- Liittynyt
- 26.01.2017
- Viestejä
- 66
Tuote: Inoreader.com RSS / syötelukija Pro-tilaus
Tarjoushinta: 100,39€/18kk (sis. suomen alv 25,5%)
Normaalihinta: 100,39€/12kk (sis. suomen alv 25,5%)
Kauppa: Inoreader – Build your own newsfeed
Voimassa: 30.11.2024
Linkki: Inoreader – Build your own newsfeed ja kirjauduttava sisälle
Kommentti tarjouksesta:
Sanoisin, että paras syötelukijapalvelu mitä tarjolla. Pitäisi olla jo ~kaikille tuttu asia edes edesmenneen Google Readerin kautta: Miksi juosta eri sivuilla hakemassa sisältöä, kun ne saa tilattua itselleen keskitetysti.
Tarjoaa myös paljon muutakin kuin vain syöteseurantamahdollisuudet.
Suomihinta alveineen 100,39€, tekee 18kk ajalle jaettuna 5,58€/kk.
Inoreader Pricing: Plans and Subscriptions | Inoreader näkee ominaisuuksia tarkemmin listattuna ja kannattaa katsoa myös blogista ominaisuuksia & vinkkejä, Inoreader blog .
Having started as an RSS aggregator, Inoreader has since evolved into an advanced content reader hosted on a feature-rich platform, combining the power of RSS, social media, and content curation to offer a seamless, personalized experience. Whether you’re a casual reader, a media professional, a content marketer, or a researcher, Inoreader has the tools you need to stay ahead of the curve.
With Inoreader, you can create custom feeds that include the latest stories from your favorite websites, blogs, newsletters, and social media accounts. You can filter your feeds to show only the content that interests you and save articles to read later or share with others. The best part? You get all the information you need in one place the minute it’s posted online. No algorithms to decide what you see and when, just the way you prefer.
In addition to our core features, we offer a range of advanced tools and integrations, including team collaboration, monitoring feeds, custom alerts and automations. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution for content management and consumption, and we’re constantly improving our features based on user feedback.
Tarjoushinta: 100,39€/18kk (sis. suomen alv 25,5%)
Normaalihinta: 100,39€/12kk (sis. suomen alv 25,5%)
Kauppa: Inoreader – Build your own newsfeed
Voimassa: 30.11.2024
Linkki: Inoreader – Build your own newsfeed ja kirjauduttava sisälle
Kommentti tarjouksesta:
Sanoisin, että paras syötelukijapalvelu mitä tarjolla. Pitäisi olla jo ~kaikille tuttu asia edes edesmenneen Google Readerin kautta: Miksi juosta eri sivuilla hakemassa sisältöä, kun ne saa tilattua itselleen keskitetysti.
Tarjoaa myös paljon muutakin kuin vain syöteseurantamahdollisuudet.
Suomihinta alveineen 100,39€, tekee 18kk ajalle jaettuna 5,58€/kk.
Inoreader Pricing: Plans and Subscriptions | Inoreader näkee ominaisuuksia tarkemmin listattuna ja kannattaa katsoa myös blogista ominaisuuksia & vinkkejä, Inoreader blog .
- Follow websites without RSS and track visual changes with Web feeds
- Create powerful automations with Rules and let Inoreader do the work for you
- Use filters to remove or allow content based on conditions set by you
- Monitor keywords to ensure you never miss out on the important stuff
- Translate articles to your language without browser extensions
- Become a mindful reader with annotations and notes, now on full content and translated articles too
- Catch up with news on the go with our text-to-speech feature
Having started as an RSS aggregator, Inoreader has since evolved into an advanced content reader hosted on a feature-rich platform, combining the power of RSS, social media, and content curation to offer a seamless, personalized experience. Whether you’re a casual reader, a media professional, a content marketer, or a researcher, Inoreader has the tools you need to stay ahead of the curve.
With Inoreader, you can create custom feeds that include the latest stories from your favorite websites, blogs, newsletters, and social media accounts. You can filter your feeds to show only the content that interests you and save articles to read later or share with others. The best part? You get all the information you need in one place the minute it’s posted online. No algorithms to decide what you see and when, just the way you prefer.
In addition to our core features, we offer a range of advanced tools and integrations, including team collaboration, monitoring feeds, custom alerts and automations. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution for content management and consumption, and we’re constantly improving our features based on user feedback.