Iron Harvest, julkaistaan 1.9.2020


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"A classic real-time strategy game with an epic single player campaign, multiplayer & coop, set in the alternate reality of 1920+"

Iron Harvest


Nopeasti katsoen näyttää mielenkiintoiselta steampunk + maailmansota sekoitukselta missä kolme eri valtiota (Saxony Empire, Polania Republic ja Rusviet) valittavissa, jokaisella oma kampanjansa, yksikkönsä, sankarinsa.

Luvassa myös oikeasti windows 10 käyttiksen vaativa peli, missä myös pelissä vaaditaan oikeaa taktiikkaa, ympäristön pitäisi olla hyvin pitkälle tuhoutuvaa (eli kaikki suojat tuhoutuvat jos tarpeeksi pitkään ja tarpeeksi tehokkailla aseilla ammutaan) eikä pelin lopputulos riipu vain omasta sorminäppäryydestä/nopeudesta.

Edit: Windows 7/8 toimivuuteen liittyvä uutinen:
hey guys here a short update to the wondows questions. the game should be playable on win 7 and 8, we tested it and it works. But we can give you NO GARANTEE! Please note that until the end of 2019 a lot can happen
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Ai paska...homma kaatu siihen omalla kohdallani.

"The software we use does not support Windows 7 but it is possible that the game still works with Windows 7. Please note that the release is 2019 and a lot of things can happen."
"The game is currently only for Windows 10 but it is possible that it can played on Windows 7. We have to see what happens during the development phase."

Eli voi olla että peli tulee toimimaan windows 8/7/XP:llä jne. mutta ei varmaa. Se on ainakin positiivista että eivät lupaile kuuta taivaalta kuten moni firma (linux, MAC tuki ja sitten sitä ei tule alphaan, betaan eikä ehkä muutamaan ekaan vuoteen itse peliinkään jos koskaan)

Keskitason kokoonpanoksi kaavaillaan jotain seuraavaa:
We do not have specs for the PC version just yet. But you can expect that you'll need a decent desktop PC with Windows 10, probably with a Quadcore / i5 CPU and with around 6 gigs of RAM and a good middle class graphics card (like a GTX960) to run the game smoothly on a medium setting.
Tosin Good old Gamesissa todetaan että peli toimisi windows 7, 8 ja 10 versioilla. Tiedä sitten pitääkö paikkansa ja ovatko kehittäjät vain varovaisia koska softa millä peliä kehittävät ei toimi windows 7:lla vaan vaatii windows 10 alleen?

Iron Harvest

Works on:
Windows (7, 8, 10)


+ Tunti sitten kehittäjät kirjoittivat kickstarter sivulleen:
hey guys here a short update to the wondows questions. the game should be playable on win 7 and 8, we tested it and it works. But we can give you NO GARANTEE! Please note that until the end of 2019 a lot can happen
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Vauhti hieman hidastunut, kuten yleensäkin kickstartin edetessä, mutta miljoona meni juuri rikki eli moninpeli saadaan kuten tekijät sen haluavat:
Wall of text eli laitan spoilerien sisälle
Multiplayer Goals
In the last update, we talked about our goals and philosophies when it comes to UI, controls and gameplay. The post sparked a lively discussion and you seem to enjoy it. So, to celebrate today’s milestone, here are some of our goals and thoughts about multiplayer.

  • Anti-snowballing: If you are behind in a game, you should have several options and a little assistance to get back on track. If you are winning, it should get harder and harder to keep the lead and close the deal. In any case, a small mistake early on should not seal you fate.
  • Strong incentives to finish matches: It should be possible to quit a match honorably early on, but we want to give players little reason to do so and want to encourage them to keep playing (see “anti snowballing”).
  • No dominant strategies: The "usual suspects" like Turtleing/Steamrolling, Base Rush or Spamming should not work. Ideally, on each map there are multiple valid strategies and counter strategies.
  • Balanced factions and units: It's great when players have to evolve their tactics and it's fine if one faction plays simpler than another. But in the end, faction/unit choice should be a question of taste/playstyle for high-end players. There shouldn’t be factions that are objectively better.
  • Variable match duration/size: There will be modes with short matches (~15m), but if you want, you can also play a match that lasts for an hour.
  • Keeping the player pool (potential opponents) as big as possible: We will prevent fragmentation of our online community, in order to keep match making wait times as short as possible. To help with that, there will be a handicap system, where better players will have additional tasks in a match and/or weaker players will get some bonuses.
  • Incentives to play regularly / keep playing: Mid- and long-term goals, seasons.
  • Easing in newbies: The learning curve should not be too steep and you have to feel like you are making progress, even when you are losing. Losing should not be a reason to quit playing altogether. It’s okay to lose the first couple of matches, you still learn and get stuff. Eventually, you’ll win.
One of our goals is to keep matches exciting for as long as possible. If you make a mistake or are behind, it won’t be a death sentence. Players won’t leave matches if they think they still have a chance and even if you are ahead, you have to stay vigilant.

These are some of the systems that will help us keeping matches exciting and undecided for as long as possible:

  • In many maps, you‘ll have to conquer flag-poles to earn victory points. Naturally, the more of the three flags are in your possession, the harder it is to defend all of them.
  • When you hold a victory point (flag), you earn points steadily, but slowly. When you CONQUER a point from an enemy, you‘ll get a big one-time payment. Thus, if the enemy possesses all three victory points on a map, there is a huge potential for you to earn a lot of points quickly!
  • Whenever a unit dies in a multiplayer match, you‘ll get back some of the resource cost of this unit. The amount of the "refund" depends on your and your opponents‘ skill levels (handicap system), as well as on the match phase. At the beginning of a match you might get 100% back, so a lost unit "only" means lost time. Later on, you might get 50% back and at some point 0% (to ramp up the pressure and to make sure games won’t take forever).
  • Before a match, players can spend a certain amount of points to spawn units. Based on their handicap, better players get to spend fewer points. Therefore, they are at a disadvantage and have to fight harder. Maybe there will even be an option not to spend some of these points and get more XP out of the match.
Our goal is to make multiplayer matches fun and worthwhile for each player. If you are a really good player, occasionally, you might not have enough competitors. However, instead of slaying newbies and getting nothing out of it (XP-wise), you can play a handicap match and make it harder for you (in exchange for XP). At the same time, weaker players can play against better players regularly and learn from them.
Julkaisija löytyi, en nyt tiedä onko hyvä vai paha asia mutta Deep Silver (esim. Metro, Saint's Row, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Wasteland 2 ja Pathfinder Kingmakerin julkaissut). Kingart games säilyttää silti kaikki luovat oikeudet (eli toivottavasti ei tule DLC spammia tai julkaista liian raakileena ulos).

Myös kartta editorista jotain infoa tihkunut:
Info: Map Editor & Map Support Update

The #1 feature request from our community has been a map editor and possible mod-ability for Iron Harvest. We said we’ll look into it, and while we can’t promise anything just yet, we have some good news on that front.

One of our programmers investigated how we would have to change the structure of the project to be able to load maps, and potentially mods, into the main game and it looks like we have found a way.

To clarify: It won’t be a stand-alone editor anybody can jump into and make a map or two in 30 minutes. Instead you will have to install the free Unity engine, install our plugin as well as some additional steps to get going. The editor would be PC-only. But players on consoles would be able to play officially sanctioned maps made by the community.

We hope there are those dedicated to creating great content who are willing to put in the effort. We know these kinds of people can come up with amazing stuff.

We will do further research into the amount of work necessary. If it is possible, we will do it. We’ll keep you updated and if we do it, we’ll post a call for people who are interested in trying out the editor before anyone else and who want to work with us to make it as user-friendly as possible."

Mistä lueskelin uutisia (dev blog 12):

Iron Harvest DevBlog #12 - April 2019
Tämä on varmaa se seuraava RTS mitä "kaikki" odottaa. Tietääkö muut foorumilla mitään RTS nimikettä mikä olis aloittelija ystävällinen? Mielellään joku missä ollaan maapallolla et esim Starcraftia ei kannata ehdottaa.

Sotaa jos haluaa ww2 hengessä niin "uusin" tästä pelistä on Men of War: Assault Squad 2
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 on Steam

Tuosta on olemassa vanhempiakin, mutta itse suosin tuota kakkosta (tuhansia tunteja takana niin onlinessa kuin offlinessa), paljon modeja (steam workshop tuki takaa helpon asentamisen) ym. joilla saa pelaamisen, vaikeustason ja realismin ihan eri tasolle alkuperäiseen vanillaan verratuna.

Onhan noita muitakin RTS ww2 pelejä esim: Company of Heroes pelisarja...
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1.9.2020 on julkaisupäivä:
News: Release date!

We’re at Gamescom 2019 and just announced that Iron Harvest will be released on 1.9.20 (Sept. 1st, 2020).

Of course, this is later than we had originally intended, and we know many of you are waiting eagerly to play the game. However, we feel the delay is worthwhile in order to create the best game we can. We don't want to cut back on content or quality and we don't want a 6-month crunch time just to meet an arbitrary date. We think many of you are on our side with this one.

“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad“

- Shigeru Miyamoto

To soften the blow, today we’ve updated the Alpha, added a new multiplayer/skirmish map (“Oil Spill”), some new units and features and tons of fixes and enhancements.

(see below for more details)

We also decided to give backers of the BETA access to the Alpha early September, see “Alpha Update” below.

The Beta for backers will be later this year, we’re aiming for mid-December.

We hope you are as excited as we are about having a finalized date. We are very sure that we will be able to keep to this date and are working hard to make the wait worthwhile.


Peli tulee olemaan Steamista, GoG:sta saatavissa ainakin.
Many of you feared the PC version of Iron Harvest would be an Epic Store exclusivity game. We heard you loud and clear, the game will NOT be exclusive to any store!

Instead, we can now confirm that the PC version of Iron Harvest will be available on Steam, GoG and other stores.

You can add Iron Harvest to your Steam Wishlist right now here.

You can also add Iron Harvest to your GoG Wishlist here.

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will be available at launch on their respective stores.

Mitäs tälle pelille nykyään kuuluu? Onko se edelleen tulossa ulos syyskuussa?
Mitäs tälle pelille nykyään kuuluu? Onko se edelleen tulossa ulos syyskuussa?

Backer beta alkaa kohta, sisältää 5 ensimmäistä tehtävää ensimmäisestä kampanjasta (tiedot otettu 27.2.2020 julkaistusta tiedotteesta):
That’s right, we can confirm Beta will be released during the last week of March.


Backers will be able to play the first 5 missions of the first campaign (Polanian), new skirmish and multiplayer maps. Check out new units and play for the first time with some of our heroes.

For those eager for our 3rd faction, the Rusviets; you’ll meet them as opponents while playing the campaign missions. We'll assess your feedback and then later this year we will make them available as a playable faction for skirmish and multiplayer.

Below we tease some of the content, features and improvements you’ll find. We’ll do a full breakdown and give details in next month’s DevBlog. No brakes on this hype train!
Beta julkaistu

News: Backer-Beta Released!

It’s here and we’re proud of the result. This is a major milestone for us and puts us in good confidence going forward towards our full release date of September 1st.

Here are some patch note highlights, so you know what to expect and what to look forward to next time you boot up.

New Units and Fortifications!

Saxony Gunfort: SKS 300 "Kaiser" (right)
A high end mech armed with a deadly cannon and multiple MGs. It can deploy to enable its rocket launchers to shoot.
Polania Gunfort: PZM-24 "Tur" (left)
A large walker that fires huge explosive shells from its twinned barrels. To get rid of smaller enemies it can fire a bunch of mortar-like shells to clear the area around its feet.


Polania Exoskeleton: PZM-2 “Rycerz”
Exoskeletons with female operators that use the additional power of their augmentations to maintain high speed while wearing armor. Their multipurpose gun is able to damage armored targets.


Saxony Heavy Flavor Unit: MWF 28 “Stiefmutter”
A walking factory that constantly unleashes drones that greet their target with a deadly explosion.


now come in an unarmed version which is the new default version. This can be upgraded into the MG bunker that can only be built by veteran engineers. This can be upgraded once more into the new cannon bunker that can otherwise only be built by elite engineers. All of them can be garrisoned.


Engineers can now build field mines. These are little mechs that dormant until a larger enemy mech walks into its detection range. They then charge towards them and detonate on contact.


New Abilities!

The PZM-9 "Straznik" new veteran ability is “Overdrive”. The unit becomes immobile while firing successive short intense burst of bullets at each enemy within its reach.


The PZM-16 "Nosidelko" veteran ability is “Fortify”. The unit becomes immobile and hunkers down to reduce incoming damage and increase the garrisoned unit’s rate of fire.


The SLL 33 "Erlkönig" veteran ability is “Flare Shot”. This Saxon artillery unit fires a projectile that illuminates through the fog of war within an area for a short time.

The Pkp 17 "Eisenhans" underwent some changes. Before, they were just yet another artillery unit at Saxony’s disposal. While they still fire long range mortar attacks, they now perform devastating melee attacks. As slow as they are, you might think they’ll never reach their target, but they also received an armour upgrade and so are now very hard to kill.

New Features!

Resources: The whole resource system has been overhauled. Iron, oil, and victory points stay, basically everything else has changed. The mid-game has been delayed a lot. This results in more distinct gameplay phases that still blend smoothly. The improved pacing gives every unit a time window to shine which results in a huge increase in strategic potential.

Suppression: Overall the speed with which infantry gets suppressed was reduced significantly. To accommodate for this, being suppressed is now a huge disadvantage. It might help to survive a little bit longer, but fire rate and movement speed are impaired a lot more than before.

Veterancy: All units are now able to reach veterancy with comparable effort.

All mechs are now able to shoot over obstacles they should be, visually, clearly be able to.


  • Grenades, artillery shells and rockets now deal a portion of their damage to targets further away from the explosion’s origin.
  • Infantry units now deal different amounts of damage while melee fighting.
  • New responsive and more dynamic A.I., particularly on the 4th and 5th Polanian campaign mission.
  • Living up to our name, wrecks from destroyed mechs are now harvestable!

New Maps!

The 1st five Polanian campaign maps are playable and we’re pleased with the result. These add a whole lot of depth to the world of 1920+ and we know, like us, you crave that in RTS games.


New 2 vs. 2 multiplayer and skirmish map, fight for the cargo of fallen airships.


New multiplayer and skirmish 3 vs. 3 map. Don't get lost and use this challenging landscape to your advantage.


  • Layout adjustments on Oil Spill 1 vs. 1 map.
  • Improved challenge map.
  • Lots of general map polishing.
New animations

  • Animated all new units! Seriously, check out the moment of the “Stiefmutter”! We’re very happy with how that turned out.
  • We made sure that every unit has a proper flinch reaction. Shoot it and you'll see what we mean!
  • Infantry can now vault over short walls and fences. This includes "Wojtek", the bear, and he ain’t half cute/deadly while doing it.


  • Added unconscious state to some units.
  • Animated NPC civilians.
  • Minor animation improvements on structures.
  • Loads of other cool things you can't see yet.

New Cinematics

The narrative behind our RTS is truly enhanced by all new cinematics between campaign missions.


  • Vegetation is livelier than ever. It can now burn, be bombed away and trampled down or just peacefully wave in the wind of a nearby explosion.
  • Units now leave tracks in deep snow.
  • Likewise, explosions now affect the terrain.
  • Landscapes are more varied now. Including lush flowery fields or barren sand plains.

  • Cutscenes for the Polania Campaign have been polished and are close to our vision for the final product.
  • All blockout-assets for the Polania Campaign have been replaced with their finished counterparts. This includes improved industrial buildings, more varied walls and hedges as well as the incredible train you'll commandeer in the 5th Polanian mission.


  • Finalized all unit portraits

New Audio

  • A lot of new weapon and unit SFX (engines, steps, explosions).
  • New music, including Choir and Solo instrument recordings.
  • More unit shouts!
New Programming

  • Tons of new Visual FX
  • Introduced multi-threading for several subsystems to improve performance and reduce lag spikes.
  • Trains now navigates along its tracks better. Full Steam Ahead!
  • A.I. is now using cover & throwing grenades, as well as general improvements all over, especially in campaign maps.
  • Vaulting behaviour.
  • Mines now do interesting things when triggered.
  • Manual and Automatic saves of games can now be made.
Info: How To Access The Backer-Beta

Our Backer Beta is only accessible by all the people who backed us during our early-supporters phase. We’re sorry that inevitably people missed out on that campaign. However, stay tuned as there may be opportunities later and September 1st isn’t that far away.

If you already have the Alpha3 in your Steam library, you shouldn’t need to do anything. Steam should auto update

If you are new, welcome, thanks for joining us and here’s a quick guide to get you stomping:

  1. Go to our website
  2. Click the KingArt yellow and blue symbol in the top-right of the screen.
  3. Click on “My KingArt” and log in using the same email address you used for Kickstarter or when you previously purchased.
  4. Click “claim purchases” and enter your email again. The same addressed used for Kickstarter or past purchases.
  5. You’ll receive an email with instructions and see your PC-Steam game key in your “Library
Muutaman kerran pelannut ja potentiaalia on, mutta joka kerta melkein kaatunut kun parhaat mähinät ollut meneillään.
Steamista ladattavissa ilmainen demo ja pelin voi ostaa myös Steamista sekä GoG:sta ennakkoon jos ei syystä X sitä kickstartannut "jokin aikaa" sitten.

Tuli yhden skirmish matsin verran pelattua ja vahva positiivinen Company of Heroes tunne jäi.
Erittäin pettynyt tähän kyllä. Tämä on kuin CoH, mutta mechoilla joka ei ole paha asia.

Mechat ovat vain erittäin tylsästi toteutettu. Käytännössä ne toimivat ihan samanlailla kun tankit. Esimerkiksi mecha jolla on jalat ei voi nousta ylös tai alas pienen kielekkeen kohdalta. Niitä koskee aivan samat säännöt liikkumisessa kuin jalkaväkeä. Myöskin tuo erittäin yksinkertainen vahingonmallinnus vie iloa pelata tätä. Tarpeeksi kun ampuu mechaa KKlla niin se tuhoutuu.

Jos mechoilla olisi tehty jotain uniikkia tämä olisi voinut olla loistava. Nyt tämä jäänee keskinkertaiseksi ellei ennen julkaisua tapahdu jotain twistiä.
Laittakaas kommentteja moninpelistä, onko 1 vs 1 mahdollinen, löytyykö jo pelejä vai pitääkö odotella pitkään..
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