja ehkä pääsee vaikuttamaan myös siihen miltä lopullinen tuote näyttää. Tästä ei sentään tarvitse ekstraa maksaa, peli tuskin on julkaisupäivänä yhtään sen halvempi, toisin kuin jotkut pelit.

Yleisesti siitä hinnasta kitiseminen onkin sitten jo paljon ymmärrettävämpää. Minäkin pidän 50€ hintaa tälle pelille korkeana, kun kyse ei kuitenkaan ole mistään huikeasta AAA-pelistudion jättirahan pelistä. Siihen mielipiteeseen ei kuitenkaan itse se Early Access vaikuta millään tavoin, hinta olisi mielestäni korkea yhtä lailla myös täysin valmiille tuotokselle, enkä siksi aio tätä ainakaan toistaiseksi ostaa.
Early access ei ole valmis peli, eikä ole mitään takeita siitä että siitä koskaan tulisi valmista. Lisäksi se tarkoittaa tietty että siinä on enemmän bugeja kuin valmiissa tuotteessa.

Pelintekijän kannalta se on riskin siirtämistä kuluttajalle, kuluttaja joutuu betatestaamaan ja lisäksi pääsee maksamaan siitä. Olis hinta edes järkevä..

Itse olen ea pelejä ostanut jos haluan erikseen tukea projektia, mutta tässä ei taida edes olla alkuperäistä tekijää enää kuvioissa? En siis näe syytä miksi tämän ostaisin ennen julkaisua, vaikka alkuperäinen ksp on ihan mahtava peli.
Early access on hyvä mahdollisuus pelisarjan fanille tukea tekijää. Larianin pelit tulee aina early accessista ostettua(Dos,Dos2, BG3), kun tietää että tekijä tekee aika niche peliä ja tykännyt jo heidän edellisistä peleistä. Oikeasti pelaan noi pelit vuosi+ oikean julkaisun jälkeen, kun larian hienosti tekee enhanced editionin pelistä ilmaisena päivityksenä. Kunhan lähtee oikeista motiiveista tukemaan early accessia niin ei se mikään scam ole.

Kerbal kiinnostaa, mutta antaa veden virrata joessa ennen kuin tekee päätöksen suuntaan tai toiseen.


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