FedEx kutsuu takaisin 10 200 tehdaskorjattua Galaxy Note 4 puhelinta


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Joitakin tehdaskorjattuja Galaxy Note 4 malleja on jouduttu kutsumaan takaisin FedEx:n toimesta niissä ilmenneiden väärennettyjen akkujen vuoksi. Kyseessä on AT&T:n vakuutusohjelmaan kuuluvat Note 4 puhelimet, jotka FedEx toimittaa AT&T:lle.

FedEx Recalls Refurbished AT&T Galaxy Note 4 Units Due to Battery Anomalies

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock this last year, you probably already know the issue Samsung has been dealing with when it comes to defective batteries. Their entire Galaxy Note 7 lineup was recalled due to safety concerns regarding its battery. This has caused the company to pay closer attention to things like this with the Galaxy Note 8 and even batteries in their other products. FedEx recently noticed an issue concerning refurbished Galaxy Note 4 units that were earmarked for AT&T’s insurance program.

Samsung received a lot of flack about the safety issues of the Galaxy Note 7 and they did indeed make some mistakes along the way. The company decided to do a voluntary recall program at first (instead of an official one), and they simply didn’t take the issue as seriously as they should have when the reports first started to come in. Granted, it’s hard to know if battery issues in a smartphone are widespread until investigations are completed.

Still, they followed through and didn’t try to keep selling them after simply replacing the batteries that were used in them. The company did release the Galaxy Note FE which fixed the issue, but even those are being sold globally. This change caused them to look at the other devices they were selling and it has come to their attention that the batteries used in some AT&T Galaxy Note 4 devices are counterfeit and show anomalies.

These are refurbished units that were being shipped by FedEx to AT&T stores so they could give them to customers who are paying for their insurance program. There haven’t been any reports of injury or property damage, so it’s good to see this was caught early. We’re being told that about 10,200 units are being recalled for this issue right now.

We have recently been in touch with Samsung about the issue at hand and were given the following statement. . .

FedEx Supply Chain is conducting this recall of non-genuine Samsung batteries as some of them are counterfeit. The refurbishment program was managed by FedEx Supply Chain and operated independently of Samsung. Any affected owners should contact FedEx Supply Chain at 1-800-338-0163 or go online at for more information.
– Samsung Spokesperson


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